Fa t . 3 have just received n line line of Woolens in Suitings, Overcoatings and Pantinee, and will be pleased to have yon call and ece them. J. A. Eberle, Fine Tailoring. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. smtscnii'TioN ruicK. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 0 00 TUESDAY JULY 11, 1899 ROOSEVELT'S VISIT The visit of Governor Roosevelt to the White iiouse and his confab "With President McKinley will fur nish unlimited material for combi nations on paper in the future, says the Spokesman-Review. Not for years has a possible presidential rival been taken into such intimate as sociation with the gentleman in the executive mansion. Conferences there have been with the leaders of the party, and there have been private audiences almost without number; but to pass the whole day and night under the same roof with the president, to eat and sleep in the Lome of the first gentleman in the land is so unique a proceeding, con sidering the ambitions of the parties concerned, that it will be small "wonder if all sorts of prospective combinations arc hinted at. But Governor Roosevelt has been frank in giving out the real object of bis visit, and Roosevelt is not ot the class of politicians who consider un truths legitimate. His woid is as good as his bond with most Ameri cans, and his promises are kept to the letter. In summoning him fori consultation as to the competency of officers for the new volunteer regi ments, the administration demon strates that the lessons of the war in Cuba have been of some value. To the mistakes of Alger in appointing sons of congressmen and senators, relatives of influential politicians and other gentlemen with "pulls" wns due a large part of the suffering whice followed the landing of the troops nt Santiago. The oflicers were loyal enough, most of them were willing and anxious to do right, but they lacked the experience, the physique, and they lacked the confidence of the regular army chief tains who for years iiad been accus tomed to perfectly trained subalterns. It seems to be tacitly admitted by J the administration that it made n( grievous mistake nt the outset of! hostilities, and it is setting about to I ovoid the same pitfalls in the regi-j tncnts about to form, fn a way,' notice is served on the unscrupulous! politicians lhat their interference in , m a, sturdevant, the war department will no longer be j toleiated. To obtain a command in j Dtillfcist. the army of the Philippines will re-j Offloo over nench a co.'b uank quire physical perfection, experience ' I,ho,,e c tk iuu.ks, okeuon in the art of fighting, and ability to' direct the movements and care for jDK,,B,"",,,,nilp,"B the comfort of the enlisted men. It j Pliysicittll 1111(1 SurgCOll, weans everything for the success of j Bpeciai attention given to surgery, future operations in the islands in , Rooms ai and w. Tel. 32s Vogtwocic Ule of insurrection, and it will ho i " the CaUSC Of nrovenlimr llm Inrrlliln ! ' o w I? lorn of life which dm kens the victo Tie iu tbo West Indies. Few men aro bettor qualified than Governor Roosevelt to give the needed advice to President McKin ley. Indeed, a huppy solution of the war department problems would I Iw hut appointment as secretary of Lt iii..i. ii... i. i... ..11.. 1 jMuinsi, 11111 uu nua tuny Maportant work on band in New Yt alate, and the people of that commonwealth will not willingly part with his services. The sole cause of his summons to the White house is exercise of common sense on the part of the president winch the nation will applaud. And the system might with propriety be followed by calling on other tried volunteer olll cers from other sections, for their opinions and prejudices have been tempered to the same point 01 cau tiousness as those of Governor Roosevelt. A Thousand Ton cues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a lucking rough that for many years had made lite a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but elie says of this Itoyal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price oOc and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 5 You enn't cure dyspepsia by dieting Eatguod, wholesome food, mid plenty of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food without aid from the stomach, and is made to cure. Butler Drug Co, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. , Itartiflciallydigeststhefoodandalds Mature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It isthelatestdiscovereddigest- unianu ionic, jxo oiner preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache.Gastralgia Cramps.and all other results of imperfect digestion. Pi-eoared by E. C. DeWItt A Co.. Chicago- For sale by Butler Druj C. Trade Marks jesigns Copyrights &c. Anrono rending n skcfrli nnd description mv qutckl7 ascertain one orinton free whether a' Invention Is probably patentable. Comraunle lions utrtctljrcoiiUdential. Handbook on I'atenu sent free. Oldest neency for eceurtng patents. Patents taien tbrouali Muim ic Co. recclvo tpeelal notice, without cbareo, in tbo Scientific Jftnericaft A handsomely lllnstr.ited weekly. Kireest rlr. Dillnttoil of nnr gclentinc lournal. icrnia. a year: four months. 11. Sold byall newsdealer. MUNN&Co.38lBfMdMfiew York Branch. Offlco. (35 V St. Washington, 1). c. A Beautiful Skin. J.sdlcs, if you desire 11 trnnnp-ircnt, clear uud fresh complexion ut Dr. liounlon'n French Art'.'nlc t'um plosion Wii'ers. Their cll'ect Is tiiiiplv musical pjssfSflnc the u Izard touch in prodiifiii',' and preserving 11 bonititul traiit lureiipyunu pellucid clo.inifis of complexion, shapely contour of form, brilliant o ton mm kinuoin sum wjitru trie n.vert.0 exists. Kvcn tho coarsest and moit repu'slvo skin, marred by freckles, moth, black lieiids, pimples, vulgar ivliiess, clloivaml muddy skin muperninnent ly removed, and 11 dclicloasly clear and tclltied complexion assured. Hncu per mull Itox.fiO cents; large b.-ix, II, or six large boxes, t. Sent to any uCiJieni tkt luid and under pi tin wrapiier iifmn tecelpt ol tho ubovo umount. Write for freo circulai. The Parisian Drug Co., 131 .Montgomery it,l 11 Frt.u IscoCal, PROFESSIONALS. TWKU W.WILPON, ATTOH.N B V-AT LAW. Till' HAIIUu nuirnAu Ottico ove. Vint Nat. uYni. B 8 IIUNTIMQTON It H WILSON XJUNTINOTON & WILSON AX Oluco orv ATTOUNKVS AT LAW, nt Nat, lUulc Jlmncli Offlre Ol'OgOII Viavi ComilAIlV 0 Ji Uoom 7, ovi Freiieb'i tank 0c uouri, 2 w i p, in it btaltb lo.Hur Cliirlutto F. Ikibeiu. Locl XUuutr. cm' 'XJiudy atHp.M 50 YEARS' 1 MUkfcM A good drug sign. c I T( - I ItJt You well know that a uood drug sign is the patronage which is bestowed an the store. It is the purity of the goods handled ami tho manner of doing bus! iipss that makes and keeps litis business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply the best drugs nt the best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Secoud Street. THE DALLES Tne CDluuiDia PackingCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOFACTUUKK8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i).UED BEEF. ETC. . S. Schenk, President, II. M. IlEAJ. , Casbici first national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Eschangs sold on mew iorK, Kan Francisco ani Port land. DIKEOTOHS D. P. TuoMrsoN. Jno. fi. Schbnuv, En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likdk. H. M. Bkall. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A KNK11ALDANKINO HUil.NE.S Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Siht Enhance and TeleLranlnt Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, St. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore yon, Seattle Wash,, and various points 111 uregon anu wastilnijton. Collections made at all points on fav orable tarms. ..ST. IRY'S Under tho direction of the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. Tills Institution Is pleasantly situated near the Columbia on 1)10 line of tbo Union 1'acllic: IllCllCe it iS eaV Ot Olei'SM fur nil tlw.kn wlw. s rotosccureacouifoitabloliomoand a prosres sivoseat of leariiltnt for their dauRlitcrs or w ards The location of the Academy is 0110 of thu most healthy 011 the I'aciilc slope, this por tion of Oregon being provetbial or Its lairo .....v., .MiwHiviiiK nit (ugiiirusfiue K'enery. I hu Academy is Incorfiorated and authorized by thubtalo to confer Acsdemio honers. IP'ard and tuition per sctiolasl.o year li. Sludies v 111 be lesumcd Tuehday,.SepteinU-r 5th. tor detailed inormalioii apply to the .Sister Superior. Jlyl-:'m ..GflflS. FMM.. Butehepg and Faf mens ..Exchange. edited tbo bet Uer In Tbe IMlle, attboutuil price. Come In, try Itaud Itv ronvluced. AUo tbe Kliiett braudt o( Wlnet, Llauor andClgara, Saoduiiehss ol all Kluda alwajri on band. 0.R.&R rAltT TITIF. fCHKDUI.K. AltltlVK roit Kkom Dam.ks. From. Fnt Salt Lake, Denver, l't. Knt Mall Worth, Omaha. Kail- Mll 11:60 p. m. sas City, St. l-oute, 3:ljpin Chicago and l-.nst. Sjxikanc Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Klycr Minneapolis. St. Taiil, V'ljcr. 5,'1'Jp.m. nulutli, Milwaukee, (i:00it.in Chicago and Kat. S p. m. Fr.oM I'ohthni). I I p. m, Ocean Steamships. For San Hnincl'cn Jnt.iiAry iM, and every lle d.tys thcrciitter. Sp. m. j tp. m. Kx.stimiay Columbia Itv. Steamers. Ex.hundaj To ASTORIA and Way Saturday ; Ijindlngs. I lup.m. j da. Bl. 1 WtLLAMETTK KtVKK. ' -tl.TO p. m. Ex.Sundoy OrcRon City, Xowheri;,Ex.hmnlay j Salcin J!c Way ljind's. 7a.ni, 'WlLLAMETTK AND Yam 3:S0 p. m. Tucs.Thur. iiili. HlVKits. 'Mon.AVul and sat. I Orccon City, Dayton,! ami Frl. and Way-Landings. Ca. 111. I Willamettk ItlVEti. ! p. m. Tuo..Tliur,lFortland to Corvallls, Ttic. Ihtit mid nt, and Way-Landings, j and L'ttt. i 1 Snake River. i Leave I.v niparlaj Riparla to Lewlston. 1 Lewiston daily : dully 1 1 , l Parties del!lnB to w to lleppncr should take No. I, leavlny; 'the Dalles at SUM p. m makltiK direct connections at lleppncr Junction Iteturtilne; iiiaklugdlrecti'onnection at lleppncr Junction ultltXo. 1. arriving at Tho Dalles at 1:15 p. in. Xo. st!f througlit freight, cast bound, does not carry passengers; arrives 'J:00 a. in., departs .'):M. in. No. 'Jl, local freight, cmles pasjcnccrs, cast hound: arrives l:yu p. m., departs S:lo p. 111. No. -Jl, west bniiuu through freight, docs not carry passengers; arrives s:I5 p 111., departs !):.) p. m. No. !3, wet bound local freight, carries pa. senders; arrhcs.jilj p. 111., departs S:C0 a. rn. For full particular" call on O. K. A N. Co.'s 113011 1 The Dalles, or addiess W. If. HURLIILMIT, (Jen I'as. Airt.. Portland, Or. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' 11 T 1 n n 11 ri'i siis. uepiatop (E Danes urty Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. 1 Touching at way poin'Jt on both tides of the Columbia river. Hoth of tho abovo steamers have been rebuilt, and aro In excellent sliapo for tho season of IMw. rim ltetrulHtor I.lim Hill endeavor to give its patrons the best servico iKisslblo. Tor Comfort. Kcoiiomv mill I'Ikhh..,. travel by tho steamers ol Tim Kuirtilutor l.liio. Tho abovo steamers leavo Tho Dalles at 8 a. m. and i'ortlaudHt" a. m., and arrive at destiua. uuu in ainpw time lor outgoing trains. I'ortlaud OIice. I"lio Dalles OKIce. Court Street uaK lit. Dock. W. C. Allaway, Oeneral Agent. le Offers travelers choice of the follmvln.. routes east. They aro all famous for iiieir scenic attraction. 0. H, & N. view 0den and Denver. Hiasta Konte view Sactatnento.OKden and Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, L:s Anueles and Alberquerque. n,Ar wily line of t,,rll,8l' I'ULUIAN PALACE and TOUKIST SLBKI'BK, from ban I-rancieco and Los Angeles to Chicajfo. This is The Short Line from southern California To the East. Annlv to the atrentn nf thn n i i. v Co. or the undersigned, for folder'i an detenptive literature. J. J. DEVKKKUX, Oen. Agt. Worcester. UMg. Portland, Or. Vor Nala Cbat. Harrison Hay press, good as new, In quire at LanelW. blacksmith shop, Muyl7.li Sania Fe Rou It will be our aim to carry a Complete Line of the Purest Drugs. Ami wo invito your iitliuition to our Htock of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND WALL PAPER. BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, Hucoeefor to Snlpui-Kluursly UnirCo. THE DKLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey while wash? Ye, unci wush white. You cun Havana thing waslied at the Stoam Laundry. Tim Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's ehoiee, but tho standard rates, which aro not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First 'Phone 341. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot 1 11 kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, rXLD Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton FlOUr ''"8 '''11,,r la uiiiufitcturoil uxiirosely (or family use : overv pitch ia itiittratitoeil to jjIvh Rntiafaction, Wa sell our jiooiIb lower than any liouau in tho triitlu, and if you don't tinnk eo call and got our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wh)at, Barley and Oats I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 118-Inch Motor.) -MAN! F.W AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC. Circulars and particulars furnished on application. R S" RUNNING, Agent, " - - . , THK UAI.LK8, OBKOON. Notice-Timber Culture.! tvt I . H. I.ANI, OtHCK, TlIK iMLLKH, (HI!rio.N,( , , . ftbiii.ty ai, iku:i. w 1 1 1 h i n e t iu i ft'r l iiii 1 1 ii',, "7 V""' ' ? .""'J,1' f aid trkct J,?4J2!,Si,i.,,BAr !HW Mreiill?Tiii y time i.oi TnXvo, ! '!! !r .at JA I . I.uC'AHi IUnUU.7, and Court Street, THE DALLES. OE. Impulse Wheels Motors tntlU) ny ilr.....i .... V,,.MIIU lHCIII to kcfi ii i.i i "'"T1"' and ciiiiiinandliiK mo Ilni 1 ' . ''P f'.'l property herelualuS ill- 0II ilay of July, 1H0U, eri,mor"r liJr W ilalliln I'-Uil IM.mi.dHyof juiu. imuo. 171111(1 111 llfl llkll. filf 11 S 'liir! J(iii!ii i m' Taylor, Wllt'llllliin urn J" IMI Hh,,iM ,.Vtt ,KHT KKM-V, """ ' W atfd County, Or.