The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 08, 1899, Image 3

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I mi i
Yards ol the choicest ol
Liw'c .laeonns, ligurod Lawns, Lappor Stripes, Figured Or
jfiiiulics mid "Kayo Cords. All at ono price,
8 cents.
These goods are tlio accumalation of the various lines.
and although but ono and two
Choice Novelties
at a figure much below the
25 dozen Ladies' Silk Finished
black, z.Jc per pair.
Misses' and Boys' Fine Ribbed Hose, high, spliced heel and
toe, I2c per pair.
Ladies' Vests.
Ladies' Kino Summer-weight Kibbed and Lisle Vests, ecru
and white, 10c, Do, 19c and 2oc.
Jersey rubbed and Jc;, Union Suits, low neck and sleeve
loss, r,9c. Jo
Ventilating Summer Corset, in whito, only 2oc.
Men's Straw Hats at Half Price.
We have an assortment of odd lots which wo wish to dispose
of, and will sell them for one-half of their marked price
while they last.
All Coods marked in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Saturday - - . july s. ihuo
Telephone iVo. 1.
All Changes In Advertisements must
be limiilcii in before 10 o'clock A. M., us
no clmimcs will lie accepted in the lift
eoiooii This rule will he positive.
Tlie Dalles, J.inwiry 10, l.Soy.
I-int night I). I. Kolohuui shipped u
ol Blieep to tlio Portland mirkut.
& I'l IdipH says ho will soil you
wlioat huv fur truin $10 to $11 pur ton.
It is easy to duo through peoplu who
"to ahviiya iimkliit ppeolnilos of them
selves. Until further notioo tho Episcopal
&uihy school will begin nt 1) : I5 u. m.
I'isteailof l-.'iir, ,,.
Tim Olmrr hotul is receiving u coit of
"iiltu luilnt whlidi adds very inuuh to
"'""I'PMinncuof tho building.
Tliu county commlsslonora of Ska
mania county huvo ordered vault
10 o Imllt for tho Hiifo koeplng of tho
comity K-eorda.
Word wna received Inst night from tho
"""u taking Citro of Edward JoiikinH,
yiBlio wob roslliiB cfty and tliore
Muro 1,0 "I'lriiiinKlndlentlouB.
AH inoinhurH of Friendship Lodge No.
ofl ,uo requested to ho present
"o meeting Mun,iy evening, us
"iisinusa of Importrtnco will couiu up.
ill im0W"1 1)0 n co"l,ul' "luotini; to
"Wit In tho couuull uhamburH nt u lnah
no tlio city nmishal mid rocordur will
appointed, ftll,j a , ,,t ,VBlo,linnll
Him'.. V la " hU unmm tour
Comm v1,u von"lry, y tho Harney
"nty Nu'. ttd Imti beon entertain-
July 8th.
mil i
summer goods, consisting of
pieces of a number, represent
cost of these goods in stock.
drop-stitch Hosiery, stainless
iiiL' tho nconlo on tho Htreot tho hibt few
evenings with comic songs and violin.
Comiiiundur Hooth-Tuokor. tho treat-
UHt Salvation Army man in America,
and ono of tlio greatest In tho world, ar
rived in Portland on tho t o'clock over
land from San Francisco this morning.
Tho Catholic, ladles of tho Chut eh
D.dit Souiotv will eivo an ieo cream
goolal next Tuesdov afternoon and
evening, July 11th, next door to tho
Campbell & Wilton millinery store on
Second Htreot.
Tim river for tho naat week has re
mained nearly Htationnry but Is gradual
ly falling Tlila morning it registered
JJ8.0. Tlio danger of high water ia near
ly past and our citizens can rest assured
that it has reached tho highest mark it
will reach tills year.
In tho matter of tho Stale of Oregon
vs. OhrlHinau Droa.. which waa on trial
in Justice linyard'a court yesterday, tho
jury brotifcht in a verdict about 10 o'clock
lout night, finding thodofendontH guilty
as charged. Justice Jluyuril linen mo
dofondantfi twenty dollars each. Tho
c.iho will bo appealed to tho ciicuit
Tho telephone lino which is 'to run
rlliiKinn to Fossil via Condon, ia
nt laHt commoncod. Tlio workmen hav
ing passed through Condon surveying
and making orrungomonts for tho lino
and tho work of netting poles and at
taching wiroa will soon bo under full
headway. Tho company think they
will havo tho lino completed within tlx
Tho counterfeiter, Johnson, who was
nrreHtod yeatorday, left eevoral of his
Bpurloun colna at dillerent plneos in tho
city beforo being urrouted. Ho vlaltod
lien Wilson's raloon and tried to play
tho nlekel-in.tho.Blot machine, hut tho
nickelfl woro too largo and tho machine
would not work, bo ho made himsel!
icurau. Ho also viaitcd tho finmbrliiua
hhIooii and played 8.03 In Hip uiachluo
but failed to win anything.
Tho bulldluK occupied by tho tlutler
Drug Co. is to bo thoroughly renovated
ami romodolod. Tho front la lo bo
taken out and replaced by plat"
while a stairway will bo built entering
from Second street to tho upper story
which will bo fitted up for rent. A
partition will bo placed in tho center of
tho store and things in general changed
around. When completed it will bo
one of the handsomest drugstorcn in tho
city and will add much to tho appear
ance of Second street.
Tho daring deed of tho two men who
went through the gorge of the Deschutes
under Sherar's bridge is making the
round of tho newspapers and is credited
to two employers of tho Oregon Telo
phono Co,, says tho Disfur Dispatch.
The men who actually made tho peill
oub voyage woro Earnest Middlebrook
and Foster, log drivers for the "Sher-
man Co. Lumber Camp," and they did
it in preferenco to taking tho chanco of
Injuring their boat by hauling it around
the rapids. Doth men aro expert boat
men and confidence in their skill, not
necessity, was the caupe of taking the
LaHt night Cedar Circle No.-S', V. of
w ., installed officers and tho .following
woro installed by Mre. C. F.fetenhens :
G.N., Mrs. Ella Cushing; Adv., Mrs.
Anna lilakeney; Clerk, Misa Louise
Kintoul: Magician, Miss L6na Jackson:
Attendant, Mrs. Kate Jvreft; O. S.,
C. Drown ; C. of G., Miss Raclitl Mor
gan; Musician, Miss Maie Cushing;
Manager, II. I). Parkins'. After in9talla-
tlotl a firm mtmirnl nrnfrram traa fAn
dored, and refreshments, consistinc of
ice cream, cake, cherries and lemonade
were eerved, and . each member pre
sented with a eouvonir of carnation
plnka. The evening was delightfully
spent, and all present will hold pleasant
memories of the occasion.
County court adjourned veEterdav
afternoon having gotten through with
their labors. Among other thincs thev
ordered an alias wurrant attached to
the delinquent tax roll for the year 1897
placed in tho hands of the eherifr for
collection. The matter of tlie county
road petitioned for by Davis Divers et
al., the petition wbb granted and the
road ordered opened and declared a
county road and public highway. In
reirard to the petition for n road by E. E.
Kobertpon et al., the petition was
granted and the road established upon
petitioners payuin for dauiaceB. The
road petitioned for bv A. A. Bonney et
al., was granted and the road declaicd a
public highway. V . II. Whipple, as
sessor was granted an extention of time
in which to tlio the tax roll of 1893 and
same will bellied the first Monday in
A l lllld Ki.Joyx.
Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Fig", when in
need of a laxative, and if tho fathei or
mother he costive or bilious, the most
gratifying reBiilta follow its use; so that
it is tho best family remedy known and
every family t-houlu havo a Dottle.
Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co.
A lady's gold, open-faced Waltham
watch, between Hearst's pcliool house
and Mr. Fagon's, near the Des Chutes.
Engraved with tcrowl work on tho back,
and also tlio name Itha, The owner
values it not for its intrinsic value but
as a keepsake, aa sho has had it Bince Hi
years old. Ample reward will be given
to tho tinder. Leave either at this ollica
or with Mr. J. ranon. Des Uuules
bridge. j'8 It
I' ii u nd.
In East End Feed Yard Wednesday
morning, a strawberry roan horse, about
fourteen hands high between 10 or 12
years old ; white star on forehead, black
poinU ; saddle marks and brand li L on
left shoulder w ith running li underneath,
ami weighing about 900 pounds. Oa-ner
can havo samo by proving proporty and
paying all charges. jlj8 lm
ISM) IttMVHI'tl.
A towaid of $50 will bo paid by tho
undertlgned for tho recovery of the body
of Dert Whitney, drowned in tlie Snako
river at Pulouoo Kapids, near Lyon's
Ferry, on May S3, 1899.
lici t Whitney wos 21 yea's old ; weight
about 175 pounds ; height 5 feet, 11 in.;
smooth shaved ; dark brown hair. Ho
woro dark pants with light etripo?, rnd
heavy lacod shoes; lina a tuft of light
colored hair on tho left, buck eido of
head ; two burn scare on body,
Tho person finding tho body will
pleaso wire
0. E. Whitnkv,
2-1.2 w St. Halens, Ore.
If you contemplate trip East this
summer take advantage of the .181 round
trip rate fioni Tlie Dalles to Detroit,
Mleh.,Tiokot8 sold June 29lh, only, and
good for return until August 31st. Tine
will undoubtedly ho tho lowest round
trip rate to tho East this season. This
rale ia made for tlio annual convention
of Christian Endeavor Society at Detroit
July filh to 10th. Call on James Ire
land, agent O. II, & N, Co. for further
Tim Hccftml Oregon VolnntrntH urn Ex
lirctoil About llm Mlilitlo of Suxt
Tho of tlie Second Ore
gon volunteers is near at hand, in fact
they a'c expected in San Francisco next
Wednesday or Thursday.
Great preparations havo been uride at
different places to givo tlio' bo;, s a
rattling good welcome and go down to
the mouth of the river with'all available
steamboats and show therti their services
were jluly appreciated, and that we
liuvo not forgotten tho promises made
when they left, to givo them a rousing
time when they returned. Tho Dalles
has been preparing some time, and,
providing tho water subsided so the
lock b could bo put in operation, the
Regulator would carry hundreds of our
citizens to the city by the sea, where
tho volunteers would be met and escort
ed to Portland.
However, a difficulty in this matter
has arisen, for yesterday a dispatch
stated that the transports were needed
at Manila and must be returned as soon
as possible. Consequently it would be
almost impossible for them to take the
time to come up from 'Frisco to Port
land. Great preesuro is being brought
to bear, however, and many telegrarae
from noted and prominent men in Port
land have been directed to the govern
ment insisting that the boys be relumed
home by water.
Cnas. F. Beebe chairman, and Dan J.
Moore, secretary of tlio executive com
mittee on reception of the volunteers,
have sent the following telegram to
President McKinley and Dinger Her
mann, and hope it will have the desired
effect :
"The people of the state are making
great preparations to receive the Oregon
volunteers. A grand marine demonstra
tion of forty steam vessels has been
arranged to meet transports in the
Columbia river to welcome and escort
troopa to Portland. It will disappoint
the peoplo greatly if the troops are not
brought to Portland by ship, and will
destroy an opportunity for employing
the most effective features of demon
stration. People are cjming from all
parts of the state to participate. Secret
orders are chartering boats from the
committee. Transportation companies
donate the use of boats. The funds are
to be used to care for the unemployed
soldiers until employment can be had,
Wo estimate the fund will reach $10,COO.
Wo respectfully ask you on behalf of
tho people of Oregon that the troops be
brought to Portland by water."
(Juoil M'ordu for Oregon.
The fourteenth annual convention of
tlie National Editorial Association closed i
in Poitland yesterday afternoon. The
place selected for tho next meeting is
New Orleans. Oregon was honored at
tho annual election by Albert Tozier, of
Portland, being elected third vice presi
dent. The committee on resolutions re
ported in part as follows:
"This, the Nth session of the Nation
al Editorial Association, held in the
metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, has
been all in all one of the most delight
ful and professionally valnablo in tho
history of the association, and in our
journeyiugs across tho continent, from
East and South and Middle West, our
pleasures have been augmented by the
perfection of arrangements, by tlie evi
dent desire to please, and by tho com
forts and luxuries which havo been so
freely tendered by officials of transpor
tation companies and by citizens every
where. To tho citizen? of Portland, w ho
met us on the borders of their great
state, and who journeyed with us,
showering courtesies and kindly atten
tion with lavish hands and hearty hos
pitality, we return our most grateful
"To tho good ladies of Portland aud
oLhor towns of the state, who havo con
tributed to much to the pleasures of tho ' fc
ladies of our party, our earnest thanks I jj'
are duo and most sincerely extended. i0'
The ladies of Oregon stand pre-eminent !
amoug the first and best of America's ! K
cultured and noblo women, and we fcel:k
honored to havo shared their gracious
and generous hospitality, aud their
many attentions and kinduessea will
ever bo bomo in grealful remembrance.
Itlcnnlul HunvviiUoii,
For tho ahove International occasion
of tho Epworth League, which takes!
placo at Indianapolis, July '.'0-23, the O.
It. & N, Co. will make a round trip rate j
of if 70 to Indianapolis, tickets on sulo ;
July 13th and 14th, limited to expire ro '
tumiug September 15, 1800. Good for
continuous passage only on tho going
trip. Good for stop over reluming at
any intermediate point west of tlie
Missouri river or St. Paul. Call on ori
address Jus, Ireland, agent, Dalles, for'
further information. july 1-J 5 ,
Use Clarke & Ftilks Hosofoum for the
teeth. tf j
llegular meeting Christian Scientists
every Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock at
the small K. of P. hall, in tho Vogt
building. All ore invited to bo present.
Cilvary Daptist church Ilev. W. II.
Clifton, pastor. Regular services at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m. Young people's
meeting at 7 p. m. Sunday Echool
( at 10 a. m.
I Preaching at tho Christian church
sunuay morning ami evening uy tlie
pastor, Rev. Gentry Rushing. Morn
ing service at 11, evening seivice at 8.
All cordially invited.
Congregational church, corner Fifth
and Union streets, Rev. D. V. Poling,
pastor Morning Rubject tomorrow will
i be on unsuspected faith. For tho of
fertory in the evening Mrs. Huntington
and Mis Taylor will sing a duct.
Methodist church, corner Fifth and
Washington streets,.!. II. Wood, pastor
Sunday school in the morning at 10,
Services at It a.m. Class meeting at 12:
20. JuniorLeague at 3:30 p. m. Epworth
League at 7. Evening services at 8.
Notice is hereby given that tho part
nership heretofore existing between
C. J. Cathcart and J. D. Straus, under
the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is
tins day dissolved by mutual consent,
C. J. Cathcart reti ring. J. D. Straus
will continue the business, and will col
lect all bills due said Arm and pay nil
accounts against tho eame.
Dated July 1, 1899.
C. J. Cathcakt,
J. D, Stkaus.
Aek your grocer for Clarke & Folk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
EacU day our business shows
the people are finding out wc
aro pushing to the front with
belter goods. lower prices,
salespeople the very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business nnil buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
170 2d St ,
Tho Dalles.
r :'A;i"TA-rA:rA:!rrArA!-.KrOT'Ai'.fc-j-
f vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv.vvv. vvvvvVvV4
Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
now in shapo to properly
handle nil kinns of work
from n puncture to building a
repair Locks, Guns,
kinds of light
This department is under
It's wl real
to get the tneala for tho family
when you havo n complete Eet
of needful utensils and havo n
new Garland elovo or steel
range to cook upon. Wo fur
nish kitchens and can ravo you
money and many steps when
yon want anything in tho
way of kitchen supplies. Our
Block of tinware, uranitewnre,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cuttcre, raisen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other things to
make tho kitchen complete.
Wo can furnish double oven
cook stoves from $8.00 up.
Seo tho best Rangoon Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
AIeo a complete line of build
er's hardware.
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chlckon Lice.
Cnll at Mnler .t Benton's and sco
tlie Antiseptic Nest Urb. With the
use of tills Nett Kgg ou will have
no more Mitts or Vernle in
yonr poultry houbes. Setting hens
will set better eggs and will lmtcli
better and chickens will live and
grow better wheie Antiseptic Kggis
used. Sec them at
167 Second St.
Bicycle j
Lock and Gunsmith,
and Machlno work.
Charles BurchtorUpK::
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For fale at all first-class bare. C. J
tublin, agent, Tho Dulles. M17-3m.
Book & Music
Sewing Machines and all
machinery, etc.
tho charge of Mr. J. Kirohoff.
per & Benton .-i in.