I have just received n fine line of Woolens in Suitings, Overcoatings and Pantinue, and will be pleased lo have you call and see them. J. A. Eberle, FM The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 3DU8CUIITION l'UlCK. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year G 00 SATURDAY - - - JULY S, lSf9 Jilt. SINCLAIR'S PRINCIPLES. Bartlett Sinclair, whom sonic labor unions regard as a tyrant and whom order-loving people look upon ns a sensible and determined man, made a speech at Kellogg on the Fourth of July, and in speaking of the presence of federal troops in the Canir d'Alcnes, said "they are here to preserve order which is only another my of saying the' are here to assist the state. No rominanrter has yet deemcJ it his duty or proviucc to pronounce laws for the Cujur d'Alcnes. They have simply inquired what the laws, orders and proclama tions were that they might afford nil needed assistance in their execution.. There has been no departure from this program. General Merriam per mitted no soldier to go further than co-operate with the stale authorities in the enforcement of its laws." This disposes of some of the as sertions that Merriam and the mili tary were running things with a high hand, and that the general was arbitrarily using his power to abridge lights guaranteed by the constitution. As has always been maintained, General Merriam and his soldiers i have state merely co-operated with the n . . , l . : . : , . . umuuiuiea iiiui nave acted i solely as a police power for the state. Touching upon the rights of labor and of labor unions, Mr. Sinclair said: "Labor ha9 all the rights of capital. Muscle or brain should Lave the same legal considerations as money or other property. It is the right of labor to organize for protection. J believe that all work ingmen should combine for mutual Improvement. I believe that a "workingman's compensation is a mat ter he should seek rcligiotisl to increase. A ahorer IS Worthy Of - ins hire. If their interest can bo a'lVanCCll by Strikes, It IS their right 1 "to strike. In order to make a stiike successful there is no lensonahlo objection to the use of persuasion in nny direction that docs not involve tlie commission of crime. But be yond that they have no right to go. Threats or assaults, or the use of force to attnin success n ns criminnl as such acts or agencies would bo in the perpetration of a misdemeanor or felony. Ever man has, under the American (lap;, tho right lo choose for whom ho will work, but he has no right to exercise that prerogative in behalf of his neighbor. There is no law that enables you or me to say lor whal or for whom our neighbor shall work. To attempt its exorcise Tiy force is n crime, which ono state at least will take notice of. The spirit of our liberty is infringed when one man or body of men dic tate to another man or body of men as to his contracts. I believe in Unions, lint I in nnt I.oIIav.. In MmU or coercion." If there has been a fairer or frank cr statement than that of Mr. Sinclair, a good many people imvo failed to aec it. If there is a single principle Mt forth which can not be approved, the dissenter must be a person igno rant of the mutual rights and obliga tions existing between man and man. Sinclair's doctrine is that which nil good citizens indorse, and which they want to see upheld Spokesman-Review. ltohlicil llio (irnve. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a moat dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a trlend advised 'Electric Hitters'; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle mado a decided improvement. I continued their use for threo weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed.'at Blakeloy & Houghton's drug store. 5 A Frightful Blunder Will often causo a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeloy & Houghton, druggiBts. 5 Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cute, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison- mg quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood poisoning. Beware of counterfeits. De Witt's is tttfe and sure. Butler Drug Co. An Epidemic of Dlnrrlioen, Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa nut Grove, Flu., says there has been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there He had a severo attack and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Ctiolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea l'emedy. He says he also recommended it to others and they say it is che beat medicine they ever used. Eor sale bv Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 820 Itetvnrd. A reward of $20 will be paid for the ar rest of any person caught stealing flowers or anything else from the Odd Fellows' cemeterv. jr. iws Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. ti.is innt.iM,i i ....mu. .n,,...! mo loiijiiiuiii on ine line oi me union mcitic; thence It Is easy of excess for all those wni de sire to secure n eomfoi table homo and a progres sive scat of learning for their daughters or uurds The location of the Academy is one of mo ino3i iieminy on me mcinc siope, mis por tion of Oregon being proverbial lor Its pure wmer, era tracing nir aii'i picturesque scenery. iuj .luauc.i) is iiieunturiiicu mm iiiuiioiizcu oy imu oujiu im uuiiiiT .tuaueiiiiu noners. JJnrd and tuition tier Bcholasl.c air Sim Studies will be resumed Tuetdav, September 5th. For derailed information apply to the Klster superior. Jlj4..'m A Beautiful Skin, Ladies, If you desire a transparent, cle.ir und fresh complexion usu Dr Hourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wu'ers. Their cilvct Is slmplv muglcal. inssfsslng the wizard touch , I,. ..rfliw.l .... nt.rl . .-rw ...... n 1... . . t 1 1 . . , . - ,Prenry and pellucid clearness of complexion, snnpeiy contour of form, brilliant eii, oft and smooth win where the reverse exists. Even freckles, moth, blackheads, vlmples, vulgar iiwiti t;iiui iiiiu uiuuuy turn uropermnneui ly removed, and u deliciously clear and retinal cointilcxloii assured. I'rlce per small box, to cents lare box, l,or ny addiess i-ost six large boxes, t.',. Kent to any addiess i-ost, iiiu miu iiniivr IHUlIl i wriiiiiier upon rtcelpl ol Write for free circular. the ubovo amount. The Parisian Drug Co., 1S1 MontKomeryMn Prim I scot'nl, PROFESSIONALS. JJA. BTUHDEVANT, Dentist. OUlceatcr I'rencli A Co.'s lJiiult I'lione C, T1IK IMI.I.KS, OKKQON jQU. (iKISBNIMUtfrKU Physician and Surtceon, Sieclal attention given lo suricry. Ucomb 21 and 22, Tel. 323 Vogt Ulocli I7IRKO. W.WlION, 1 ATTOH.SKV.AT LAW, , . .'11IK 1AI.!.KS, OKKUOM. OOico over First .Sat. Iiinu. H H KUfiTINUTON II H WILSON HUKTIKUTON A WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT I.AW. ,7M UAU.Kd, OltKliJfl llrauch Office Oregon Viavi Company, Koom 7, ovoi Fitnch's IlanW. OICco hours, CbiirJollcF.IIobeitv. 2 to 4 p. in JxichI JlHiiHgcr. Vm healtli lecture trtry Thursday at J p. iu .R.&N. Fa.t .Suit I.aki, Denver. VIA Kat Mull . Worth. Omnlin, Kmi-J Mull lliJOji. m. sun City, Ht. Ijmls.i 3;I5 p m 1 Chicago nnil Enst. Spokane Flyer 0;4'Jji. m, Wnlln Vwilla, Spokane, .Minneapolis. S-t. 1'iml,! iHiluth, Mllnnultcc,! Clilc.igo nml Kust. Spokane Kljcr. fi.OO a. in S j. m. From Portland. Oeenn Steamships. For San FrancHeo January -J, anil every lie ilayi thereafter. 4 p. m. S j. m. Kx.fcumlny Saturday 10 p.m. 4 p. in. Ks.bundaj Columbia Uv. Steamers. To Astoria ana way Landings. Ca. ci. Willamette Uivkr. 4:E0p. m. Ex.feundnylorefroti City, Ncivbertr.lKx.sunilay l Balern i way Land's, "a. m, 'Willamtttk and Yam Tuoj.Thur.1 HILL HIVKKS. 3:30 p. m. .Moii.AVeil and Sat. 1 Oregon City, Dayton, and Frl. and Wny-Ijindiugs. 1 6 a. rn. i Willamette I'.ivkr. I 4:30 p.m. Tuc..Thur,Portland to Corvallls.'Tue., l'hur and Sat. and Way-Luudings. , and Fat. I Snake Rivkr. Hlparla to Lcwlston. Leave Lewiston dully Lv niparlui dally I Parties desiiiug to co to Hennner should mire o. -i, leaving ine wines in o:;ju p. 1:1 making direct connections at llcppuer Junction Kcturulng nmbingilircctcoimection at lleppuer junction with No. l.arrhlng at The Dulles at i:J5 v. in. No. Si, throught freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; arrives '.'iW u. m., departs 3:50 a. 111. No. "J I, local freight, carries pasfengers, cast bound: arrives 4:30 p. m departs 8:15 p. m. No. 'Jl, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives s:15 p m departs 9:30 p.m. No. 23, west bound local freight, cariies pas sengers; arrives 5:10 p. rn., departs 8:30 a. in. For full particulars call on O. It, agent The Dulles, or address & N. Co.'s W. II. IIURLHUKT, Fas. Act., Portland, Or. (iCU QRTHERtM PACIFIC RY. N s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Care Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. PAUL " JIINNEAI'OI,! DU1.UT1I TAICUO on and roit OHtlOKSTON HELENA mi hutti: TO Through Tickets OHIOAHIJ WAHHINOTON I'lllI.ADICr.I'llIA m:v VOItK ItOMTON ANIJ ALL I'OINTH KAHT and DOUTII For information, tltau cards, maps and tlcieti, ciil onorifrltto W. C. ALLAWAY. Apent, The Waller, Oregon on A. D. AKLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 2T rrUou Cor. Third. I'ortlnud Oregon Offers travelers choice of the followim; routes east. They nro nil frtinoua for their scenic attraction. 0. It, & N. view Onilen ami Denver. fihaeta Ituuto view J;ucruiiiento,Ogden anil Denver. Hhaeta ItoiHo view Sacramento, L-;a AngoleB ami Alborquerqtio. A dally lino of through PULLMAN PALACE anil TOUIU8T SLKKI'EU, from San Frnneifco nnJ Loa Angeles to Chicago. Tins la The Short Line . from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents of the O. H. & N. Co, or the 'undersigned, for foliJorn anr iletcriptlve literature. J.J. DEVEItKUX. Uen. Agt. Worcester. Uldg. Porllanil, Or, p.vr.T ! time .cnnii'i.K. I Aiimvs I J-OIt J l'KOM tULLKS. I KKOM. Sap Fe Route EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK TIM Southarn Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at l'orthil MMtVK. OVIIItl.AND V.K- press, t'lilom, Itoe burg, Ashland, Sac- . . il rami' uto, ugiieu,r-Hii i i-lsi-o, Mojuve, f u:uu r. ji. ,..,.,.,, 9 A. M. ! , . I., ,i..,. J ' New urHiins and I i:mt i lliowburg ami way stiv '8.30 A. 'nions fVIa Woodbury fori , Mt.Angel, Sllvurton, 1)n'ly, West Sclo, Drowns- umJ I vllle,8prlnglicldaud auiways Hxatt;,,,'.... J Dally except buudnys. tCorviillls J stations. . and way 17:so A. Ji. .-,:) V. .V. !nm)i:pkn-df.s-ck passkngi:! Kxprcss train Dally (except Huudiiy) t;50 p. m. (Lv Portland ...Ar.) Jn- 7:fflp. m. Ai..X:cSlInnvllle..I.v. SiWIii, 8:30p. m. Ar.. Independence.. l.v.) 4:fflu. 8:!B a. m in m Daily. IDaiiy, except Hunilay. HIKING CAItS ON OOD1IN UOUTK. PULLMAN 11UFFKT BLKKl'EHS AND HKCOND-CLASS HLKKl'INO CAItt Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at s-an Francisco with Occl dental and Orieutfll anil Pacitlc mall steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on ai plication. ltntes hiid tickets to Kastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU ant AUSTRALIA. All above trains arrive at nnd depart mm Grand Central Station. Fifth Riid Irvine streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of JeHerson street. IjCiivc lor Bheridan, week days, st 1:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 3:30 u. m. Ij?nve for AIP.LIF. on .Monday, Weil nesday and FrMnv at 0:10 a.m. Aniv- at Portland, Tuc. dav, thursday and Saturdaj it 3:05 p. m. Except auudiiy. "Except Saturday. K. KoK'-.l.KIt, Manager. G, II. MAKK1IAM, Asst. G. F. A: Pass. Azt Through Ticket Ofllcc, 131 Third street, when through tickets to all imiiits in the Eastern States, Canadit and Europe cati be obtaluol h! lowest rates from J. 11. KIItKLAND, Ticket Agent. or N. WHEA1.DON. Dalles. Portlani and Astoria Navigation Co.' sus. Regulator E Dalies City Daily (except SundayJ between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. louclilii;; at way poin's on both sides of the Columbia river. Doth of tho above steamers have been rebuilt, and are In excellent shajio for the season of lhvj. Tho Itoculutiir I.Iim- will endeavor to give Its patrons the best service ixjssible. For Comfort, Kcoiiomy mill IMunHiiro, "j uiu oiviuiiers oi xiie Jleiriuutiir Lino. The above steamers leave The Dalles at S n. in. and I'orilmid at 7 a. m and iirrlvo at destina tion la KLipl time for outgoing trains. l'0'aj'n Ol'lec. riio Dulles Onic:. oi. wi, i.ourt atreet W. O. Allaway, d'eiicral Agent. A good You well know that a good drucslL-n s the patronago which is heatowed o he s ore. It s the purity of the good" handled and the manner of doliiie n that makes and keeps this ,Us!nes We are pleased with the result of our f orts to supply the best drugs at the hest price. We are particular about o coinjiounding of them. RELIAI1LE PIIAltMAOISTH. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES drug sign.-- n v Mi tl 4 It will be our aim to carry a Complete Line of the Purest Drugs. And wo invito your intention to our ntock of PAINTS, OILS, G-LASS AND WALL PAPER. BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, Sui'coisor toSnipus-Klnersly DriiRCo. THE DHLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First 'Phone 341. Wasco Warehoiise Company Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, o?m?li!feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOUr T"'H I'''onr 18 nmiiufiictnred expresBly for family ' tine: tivury puck ia tiuaranteud to give Hiitislaction. Wa sell our uooila lower than any houae In the trade, and il you don't think eo call and get our prices and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for What, Barley and Oats PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. xNOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. U.NIl OKFICK ATTlIK D.W.I.KN, OlIKIIO.Nf .... . , , Jimu 10, Inw. .Notice- Is hereby I vvii that llio fwllowltiK uiimcil pettier Imi IIInl notice of his Intention niHkc Jliiul iiruor it Mi..ort of Ills ,.,im, nml that mill proof nlll be muile Ijefore the rinMer !l!!i)ri'5Tli'w vtj7,, "W". '"' H'ltnr.hiy, , , , I'linlii (irltiiiiuit, IV,1'1"' nf1I1'!;"!, ('"liiiHini. iiirciiHil. nf The I iilles; II. i; No. Wfi. for he I'.i.sr.i.. KK "i, lp. 1 north, II 1'.' i:, W J. ' hllw,im,.T.,,,, V'.lll,ttl,,, """"es In pmu of Mall llnii' vi 'nt'c' t'"1,lv,"l" AmlreiV 'liiiVV WM.r?:.. i5'f. .S?""'". Jlllll l-lt JAY 1". I.l CAM l!..Jl l.'r Asli your Druggist for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor Any other InJurlouHiIriig. It 14 quickly Absorbed, (llica Iteilcf atonco. It OlX'tlfl 1111(1 rln.'in 'SWJ&L. COLD 'N HEAD llo.ila anil Protects ilia Mi.tnt.m.m n i... Kenses of Tite ruiii Kmcll. mi elco 80c. 2 Tr k fc'fP.l'.-S. t I'niMlats or by mall. ' ml i'.ut BMumnuu.w Wftrra BtrMUNiirTcrk. vZu Imwy Nlicht KmlBslona and wuUnjr dlseaaen, all olTectu o eelf! S abuse, or execes and India. "J blOOtl iHlUUm-. ltrhnru 41,' bfcZJ l'ln: ,Iov' luechceicBa fm&L Hi0Kli the lite of youth t to euro or roflma U,o SXi. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton fc JacUwn stc, OHIOAQO, iu. and Court Street, THE DALLES. OR. Notice. Timber Culture. I'. H. I.ANH On ici:, Tin: Dam.kb, Oiikihin,) rviirniiry n, iiyj, ) i". li mi .. "J1' ""' et, III Wiiico ,.r.i Huw ' (,rt'K"i'- with n vleiv lo tho ciin J. I I'll'."1!"' J,M c"tr'' '"'Ht.iiit iiIIckIiik llmt I . . i.,1;! J h""!,ll,"-,r vr ploweil urciiltlviiliil fciilil triict I'xeeiii ii imu kir .u .,. i ,iin time nor Iiiin iiiiy ono for lilm iaiileil nny r,eoi cilttlllKH. nr m-i-iIh, nml iiIkii tliUMiiil Wis ,l,w ,''ii,!,'",';'f 'iU'tn V'." ""ml1' IVlTimry, W, ii ilellu'iul s.ilil relliiiiiiljhinent to thin iilllnnt i' k "'V,,'1""1,! "hment wii Only nliil in the l . h, olllcii nf I he liiillen, (ireuor, mill it t the m' .i i1, ''I'"' ""''""lU'iiHloncil mill tniot 1 rr,.' !1?','"1'1,11 retiirneil thereto huiil! J lKllt "r iMw-l WW tmct of ,-'f,.'?.,,''1'!,i,,',mk'',l'l,,M,!l'v oinninohiil to up Jit in V '"V11"'0 "'" - ly of April, lWJ, ii.Miim n .,,,;k, " '" l'M.HIIll ittiil liimlMi iminiony conceinliiKkiilil neeil fniiure. 11,1 JAV I'. I.IVAH, IliuUter Notice of Sale. 1 .1.... , Li.. . . "i,f;M,"ii'i iiiiu to ken ..II ',,r 11 ",IU',(;11 ei.ininiiiHlliiK in Mb ii L Lui rc'." ,l'rl,l'crty hercliiiiiter tl -11I11 ii.ttYf . , ,,l'V".Ju,,.',"M(,,t 'r of wilil f 1 .," ,""'''"!' 'Icfenilmit, o l. Tiiy 1 will on Hiiiiiriluy tho 5Ui liny of, Inly, 18W, Honil. Vi.iif ... ..V. .7...,ur c'mn 111 iiiiiiii, 1 no 11 r liuu Mini tills Utli ihiyof Ji.ni.. lKiHi. Jim i: 11 ti '"I'KUT KKI.I.V, '' " HhcrllVof Wiucn fimiily, Or, mm ONE FOR A D08E. PILLS :u aav U DvSur7 mi. w.. ifi"".?"ti w uonlok.11. u , Jl',',1.' ,1',,ilv''Kl'ceneiilereil nt this, olllco M (Mile I'. V.ehiTK Hujiliist Winlcy Hiiinimier for r.'.Vir'v" ''.','!'.l,lly lvl."' hiw'" ll'iiber-cullnre ii .L ,.",' :' "J'tcil K'Pteii.berW, 1!,H, iiMi tlll'H. 1. '. hii! tin Ill 'I.. r. ....,!..! IMHIlll vi ,,i , .I'.'-m1'1!5' Klvn . ttuit by virtue of mi m. ! ,. 1 , ,n n'1 lmt 11 ,hu ;lrt'l'lt (-'""tl ih.r In lK 1' ,,,r ,"'"; t;'uniy. In .. Milt Ml. I I V.i'".'?' .V,,,!:R',1" Knecliinil Is I ol 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 II. . i i0, r,v "r- 'rl K. Tiiylor, Hie 1 ' f- f..' V'.'h,S- Jnoi'. V. I'll Iter liiiililiiii ..... TV iiiiu . i.iimnini ii win mn iinv in file hontt ''H m V';;'; A " ' 'lellmi l'ifi. !. . ." Koull'WiHt l"'rler nf 1 1 o 1 . ,",V.'",,'!l' 'i'wti j) North. flint VlbV tew1. "hii. 'lit