THE PLAN W Amouuteiy Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome hovai sahhio fowotn eo,, ww votn. A CALL FOR ASSISTANCE Mlsioiis, Clotliiue and Monty Beta Sent In tbe Sufferers. DEPENDENT ON CHARITY Tlwtisiiiiils of Texas Flood Victims Suf lining for Fooil Governor's Fiu n res Show That Not F..vcecdinn Fifty Persons Were Drowned. Austin, Tex.. -Inly 8. Oovuriior Kiiy ers (tided tnniutit to un Associated I'rcss rnrre3i'Miilciit ,,ml' i1"1"1- itmu ,l" r,!" ports he Imil received (iiliciully (nim flooded districts, there hud been pent loss o( property, both imrminnl and cor poniti', that hundreds of people Imd lieun bcfelt of tlmir homes uml hulnni; liiBi, mid tlnit lit present there were in tint niMuliliorliood of -.15,001) people, tliti majority of them bolnc; negroes, who cro dependent on puldic charity for sustenance The miHerim: of wator- bonml lufiiccfH Iihh boon vury f n:ut The Kovernnr liunrcs tbut life lias been comparatively the los3 of i small, not : exceedingly fifty persons. The heaviest farm lones will full upon tbe owners of tlic lilif plantations in tbo bottoms, who liavo lost nil their crops, mid much of tliclr personal property, mid arc not hi--lilt protected in tbo distribution of charity, which is holm: expended only nmoiiK tlit poor. Up to toniifbt, Gnvomor Savors Iihh received 4:i0,0OD in money contributions from this state, mid from tint oust. In addition thereto he Iihh scut out several carloads of groceries, which huvu been donated ly dillerent cities of tliu stale. Tliesitimtion !h being wull bundled now, everything, having gotten down to sys temntii; precision, and tbo governor (tuted tonight that by tomorriw every linnijry month in Texas would lie looked alter. Tim waters are fast subsiding. Call for Assistance. St I.ouis, July 8 A special to tbo I'oBt-Dlspiiteb from Dallas nays Gover nor Knyera renuusta the ureas to iitato that in addition to money, all character I of clothing and provisions urn needed in J the tlood districts. Ho suggests that j persons contributing such articles com municate with him before shipments are made in order that intelligent (lis intuition nmy be had. About $100,000 in money and supplies has been contri buted, hut many times that much is needed. A telegram received today from Jnlill', in the Fort Bend country, says COO people are in danger of drowning at that place. A spfclul to the Kepubllc from Cald well, Tex., says; Estimates made by competent cotion-buyurs ph to the damage resulting to the cotton In the Urazos valley, tax the credulity of thoee not familiar with the flood conditions. Not lees than "00 square miles ol cotton faring laud has been Hooded. Every acre of it would have produced a big Me. Ilaslng the Iobs on ft-cent figures, tlie crops destroyed on these plantations worth almost $4,000,000. Well informed persons aro of the opinion that 'l unprecedented rise in the Hraos tm eost the peoplo of Texas little less U'ii IO,)00,000. Thousands of mules have been "'owned, all 0f the domestic animals, nted houses and negro quarters have wn swept away, the gins are nearly 8 1 ruined and hundreds of plantation tores, carrying n big stock of general Jnerchiindiae, aro under water. Not a wiubo luii escaped, and not a train has PMcd over the Santa Fe railroad from "ffllmin and Mllano for a week. A special to the Republic from Denis Tex ayB . xho Houghton & Texas J-Wtral olllclalH state that the road be Jwn Calvert and Heame will have to VlrlUitll v rebuilt nminifim tli.i II S) ooo 11,0 cm wln l,u not lo8B Um" X KttllHtlna ut Vuiicotiver. Vancouvkk, Wash., July H.No re "Uithii! ollicer for the thirtyflfth regl menl, United Niui u,in,.tu..r i..r, Jouo recruits at Vancouver burracks In wordancu with u recent order, has i v"un i iuvuiii uruur, ii mo designated to take station hern. Wording to the bust official lufnriuu "on ohtninHble, it Is not likely that an Stit.111 bPPli't', mh the actual iu i 'nw' ,, t recruiting iM !WWUnd to lie hereafter 'eiit HatM composing the net re- crultlng diatriet. As fast as the men re recruited they will bo sent here for organization and training. It is under Blood that very little actual recruiting will bu done here. Since 'the depaiture of Major Wygant, Twenty-fourth Infantry, for tbe Philip pines u week ago, Msjnr H, J. Ebert, chief surgeon, Iihh been in cuninund of the post in addition to IiIh duties an medlcnl director mid surgion. Major Kbort Iihh been relieved iib poit com mander by Msjor lien?, third artillery, who arrlvcil from Fort OhiiIiv, WhsIi,, today. Major Head will remain in com mand until the arrival of Major A. C. Markloy, Twenty-fourth infantry, from Fori I). A. Russell. in ir uioiit for uti Killtor to Iti-immiiiitiiil Altiillcliifk? I'HtDIlt From Svlvan Valley X. C. News, Iirevrad, It may bu u question whether the editor of a newspaper lias the right to publicly recoiiiuieud any of the various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as a nreventlve of suffering we feel it a duty to say u good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Itemed v. We have known and ii. "I'd this medicine in our family ior twenty years ami bayo always found It reliable. In many capes a dose of t h i h remedy would save hours of suffering while n physician is awaited, wo no . .. . .. ... nut uuilt'.vt, in iuiii:iiuiiiu iiiiiiiiuii.iv un ... t u u. (. .,...1.1.. on any medicine for a cure, hut we do believo that if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand and administered at tin; inception ot an attack, much suffering might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physician would mil bu rujuircd. At leiist this li lib been our experience during tlio past twenty years. For sale ty lSlakeley A Houghton, Druggists. ADMIRAL CERVERA Not Yet Acquitted, hut Prosecuted. Will Not He M.wmtn, July 8. It is now said the court-martial did not actually acquit Admiral Cervera and the other ofliceis tried in connection willi the destruction of the Spanish fleet off Santiago de Cuba, July II, 18!)8, by the fleet under the command of Admiral Sampson, but postponed judgment mid released them, which is regarded ns equivalent to mi iiriiiiUtiil. Onlv Caiitain Moren. of the nriH.ohlli n0i,i. Gmieral Parado. wh() WUB () lmt, tH Cristobal Colon, v.m . ,,r0S,.c.i,Mi Au ollicial dispatch from Manila says that thirty Spanish military prisoners and seventeen civilians, who were hold bv the Filipinos, have been released. It is reported that Senor Vullovurde lies decided to bring on u ministerial crisis after the debate on the message, owing to tlio determination of the cabi net not to modify essential pane of the budget. General Rios, recently Spain's prin cipal commander iu the Philippines, has arrived here. A TIiuiihhihI Toiibuvh Could not express tbo rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made lite a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give tier no help, but she says of lids Royal Cure "It eoon re moved the pain in my chest und I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price COc mid $1. Trial bottle free at Hlakoley & H.nn.htnn'H drutr store : every bottle ..mi ril ti ti.l.ll . O h'"" - ; . Alder's Dcuiiil. W.HiiiN(iroN, July S.-Alger's decla tion that lie and Pingiee are not in a combination has evidently been forced by republican politicians with whom he had conferred during hif absence from Washington. He probably learned that if he wanted to retain any commence whatever of the republican party and of the administration, which he refuses to rid of hiuikelf, he ought, in all decency, to declare thut he is not In a combina tion with Pingree, and lias hastened to avail himself of the advice. Although Alger makes a denial of the interview, the general belief is that he has made the ttatoiiiuiit to polUjohmH. You LNin'luro dyspejuda by dieting. Hat good, wholesome food, mid plenty of it-Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food without aid from the stomach, and is made to cure, Uuller Drug Co. AGAIN CHANGED TransjoTts Witt Orreon Soldiers Oricrea lo Astoria. THERE THEY TAKE THE RIVER BOATS The Muster-Out Will Be at Vancouver Where Will the Jubilee He Held? V.hui.ngton, Jnly8. An order of tlio secretary of war, issued today, sends the Oregon regiment to Astoria on thetrans ports Newport mid Ohio. There they will be transferred to river steamers chartered by the quartermaster's depart ment and taken to Vancouver for muster out. It is etated at the wnr department tliot the reason why the transports do not go up the Columbia river is because two days will bu saved, as they can im mediately return to San Francisco, and take troops back to Manila. Jf the troops are mustered out and paid off at Van couver, they will carry their urms with them to that place. Under the order of today, they will not even lie unloaded at Sun Francisco, and consequently cannot lie mustered out mere. v tieiner tins order wiil re-i main in effect up to tbe tinio the troops arrive is a matter of doubt. The order issued today by the secretary I i.-u.. ..'.in nfli. ...I.I. r II. I III n ID tllll l.Ull r IIILtlllUll H IL1I UIJIII- i- iiiitciniiLi jivi iiiutiu unu u nun uin ttuill ... iiiriiwiiuijii, hk ru n liiul is iiie ueui that can bu secured, and thnt the jubilee and reception of troops will take place I ut Astona. This will not be possible if j tlie transports chartered by the quarter- muster's department me on hand and ready lo tuke the troops lo their destina tion. General Corbin s Telegram., Or., July 8. The following telegram was received today at the gov ernor's oflice : "Washington, July 8. Hon. T. T. Geer, Governor : Iteferring to your tele gram ol July II, I have tbe honor to re pent a copy of tbe following telegram, which has just been sent to tbe com manding general at San Francisco, as follows: 'The secretary of war directe that the Oregon troops be sent to Astoria on the transports on which they arrive from Manila. On reaching Astoria they will be transferred to transports provided by I lie citi.ensof Portland , and the Ohio und Newport will be returned with all possible speed to San Francisco and be placed in readiness for the return trip to Manila.' "II. C. Coitm.v, Adjutant-General." For the Mustering Out. Vancouvkb li.MiiiACKs, July 8. Cap tuiu Charles Morton, Sixth infantry, has reported at department headquarters to muster out the members of the Second Oregon. He was accompanied by a clerk from Washington, who was specially sent to assist in the muster out. Thomas Rhuads, Centerfield, O writes: "I suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy cave me relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm lees. Beware of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. Horse Wrecked a Train. Ei.ko, Nov., July 8. A freght train, carrying six care of horses, was wrecked at Moore's, twelve miles east of Wells, today. Four cars left the track and nearly all the animals weie killed. The accident was caused by one of the horses kicking open the front door and the door fulling on the track. A wrecking train has gone to the ecene of the accident. No oue was injured. A Frightful Will often cause Blunder a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise, Buckleu's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, Ulcers, boils, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Rest pile cure on earth. Only 2o cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &. Houghton, druggists. 6 Chinese Deported. Vakcoovkk, R. C, July 8. Major Walker, immigration inspector o the United States, with headquarters at Ta coma, arrived late last night, having accomplished the deportation of live Chinese, who were returned to British Columbian territory and turned free. An Kiltlmlti l Willi rliiKUi, Mr. A. Sunders, writing from Cocoa nut Grove, Flu., says there bus been quite mi epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had a severe attack and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, He says he aUo recommended it to others and they say it is the bust medicine they ever lued. Eur sale bv Rlakeley &, Houghton Druggists, 20 pp. i U. Vse I .U i- Hm i We sell the celebrated Wall-Trunks. A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. - BROS GENERAL .AND. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third au Mim. Phoue 159 Bicycle j REPAIR SHOP. J AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work. Charles Burchtorf.oppKto8.!: r 5 CHAS. FRANK. Butchers and Farmer's .. Exchange.. Kueimmi iUhukIiI tlio eutcbrntol UOI.UM1IIA JIKKIt, miknmvl hIkimI I lie bent beer In Tliu lmlk', nl tlio umiiiI prlcu. iloino hi, try it mat be convinced, Alxi tliu Hlifkt brniid ot Wiuot, Mjuor und CliiHrn. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always on band. i BiacRsmnns Horsesnoers et Discount. .3.5. Our Bicycle Repairing Department 'i i i s now in shape to properly handle all kinps of work Kit' from a puncture to .building a wheel. 3 3 Also repair Locks, Guns, kinds of light This department is under MAYS & r Improved CYCLONE Maazine- No. 4-'size 3' x 4l4) $8.00 No. 5 (size 4x5) lO.OO Just Arrlvea The nnlv I'm1' In- J CiiiuciH llli bulb hlltlttCT. A-V-v'ii Grandall&Barget DK A LICKS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf EMB AIMERS Th Dalltw, Or. Funeral Supplies Tomorrow, Tuesday, we offer special inducements in Telescopes, Club-Bags, Trunks and Valises, and all intending takinsr a SUMMER OUTING will tind this the right place nud tomorrow the right day to do their buying in this line. Have you eeen our Hammocks displayed in window? for values? How are they Sewing Machines machinery, etc. and the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff. CROWE. FOR 1899. Ten Points to Consider: 1-12 Pictures In 12 Seconds. 2 bhuttor Bulb Release, 3 -Snutter Automatic. 4 Shutter Locks, n-ia Aluminum Hlateholders. 6 Set stops. 7 Special Quick Lens. 8 -Automatic Register. 9"Ail parts Interchangeable. IO Jr00?4?11 Plates removed without disturbing unexposed. 1899 Catalogue with com plete information FREE. M. Z. DONNELL. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. ii