The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 10, 1899, Image 1

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Trade Number.
Trade Number
NO 74
Representative Business Men, Firms and Corporations
of The Dallesriany Pioneers and
Public Officials.
Not a Few Recent Arrivals, and All Men and Concerns of Sterling Worth and
Business Ability Their Trade Extends Throughout Eastern
Oregon and Washington.
Illy tin- IMItorl
The no anion nf Till'. CllHON'ICI.l'.'.S
trade nuiuhcr will In- found in tin: fol
lowing httsiuess iiml liiotfraphical
ketches. An will he noted, those
sketches are historical and descriptive.
The writer has done his work skilfully
and well, and the excellent represent.-!- '
turn is a comiilnueitt alike to the paper,
the writer and the aliility of the ho-'
licitor. The showiiifr is one of which
we are proud, and we are sure that our i
omstitiienev will have a kindred feel- j
tug;, We nave in inisciiy.i corjis in
active business men not excelled by
any niiiiiieip.ility of e(pial si.e in this
or any other ntate. It is with pleasure
that we present, therefore, the bio
graphical data to prove that this as
sertion is correct.
Parties desiring extra copies of this
issue can lie accouiuiodated ly calling
at this olliee. We shall mail a lare
mimherof the papers to various parts
of the count v and state.
l(iTlt) (IIMI-AW.
V (. IIiiii. iiii.riil Ak.-iiI.
'flier.1 It. , -iIr 1 1 of enterprise, n pntrlnt
i roiHinMt' Hi'' in tin' dcnmnils of the
tmilii wi.u lu tlH' llimiielal men of The
O'ldf which ha- I n hinught Into tin-
'pli'ijou-- cMikiu i whenever the nceiniliiu
tui iiri'M'iil'tl Itw-ir hut at no tliiH' have
hi'V luiiullliil themselves with inure snl
iilari fffi. i 111. in when. In response to tilt,
erjli'tf n... j r a ngulur ami reliable
wai' r tr.iii-iiiirl.iilnii between The Dalles
Portland, they mot the ileuuiinl In
lu laiillslilng The Dalles. I'orthiiid
Astnll.i Nt-mathm Company.
Hie i-fTu'i ,,r )V masterly move was to
"pen H fin iv ih.vehiin il pniell-
all) all in. ,i i iiiiiniry trlhiitiitv to tin
olumm,, ,i.r between I'.irtlaml anil The
'.d liirnlmr to priietlenl use the al-'"-)
t limit i i. wmu-.v that hail long
Wn'lnim.iiit H ,.,. Miv,. , Thl. ,,,,..
nil I. Ill tine Hull points between hole
I'iiii.iiiiI tin l.iiieiu m,t only or
"V'ii (''""""'Kel' rules. Inn. IIS
" " miliar I .ilin-tluM In the frelpht
rKl "'' 'imoiiiits tluiH annually
'" '"oi"' of this s.etluli inn UP
'"''"" mil', or miliar!'.
""" , ,, hmv .Jim,,,,
' ciiii, , ,,l t.i overcome In the way
01 111, Mi.K ... , . . . ,
' MI,IIUII1 1,1'lllllUI II 111. till...
iiillcved lij this elller-
I 'ill', apparent. In tills eon.
li' ml relied lm mili'll credit
i"-oiuie of the company.
' "ininhience ,,uil slahlllly of
II I'll lllhel'H lu llllt Mlll'llIWM..l
I'Hm. I, ,;
llet-lloii u,
Um u
"lili-li, ,, i
- hull' hi
" thai or
"i III'
' other onrpoiillc onlorptixo
olllceis of the eompnily
'IK' In.
.1,... ... "
01 hlfshloiil M. 'IV Nolan.
ci' -in. i,i mul L. .;
Clowe, secre-
s, f, ' l1, " lots aie:
II. (II At. 'I'.
- - Mil, I 1 i ,.
'i'-is, ,s. L. Itmokn. H. .M
.T1' ' Alelnemy ami l K.I
iMll!'1" r!,""' advantiiKes of The
'. "im, Astoria
It li'.H l.i ll,,h 0,,ull"'y 11 tiaverses,
a Hb.n.o " '" "reKou ami Washlintioii
a. in ,, ,, ,. wl,h ,. (. 4(,()l(l (.nul.
inn, . ,1, " "''' hi the world. For
Hsllli, I ', " "H "'" ohsorver Is held
CI "'" '"'' "uajcsly of the
off ,,(,' "onal Klhnpsi..' of the fui-
"'Mim nn '''"'"V"' tin. ahruptucss ol
"a 1 11., ,. , 'llllH wUU'h Mtioteli for miles
Mulli i . n ,u1"" I'cautlful falls of
"in. V, !'"' v"" ''""''
liHf ! ili'liu-cs.iii,. splendor. Midway
wrltl.ri, i ",U' 11,1,1 I'ortland an- tlm
'"Hill.. . , ' '''"le locks, which wei.v
"vi-r n , '" -"v';'iiuiciit at an expense of
ili'tr l "" ,l"lllllH- '"low which tln
"'He h, "!," "f rani. hi half a
''lai It' . "mvlK.itloii of this
'teiih,!. . .. '"'"'h of VMilnr Is coucetleil by
' t'!il,.i 1 ai')i li
Moll" ""I"' one of
' ;n":r;"!',1'H""'1
the ablest ,'x-
urn, i., - "'I'liniii-o on u woHiern
font a,. naiaiiai Hleauutrs which nr.
I'Ulh J.. ""ict' over
'C" over this route wtu-o
for ih,, I'liiiM.,.,...
in,i "'
"' ll'- in i 'f ' v"' Ul" ""utlus- palaces
' i- n.
.... tin,, in
""'"'I'll n ili,.i -'", "' ' "loon in HOI Hill -
'''iiiiliy r 11 "r V,"' l)"'t liuNli'lry hi the
'"'""Mi, t . ''""""ill endeavor of tin.
,m"l'li-. , ,, ','! Ml''1"1""" liuvi. been re-""m-it
1,.""'y "'" adanlid
lu,"l r i v l",'.UV;"" Tl,u 1"II"H anil l!nrl-
''Ilia h (i'lch i. J-'JilerhiK lhat port.
",l-'' "l l.o. ,""ld ""f''Htly liM'iim.
ii iV,'i!n"r,r "r l""
'"'""iui, , , "f "iuimy, Tin.
"r i. .M w,""'f' " '
kM Wit . .'""""'" f'"" '''l'"'' lH. I"
' Wilts li,, I ' iHvnhnilil,. nccesMory
lailltiiK. u,, ,,M. w)M.r t)N
a eontliumiis roiulway. communicating
with streets a block apart. The Porthiml
faellltleH are likewise excellent, ami noth
ing Is omitted which i'oiiIiI teml In dis
patch lu bundling' the large freight liusi-iu-sk
of tin mpuiiy.
I itcur pin ut I'll .
There Is mi nnnlngy hot wcca the iniliiiiilc
anil the 1 1 1 il 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - In mil in thul Is cou
Mlaully piciciil hit; Itself In observing men.
mill the oxpoilcuecs of the one inuy he up
piled with unfailing correctness lo the other
whcieby many valimhle lessons may he
gullied in hoi h t he sociological and material '
win Ids. Tim man who Mist reclaimed the
desert hy Irrigation upiillcil, though Iguor
iiutly. perhaps, that optlmlsllc principle lu
ct hulunlngy which restores the hardened
criminal to honor ami social fellowship; ami
the sin ss which has iiiarlied 1 he efforts of
each -.In in III it II ortl leclpiocal eucoiiriie
uient. As truths an cmphasleil hy corioli
oriitlou, It will not he Inappropriate to hcie
die an Illustration in polnl- In the material
world, for cvuinples hi sociology me too nu
merous to 1 1 n 1 1 ' mciitlou.
Tiif t n i -t In m siind iicrcstrlpof laml owiieil
liy Scufert lltos, Cniiipiiiiy. and etendliiK
for leu miles nliinK the southern liniiU of the
Coliiiuhln, less than two ileciides ii'o was a
muss of slilflliit;. siiu-huWctl samllillls. to all
appearances ns useless as the henit of Sa
hara. 1 to 1 1 1 lt coiishlercd worthless. Its then
owncrMllsposcil of II at thellrst oppoi't iudl.
for a men- ImKiitelle, and the pnrchiiseis
weie pitied for their iipparcnt ttullabilll.V.
It was consltleieil another case of the ten
ilcrfool and the sliarp Westerner. Him er
loncous were such views ami suierlluous
such sympathy has been dcinonst ratetl by
the lapse of years; for this mice b:iricn,
hteille liacl luis been miille a elltable
lltleu. null a source of itllluenee lo lis fortn
uate owueis.
While the Seufcrls have lit ,'icconiillsh-
InK an null foreseen only by 1 lieinsclves.
they hiueuol overloolcd the opport unities
appaieutly neuiei their tloois. and Imve de
veloped couteiilpotiiiieoiisly an ciilerpilse
whlcli, lulls scope, Is an Integral factor lu
one of Oli'Mon's Kieatest Industries. vU: sal
moil llslierlcs ami ciiuuhiK. The pinduct of
the canneries, which aie also located on this
laud. Is llisl-tinallly Columbia rh nr salmon,
the chief lii-muls belim --Annie's lawu-lte"
and "Tcnliio," whlcli are shllipcil all over j
the cominciclal wnrlil. As liluli us oiu' bun- I
died anil lUty men me fietp tly einplo.M'd,
and the capacity of the plant Is bolwecn
1,'JKlauil I..VHI cases per day. which means i
about rii).(M cans of out- pound each When
Il Is realleil tliul il ansaieiiuiuuractiii-etl j
and the hoses set up oil t he premises, soliie
thhiK of the inaitnlt uile of this conceiu
cii-i be lealletl. Ilcsltles caiiulnu salmon, a
Kicat ninny llsliaie fioen and t raiisportetl
to New Vorl. for foielun shlpnicnt.
The fruit cannery of t Ids company puts tip
,.M. ;
ncaclies. cheirles, plums anil aprlciiis
tlrcly the iiioducls of lis prhale orcliarils.
the fi nil from which Is not surpassed hi form
and llavtu- by any on the coast. The present
season the chief output will be cherries.
The liull, of these itoods aie disposed of la
the West, when' the tleinaiiil hie. always ex
ceeded Hie supply. Switches
N. Cti.'s tracks iinunlcale with the
main biilhlhies and meatly facllliatc shlp
plin;. ears helux loaded tlhecl from 1 he waie
itionis for local mid castorii points, similar
facilities me alVoiiletl for water t riiiispoi'lit
1 1 1 ii i , mid, as a whole, thcie K not a plant on
the I'aclllf slope belter shunlcd for rectdv
1 1 1 K and foi waitlhiK than this one.
The hulldluKs of Hie ciiinpany pieseul a
sli lklnc, contrast lo those Hie mind usually
associate.-, with llieciiiinluKbiislncs.s. Thcie
Is nolhhiK haie or uiisIkIiII.V in their appear
ance. Maudlin.' on mi eminence, ovei lool.-
lior i in n clnreiiue i iillimnia, iroin nu n
mis mav he seen the snowv sciillucls of , Noiih u's liiixlii-.r. Is In ehaiKc of Ills .son,
Cascades to.'ilm; above tlie dark back- who Is an artist In the u.auufactur.. of
i list .nits in. i. us '. ..,.... iIiiks. badii.s, and similar articles In
null of arl-coloi cd IdlN, Idle ''.'! . I xpt clal .lcsl,;ns. Mr. Van No.tlcn l.l.n
piiilaisauil fiith-huitlcneil Dees. Willi I (,(.VI1(,S 1Ks ,,,. tlm. a(1 ,lUl..
K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of
cluster about, olVcr an llivlllnx icpose and
ilclluhltul riifresluiienl.
The Scnrerl llios, Ctiiup.iuy is a close cor
poration. practically all sticU.eluniiwucilliy
the olllcnrs, whtimc icsldi-utsor The Dalles.
Thev ait'T. ,1. .st'iifeil. pie.slilenl ; I'. A. e'en
fert! inammer. and A. Sciifert. scciefiiy
Tlitifieuferls hall orlKhuilly from l.niiK Isl
and, whcio they iimloiililedly t:iih"-d lie
liliovvletlKe of hilKallou which has iniiilc
their woil. of lechimallna so plicaonicnal a
success All possess thai cleai-slKhledness
which laaLis Hie past mid piescnl hue ell
the futuie, ami the maimer lu which lliej
in. 1 1. 1; rii s net I nmioi I iiiill leh fi'r i ea i s iiiisi i u
i.,., ...would l.iillcale thai I III" faeiillv
bus been l.epl on I lie tMl ''
The Italics, ,,i,iii.d nreiiieriii lulm.'
'"'-'" 'J' " " '" ' ' ' . . ,1. ureal
iiksiie bil on of tail ie laell anil ua H"o
con n which lin y huw Inilli up l- I"""'
Incut fciiiuii' In lla cliyaH"""'i
I'ltll.NCM V WIlllMW,
llllll I. f I'M.
If, as It Is claimed, the stahlllty ami
character of a community n ml Its IihIiih
trlcs may he liest Judged hy the ehnracter
and HtundhiK of Its hanks, people of The
Dulles have every cause for congratula
tion; for, while there aie hankhiK Insti
tutions lu Oregon having Iiiihdi' capitali
zation, there Is none with urcater re
sources compared to the lluhllltles as
sumed than our own, nor Is there another
lu the slute held lu more universal coull
ilence liy patrons and the nentiral public.
Koi more than "0 years the name
! roncn lias lieen tile synonym for cn-
I'll I ty In
liuhlic spirit and financial st.-i-The
Dalles and Wanco cntinty:
land It may he douhted If any name lu
'this section of the state has been as.'-o-
elated with a greater number of siifcess
; fill moves for the promotion of the public
weul. Tlie original company was oiTan
! Ized In IMm. iiiuI was for a number of
I years oiikukciI In merclmndlsine; and
Htnck-rulslmr. Tim bank was later In
icorporateil with a capital stock of SIO'J,
1 1"), and has from the tlrst occupied u
prominent place unions the baukliu; lusti
' tlllloiiH of tlie state. Its depositors, now
t nuinbered by the hundreds, ate the sound
i business anil lluancial men of The Dalles
and of the wide raiiKe of country looking
Ito this city as Its trade center, IneUiilhiK
ipiomiuent farmers and stockmen,
j The business of French X- Company's
jbank Is conllned strictly to reco;nlzeil le
gitimate Ileitis of banklnR. AdvantiiKcous
connections are maintained with the best
banks of all the states anil the Kustcrn
icltle". which afford eM'cptlonnl facilities
' for traiisactinj,' business with proniitiH'ss
ami thoi-iiiiKlniess. Iv.spcclally docs this
applv to makliiK collections and luuullhiK
icommeiclal paper. KxrhmiKi1 Is IioukIU
land sold on all the principal cities of ICu
! rope ami Aineiieii. Altincy Is trunsmlttml
' by telemaph lo any and every point of
Importance In the t'nltetl States, .Mexico
ami Catiudn. and to all the principal cities
of the ciimmerclal world. Acceptable
commercial paper is discounted, nml loans
are minle mi icasonahlc terms. Aiuoiik
tlie bank's correspondents we note the
followliiK: Xiitlonal I'ark bank. N'ow
Vork; Contlnentiil National, Chlcano;
.Meichants-l.nclede .N'allonal, Ht. I, mil--;
London. I'm Is - American, and tli
l-'lrst Xiitlouul, San l-'ranclseo; and l.utltl
- 'I'lliou and l-'lrst National, rortlaiid,
Tlie bank, which Is shunted In Its own
lailldliiK, located on one of the principal
business corners of the cily, is modern
throiitthout The llttlm;s m,. heavy and
rich, and the otllces light ami airy. The
vaults, whlcli comprise the new Hull's
il,illu iiiiil I li, ml it fr ....l.t ..,.. ...... II....
hurm,,,..,,,.,,,, ,, ,,V(,I.'V co'uvenlenc.i
N piovldetl for the tllspatch of business
and the accomiuoiliitlou of patrons,
This Is oi f the largest private hanks
hi the state, mid II Is mil too much to snv
up iiiiim tuiiui i o.soitiipioiiii.v i.s prut-ii-
1 1 1 1 unlimited within the needs of its
business, and that Its personnel embraces
men of rcii.Kiilzeil llnauclal ability and
hoiloiable liuslnesH and piofesslonul
stiinilliiK. The French hrothers have been
loo Ioiik- llnauclal factors lu The Dulles
to retiulie hiiroductlon or .'coinhnn. ,1, c,
lliiteer, ciisliler, has been eb'lit ye;ns
wild the bank, ami is well known In
baukluK ami business circles,
T. A. VA, MlltDC.N.
II. it-til. iist.
T. A. Van Noidi'ii, watchinaker and
jew. lee, has lu bluduess ill 'I'hc Dalles
since (iXi. Ills skill as a horoloKlst soon
woii iilm -i ti 1 1 ii In I ii m and an eyccll" t
pati onanc, which has divclopotl Into u
pel IuisIiush. Ills slui-k of Jew
elry, while mil the lui'Ki.M ill The Dalles,
bus hi en M'livtul Willi spicinl icfercucc
lu the demands of his trade and includes
diamonds, haisc and mouutid. watcht.s,
clocks, faHliloiiable Jewelry, sllvt rwan .
both Klerllui; nml plate, ami many novel
lit s of tin trade. Ills system of busl
m ss Is absolutely out- price, and It Is stif
IIcIliiI liiiaranteti of tin- ixcellcnce of an
in tide that II Is known to have come
1 1 Olll Ills I -I t J 1 1 1 1 1 -t 1 1 1 1 1 III,
The Jtwelry tlcpartint nt of .Mr, Van
lion to Hut' watch and clock icpairuiK.
He Is olllclal watch Insptctor for the O.
It. ,V' N. Co.. winch distinction he enjoys
as a rewind for special skill.
It may he liutltfully said that lu r.
ntlii r Hue of business Is Hit' avt niKe pin iikh . ihtpt inli ul upon the honesty
of the thaler than wht'ii biiiim' a line
t wcl or watch. Not one pirsou In L'H
Illinois any nmie of a watch than Us ex
It inal appearance, and the avmaiic pur-cl-.iMii
I.miws liven less of precious stun H
How huporlaiit t Inn that our J.-wclcis
shiuilil be men of churaclt-r and business
T. A Van Ni uiien wuh noru in .Miva
yti otia Inn innviil. wlnn a
inn to Hie
le.'i-ICI'll his
...... r Nnv VuiK wlnn h
ctliMiliou ami naiinii ins unm in
taiiic as a pioiaii- or i in- tany niiits to
V. - HI '"l"- Mlirnilu. in
i. ui.i. ,i ....m tk.n
wioi h Niaii lu 1 1 suit d until 1''
wiiiii lu
.p ml in Tin I'alh
I I).Mrlii:rnt SI ii re.
It iiniHl be conceded, for history hems out
the st ut emeu I , that there a re three stages lu
I ho development of nil populous communi
ties. They are, first, t he avdenl of the kcii
ernl merchandise store, which murks the
birth t.r tliOM'lllomoiiti next, the chiinitolo
stores devoted to Individual lines or trade,
mmkliiL' Iho bcKlnnliiK or the town! anil,
lastly, the modern depart meat store, whlcli
appears with tin-city. Jutltred by t hese met
amorphoses, The Dulles has emerged from
1 lie second Mime of development and catered
upon Its existence as unity. In view of this
fact, II Is lilllntc we should devole appropri
ate spuco to a sketch or the oi ntcrprlse
which has traversed the Inst stride.
Tin-More to which this distinct Ion belongs
was founded In I Wis, since which time It has
iinderKoni) many chances of propi letorshlp.
The members of the present firm are Kdward
C. Pease, Itobert Mays mid W. II.
Ilobson. Mr. Pease was tlrst cm ctcd will.
the house In IKS), In t he duplicity or employe.
I'our years Inter ho purchased an Interest
In the business. .Indite Mays hccaim; Inter
ested hi the business in 1H1I2, mid W. II. Hob
son live years later, at which time t he pres
ent llrm was formed.
The decant modern building occupied by
this store was erected lu IHKI by Judge Mays,
and Is one of the tlnest store buildings east
or Portland In the state. It Is packed from
floor to celling with the Mock of the various
(lepiirlments, each of whlcli Is complete, ami
the collection of them all under one i oof
makes I he establishment a small village hi
Itself. This, peihaps, will he mure apparent
when we slate I lint l here are regularly em
ployed In thescrvlce ot the house bet ween
twenty and thirty people, and freiuently
more, during the holidays. Following we
given refcicnce to the departments, under
their respective heads:
Kit v conns.
The dry goods department of this house
occupies a commodious double salesroom,
light and airy, In charge of courteous and
evperleuced clciks. The display Is mtlstlc
lu effect ami shows to nil vantage the Im
mense stock that Is carried, To say that the
stock Is complete In every detail tiul faintly
expresses the reality. It has been selected
with especial icfcrence to the latest fash
ionable Ideas, and s designed to atiord a
popular shopping place for people of re lined
tasle. The latest novelties, the newest Ideas
and the most original conceptions of leading
uunitifactuteis In our own and foreign coun
t l ies are repiesented.
(i.o-iiiino, rrit.Msuixiss, i:-ri
It Is sulllclenl in this connect lou to ell e the
well-known names of Marl, Schafner ,V
.Marx, manufactiiiers of clothing; .1 no. Hoc-.
lofs, hat manufactuicr, Philadelphia, and
Karl Wilson, collar and cull' manuTaclur
ers, lo Indicate the character of stock car
ried. We may say, however, that the slock
occupies a separate salesroom, under the di
rection of an experienced head-nf-depart-meul
The Fulled State! leads the world lu the
manufacture of boots and shoes, ami the
shoe tlepai tiiicnt of this house leads the city
In lis line In The Dalles. This Is true both
as In the amount or goods carried lu stock
ami their ipiallly , for tlie stork of llrst-class
goods Is at all times oneof the largest In this
section or the state, ami Inferior or shoddy
goods a i e not allowed a place on the shelves,
of thb. stoic. To persons at all familiar
w ith t lie names or pi eminent mauuractuicis
or boots and shoes, Il Is .sullicietit to estab
lish the excellence t.r fool wear purchased of
Pease A Mays to state thai t he llrm handles
t he eelehintcd " Humum" ami 'ueen l.Hiul
lly" shoes.
liliOCCttl r.s.
Tin- alt raclh e model a let ail grocery si ore,
with Its thousand dt llcaclcs. gnthctcd fiom
cery country nml clime, has been devel
oped within the last iuarter of a century,
and almost wit bin 1 he last decade. It Is. still
unknown hi many cities of tea thousand
popiilal Ion, ami Us coming may be said lo
I mark mi era In a eltyS giowlh. The line
I niodei n situ e w hbdi foiins the irtororv de
part liicill of Pease Mays then, may he re
Ku I (It'll as a compliment to The Dalles,
The amount, variety ami ipinllty of goods
can-led la slock, the attractive man
ner lu which they are displayed, ami Un
careful ami painstaking manner lu which pa
I ions ni e sei'M-il. w at rant as In saying tills
Is out-of iho most complete retail grocery
sloies In laislern Oiegon,
The Hue of luudwarols designed to meet
Iheilemaiid In this section, and contains the
usual sock t.r shelf ami heavy haidwaie.
tinware ami granite waie, kitchen uleuslis.
farm and gulden small tools, etc., etc.
i Mi-i.iiMK.vrs.
Fuller I his head we may properly mention
the famous Oliver chilled plows and Slude
baker wagons and oil, t.r chicles. These
lines aie without peers lu the cotniuerelul
mii Id, and, bring handled lu carload lots,
aie siitllclently well-know u In this vicinity
to ietulrc no cotiimendatlou at the Instance
or l he wi Iter.
The above depart nc-nts nie lu communica
tion with the nlllco, and sue equipped with
the latest hupiovi-d change carriers. The
appointments art- the count ci pa it or those
or the large department stores of eastern
cities, ami the window displays would grace
Iho shopping center or any mel ropolllan
Time was, lu Oiegou, when a uicii'iiutlle
Illin, lo iiiake a business success, needed
only u capital or a credit siillU-lcul to secuie
a slock of goods, which was sold at cum moils
ii ollt ; hut hi icceiil yeats competition has
grown shaipi and I be tlriu (lint makes a sig
nal success today must needs ho able lo nit.
dci-scll all coiiipetllors. iiud to do this It Is
necessary thai the malinger or a house lui e
not only unlimited means at Ids disposal,
hut, as well, a disc rhuhuil lug Judgment and
business foicslghi. Such a man Is Filuaril
C. Pease. .Mr. Pease buys altogether fiotu
Hist hands ror cash, and hi carload lots, c
ccpl lug In uiliior Hems or stock, lit' con
duels I he business strictly on the one price
system, and a child or a blind man can buy
as cheeply al this stoic as an ailull lutlic
full possession of Ids furullli's, "Pease ,
Mays" mo household winds all over FunIchi
Oickoii. and the stoic Is popular because Its
prices make II so. Illght line II Is lining nr
sh mid touch upon tin objection so fietueul
ly lalsed iikiiIiisI I In tlepai liiuul sloie lo
wit Hy lis it muikalily low pi Ices It In
Jures the business of merchants currying In
dividual Hues and smaller stocks, (iraattug
this to In) I rue. we claim It Is a direct benefit
to everyone but the coinpar itlvely few who
happen to come Into competition with the
depal tnient store. PI fly-two per cent of the
people of t lie cut Ire count ry aio farming peo
ple, n largo percentage laborers ofa'uotber
class, and a small percentage meichants. A
fair-minded student of political economy
euiinnl condemn the department More, and
any sane person, familiar with the facts hi
the case, will pat roll Ire 1 hi-depart meal stole
because It Is economy to do so.
.!. T. I'lCTHHS A: CO.
The Dalles affords no more striking ex
ample of what may bo accomplished by
Industry, thrift and business ability than
Ik to be seen In the life and success of
this one of her many prominent men and
merchants; and It Is with a sense both
of pleasure, and Justice that The Chronicle
d. votes a portion of Its columns to a
biography of the man. His career should
be a source of encouingemcnt to young
men startlriK out In life, and his untiring
application to business a matter for gen
eial emulation.
Jos. T. Peters was born In Ualtlmorc,
Md., where he received his lirst busi
ness training In the employ of a large
wholesale house. In 1STS, being Imbueii
with the rich opportunities the .West held
In store for Industry and an Intelligent
determination to win, Mr. Peters decided
to leave the older llelds of the Knst and
seek his fortune on the Pacific slope. Ac
cordingly, he came that year to Oregon,
fettling In The Dalles, where he has pros
pered so bounteously that no foreign at
tractions have been sufficient to call him
from his adopted home. first position
in this city war with a lumbering concern,
and, though he had no experience what
ever In the business, his desire to make
himself of value to his employer, coupled
with his natural aptitude and versatility,
roon won recognition In his being called
to the managerial department. over
which he pres-ided with commendable efll
elency. He had occupied this responsible
position scarcely a year when he succeed
ed his employer and continued to eon
duct the business, now under the title of
.1. T. I'eters & Co, This may be said to
maik the beginning of Mr. Peters' busi
ness career In The Dalles.
The remarkable rapidity with which Mr.
Peteis lose from an employe to an em
ployer of labor has not lost pace In th(
growth and Inciease of his business. He
Is not only among the largest I'ec.'ers in
his line In the countv, but his Interests
are almost as varied as those of the city
and section. In fact, his energy and judg.
ment In business affairs, no less than
his c-xten.-ive holdings, prove him an able
llnuneler. Among his many Interests,
tawmlll, transportation, et"., each and
all have yielded a success under his mus
ttiful management, giving: ample testi
mony to the fact thst. It Is not so much
the business as the man who runs It
that determines Its success or failure.
Mr. Peters Is a dlreetur In the D. 1'. .'t
A. N. Co.. and of Tlie Dalles & Rockland
Steam Ferry Company. He owns and
operates wood schooners between the
Cascades and The Dalles, and conducts a
planing mill and box factory at The
Dalles, and saw mill on the Columbia
liver, bestdef his lumber and wood-yards,
store and agricultural Implement estab
lishment. He also owns a number of
dwilllngs In the city and valuable real
estate here and In the sin rounding coXir.
try. Mr. I'eters gives his own time and
management to these varied interests,
and so long as he continues in their so long will they surely prosper
ami Increase In number ami Importance, j
I Hi: Fllts r XA'IIO.NAI, IIA.Mv. I
Oregon may be said to be especially !
foitunate in the character and stability
of her banking Institutions. The manner
lu which they withstood the tlnancla1
stialn of W' was a subject of most tu
vot nidi- eeirnv.'iit throughout the country,
and of felicitation In business and llnar.
elal circles In this state,
The First National bunk of ibis city
Is lightly accorded a place among the
most coo.-rvatlve and stable banks of
this state, and It will be admitted with
out a dissenting voice In inislne.-s ami
lli;! elides that It has been, since
Its commencement, as Intimately as.-o-elatid
1th the flnenclal alf-lrs of Ore
gon as anv bnnklng Institution msl of
Portland hi the Mate
The above concern was first oiganlzed
as -iiiviite bank In li-sl and continued
at- such till December. IMsl, when ll was
reoiganlzetl as a national bank, with a
eapltal of j;,'.000 ii. The olllcers are .1.
S. Sehenck, president: Cieorge A. I,leb?,
vice-president, and U. M. Uuill. cashier,
The First National bank doe.- a gen
enil banklntr business, buys and sells ex
lmnge on the principal commercial een
ttts. and kctps accounts with coipora
tlons, linns and Individuals Liberal ad
vances are made on warehouse icceipte
and other llrst-diiss securities. The bank
occupies a commodious one-story struc
liire, centrally located, anil ! provided
with t very suit guard lu the way of lire
ami oof vaults known to the
most thoroughly equipped metropolitan
banking' institutions.
The First National bank has for corie
spomleuts the strongest banks of Fustein
cities-, nml of the West as well. The
following is a partial list of their connec
Hons: Chemical National hank, of New
Voik: the Cominei-'ial National, of Chi
cago; the l-'lrst National and the Hank
or Callforula, of San Francisco, and the
First Nailonal ami Wells. Fargo Co..
of Portland. These excellent conncctlonrt
fndlltate collections hi the bundling- of
eoiunierdal paper, etc. A s:ieclal fi .iture
of Interest to depositor' Is the Issuance
of reports pulling forth sworn state,
incuts of the hank's- condition, subjcel lo
a call from the comptroller of the rur
rency at Washington. The lasl slate-
mint, made In April, shows a surplus and
undivided prollls of $.12,1100,
v. k. r. MtiurrsoN.
i IferriiclliiliUI.
I If 11 bt Hue thai experience Is a good
i teacher. Ilieii W. I', i.'iirrctsna, the pioneer
Jeweler, has hud most ilioiough lusl i ucilon.
Coming lo The Dalles lu I Ml', lit- al once en
gaged hi his picM-ui business mid has mel
wilh the success that attends pcislstent
j clloiis.
I Mr. ilarnisoit holds a diploma fiom (he
South Iteiid Optical College anil was the re
cipient of the highest honors Unit llislliu
tlou cilll give He holds Ihe tlcgice of Doc
tor of Optic Ills woii, lu this cily for tin
, past 'Ji yt ais has dcuioustraled hi. piollt--I
licney an a walch and lepahcr and
, fin lla r ti.t-ii I Ion of lit. skill by i hi t In. mil-It
would In stipi til iiuiio
tiii: iai.i.i:s sti:..m li.uwimv.
A. S. M-. Ulster, Miniiiuer.
Comparatively few people who have not
been to some extent connected. In a
business way, with the modern steam
laundry, realize to what Importance tho
buslntss has Blown of Into years. If cti
lerpilses were to be measured by tho
amount paid out In wages, the modern
laundry might Justly claim a position
far above other enterprises we have been
acciiHtomed to think of greater Import
ance. It will donhtlctst be a surprise to
many readers of this sketch lo learn
that The Dalles .Steam Laundry payH
out In wages nnnually nearly $7,f,0O.
The modern steam laundry may bo said
to have had Its birth In Troy, N. V. It
was there that this llrst modern laundry
machinery was made ami the llrst modern
laundry operated, ami ,lt Is In Troy that
the most perfect laundry machinery Is
now manufactured. It Is. therefore, ap
propriate to state that Tho Dalles Steam
I-aundry- Is fully equipped with tho latest
Improved Troy machinery.
This fine laundry plant was Installed a
little over a year ago, since which tlma
It has been continuously In operation,
giving constant employment to from 1.".
to 20 people. Wagons nrtr run for tho
accommodation of city patrons, ami laun
dry work received from the Interior re
ceives the same prompt ami careful at
tention shown home work. In this con
nection It Is worthy of remark that this
laundry covers with Its trade settlements
as remote ns a hundred and fifty mllcft
from The Dalles, reviving- regular ship,
ments from Prlnevllle and Intermediate
While all manner of laundry work Is
done In the very best style, the specialty
of this laundry Is fine gentlemen's and
family work. Itesiwetlng the class of
work done, we may say It Is uniform In
excellence and approaches perfection as
nearly as can ho done by the most com
petent experts- operating tho latest im
proved machinery. The system of mark
ing employed is the best yet devised, and
reduces, the possibility of error or loss
to the minimum. No chemicals or In
jurious acids are used, and the water Is
the purest In the land. Hence, with the
best of water, the best of machinery and
the best of workmen, this laundry Is
able to do as line work as can be had
from any laundry on the coast. Add to
the above the remarkably low rates
charged, and it Is. readily apparent that
The Dalles has nothing- to fear from the
competition of outside laundries.
Mr. A. S. McAllister, who is the man
ager of The Dalles Steam Laundry,
Is a native of the "Pine Tree" stnte; but
he has been so long a resident of Ore
gon that he Is a typical Western man.
He came to this city twenty-one years
ago, since which time he has become in.
tlmately Identified with Its business and
social interests. Besides attending to his
duties as, manager of his laundry busi
ness, Mr. .McAllister gives his attention
to other interests, among which Is his
agency for the Home Insurance Company
of New York, and the Commercial Union
of London. As a business man and as a
public-spirited citizen he stands In tho
fore, and the success he enjoys gives
recipioeal pleasure to his large circle of
fi lends and acquaintances.
'i in-: wasco VAiii:iiorsi: roiii'txr,
W. I, ortl, Miiiiiikci-.
in reviewing the prominent Industries
of The Dalles and Wasco county, The
Cliionlde reserved a liberal amount of
space for a comprehensive resume of tho
business conducted by the Wasco Ware
house Company. The amount of capital
Invested, the magnitude of the varied In
terests and the hcnelilrt The Dalles and
the suiroundlnjr country derive from this
Institution make It ol primary Importance
to this city and a eiedlt to an even more
meliopolltan town than our own.
The Wasco Warehouse Companv was
Ineorpoialed In the fall of 1S.S1 by'j. W.
Fiench. S. L, Hrooks ami 13. H. Mc
F.uinnd, than whom theie are no more
eiitei pi islng lluanelers In the state. W,
Lord, a gentleman of years of expei ienco
In Ills line, was placed In tho responsible
position of manager some four years ago,
and the most delicate compliment we can
pay his ixeciitive iibillly is to call atten
tion to tin almost unprei edented growth
of the business during his uuinngement.
The -business of the -ompany consists In
receiving, stoiing and forwarding freight
for Intel lor niei chants. Fuini products,
such ifs outs, barley, rye. hay. Hour nml
feed i)f all kinds, are extensively handled,
both on their own account and for then
pations. They also handle bathed wire,
nails, stock salt. lime, sulphur, cement
ami supplies for Interior merchants. Tho
managi incut allows liberal advances on
wool, lildis, pelts, w) and general farm
products Motet! with' them. They have
the most modern machinery and bost
eqiilpietl plant lu Oiegon for bundling
and caring- for goods Intrusted to them.
The warehouse Is no supplied with tho
J, II. Uove patent Improved wool presses,
making It possible to prepare the product
for Fustein shipment in the most ap
proved manner. This company has the
only steam roller for barley, and .supplfOM
the country generally with rolled barley.
Cracked corn Is also manufactured, and
large quantities of mill feed tile sold
throughout this seitlon of the slate.
A switch from the main lino of tho O, K.
N. limn the entire length of the build
ings, very mateilally assisting In the
speedy transmission of fidgltt matter.
Their storage capacity exceeds PW.nflil
squuro feel. Kvery fmtllty Is provided for
the perfect handling of the millions of
pounds of wool ami grain which annually
pass thioiigh llieli hands.
The following gentlemen have boon Iden
tllltd with the company for a number of
years, ami at present comprise the board
of directors; W. I.oid. provident mid
manager; II. M. lieull, of the 1'Trnt Na
tloral bank, secielaiy D. M. French,
.1. W. French Smith Fuuuii und li. F.
.McLaughlin. II will thus be seen that the
Wasco Warehouse Company Is one of tin
strongest ami most ably managed
tutlons lu The Dalles.
Till'. DIAMOND lini.l.UII Mil,!,.
No single enterprise In The Dallen ranks
higher for usefulness to the community
than Ihe Homing mills which form the
subject of tills sketch. Their blllldlnn
limy be said lo have uiiiiked an epoch lu
the city's history, anil to have Blurted n
1 1 i-iid of trade to this point which no
olhcr agency could have no clfeituully
accomplish! d. We .lie. thoicfoie, Juml
tled lu ihe nsnerllon thul The Dalit' iiwoh
a debt of gratitude and upprcdatlnu to
the founder of this one of her most lin
po i Iiml luilliHtiii H. and It U gratlfing
to In libit to slut, that tin ptoplr t
The Dalit s ami of tin whelt snrroui illng
(..null) Und it lo Ihtlr Inn lis' i' main
fist Hull- appici lallon b.v an nine t ""I
i is it u of Ml' prod' i ef h Pn. ,
ii ih 1 1 inM'-i
II Will a H i 1 1 IIU" I1' h i n