The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 10, 1899, Image 3

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    por this Week
Wo havo soloctod a lino of
New, Pretty Organdy ADALISQUES,
full 27-inch wido, boautiful shadings, and at
6 l-2c per yard.
There aro justja'bout ono dozon pieces of those goods, and
to soo thorn is to buy thorn.
,jnon Skirts........ ! from 49c up
Whito I'iqno Skirts :frdni $1 up
White Duck Skirts from 95c up
jfavy Blue Duck trimmod with while braid $1.50
bailies' Summer .lackots and Capos, swell Separate
Katon .Tuckets in black, blue, brown and tan, ranging in
prices from $51.00 up.
Ladies' Cloth Capes, colors blue, green, brown and tan,
from $2.50 to $10.
Men's Colored, Still-bosom Shirts, culls detached,
our SI. 50 and $1.25 Shirts reduced to 79c.
.lust think of it! Ladies Cid Oxfords in black or tan; regu
lar $o.00 value for
bailies' 1C id Button, square or coin toes; good value at $2.50,
' to bo got for
Misses' Kid Button, square or coin toes, regular $2. Shoe for
The sizes are somewhat broken, so do not wait until to
morrow, but conic now.
Specials for a few days.
lOO-pound sack D. G. Sugar, western refinery $5.50
18-pound sack J). C. sugar, western refinery 1.00
New Lunch Goods.
Lihhy, McNeil and Libby's Stewed Beof Kidneys 30c
" " " Vienna Sausage 20c
" " Irish Stew 25c
" " " " Cottage Loaf 25c
" " " " Steak and Onions 25c
" " ?, " .Pork and Beans, 1 lb 07Ac
" " 11 Pork and Beans, 2 lb 12;c
" " " " Turk and Beans, 3 lb IGljC
.Hires lioot Beer, ready to drink, 10c por bottle.
All Goods marked in plain figures.
tte Dalles Daily Chronicle,
JULY 10, 1801)
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
"c bonded in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
110 changes will be ucceptcd In the uft
ernoon This rule will be positive.
'"c Dalles, January 10, 1899.
H. 0. lioopwr, of Antolo'he, Ih hi the
I!, Fowler, Is in tlio oily from
'idleto,,. .
Clias. Lord, o( Arlington, ia in the
1). Parkins returned tliia morning
Mr m MrH, K(lm,, ,Wilklll80n lum,
wrni(rom Hoppner. "
,0.Aufl,l!t Nlandard putturiiH jiiHt re
vived lit i'ouso & Mays',
Jolm Kurlln, u prominent sheep mini
"O'Mdrai. Viiy,B thyoity.
n ',A,1,lobwrl" luty United Kinles
"'J"wl, in In thu city frpip Uoppner.
ln!Uy, iiiv'luan w" d family are
Vilte C V t,,elr "ear Center-
Udlifit of 11,0 Catholic olmroli will
T cr' ndcke In the building
ujQIIiliiK tlia Cumpbell 4t Wll.on .nil-
llnery parlors, Tuesday. July 11, in the
afternoon nod evening. All are in
vited to attend.
Miss Diiiflio nnd Master Delwin All
wuvleftonthu bout this morning for
During tliu absence of M. '. Donnell,
Fred Schmidt will attend to tlio pre
scriptions. MiaH Myrtle Michell returned lost
evening from Portland, where she spent
a couple of days.
The river is gradually falling, and at
noon today wiih only thirty-eight feet
above tlio low water mark.
Dun E. Snipes who lias been In the
city for the past few days returned this
morning to hiH.houio at Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mays, who have
just letumud from a wedding trip to
Alaska, speut yesterday in the eity.
C. G. HIckok, representing Honey
mau, Do Hart k Co., of Portland, is in
Tho Dalles in tliu Interest of his firm.
Capt. Ward and wife, of San Fran
cUco, spent yesterday in tho eity, and
loft on tho Regulator this morning lor
H. Hiirdwiiik will close Ills pawn shop
and will move to Walla Walla next week j
wlioro he Intends to make his homo in
the future.
Mrs. Uollliig, accompanied 'y Minn,
Suliiia Plitrmaii, will leave on the
evening train lor Mrs. llomng s noon,
V. A. Cram, of The Dalles, has been in
ouroitv for the pant week, Bays the
Prlnev'llle Review, looking at Urn Mtua
tlun (or another ineniliuiidlMo store. He
Is representing A. M. Wllllsmn A U of
Tho Dalle, and if suitable arrangements
can be made, they will open out a gen
eral merchandise business in Prineville.
A freak of nature passed through
yesterday evening on No, 1 bound for
Portland. Tt was a double-headed calf
and first saw tho Unlit of day on Long
Mr. and Mrs. M. Z. Donnell and Mrs.
0. T. Donnell loft on the boat this morn
ing for the Cascade Locks, where they
will establish a camp and remain during
tho summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Houghton and
Mrs. W. Lord left on the Regulator this
morning on a camping expedition. They
will pitch their tent in the vicinity of
Mt. Adams.
July 7 was the first anniversary of tho
annexation of Hawaii. In all the ex
citement over tho Philippines and Cuba
everybody seemr to have forgotten
those little islands.
A coach is sidetracked near the foot of
Washington stieet, which accommodates
two young men who are taking views
for the 0. It. & N. company to be used
in advertising their road.
Secret societies and lodges wishing to
bo represented in the decoration of our
steamer "Dalles City" by Ernest Jensen
will have to take immediate steps, as the
time is limited. The banners will cost
$11 complete, and after the volunteers re
turn each lodge will be given their ban
ner. This is no money-making scheme
the object being to represent all the
people of The DalleB in the welcome.
It was a jolly crowd that gathered at
the home of Miss Gussie Mcintosh,
Saturday evening, to give a farewell
party for Misf Brown, of Illinois and
Miss flerrin of Spokane. The evening
was spent in games, after which ice
cream and cake were Rerved. At a late
hour tlie guests bid goodbye and God
speed to the young ladies and hoping to
see them again at no late date.
The Walla Walla Union graced its
paper yesterday with the following:
"Western Union Bulletin Special die
patch : "The Second Oregon Volun
teers landed in San Franeitco at lliliO
last night." Tin: Ciiiionici.c has been
untiring in its efforts today to verify the
statement but up to the time of going to
press have been unable to find any
truth in the assertion whatever. The
Union probably struck upon this scheme
to maku a hit by getting the news first,
but they have made a mistake for there
is no trutii whatever in the statement.
From the latest dispatches the Ore
gon troops will be brougiit to Astoria on
the transports and from there conveyed
to Vancouver by river steamers, where
they wiil he mustered out. This will
be welcome news to the citizens ol Ore
gon, for it looked as though our boys
were to be discharged at San Francisco.
By having the transports come to
Astoria will give an opportunity for all
to go down and welcome the volunteers
home. Of course we would like it a
great deul better if our boys could be
brougiit direct to Vancouver on the
transports, but tho department does
not see fit to comply with our wishes so
we must be satislied as tilings are. To
look at the other eide of the matter we
should remember t he hoys from oilier
states who aro in the Philippines, and
are anxious to get back to the laud of
their birth but aro unable to do so on
account of tlio lack of transports. Let
us remember tlio old saying, "Put your
self in liia place" and be just, us well as
N. I. HiikIixk Aipiiliitrt ftliirlinl, N. II.
(luli'n fur Krcnrilxr and G. A.
I'll I rm un, Nlulit wtiK'liniuii,
The common council of Dalles City
met last night in tin) city hail with
Mayor Kuck presiding, and Counciliuen
Clougli, Gunning, Stephens, Keller,
Michelbach, Johnston, Shackelford und
Kelly present.
The minutes of t lie previous regular
and special meetings were read, after
which Mayor Kuck delivered his mes
sage to the council, which was as
To the Common Council of Dalits City:
As mayor of Dalles City it is my duty
at this time to recommend the adoption
of such measures as I deem expedient
and proper.
The most important thing for the
council to consider is the finances of
the city, and see how we can get money
into the treasury as well as out of it,
and that tlie money in the sinking fund
is kept hearing interest continuajly.
Tlio sewer proposition should bo taken
hold of with renewed vigor and pushed
to an early completion.
I consider tlio city financially able
(with the present tax levy) to provide
street lighting and lecouiinend the ap
pointment of a committee of your body
to oeo what can be done to that end.
J recommend that tint collection of
tliu road tax be continued until all wlro 1
ure not exempt have paid tlio same, as I
it is not right to collect only from a few. j
1 c.ll your attention to the fact that)
tlie reprinting of tlie new city charter'
together with tlio ordinances to, date
would be handy for reference, und, if It'
meets tlie approval, advise that the
same be printed in pamphlet form, j
The vault in tlio olllce of the recorder
has been in b,ul shape nver since tlie
high water of 18(11 Inundated the same,
when the water so suddenly came into
said olllce, it was nucomary to quickly
move the records to a place of wifely in
order t o save them from destruction
and in so removing them they were
mixed together and are not now in
proper order, and I therefore recom
mend that said vault be overhauled
and said records be re-arranged and that
all old books and papers be conveniently
stored away in said vault in order to
make room tor those that are to be
hereafter filed and preserved. And I
finally recommend that you give what
assistance you can to the board of
Are delegates in their efforts to get a re
duction in the rate of insurance by pro
viding the city with a chemical engine
and fire alarm system.
Respectfully submitted,
Hexkv L. Kuck.
The bond of the treasurer, C. J. Cran
dall, was then read and approved and
placed on file. Next in order was the
appointing of officers for the ensuing
year, and Mayor Kuck in a few well
chosen words presented the name of N.
D. Hughes for city marshal and tie was
confirmed by a unanimous vote.
The name of N. H. Gates, the present
Incumbent was presented for recorder
and was confirmed without a dissenting
Tiie petition of G. A. Phirman, Jas.
Like and John F. Root tor night watch
man were then read and a vote being
taken Mr. Phirman was declared
A petition from B. A. Gi fiord was
read praying for a deed to lots 7,8,!) and
10 In block 15, Gates Addition to Dalles
City and on motion of councilmau Gun
ning it was referred to the judiciary com
mittee. The reports of city officers for the
month of June were read as was also
the recorder's yearly report and were
accepted and ordered placed on file.
The treasurer reported as follows:
Amount cash on hand June 1... $125(1 30
Received during mo.. tli 3249 94
Teeth Extracted FREE
The best work at the least possible cost. 800 sets teeth Jn one year is oar re
cord in our Portland office. Satisfaction guaranteed in eyery base.
Best Crown and Bridge work (22k. gold), per tooth $.50
Besj set teeth, guaranteed $5.00
Best Gold Filling $1.00 sp
Best silver or alloy filling .50c op
Chapman Block', Second St. Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager.
How About Your Title?
Total !f-J500 24
By warrants issued, 1350 15
Balance available cash .f3144 09
Ordinance number 303 was then in
troduced by Clough, regulating the
construction of circus billboards, and on
final reading was passed.
On motion of Stephens the mayor ap
pointed F. S. Gunning to fill tlie
vacancy on the sewer committee caused
by M. T. Nolan going out of office.
It was moved and carried that a com
mittee of three be appointed on the
matter of street lights, and Mayor Kuck
appointed the following councilmen:
Gunning, Shackelford and Keller.
Tiie following claims against the sity
were read and on motion were ordered
paid ami warrants issued for same.
CJCrandall, for payment of bills 7 15
J E Ferguson, hauling 2 50
Times-Mountaineer, printing elec
tion tickets 5 00
CmtoNici.E PubCo, printing elec
tion tickets 3 00
Pease & Mavs, uidse 50
L D Oakes," hauling 1 00
J W Blakenev, " 1 50
Wm Henzie,' " 1 75
Wm Michel!, repairing and office.
rent 4 50
Nothing further coming before the
council on motion the meeting adjourned.
A fish basket between Dr. Saunders,
place on Mill creek and this city.
Finder please leave ut this office.
jlyl0-2t .
August Deeignere and patterns now
on sale at Pease Mays'.
Ask your grocer for Clarke t Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
r RE YOU SURE it is all right? Remember it is tho
H RECORD that governs. It is our business to
I search the records and show what thev contain in
relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying land
or loaning money on real estate. seenrity, take no man
word, but insist upon knowing what tiie record shows
regarding tlie title. An Abstract is as essential as a
deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of
Abstract Books in tlie County. All work promptly ex
ecuted and satisfaction cuaranteed. It you have prop
erty to insure, give us a call. We are agents for four of
the best fire insurance companies in tlie world. If yon
have property for sale, list it with us and we'll find a
J, M. Huntington &Co.
'Phone 81.
2d St., opposite A. M. Williams & Co.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
Wholesale and Retail
It's a real
to get tlie meals for the family
when you have a complete set
of needful! utensils and have a
new Garland stove or steel
range to cook upon. We fur
nish kitchens and can save you
money and mauy steps when
you want anything in the
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, graniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cutters, ialen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other tilings to
make tlie kitchen complete,
We can furnisli double oven
cook stoves from sfS.OO up.
See tlie best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It lias no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardwaiu.
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chicken Llco.
Coll tit Miller v lli'iittmV inn! m-o
tlio Aiitlw'iitlo Ni'M Kkk. With the
UhlMlf tilth Kit "m j ii will IlllVlt
no iimi n I. Ice, .Mttib or Vernli' In
your poultry hoiin, .Selllnu hen
will but better vKti ami will liuleh
better unit chlckeiiv will live umt
Brow U'lttr whole .'utiict!c tigg i
iitfU. tiie them ut
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the G-reate t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY from .76 t fU.UO i-er uuilnu. (4 to 15 years ofrt.)
IMPORTED OOGNAO from sf7.U0 10 $12.00 per ifullon. (11 to -JO ybara old.'
ALII Oil A It AM 3Ir- n a :f u. Mi ( 0 1 n ynion. (4 10 11 years old."
OLYMPIA BEER on draught, and Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottlea
Imported Ale and Porter,
niaier & Benion
167 Seoond St.
TheDafies JacoDsen Book & Music Co.
1 . . . . :
Three horses Juno 10, lS'JD, described
us follows: two weiuhiiii! about 1100
'each. One a light chestnut branded 1)
on left shoulder, lilack horso biunded
C 011 left thoulder. One bald faced
sorrel weighing about 1200; toadied 1
mane. A liberal reward for information I
of the whereabouts, or the return of.
same, A. Mason, .!. Hayh, Contractors, '
Vlfiito, Or,, or U. V. IU'mianu, Mosler, I
Or. j-'S.lm I
Remove Pimple. !nvcnt
ljlliyiifiiM,l'urify tlitililuoj.
"riiU'aciiuuilly.Mp.f. jUXX
A nuvniuuoj 1 of Ihn liuwuU etcb On U u-um
1 k.TiTit.. ; 1 '.""-T.r'V.1"" ''iyr iuii no i
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For rale at all tint' class bars. C. J
tubllu, agent, The Dallei, S117-3au.