The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 11, 1899, Image 3

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    for this Week
Wo linvo selected a lino of
New, Pretty Organdy ADALISQUES,
full 27-inch wide, boautiful shadings, and at
6 l-2c per yard.
Thorc are just about ono dozen pieces of thoso goods, and
to see thoin is to buy Ihoin.
Linen Skirts from 49e up
While Pique Skirts from $1 up
White Duck Skirts from 9oc up
Navy Mine Duck trimmed with white braid $1.50
Ladies' Summer Jackets and Capes, swell Separate
Eaton .Jackets in l)laok, blue, brown and tan, ranging in
prices from ft.'i.OO up.
Ladies' Cloth Capes, colors blue, green, brown and tan,
from 2.50 to $10.
Men's Colorod, Stiff-bosom Shirts, cutis detached. All
our Sl.oO and $1.25 Shirts reduced to 79c.
.lust think of it! Ladies Cid Oxfords in black or tan; regu
lar $.'i.00 value for
Ladies' Kid lUttlon, square or coin toes; good value at $2.50,
to be got for
.Misses' Kid lUitton, square or coin toes, regular $2. Shoe for
The sizes are somewhat broken, so do not wait until to
morrow, but come now.
Specials for a few days.
100-pound sack 1). G. Sugar, western refinery....
18-pound sack 1). 0. sugar, western refinery
New Lunch Goods.
Uhby, McNeil and Libby's Stewed Beef Kidneys 30c
" " " Vienna Sausage 20c
" ' " " .Irish Stew 25c
" ' " Cottage Loaf 25c
" " ,e " Steak and Onions 25c
" " Pork and Beans, .1 lb 07,c
" " Pork and Beans, 2 lb 12Ac
" " Fork and Beans, (! lb Kijje
Hires Root Boer, ready to drink, 10c por bottle.
All Goods markod in plain figures.
Ese Dalles Daily Chronicle,
TUKSDAY . . JULYll.lHftf
Telephone No, 1,
All Changes in Advertisements must
e Handed in before 10 o'clock A. M as
"o changes will lie accepted in the aft
ernoon This rule will be positive.
l"e Dalles, January 10, 1899.
city' ' Alvorti' of Gl'ndlel is in the
Alfmi WHey, Krtrn wool buyer,
18 In tbu city,
ci'R' Acll d Uiolly are lu the
e'ty from l).iyvle.
"" l"ft on the boat this
"Minn for PdrtUnd.
eolll0.1!' (!'A0' H Klvo a
tonight on th0 0,b bgC0nyt
" m llerrln and MIm Uertle
Brown loft on the train lust evening fur
fur Spokntie.
All Iiedmou are requested to trull
toward the wigwam on tlilH Tuesday
sleep of the sun.
James Keenun and II. .1. Lister, alock.
men from near l'rinoville, "re in the
city on uuslnose.
Kev. Woody and family returned on
the Regulator this morning to their
homo at Portland.
T. Urownhlll and ttimlly loft on the
boat tills morning for u few weeks visit
in the Willamette valley.
Yesterday the sheriff held three sales
Lejldoa the delinquent tax eulo which is
in progress again today.
Mrs. Licook and Miss Nora Uonue
inort paseed through the city hat night
011 their way to Salt Lake City.
Miss Frankie Van Vaotor returned thia
morning from Goldendulo, whore alio
baa boon for the past two weeks.
If you are afllleted with the desire to
give advice at every opportunity, Income
a lawyer or doutor and aoll the atuff.
A. II. Breyman, who ia Interacted In
die Baldwin Sheep and Laud Co,, of
Hey Creek, Is In the elty from Portland.
Yeettrday end today more flali have
been recolved and put up at the cannery
hero than at any other time during the
A complete line of all the latest and
most popular magazines nnd periodicals
can now bo found nt Jaeobsen Book
and Muaic Co.'s.
MIhs Rose D. Mlcholl ia expected
homo tonight from Southern Oregon,
whoro alio accompanied the National
Editorial Association.
Mre. Nolllo St. John and daughter
returned on tho stage today from Gol
dendalu, where they liavo boon visiting
Mrs. Alex McLood.
Miss Roeatnond Shaw left on the boat
this morning for her homo in Portland,
having spent the past six weeks visiting
with her friend, Miss Sara Henderson.
Those desiring a hammock would do
well to call on Jacobsen Book nnd Music
Co., ns they aru offering tho best values
and tho largest stock to select from in
the c'ty.
Last evonlng tho marriage of Owon
Jones and Sophia D. Roth wbb solem
nized at tho residence of the bride's
slstor, Mrs. Horatio Fargher, Rev. D. V.
Poling officiating.
Mrs. Fred BronBon and family, and
Mrs. B. S. Huntington and son, went
down to the Cascades tins morning
where they go to meet Mr. Huntington's
aiBter, Mre. Clark.
Since Mr. Ilardwick lias determined
to leave for Walla Walla there is no
pawn ehop in the city. However, R. B.
Hood will open n Ehop in a few days
and will nccommodato all who wish to
do business in that line.
Walla Walla seems to have a gang of
tougliB in the city. Saturday night four
burns burned to the ground, and three
were acorched, as u result of the sup
posed work of incendiaries. That so
many buildings accidentally caught fire
in one night scemB improbable.
Summer weather prevails and a gen
eral rain is not probable fcr two months
more, eays B. S. I'ncue. A few Bhowers
west of the Cascades and thunderstorms
raet of thorn may occur. The move
ment nf the atmosphere is such that
hot northeast winds are not probable.
The grain crop is now in its critical etago
and 1111 absence of hot winds fur two
weeks more wl'l allow the gieater
portion or tho grain crop to mature,
without shriveling. Tho rivers are fall
ing clowly ami no dunger of higher
water exists. The rivers will continue
above their normal heights for several
When it was first arranged that the
Second Oregon volunteers should return
direct from .Manila to Portland, Collector
of Customs l'attci't-.ou wrote to the de
partment at Washington for instructions
regaidiug the free admission of effects,
curios, relics, etc., belonging to them.
In reply the secretary of tt.o treasury
wiitea as follows: "Their personal
etlecls, such as clothing, articles of
personal adornment, toilet articles, etc.,
are, of course, free of duty. Cius in
excess of fifty brought by any one
passenger, should be assessed, and
articles in tho nature of personal ellecta
purchased abroad in excess of -flOO in
value should bu assessed with duty.
As to tho importation of cuiios, war
relies, souvenirs, etc., nil such articles'
winch have no distinct commercial value
and are not imported as merchandise
for sale and profit, may be admitted free j
of duty. Now piece goods, chinnvMire, 1
curios, articles of ladiet.' apparel, liquors, j
ammunition, arms, etc., in any con
siderable quantities are liable to duty.
You will bo governed accordingly, and
treat such casus in iw liberal a manner
as is pussihlu consistent with the law
and regulations governing the imposi
tion of duty on imported goods and
A lady's gold, open-faced Wnlthntn
watch, between Hearst's tchool house
and Mr. Fagon'fl, near tho Dos Chutes.
Kngraved with scrowl work on tho buck,
and also tho name Itha, The owner
values it not for its intrinsic value but
as a keepsake, as site has had it since K!
years old. Ample reward will be given
to tho finder. Leave either at this oflico
or with Mr. J. Fagon, Des Chutes
bridge. jH It
A IMilltl EnJoyN.
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in
need of n laxative, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its use; so that
it is the best family remedy known and
every family should havo Pottle.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
InKtist Knd Feed Yard Wednesday
morning, a strawberry roun horse, about
fourteen hands hili between 10 or 12
years old; white stur on forehead, black
points; saddle marks and braud 11 L on
loft shoulder with running R underneath,
nd weighing about 000 pounds, Owner
can have same by proving property and
paying all charges. jlytt ho
Reception to tin OImi and 1'rograHi to
ltd Carried Out.
The troops will bo met at Astoria and
transferred to river steamers secured by
the ommitteo for that purpose. Tho
use of over fifty steamers to accommo
date 0500 excursionista bavo been do
nated to the committee by their owners
for the day. Steamers will meet troops
at St. Helens, going down tho liver
two abreast, making a procession
over two miles long.
On arrival at Portland tho troops will
be landed at Ainsworth dock, where a
reception will bo held for relatives only,
who will bo ndmitted by tickets. After
the reception tho troops will be escorted
to tho Multnomah field and from there
to tho bnnquet nt tho Exposition build
ing under the management of the ladies'
committee. In tho evening a public re
ception will be given at the Multnomah
The river parade will be in charge of
Capt. E. S. Edwards, United States in
spector, who has taken every precaution
and made all arrangements to have the
river parade a grand success.
Tho line of inarch in Portland has
been arranged and will be under the
command of Col. Beebe.
Kceordcr'R Ynnrty lCeport.
Dalles City, Or., July 3, 1S99.
To the Hon. Mayor mid Common Council
of Dalles City :
Your Recorder snbmits this his report
of the financial affairs and condition of
the city during tho city's fiscal year com
mencing July 1st, 1898, and ending June
:10th, 1899.
Tho statement is given in two periods
of six months nccti, said periods being
from July 1st to December 31st, 189S,
and from January 1st, 1S99 to June ."Oth,
Revenues nnd expenditures for first period, July
1st to Deo. Slst, 1S!H.
OlllCCrs' blllllllCK
Hru department
Police department
streets mid sewers
Witter rent
Total expense for Ms months
Interest on dtbl for six months .
..IIGSO no
87U (4
. . 9!l 10
. . IKS m
. . 47!l ( g
. 192 (10
10O i5
.?:ii;7,- 70
. 1710 00
j 70
Kaloou licenses
Show licenses
Hoi: licenses . . .
.f.M79 a.5
JfiJ 00
. ; 00
. 40 no
Team licences.
rVII other licenses ISC en)
Fines, and forfeitures 1IJ Ml
Kent H3fl)
Miscellaneous 101 ',0
Total Income for first period .M'.iO !ti
Total Income ffil'.M !s
Total expense 2tT 70
Tata! Income over expenditure 110" 'JS
Second period, comnirnclni; Jan. 1st and ending
Juno:iOtli, KS'.kp:
nxrnxMi fires.
Olllcers' salaries $1050 00
Tire department INI U
LlKhth 100 !Kl
l'olicu dapartment l'.'l Ki
Heemder 11
Hewers 177 M
Sheets 7111.')
Water rent IIUMO
iundlles 4S! 73
Total expenditure for si cond period . .? 770 117
Interest on debt for six months 1710 00
Totul expenditure for second period.
City taxes
Saloon licenses
-T'liso ;
.?:-j wi
. 'JtiOO U) i
Show licenses 1ST 00
IKb licenses 00
Team licenses ISO 0)
larmiers' licenses r7 00
All other license! 017 CO
I hies and forfeitures - un
U oo
Itoad taxes
Miscellaneous income
Total Income for second period
Total income, second period.
Totul c.Npense, second period
Total Income over expenditures
. lliii do
Hi S
Ir71l7 l
$7117 fi
. 5-lhO '..7
oK.vr:n w. ukca wi clatio.v.
Total income over expenditure, llrst per
iod $1103
Total income over expeuuiltue, second
Total unit, of Income over e.xm'iuUlure
for llscal war. . . . f::0lt 03
hi March, 1809, the city made a tax
levy of O.'.j mills on the dollar; the lev
ies made heretofore for previous years
were 0 mills, so that in order to compare j
the results of tho uillaicut fiscal yeais
witli the present one this extra lj-j milld
should be taken into consideration.
This extra mills have up to June 110,
181)9', brought in $739.03. which leaves
the total amount of income over expen
ditures for tho present fiscal year, at a
5-uiill rate, as follows:
Totul ninount of Income over expend!
f."jiil :l
I.en extra l.'-g mills
7!W C3 I
Total nint. of income over cxicirdl
tares, nt 0 mills . .fiO'J SO
In conclusion the following is a com
parison of tho present fiscal year with
the previous ones: For the year com
mencing July 1,189(3, and ending June
30, 1897, amount of expenditures over
atmunt of income was $42.10; from July
1, 1897, to June 30, 1898, amount of ex
penditures over amount of income was
$03.73. For the present fiscal year the
uctual amount of income over the ex
penditures was $3041 93; and nt a 5 mill
rate the amount of income over the ex
penditures for tho present llscal year
would have been $2302,30.
Uy virtue of our late charter it is re
quired that at least $1000 shall be
put away by the city, on or before the
1st day of May of each year for the
purpose of creating a sinking fund for
the future payment of the city's bonded
obligations amounting to $57,000.
As this sum was borrowed by tho city i
about six years ago, the council a few ,
months ago transferred $0001) into saiil
fund from (lie city's general fund,
making $1000 for each of said six years,
so tlrat this sum should also be taken
into consideration as a qualified expen
diture; $1000 of this 8um was, by terms
of the charter, required to bo put into
said fund; and in considering the future
expenditures of the city's money, it
must be remembered that it ia impera-'
live on the council to take out of the
cily'rt general fund at least $1000 befote
the let day of May each and every year
for a long lime to come.
Most respectfully submitted,
Nnn. H. Gatks,
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
Krrcpt loo of Oregon Volunteer.
Tho program as published in the Ore
gonian of today is authentic, and will
bo carried out accordingly. Tin com
mittee on transportation will send to me
tjmorrow threo hundred tickets for the
steamer "Dalles City" from Portland to
tho transports and return, which I will
sell at one dollar each. This amount
goes to the reception committee for the
reception fund. All those wishing to
secure tickets on tho "Dalles City" will
please apply at once. It is not definite
ly known what day the reception will
take place, so we are therefore unable to
give information in regard to tfie steam
er 'Regulator." The chances are, how
ever, that the water will be low enough
to allow the locks, to be used ; in which
case wo will run the "Regulator" down
witli excursionists who wish to go that
way. As soon as it is possible to do so,
announcements will be made in regard
to the "Regulator." Oregon is'coing to
give her boys the grandest, heartiest
greeting, unexcelled in the annals of
W. C. Allaway,
Gen. Agent, Regulator Line.
IHrimiul Convention.
For the above international occasion
of the Epworth League, which takes
place at Indianapolis, July 20-23, the O.
It. & N. Co. will make a round trip rate
of $76 to Indianapolis, tickets on sale
July 13th and Mth, limited to expire ie
turning September 15, 1899. Good for
continuous passage only on the going
trip. Good for stop over returning at
any intermediate point west of the
Miseonri i i vt? r or fet Paul. Call on or
address Jas. Ireland, agent, Dalle?, for
further information. julyl-15
A rcwaid of $20 will tie paid for the ar
rest of any person caught stealing flowers I
or anything else from the Odd Fellows'
For Sale,
One second-harifl tinck wagon, and
one new J j.j-inch Bain truck wagon at
Mai tit & Benton's.
J ui)30-2 w
To C'llrti :i Cold til Ono !'.
'Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab-I
A" druggists refund the money j
it. fails tr iMin. '2it. i
Use Clnrke & Falks
Itosofoam for
A A'iC! A.1 A 1 AT ATA'! JVTX rA4rAlTl'ATA!Xja'l'jm r AT
Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
now m snnpe to properly
handle nil kinps of work
from a puncturo to building a
Also repair Locks, Guns,
kinds of light
This department is under
All kinds of
The Dallas, Or.
Funeral Supplies!
KncU day our business shows
the people nre finding out wc
arc pushing to the front with
better goods, lower price?,
salespeople tho very best, nnd
Inst, hut not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
It's a real
to get the meals for the family
when you have a complete set
of needfull utensils and have a
new Garland stove or steel
range to cook upon. We fur
nish kitchens nnd can save you
money and many steps when
you want anything in tho
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, graniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cuttere. laisen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other things to
make the kitchen complete.
We can furnish double oven
cook stoves from .8.00 up.
See tho best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware.
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chicken Lice.
Call at Maler it Denton's and sco
the Antiseptic Nest Kbb. With the
use of this Ne Hug ou will have
no mote I.lce, Mitts or Veruii' In
your poultry lroirtcs. dcttltiK liens
wlllfct better cgjr.s and will hutch
better ami chicken will live and
Brow Letter where Airthcptle KgK is
used, .See thenr nt
167 Second St.
Sewing Machines and all
machinery, etc.
the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff. '3
& Burget
Burial Shoes,
per & Benton