The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 10, 1899, Image 2

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    to team that the Diamond Holler Mills
have a cannelty of one hundred and twen-
This con
ty-livc Darrein oi uot.r per any
. . . .i. -.1-1 4 nntnM.
tyhvc Darrein oi uour per nuj. nw vwu-
" ho celebrated "Ulnmon, . ranu.
which is or .o nne a graue nun u if
r-!vw n higher mnrkel nrlce than that
nf nnv other mill In Oregon or Washing-
ton. Germ Meal and BolMtalMng Flour
... mi... -.. .,
are manuinciiircu. me i.uu. num ...i.-
ttiiiu u inriroiv itlsnosed of In Kastcrn
Oregon and Washington. This Is a slg-
nllkant fact, and one that speaks louder
for the excellence of the product nnd of
ih inrnnrmnrn nf our cltv as the trade
center of this wide area than the most
emphatic eulogy could do.
mpnntic euiogy count no.
Tim ninmnnri Holler Mills were built
about ten years ago by the present pro
prietor. Mr. Alonzo II. Curtlss. who de
votes his time to the tlnanclal manage
ment of the business, leaving the process
of manufacturing to the personal super
vlson of Mr. W. H. Oroat. who has been
with him since the mills were llrst op
erated. Mr. Groat Is a native of the "Kmplre
state, having been 'born In Cleveland. Os
wego county, and Is a miller of long ex
nerlence. He learned his trade In the
Lincoln Mills, of Anoka. Minn. He was
later connected with the Palisade Mills, in
Minneapolis, which are the property of
the Plllshury-Wnshburn Syndicate, the
largest millers In the world.
Through the courtesy of Mr. Groat, a
representative of The Chronicle was re
cently shown through the plant, from the
engine-room to the roof. Power is sup.
..w.. i .... .......... n. i. ...... ......... ., tit..
pom ?e tin j. -n u,(,,ci iij,
. it... . .. .. i . . .. .. . 1. 1 .. i . i . i .......... i i., .. I ... 1 1 . J
v.unisA trntiiiiv ninuii i." lui.titu in .1 uuiiw
UK .-ei' iimu me nun inui'ci. -n"'.
01 me maciunery u.-eu is m
the E. P. Allls Company, of Milwaukee.
Wis., and is what Is known as the Gray
patent. There arc six sets of double
.... , .,
tffnu.lnrd 1.1-iltrtr.. .iirt f.riilinm mlli.r
"". . . . : ,. "
nnd ,, I nd ' ,,rX S
V .,.. . . ... . ...
eUtt tT 'world oZ as "heVni '
PmM." In !i h.itt.llnc- n.Knlnlnc the
...... '' . w..... v,-
OCO bushel of wheat: and fiequen ly dur-
Inc the season, when the elevator Is tilled.
SC.000 or MlOU extra bushels are bomrht
nih inir v.. . 'J 1 1 , 1.1111 inir viir.ii,Ji
wvi .k mri , .- i..,.,i,ni.. 1...111.I11
o-.,WV Ul tV.WJ rAllll UtlflllVI.' .11 11,(11.1
nnd stored. The old U. S. mint building Is
of Hour, meals and feed Is kept constantly
on hand to supply the demand.
We may say In conclusion that these are
both merchant and custom mills. The
supply of wheat is drawn from the sur
rounding country, and the product of the
mills Is as fine a quality of flour, whole
wheat and gralnm flour, bran and shorts
i'S mcdern machinery and the most Im
proved ldens can produce.
nit. .1. a. (ii:isi:.M)oni'i:i.
I'lij Mleliin ami Hiirueon.
Orcjojilans, like the people of all other
new and undevtloped countries, talk much
and eloquently of the natural resources
of our soil, our mines, of our wonderful
fruits, and above all of the- salubrity of
our climate. Travelers and tourists hear
these things from afar off. and, magnify
ing thtm in their Imagination, are fre-
olientlv illsaiinnintrd In- th. rnlllv. Th..r..
Is. hownver. In rltv fnwn nml ..minti-v
all over the West, cause for surprise to
people of the older states In llndlns so
people of the older states In (lading so
miiji a graue 01 intelligence among ine
masses, and attainments of so high an
order among our professional men. When
it is realized that many of the latter are
educated In Eastern seats of learning,
the Eastern man's surprise and appreci
ation are, to a great extent, paying trib
ute to the schools and colleges of his
own section. That Dr. J. A. Gelsendorfer
furnishes an Instance In point makes him
none the less esteemed in The Dalle, or
In that larger circle of friends and ac
quaintances gained during his practice In
other cities of the state.
Dr. Gelsendorfer Is a native son of Or
egon, having been born in Albany. Linn
county, where he was reared and received
his early schooling. His professional ed
ucation was received at Marlon Slmms
college, fit. Louts, Mo., and Jefferson
medical college, of Philadelphia, from
which institutions he graduated respect
ively in 1S91 and 16?3. He practiced
in St. Louis, but afterwards returned to
his native heath. He came about a year
and a half ago to The Dalles, where he
received a most fitting tribute to hl-i
skill and ability In being at once accorded
the patronage of many of the best fam
ilies In the city and county That Dr.
Geisendorfer has acquitted himself with
honor and efficiency in his new field Is
sufficiently evidenced by his large and
growing practice. Many are the praises
spoken In his behalf in homes where his
timely aid has stayed the dread hand of
disease, and where he has entered as a
messenger of mercy, preserving to dear
ones the sick and afllicted.
Besides belnrr n mnatur nf the n.oin.1..
medlca. Dr. Gelsendorfer Is a specialist
in surgery, and has performed manv crit
ical operations with a success which am
ply attests his skill. His office Is pro
vided with the latest Improved Instru
ments and appliances known to medical
and surgical science, nnd the doctor takes
a Just pride In keeping fully nbreast of
his profession.
Dr. and Mrs. rtalsn,lnrf,r 1 .... ... 1 1 1 .. ..
ligures In society circles of The Dalles 1
and, since taking uo their resident In
this city, have endeared themselves to '
figures In society circles of The Dalles.
u iiost or menus, iirs. Gelsendorfer has
recently returned from a two weeks' vNit 1
to Portland, and It Is with pleasure The ;
Chronicle heralds her return.
Auk. Ilnt-lilcr, Proprietor.
It has been our aim In preparing thec
sketches for the ir.1,1.. ,,mi... . .1.
,n ... . -. "i inn 1
T - - -l'..-"(.lllflll illiU
leading enterprises In the various lines
irunivif. 10 civo renresentinlvo nn,i
1 tin. -'irlr.,,a ltnn.. 1
i. inuiiuiuL-iure anu trade, and to give
especial prominence to those men and
institutions which form a nan of the
early history of the city. In preparing
. "'""" " "uie 10
state that we are Introducing the reader
not on ly to one of The Dalles' most im-
portant enterprises, hut. as well, to one I
oredcltizen' 8 ,,roml"ent and hon-j
eratT ' n? &
which was In 18JS. At lrst a small cor.,
cern, tho plant has been from time to !
time enlarged to meet the Increasing de. ,
a"n entire block"'' mW U CVerS
Tho product of tho Columbia browery '
Is llrst-quallty lager beer, and It Is not ;
00 much to say that, iu excellence of
taste and uurltv of i,i,.r.,ii.,. .1.1.. 1..
tins sKetch It Is gratifying to be able to
.r. lU K ,,,e ."t?1 Jmoorted beers of Mil-'
.....I.. ... ' i. . . "" in" uinn .
"brewer In Vho
'-In-law. but being
wer. the whole Is
ect supervision. He
larket affords for
tils business.
Mr. Huchler has .
an experienced German brewer In tho ,
in urflwierin
blmfcelf a skilled brewer
nrfirn tl iimlnn .il
, " '"' "ii eci supervision, lie ei'iesenteu ami in ts management. Tho ir iitM r. , "' P'r- ,
buys tho best the market affords for "rmer are the New Zealand hrmitn. ml in nim ,Col"m,'Ia rlV(-'.r views havo
,',,,,TIr,m,?,U 0f "!8 "uh.ess. America.,, Fire AHocIallon ?if PhUadeL 1 crtraeter iirl'lLT'11!! 't" " ,I,,P" "ml
Z.W 1 .'I"4... ,.Vwer.v ,lceH. n. rery ro,lhl.i. Hprlnglleld, Northern AnurunTkln&l ' A l?1. " I'ho-.
"un rmimilB, IIOII'IH. reSIIIU- ,
aillH and private families, aside from Its ' and the Niagara. TIicho old ln coin.
.wn bar. lis builntss extends all over panics are so familiar to ,orsr i s t alt T
t lie eastern part of tho state and Into qualnted with (ho grei t nsuranco com
Washington and Idaho a well, Colum-jpanles of the world that liclr wmZ
bin brewery beer is always on tap at" Hon will, an agency ul it
t u, best bar In tin. city, nnd It occn. jtublUl, Hk reputai on, an, to i ILe !
s ons no II th; surprise (o BtrangerH vU- familiar -wUh these cotZ nles t , asio
Ing The Dal es t receive In reply to elation of Mr. .V. W ici J lon w l hem
iL , WLKW Jl Ih -mc.errci'uVrrille S
been Mid that It be l.oovoi. every nun. i
for the we fa in of the mmm I- .....l
. . v. -' iiiiiiuiiii am
llllllkelr. InillvlillllllH' llmnnl, .....i ...
dlreqtly, to imlronUo liomo Industry, AW
may udd, in a different vein, It behoovos
uvry man who iipir-cltn (he ambor
buvtniifo lo cull for Columbia brw. u
I Is the best. Wo know, for we have tried
- 1 August Huchler was born In Swltxer-
; an... ,e . c ... ... ,, roi len
. . ........v.- ...... - -
nnd prominent business man of The
, Dalles. He has built up an lnuustrj
, which Is not only one of the largest in
Oils iwllnn nf thn stall'. the cntiaclty Of
... . - .
his brewery being about 3,r,00 barrels per
year, but the effect of which Is to keep
1 many thousands of dol ars at home,
which, were It not for this enterprise.
I would annually go abroad to pay for
. beer brought here from other cities anil
j states.
Tin: ijai,i.i:s i.t miii:iii.; co.
Many nf the great manufacturing enter
prises of Oregon and Washington must,
for obvious reasons, be Intimately con
nected with their wonderful timber re
sources, iind, as one of the representative
lumber concerns of this section of the
state, we take pleasure in presenting a
cursory sketch of The Dalles Lumbering
The mills of the company are located
on Mill creek, about 15 miles from The
Dalles, and their entire output Is llumed
direct to the company's yards in this
city. They have been equipped with the
latest Improved machinery, regardless of
cost, nnd in their operation have given
employment to some of the most skilled
mechanics In the various lines represented
111 thn ttlnff. rlifnn I'll.... tiiri.u nttl ,
J cheap product, given the best of materials
uiiu maciunery ; mil too labor and talent
1 employed by this company make It poL
J ,le for their product to reach the acme
0f excellence, which fact accounts for
'it r...,!,- ,ii .,.,,1 ..,. ,i 1 o..
.... ......... .-...v ,.7i iiuiii. inn. .i-'v-
I ... .i.. ... . . ...
i-iiij -uve men are employed in sill depart-
S''Sf 1 m'"' aml UlU monlWy
" 01 lne company aggregates a small
.""S, Jt,rlU ''"
.... . . . '"V
j.o.innj teet or lumber dailv,
TUc pro,,uct or Thc 1)anes i.umliernK
r..,.. 1.. .i.. . . .. "
."i" r,"'. " Kn an"
ished lumber, manufactured from native
umoer, anu it is pertinent to state, in
this connection, that the Oregon and
Washington forests yield the best lumber
materials on the continent. The reasons
for this nre not far to seek. The climate
of thee states has produced a happv
comnlement for Ihpir furlll.. ur.11 i,i-
j has given birth to luxuriance In Held and
1 ft..
At the yards In The Dalles, where a doz
en or moremenareemployed. the company
keeps In stock, both for the wholesale
and retail trade, everything In the way
of doors, windows, mouldings, house fin
ishings, drv lir. nlnr. .-mil nutf- tvn,i i..,u.i
ing material, dimension timber, rough and
iiiusiieti iiimoer. etc.. and a full line of
paints, oils, varnish and glass, in the
latter line the company holds the agency
for the celebrated D-.voe and Heath .v
Mflllgan paints and the Klectrlc greases.
Miuiiier nne conuucied in conjunction
with the mercantile department is the
agency for several old-line lire Insurance
companies, among which we note the
old reliable Continental. T.rnv.r'nln n mill
oM reliable Cont
C"WI' co,m''nln,es-, ,
Dalles Lumbering Company was or-
:inlZFll and Inrnrnnnitpil In 1SCrt Tlm nlll
cers are Thomas Johns, president, and S.
S. Johns, secretary and treasurer. The
latter Is the manager of the company's
Interestr. in this city, where he has re
sided for the past 13 years. He Is a man
particularly well qualified to llll the re
sponsible position he holds, and has done
much to extend the business and popu
larity of the company. He Is a familiar
tigure In social circle, and. as n citi
zen, hns lllivnvs mnnlfputoil -ulnilr-iMn
public spirit In furthering all moves de-
.. 1 1 r i... . .
siueu lur ine general weal,
Furniture nml Carpet. Etc.
When the history of The Dalles shall
have been written, the names of Prlnz &
Nltschke will be given prominent places
among its pioneers, and. as well, among
Its prosperous merchants. As pioneers,
they were among early settlers of the
city, having come here respectively in
'78 and '7C. As merchants, they stand
among the first in thejr lines of trade
east of Portland In the state, and among
the most esteemed In the city and coun
ts they have helped to transform from u.
wilderness Into a veritable garden, cele
brated for tho abundance and richness of
Its fruits and other products.
There Is probably not a lirm In The
Dalles which, in lt business ranwp hn
manifested a more discriminating Judg
ment of the wants of the public than
Prlnz & Nitschke. Their personal ac
quaintance In Wasco and contiguous coun
ties is1 nn,l tl.alr. ....i. 1. .......
and extended. Thc huslnes-s occupies one
of the finest and largest atlesrooms In the
city. The lirm is a buyer in carload lots,
direct from the factories, and. In point of
variety and extent, the stock Is surpassed
by no other of the kind In this section of
the mate. It Includes everything In the
line of furniture, from the plain but rcrv
leeable quality used by the laboring rain's
family, to the exnulsltel
"0,sler'' furniture which adorns the
nom" of the wealthy. The extensive stock
.f furtur- Is supplemented by a general
bolstered furniture which adorn ihr
"u- lurnisnings. including dru.
'erl,f"s- curtains, portieres, carpels, rugs,
llnoIeum!. mattresses, bedding and a very
completo line of undertaking goods. In
mis eotineptinn it c m,i n.n, .......
that Mr. Nltsehkn U ... ulriiio.i ...,.i..,.,
. .7 iiiiciii iu niiiiti
nnd embalmer. It is worthy of remark,
too. that the firm's undertaking rooms are
provided with fittings and modern scien
title annlianeeK. nni nnlc m ,.1
mixtion, but to remove from view tht
-""i 10 . ciiiuvu irom view tbt
aenresslnir iini.n,ir,..,.u ,.r .1,.. 1 ... ,
- ---..-- w. nit; mm 7i(IU
oflice which the undertaker is called upon
nftlrf n-l.l.V, 1... ...1 , .. .
" i'VI Ui 111,
Theodor Prlnz and Joseph Nltschke are
natives of Germany, hut eamo to tho
Vn ted States In IRfJ! nml im ...
csuioiisiieu tneir present business In
. purchasing the stock an store, or
John Moraine, liy keeping their stock uo
to tho demands of their patrons the lirm
u, extended Its trade ail over 'iL 'er'n
of this old and trusted house , 1 ,,.
In proportion. will Increase
, ' 'lli:,Vi;o.V.
In""r""l'l' KmIiUc iiiiiI .nineM.
Insurance has come to be so mueh n
factor In conservative , riess methods
nmi or...... ,u""t. meinodH
They estiibllshed their present buslneis in
"Kency Is a necessary concom an rfS
"""') "1111 1110 Welbconducled
! Uwrafirl -uVo TiJr oonX"Z h n ' h
.'Hie Dalles has up agency that h h thSt '
j is to be desired, both s to com a le
represented and In Its management The
former are the New Zealand Herman,
American. Fire AHMoeiniinn m.' iJ.
Prosperity of a town or community it !
I.OIIIIOII, .M lltTllol ill 1-.- nml M, I
Travtler1 Life nnd Accldenl Insurance
rv,. n... ... .. 7.."'"" "'"inillto
lleslilei, Ilni lnunui.M.i.i ..t il... 1
biuliirkii of llien.i Iniiininco companies,
Mr, W heal.lon tomluctn a jteperul real
VNtllto lllld loan liimliu.uu I.....I....
I , : : --1 iimiiih iiii.i
t ubIIIiik city and country properly, both on
ct. being entrusted with u number
W and promising claims In that lo.
in response to the Inquiry as to
ratable future of this camp, Mr.
ildon said recently to n represent,!-
, mi... ..i.,.,ii.,. "Tim mineral
KV "I . Ill' -... ...... .w --
II ll.ll IIIV CUI.HVU ..HM. HIM' ...
luive not been e.iualed anywhere
..In. 11... all.r.inn U.miL'lllITU
iMirinwesi. .nr. 11 iu-.iiiiiiu i-ahiv...!..
. . .. ii.i. .t.i.... .....
himself as believing coal. Iron and other
minerals will be found In abundance In
this vicinity, and that It will prove one
..r .11.1 ....n...... 1.. il. n i..i..
Ill llll' lll.llt'1 JM'I llllllf. Ill 111,' ItllV.
N. Wbealdon was born In Ohio, but
was brought by his parents to Oregon
when he was but two years old. He grew
to manhood In this slate, where he has
10 mnnunoii 11. tins suite, wnere ne oas
been educated nnd began his business
career. He was well lltted by experience
to enter this Held when he established his
business four years ago. Mr. heal.lon i,nim.h ,,f business more worthy of lrm
t... .... 11 . 1 ...i..nHI. 1.. t.. ... i... ..1..... ..I
mi.- in., uuvni i..i..ui:wiii .Ji i.u.i.iii hi
The Dalles, nnd extends a cordial Invlta-
" 1 "- vn.i ... .-..v.. ..I... -
mens to call and personally Inspect his
(ii:i)lt(ii: men.
III. ......... I'r.
Pioneer (, nicer.
There Is no name among those of the
men-hunts of The Dalles better or more
favorably known than that of George
Kuch. To the caterer for hotels and
rest'.nttt nml In mmliirn i,iiuim.U..w
resiaiirauis .a
I ... '
.1 10 uuiueru Housewives
r..'l.r,es...ln...,,",,'e.!,.!' V1-
' presiding over h
visions of table luxuries In endless va-
! rlety. To the small mereha-it of the In.
!r..l, hW "u'!""
sin. 111 inereiia-ii 01 ine in-
" '"" "'"" n-s
" v
of the largest wholesale stocks In the
county. To the citizens of town, cntmtv
and one
and state, the name suggests Integrity U-lectrle lighting In the slate,
and liberality In the support of public ! The electric plant owned by this corn
enterprise. t pnuy, while exceeded In value by othei
As a merchant. Mr. Kuch is universally plants In Oregon, for Us capacity I wlth
neknowledge.l to bp a leader in his line of , out ..,i,,Prfr tU. . oast. It eonnitts of
business. He established his business In',, mammoth Lane & Ilodlev irll.-w engine
The Dalles In ISC', and has. therefore. , w,leh drives an IS-fool wheel, . ounecte.l
been .,, years a resident and merchant of : by belt lo a small pulley. 01. the shaft nf
HlIU rlf' flttrltirr inlitrtU tl,,.-i 1. ...... 1... ' . . . ' ....
li V h;:, ; "'Vr' 'V. ., '
.1 ii s exiensn e in ine best manner
possible, and oy his unfailing courtesy to
... . .. . . . . .
' "-'"" -
..I..,, " e, 1 u.ou .or commercial
uicKiuj ,11111 uiiiiiuiiiy wnicn inaKe 11 a
'"u!!;!1'.'!1';;",1 ''T , , ,
m, inn u. 1 B 1 .' . .' V'i "rn
i i " v, "rs i, t -
... j i, ., '7, , . .
ant with every detail of the business. He
. tt-s. ;rmp!:;!v 'trx
or The Dalles and surround.,,..- country. , . , v! , ' He Is? iirlgma'! 1. weer
chl,g,1de;: s i!i::-;v x0fl fei
rommiinil in. u miiii.i (., 1..,.. 1., 1 I1."15.- 1 'ce..inil. u. In spcal.lng of thp
nuaiitltiei for c isb am s thorei . lb,
Wo t. tho chcS m M, m vM
of which is not.ceabn tnV on 1
fairness of his ..rices. Ills koIpm. .,, nr..
rltuate.l In his own business property, on!
one 01 mo prominent business corners i
of the eltv. nml In tboli-
irlVO tllkpfl ttf till iiYimrlunii1 mnrnl.otit
The shelves are laden wah a wealth of
canned and bottled goods', comprl.sinn !
California rnnnr.1 fruits i;,i.n, ,i
iiik. riimiirii. nt
vegetables, and a very full nml complete 1 Us, V.'10 '", 1 1,0 """e- better lilted by
line of condiments, etc. .Produce In sea-! 1 , "kU aml experience of Us Indlvid
son. nnd staple and fanev irroeerlns nf members to win a legitimate success
OVprv il.iwnrilil Inn .mil In . .....I..,..
. .... ..... . , . . .
are carried. " A liberal line of' candles.
confectionery, cigars, smoking and chew-
ing touaccos, etc., is nlso handled.
... -
cry purposes, and grocery and bakery or -
ders are taken and lined at the kitchen
and Is of German descent.
up with the state, and is today reaping
the rnli'.'ir.l nf lr,,l,,u,r ..1 i.i. 11.
a special feature or the business, which "H u'v"'' secuon or th"
was, for a time, dronoed, but Is happily tat0 f("' a number of years, having been
now Tevlved, is the baker- department, ' f,,rmerl' ' business Iu li.ikeoveu; and
which supplies everything in the way 01 ' '.' '" "" -"mall degree due to their In
bread, rolls, cakes and pastrv to patron : '"Vldiinl reputations as competent work
fresh every day. The city trade necessi-1 nlc" ilni1 trustworthy business men that
tales tbr. rnnnin,. t.t ., .1.11.. they have been wo i,. rmtu ,,
" .inn iniiii. tit-
stands deservedly high In business circles ; J" blacksmithlng, everything Is done,
of The Dalles, and Is respected alike for Including lirst-class horseshoeing and gen
hls business ability and Irreproachable f'ral repairing, steamboat and mill work,
character. .etc., etc. In the' manufacture of vehicles,
' , a specialty is made of delivery wagons.
fill-'KmtlP.S .STMIIO.
HlKh Art riiolournnbj .
It Is an oft-expressed regret among poo-
Pie of culture and artistic taste that the
. . ......V Uini. Illlll llll,
art of photography has been' to so Vrre-it
a degree usurped by Incompetent and un
i,in.i . ' '"'" ""
.n.i'.'i i.;ieriii.irs. ine aver.'itre nliotr."-
rapher knows mil,, or ...h,.. ' ", 'Z.
!" '!l1!lh--"-''-'.a' m m.,ny:ttI?,,rinrr ,:'V,"J. -
imi.iiiuca, uKvoiu ot any Know edge of its
application to photography. Hut as cu I-
turo and taste hnvo ,im;...,i,..i i.
has arisen another cluss, whose tuleii "tniT
has arisen another cluss, who-e talent ,n,l 'ion!,ta""' "" '"'"d to meet the demand I is Pa uonlz.-d by tourists, rommer
study of art have elevated photogra liy fj,r tht" m1"1"1"- vehicles. A nunhor of ' ' "'". mil and mining men. m,.,eh m'.s.
to a station equal with that of the ial- l'1" hav',' ,JeL'n W)1'1 ,1,ls M',l"" 'flu- !'" and stoeK,,...,, ami the geo, i-.n
ette and brush. Dalles, and are warmly recommended by r'"'ellng nubile. ti- location of if-.,.
Anent tho above. It may l, taken as a " ,h,e,r, V"IM,r8- ,Z'Z '"!!?Jt I'c'ally convenient f.r
ciimnllmiin, t, t, ii.i ... .. .' ..
citizens of Wasro ronntv .h...
oils and trade center has attracted to Its
gates photographers equal In talent and
skill to any In the state. It Is with idea- , .. " P"rinersnip have divided their
sure, therefore, that we introduce i r " '" f"01', manner that the former
Benjamin A. Glfford. than whom no pho n'"? nT'X 1" ,.t.l,, "'""'"ork. wagon
tographer In the state has give "more nmI 1car,r,,'K" hulldlng. while the latter
careful or comprehensive study to he l'T h,, tln? "l th" for"- wll(-'n "'
art. or had a more valuable experience? m"'"" '.'r clt"cr can go lo
Mr. Girrord makes a siieclalty of tho o ' ai,slI!,,la"t(,1 "f he other or take his
finest work, and prides himself In always ""ft, ,1,,V"V' thc,r, vnllr" time to
putting forth his best efforts. He i ro- !rVhl"et,s aml "mploy iy CI ,e,
duces beautiful effects In carbon and , -'I10I'al1' fm four to six men
mezzo-tlnt iihotns ii i,u .. i ; " employed, ami the capncltv of this simn
ulty of obtaining perfect and natural t o- il TV"W ,,ml ,nf 1,0 oU"!r ,n 11,0 dlV
tures of Infants and children, and ha- .. i 1'" 100 much to say, In conclusion,
Wlin (llllte li rnnnliilli,.. .1.1.. , WUIt Illle HroH. merit thn M.-llrnm,,,,,
Ills equlpmenlH In tho way of cameras
backgrounds, skylights nnrl nhades etc ,
conduce to the most perfect results of!
-""rl- Patrons are num
bered by the hundreds, and hall from all
Parts of tho county and beyond Us nm.
, ,
HenJam n I fllfford i n ..n..
...... m .... . ...iiiiv ill itu
sta o of III mils. He studied photogra-' Mo'vi 'th ,e""w';wi La,our- "f -
dalla, Mo,, with whom ho spent two years,
after which ho established a business In
I-or fecott, Kan. I has been ten years
ranherof Pr mf V ' ' "' 1
. - ,, , " m ii iniiii ,
! "L''r'!.c. T. nv i" . "' . x.rl. 1
his line of tra.lo who occm s a iu !
has reaped ,h .enl ;
won him m . Prol'clenuy which has .
traits ,d K , . l ,l,,,,ln ,l",r-
m i-. -ol"mbla river views havo
! "'mous as a landscape and
, ..'.. : "7 ,nal " noth-1
WII.I.IAM .llll lli:i,
de i-1 like i- 1111.I ICiiiliiiliin.i-
The? ro few business or profession,,,
.allliigs In which so marked 0 rlmm... . 1 .7 , "i t'loiuKHion il
ZT,. " fh. .! ' "us
that of thn i.mlrtiiiui. .....1 i...i...
Iiuit nf tlw. i..i,t,..i..i...u 1 .
..., tMU mJ)l inu iieiMiiwu jiM
.. 1 : ......... nun viiiii.iiiiiu.
Volumes havo hem, wrlin... 1. , '.'
urt of cmbJiimlng possessed by the Kuyp-Han-,
but modem nclenco has no far siir
iwxsid iho iincleniH In embalming that re-
htMrll "rl "ru " '"'h""-
n.?!!luV.l",,"1!".k,",f "'"hlUhmeiit of w.
limn Mlchell Im one of the oldest In the
cliy. It U nil mi the ground lloor, and
the roomn uro lilted up with a vlow to
f . f tw ,,, u,lerlnk-
i, , ,
P" VarrU-s a complete line of
Mr ."c , .,. ,mM,es. em -
?'"' ,..lMm. from the Inexpensive,
I '"" W' . " ... .. 1.. tin. most
, ,, llltlll
lliiT uiiiu- I ... ims ,cpIt n J us COII lir.v !niu-
ntelope .11- ll1 ' ' "h He has been at .llf.
of whirl.,;;;.,;" ,;, n hl. wagon-making and
Here In tlu- 'V.nlng-mlll business, before establishing
exoresses ,,s ,,r0!,cni llliu,r. hut was each time
and other ITXir, m,t. .Mr. Mlchell has also been
i,i iirosen. iiouse. inn '
imrnrd out. .Mr. Mlchell has aio nevn
polities, having served two terms a-
,.lnitv treasurer of Wasco county.
DAi,i.i i:i.i:Tiur i.miri
i-miiiM'. .v iMiwnit co.
(lcro (s no one feature among ne or llu de sleele urban me
' " e dispensable to good living than the
.,i.r ..,, ,,t iicbllnir. n Is there m
ieul ineullou in a coniuiereini i.-v..-. "
.r,t. D.illes than the city's e.vellent elee-
lri(. ugni plant.
xiie Dalles Kleetrie Light. Telephone .V
i,mer Ponitianv was orcillilzed to enndiiet
I a general electric business, holding fran-
lehlses for electric lighting, telephone serv-
1 ...1 ... .1.. .. ...i l,,...,i'.ir
HI.' illlll IIMU'I .llMIJ. ..01
I ,. ., ..,.., i,4if .. t
' the company has availed liseit oiuy .
the lighting privilege The character or
this corporation Is sulllelently eMluhllsli.-d
by the personnel of Us olllcers. who are
I). j. l.'ren.-h. president: J. W. French
1 L. t. .1. u ....I'lfi- r-t..u
, treasurer, and S. Krencli, s creiary. i lies
Tr7 ""r" 'T-r'l n 'iV,'-', t'
business factors of The Dalles that
an, ,,,,sless factors of The Dalles tha
Inirniliu.l on l iiiitieeeHsnrv. Aiiv enter
HH- I IIIIUT It II i; til) H.VIIl"! i- 11V '
a Is not surprising that The Dalles Is
,w "?".an' ","or I'""!? 'I",'"
.inn in.- 111111. 11 limeys-, i ne KeiirrnuiiK
( ,,lnnt consists of two 4.", K. V. ICll-on ma-
..i,. ,... m 1.- - n ..,1 1..1 1
1 cnilies, 1
tcrmttor, and a Thorni-on-Houston SO-
' nin .to m-ti'ltiiic
! t".. ri"v in charge of Mr. J. A.
MeArthur. on eU-tilclai. or - years' ex-
1 wro spent u. s.
periutetident or this p ant. He was for-
. mprl. .,... . will. ' tt.. T....llu i.-i,.,h..
""lnt ,lmv 1,1 M ''hnrBe. .Mr. MeArlhur
,"I,UV1 'fen ;"'" h no plant
I Vlb' m" ff,,c "
. . ",.,l,"t?.,f an w,,rlt!' ' s"' Bive
' llollla'-
!iA.t; nnnrui:its.
IthirK-NininiK nml itnn-mnUfrs.
It lliav to :i4.priti1 wltddttt r.k.. ,xt 1t.u1 wi .-tiii-
cessful coiitradlctlou that there Is no lirm
tlian Initio lin.w i... 1.1....1. i.i. ,
1 waK"-m"kers. This lirm established Its
! ,,uslnc-S!' here In ISM. Its members, how-
1 . ". "ti.11 ..-ii. kikiwii in oiucK-
I UtT, I I h I., nl ...1 I . I. I . . ,
nni C1IVHV 111 tins M'CIIOU or th-
: !i,lar, "f """de In thel
' coming to The Dalles
! I 'I till IlriM ulw... li.
share of trade In their Hue of work since
' '"aterl
1 llOtcd.
trucKs. farm and spring wagons, cari,
' carriages, buggies of all kinds, stage
coaches, etc. Among the recent work
1 turned out In this department, we note
' . UBe f"" 1,11111 for HrtloH in Hose-
,ri, lln,l,, V-..l. A...l.lll ,(.
I l,UrB' 1I'-,n,I,ot" Krth Yamhill The
! f"0.1 ,h,ut VT'l "n,"rS eanu to T,, lhlU
i instead of liidm. until i.. i,.rti...i i.. ..
...... ... ....i.i,ii in
. compliment allko to tho workmansblu
ii, V , , , ."i j-i.hi
i,ros' farm'nd spring wagoiih- ami tho
Staver buggies, a stock of which Is keni
Son!,.tan,1' hand to meet the demand
! L. Limn ami X. Jt. Ijino urn liolb in.
, tlvLH "f Oregon, In which stato thev have
',Ve," ,mo?1 .'f U!e,r ,,V0H- ln "-'ar""K'
".. ir'.. x"ny ''ecame all-around men
,h,?i "'l '' conscientious business
S mi!X(;ellel workmanship,
C .1. HTI III.I.Nt;,
Wines, l.lqinirH nml Cluarn.
" in" wiuzei s oi lie Wal es and to ,1k
ir1viin. ....., ...... . ""
To th clllzens of The Dalles and lo the
.........o ...,,tii 111.1111 llCqillllllieil Willi Oil
Places of popular nort. Ilio m
'J: 'Sll,""",,f ,S l'Kcstive of h ' ,est ui
' American whiskies, French and Ca I .
Torilla wines, line Iniporie I "l iw ,,, "'
broad-gaugo Western hospitality
" " "T? J' "''l. i
""i iniicii iii say mere is no mnroimin
his line of tnulo who occm I s ?, ' ii! ! .
posiiion In the regard of tho uenemi ?, ,.
lie, nor w.m n,a. r,rmorrCw
table establishment. Mr, Htul Um h as ,1 ,
"C1'U" at ,"!, l'"t "t "tt
tvU' ","t'rl,I ,,1! '""-- h a member o
the lirm of Hluhllng & Wlllliuns wid. ,
lirm ho succeed. -d
IWIU Mint I., t 1. .. . . " r..O'-l
.mvitig cnieroi the p uce iih a member
the lirm of Hluhllng & W la ins whl,
lirm 1... succeeded nflerMr . ' Hams' c
m so, twi, years ago """"'"S ,,!
III lis elaboral n Itvtiifi.u .....1 ... . 1 .
the superior quality ,lf ,U(,, s.trved, an
Lu"? T'1 in'vollnfc- men ami Ws"
l.or 7"Z C" S";
his in..- 1. 1 " y tho slock of
""in 10 ine t-ity. -ni hiiiiiiIv Hi.. ui,.i, .
hlsliar the celebia! e,nih! . " ' ,
-VIM 1 I fill lltx tlui ......1. ..'J
... . .. " iir ijiiiirnrnlri '
" . " ": " H their best, .Mllwau. '
in-i-rm receivtd d rect from tho brew. 1 '"V, "'" ." r. H, Cliimiliiir. 1
or en ,,,,,1 ly,a beer Is kmwnUMli 1 bo-b M!"",I2B """" his mumumi '
m Kip. 11 . o.mecllo.i with tl, 1 r l I ? u":KH 'nr. Imi mwturSy
hepi an eleKant cigar case, A win il Vnt . ,U.V,vvn ,,(Jn'' 'vl be.m u ,, wl
hist b,,iH of clfc-an, known . th V, 1 f 1 " "rm O'iiiiiIhb t iock , ,,, " "'Z 1
morclal world, ai:d this on,, t.Z, , "!"IUi nml wgoi,.,i ,
wotihi mako ,,M riltim y ; !Hir and Iron worker of tl,,, i"
conMoUuurif Ihe weed. ' ' w,u,l Hreal nklll, ami hi i mfo Fnuuufi
"he, llu iiinployM lliu 1
i ,ii in hear nut mo
s (.. m. (1 j llwankee. Olympla.
! Ill r per i . k , Vl.neoll'cr
. W VHih' , " ' , V,, ,, .
, beer. ad tlij "l
ported cigars. ... llf .......1.,
Mr. SlUbllllg ci-iui," '- .- -.,
.all the bri.i.r i-s f
; employs sk lied ...Ixers
mixed drinks nf this I.
, of i populiirlty.
('. .1. Flubllng l n
.... I.lrlli lllll
'. .1. Mllmlllg 0 in'"""'" -
Iiiik. been 2S ynirt In the 1 niiru nuu..
He Is a man of family, nn.l Is jinny proiiu
of the fact that hi" son was one of the
llrst young men of The Ihilles to respond
to die call for volunteers for the late war.
He sallid on the llrst expedition I" I'll'
..1 :.. ... . . . ..
i-hiuiiuiht " ,.,...
Illi'llloer 01 uii' nei-.nni
1 wregon nnuuem. om. . h
' ent unlikelihood of hostilities occi irrll g.
a .eptwi tne remise sev.ur.11.,.
Ids father, and was mustered out of the
service. On Ids return, he brought with
him an excellent assortment of Filipino
Implement "f war. which are attractively
displayed In a wall cabinet In .Mr. Ktub
ling's place of business. Il Is well worth
any one 's time to rail and see these relics
and Mr . .Stiihllug extends 11 eonllal Invi
tation to nil who may wish to do mi.
1111: I'n.vioi'rn i: piiau i.v .
Clnrlie ,V I'ull..
n-i.. .. ... .... 1.,.,.... 1.. -ri... I...M..U 1, .till in
,,,. ., fur fulr nml hnnoMibl.. deal.
I' K cl, ,,m
. .
letter repute for fair and honorable deal-
- i .. . ... ... .. .... .
i-osioiiiee riiurmacy. 1 111s line siore 11,111
lis beginning In October, 1X07. since which
time II has built up n trade see.nid In
volume tf that of no oilier hmisi- of the
kind In Wasco county. The business was
established by .Met. IMarke Ar 1'alk. the
pnseni proprletorH. ami was an namued
aut-i-e&s from the day of opening.
Tin- stock carried by this popular drug
store eomprlses everything UMinlly han
dled bj 11 llrsl-clnrs drug house, and In
chillis, besides the general line of drugs.
1 .i o. i-iiies. nronri.'Inrv lemedles rip. n
: ft m of Imported elgars. Ih
full lliu of Imported elgars. line toilet ni-
! 4.Uy f th; ,oue h iwrver U th,. ore
1 . nousi. nowrver. is the pre
llrlr-s nml i riievlmn' uinwlr Tl.
serlntloii ileiinrtment. (Inlv tin, mtriMii
druffs are ued, ami all prnserlptlons are
submltte.l to n t-liisi exuminntlon before
licli.f, rompoundrd.
It has b'en inlil Ihni a thorough know
ledge of the busi:ic is ilu- Isst eapltal
a druggist tan have. Admitting this to
b. h fiiet. this firm has an aliiind un-.
of capllal at Us eommati.l. for Mr. Clarke,
who devotes his entile time mid atten
tion to the business. Is a prescription
pharmacist of long experience and great
ability. He Is a manufacturing chemist
as well, iind puis up no lew. ihnn n dozen
preparations for the trailn. Many of
heie pieiMiratlons and rami dies have be
come yo well known to the public- that
their names ate household words ovur
:i large portion of Wasco futility. Among
such, we note the following:
Lemon. Vanilla. Itaspberry. Strawborry.
I-.'t-arple. n.iiwnii, Apr'cit Havorlng K.
trarts. Quinine Hair Tonic.
UosofOiim Tooth Wash.
Floral Lotion for Chapped Hands.
Holl Cure. Sure cure for bolls.
f onc. Extract Jamaica (linger.
Ihcsi- articles are sold In no less than
stores In and about The Dalli-i.
..I",1 I'ous.. Is afcent for ,,.,r.,t,,,i
( olumbki Uromo Kails." which are es
l" chilly prepared for Its trade, and un
!cr IM niime, in New Vork. It Is also
agent for "La Plata Sheep Dip," a,
t I. ' slnep. marking paint.
An Important leature or the stock of
Uarke .-alk Is the xi...-Ve liim or
Kodaks and photographic supplies. Thv
tarry the r.imous "Vive." "Cyjhme "
l oco cy,." ,) ..o,.0 .M,IKussu,o- k,',.
daks and the "Vive Te(Coplc" camera
..en is no more complete or varlcl
eloel! of the kind In Hn. i .in i ti i ,. .. ...i
which were it, n. i.... .,
- , ,,(- , iu,jy tit ine
anlpes-Klnersly Hrug Company. He has
1 1 Jl years' i-xp.-rleiic- In the business.
H. A. l alk was horn In Germany, lie.
fore going into partnership with .Mr.
( larkc. he was IG ye,ir In tin- .dock busl
ness In Crook county. nth genllsnun
are men of soiiml buslntss Judginent
and their suciss Is but the natural s..
qlitnce of their ptrsonal ability.
com tiin. iiin iii,.
' 'I- ii.'J, l'riiirli-tiii-.
As the only Ursl-ehisH hotel, coiidueled
'"'I ' the Kuiop,.-,,, American
Plans. In The Dalles ( ml). of the mo"
IOIIII nr bolnlu In li-,,. .. 1
,. . , , """" ..-iiiiiuv, n e t.o- Is pationlzed by lourlsts. rummer-
persons arriving by boat or train, as ,1,'..
....... in trnnt r ts ,Hr w-lM
the wharf at which the former lands s
a short two blocks distant
The building occupied by the Columbia
ilnltr'-a"1" th,r,-""M"r- Htruoture. co.
t.ilnlng , guest rooms, all newly and
! vft "r"lM- tlriB riicllltlcH , '
MOW led so t,t each room may be ,',,.
V. . w"rm'l tin house Is llglited
throughout by e trlclty. The o Ice
dhdng-.oom ami bar are on the I Irs
n,'".1'" ii'',"1 T ,,!,"'clall' "UlUil lo their
uses. The dining-room has a sealing ca
imc ty of over 100, and the culinary ,1 -ikn
rW"1,:i' l 1,1 ,ho "amis o
the house t'"t"rT' lM ,h" "rlll "t
Tho (,'oliimbla Iiiim
, ...... ..... uuiM't un iiri'K
ent management for the past three years.
..... ... ininin-y, uu propr .'tor. has
resided much lom...r i., ., .. , .,
over and Is well ' known U ' or ,he
ncqualiuanee wltll tll7 tVave w
; r,,i,:?.n',.,.: '-HlHli-.l hi II... roniluci
Is a he inner linl..,.,i ui... i. ... ." ' "
the,.i ii,Vrt,;r. -::".s,rt,tiVo
ho has ii ,,i rJli,;,, "IO!" ,,f w"h time
n 1- r., '""rgon, ,B piom.rty,
In Porihiinl and Asinri.., i.,.u..i.... i'.?.. .. . A ,
1 1 tr ' "f l'"H. lw" C who,,
! K""(l Am",l" HtlzeuH.
Property here, lie Ims two sons r J .
...i : " t'Pit
'. S. (il .V.MNIi.
lllil.tKMmlil, ,, Wiii,.,,,,.,,,,,!;,.,,,
Hbo,l'dv'To',,l1f,;l'i,'K' '" V"" "f
I ,1 J ' i""''!"1"""111, h,ecl,anlcK f
..ifi hoo who take a becoinlm.
i rlde h r,)(lR. t 1(.,r , m "
esueei'"';.'! " t"''""' r.irliin, ' n 1,1s
Hm l is o ' di'mi:Mf( 1,10 mny "'In" I -
M 1IMH nr til u ell..
m icvimiiiz
. '. '"'", Is more jHtu.
Dust nr wnrKmen, ni roiicm havi..-;
iiinoiur wiioin in tin abb, u,i ,... ."'!
U'lioii.u'nrui.r. -i im worv -.i.i
Koiiornl blnckHmlthlng, hw
..i i iroH ta..
MllOII. Wllleh H lilClltMl l.n 11. ' elC.
HKt-iuiit nnd l.i.llirblln u(....... . . cort
I..- .. !n' n f.
.... ....... .... ......,,in iiimi noriom,B
the nest work Hint skill ran produM
.(,. ,
i'. n, wiiiuiiiik was niiru in im-..-
.. . .. .. .. . . -.. Kinif, .
..n " .......... rn iimoro coinna tn.
-- . .-- : . v-n..i yiMim fc
Da hs. during wlileb tlm, I. . .' '" T
wide ucqtmlntnticn with thn ne,...?.!a
Wilf.llllll Hllll llllllt II. 4 ... . ' "I I
hlni'PM him iiliinntr Oih t. "il
n..t....i k ii... ..i... tj riit
" IIIIIIIIMllll ...
Mill III I I'M I fl I lllirMlllt II i.l... -'I
work turned out by his shop, and h.
rainiest! In nrlrrs Iiiim I1...I1...1 .1.
-.. .- '.i inu nni..
... inu liillllic,
.nrxT iioni) haiuv.
.1. A, .NIitmiiNiin, I'Miiirlfin-
I. un. in un, nniim hi 11 great nrn.
Mlvc era. and the knowleilge kIojh,,. . r'
tt-.. .i. ,1. 11... ...t.i... ... ..
in. ,iit,.-n ..I ( i. ni ( m now no Ufn
lipplled thai Its benelltH Imv., ....i.
regarded as rointiinnplace. , ,,'
.1..1.... ..1.. 1.. 1... .. . 'iimot
...... ...... ..... ..v.. .,, ,,n Minium iirnmi
0111 11 in o oiuy vr uwr in l!V Illlll.
Inline Hntiiiitblni- of m, ii.ti... "WH
. . .'.": ""J nrience; .
11,.. 1 , 11.... 1.. . ..tma
Illlll r... I (llll'llllllllVlliy ,1'IV. llVl'tl ...
............ i.ii.nv niiyiiiiiiL-111 .11
' " in ..( ..i-n, Jt m j...
i.iilnirii II l ul liniiiu.,.! II 1 , .. .
llu ltltil.iillliii, ii.l(,.l.(lA.. .. . - n'l
...1 ... iikk.
.. .., ..,,.,-. ,,1 un. iniininm- tl. .
1 k. nun hh uecettiv
!( .11. Id 1(1, P.. I. ,1.1.. . I. .1 . -.HI
... ..,.... . . ... 1. on niiii'ie 11 iHourttn
im-..- 111 1 nil 11 1 mil 1 inn 111 llu 1....
as applied in the dairy, nml, u a"
It. fill. tllltlil ..f tl... '
' """iii ui' n iiroiAi.1
I" llll. HI III llll- HI lilTI Illlll II... .. ..
1lllltl'tt -llllltll I liuiil iIoIhi,
" " I l"MI Ml III . .
It IU II fit Ml (till ..I. I., i.
IIP t'ltt't nr piiu'u finiii t'til..l. it . .
The ilrnt duty. tlnu. nf tin dalrymau'J
imiii in ihhv ;ipi, 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 v riitt'tt ...
UK next. Iitlt lint h'HM liiKKirliiit i. ..
tilIU III III IK. .Illlit. Ill Ih
....... ....... ..... - - -; ia i'.'
" 'HI lll(4l'illPMl l I Illlll ll!IIL I'lllll 1 k .
line cleanliness is the keynote of
tlon. ami 011 this everything dopenik
The .Mount Hood ilalrv ul in.w.i.o .....
i......,,i mill
about J cows or inl.M-il breeds, Durhwj
preiliiinliiatlug. but will soon litcreiitvta,
number (n M. They are piiHture 1111,1 m
fed nml receive the most ca reful an,n,
tloll. helm? reellbirU- hiMii,.t,.il f... 1..1
... ... . r, o,wt,
eillnsls iiiiiI the various diseases to Mhkb
the bovine kingdom Is siiblci-i i-,.
thllli; Is urn, lined for lb It no.
mill., nml nil tin.' requirements above mw.
iioiu-u are rriigiousiy iibHerveil.
.1. A. Hlmonsoti Is on,, of the million r.
tiaillan-biirii Aitierli-aus who have tmn
allegla lo t'lirln Hum. II. ban U 11
1. yi-iim 111 un- 1 111 1111 niuies, (tnnforlV
imsl six yearn a reiililent, of Wasco conn,
ly Oreiriin. Hi- hint been three year !,
tin- dairy buslncHH hero, and has buiu it
an extensive trad., iimoug the hotcli, m.
talii-iiuls and families nf the city,
ranch, whicli-ls Hltuateil iibout three ml'o
south of town, eoiitains 7W lu-res. nit un-
der ruttlvntl the chief product Witt
wh-iit. Ills stock thus, ban uniple raw
nml Hi.. l.ul ni . 1..... I .
...... .,. ii,,iii(..iiiin.-ii iclu, jar
Hlmiiiivnii Ims made a itpcululty and j'siy
of the best methods employed In the mM
em dairy, and devoirs his personal it
leutlon to his biislurss, lie runs n wn-
on tor tin- iiecommo.latlon of piilronj, tti
in rKonally delivers milk in time fur rarlr
iin-iiKiusi every morning.
Tin: i:iti:io. n.ici:it.
A. IC-ller.
Nothing els,., perhapa, has contrlbuttJ
ho much to lightening the drudgery il
the houstwlfe as Hit perfection of th
modern synem of Imklng. and the w
labllshment of bakeries In all our torn,
and cities. Kamlly baking da li.ii m
longer tiny terrors for the tlrtil liout.-
keeper, for Irish brrnd or rolls can l
iiuiiKui iiauy ai ,iel, price- thai It
reatlv rtnnnm. l.i In,.. ,.t il... 1.
. -. ... .,. ,,, .in- i in, i
The Oregon llaltery Is one of the oldest
tstabl shed bakerlts of Tht- Dalles, bavins
been founded 16 y,trH ago. and there u
probably not nriwther In the city h.ivlcr
a mote- extendi.) business, than this, Th'
Olltlllll Of III,. l..t-,. j .iknu
M loavit of brnl dally. IIchIiIm w
plying a large hotel, riMtaurant ami fait
liy trade in the city, a considerable Uu
Incus- Is ,or,.- with the surrounding lor,
and country, a apeclaliy is miulc C
furnishing to order, at reasonable price,
wedding cakes. Iilrthdav land
le d cakes, small cakes, all kinds of palt
ry, fresh every day, and tho Illicit candy
and confections, largely of homo manufac
ture An elegant Tufts soda founUl"
adorns the salesrooms, and Is a populii
Place of icsorl during tho warm weather,
mi Is also the lee cream and oyster parlor
In the rear.
In reviewing the succesfl of Andre
Keller, we are lemlnded of the stattm(ni
In Hi.' report or one of our consul. W
wit; -The (birman excels In persever
ance, patience under the most trlnf
clrciiinstaiiees, Industry .and .cunoror
Ihese vlrtmu enable him to iiccomplW
gieat results In almost any Held of In
dustry or tiiterprl-e he may cbooiie t
en et-.' Mr. Keller l.s of Gorman blrlh.
but lias been a grt,t many years In tW
. ' HhhlM.UL n ilw,"
hit l.IIICH, KCgllllir CU'
tinners of the hakiry quite us frequently
receive a p)t,MH,lt Krt.tB frul Mr.
Kttier as from her husband, whom lw
has assNied, like a true helpinale,
milld up a large and permanent buslnew-
Pioprieliirs till,- ,v.-r- Nliible..
iSomi, is y( ,rr, Ro tlt. city I.tveo'
Mlahles wei,. estubls,t, i,y ',,rd
Kerns Iu thin city, and were comlucl'l
under that nntne until 1801, In which
year .Mr. J. t. Uobertimii inirchastd "
intertst. I'roin that diitc until two yrt
llgl, last Alirll tlm l,,,u....... Iiirl.
I ..v ,,iifiiiiviiii won .i.i.....
i- .,,l",,k'r tlm lirm name nf Ward, Kern
'''berison, at which time a ohiing"
....ic, .iiessrs. ward & Itubortson w
coming th,. sole proprietors.
llu. t.lty Htables are not only one ot
"J ,m0H! Popular livery esiabllHlimenti
of J he Dalles, but, us well, among th,e
.it i il1,"1' ,,10i,t C(IIJlllt,-lllly t-qilll'P-
hu building, a mammoth two-ston;
iitruotui-,., cover.! un area of a quarter
,L, k,,wl,n "ni"1" yi'd room. anO
iiodeni Iu veiy teHpeut. AcuoiniiwJ"
tuins can be fiu-nlshtd for more than
humlriil head of horHi-j and the varloi"
chicles, hainess and jmntplioriiulln
their use,
KlfUen nf horsoH are krpt for t"
Ivory Hervlce, tuch Hdccled with vli
o lis eipcclal IIUifsH, and ni.whtr r"
ihnir turnout bo hcouiciI (Iiiiii u ll"
fashlonablij and popular Htuhle. Hun
uboutH. Wdgonettes, iihimtoim, lnlKtil'''
Burn.ys. hariiH ami all the varied u0"'
mmt of citirliiKt.-i, fminil In ovi'iy
class llymy, , Mt t,(, ,H1)0bnl f pa;
. i"1''1 & Itubortiiou taku juuttcu'V
Pi Id" In giving bimii6, H tho same
Iwit earn and atlf.itlon thut Is hi-no''
bpuii their own wtiil-Hroomed ntoclc. a""1
cone nsivo tvlihtiic, of tin, puhlK rt :
"elation may hu MCeii In the number f
line horiei i-nti HKt.-d to their euro b'
leprtwiiiiailvit horsemen of tills city. ,
As a HeM Ktahio, this lirm can
"Menu inducimcniH ami uiuturjiiisH ,1 c;
eoiiiiiicliitloipi to dwiltii-H In Hlock. Mrw'4
Itril H llllhr .luotl l.ri. Ilinrnii.fll 11(1'
iimiii, They ,avo spent itiiiuli of ''
liven lu t, KaiiiHe, ami mom compel11
JiiilKm of hoiMeilvMii inu not to ho
in tiiiu ...... ... ... .
" i'r i oi mo country,
VvnllHUtil un liitk pant,