The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 08, 1899, Image 1

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    21) c Stalks
NO 73
jteftei lii Finn, Starration antt
People arc Huddled Together Willi Live
stock Sealey Seems to Uc (lie
Worst Point of Suffering, Where
the People arc Isolated to hat
Is Now a Small Island.
St. I.ofis, July ".A I'ost-Dltfpntcli
special from Austin, Tor., save: Gover
nor Bayers toilny received u message
from Soaluy over tho long-distance tele
phono, H.ivlng 1O0O persona who hnd
taken rufiigu on u mound threo inilefl lie
low there, iiru nlowly purlaltiiic for want
of food. To mill to tho horror, tho un
fortunates art! surrounded by poisonotiH
reptiles mid skunks. Iluddlud together
willi Iniiiiiiii beings nro sovernl hundred
he.ul of livestock. A number of those on
tin; mound Imvi! rccoivud bltoa from rep
tiles ami tkunks, mid nro in a dying
Details Cannot be Known for a Time.
St. Louis, July 7. A Post-Dispatch
special from Dallas says Chief Lineman
Wyrlck, of tho Postal Telegraph Com
pany, has just returned to Dallas from
Staioy, which is ut the northern edgo of
tho flooded district. Wyrick says the
llrazoa river tins hit Ion eight inches dur
ing tho pnat twuuty-four hours, and that
wiillo tlio highest estimates of loss of
life tuny bo somewhat exuggoruted, still
tho number is largo and cannot be defi
nitely known for several days.
Kvery thing is in astute of demoraliza
tion and confusion. On the Dewoy side
of tliu Brazos, u mile hi id a hulf of tho
"K ity" truck is wushed owny, while ut
least five iiiHch is under wuter nnd in
tucli a condition thut reconstruction is
necessary Relief mensnres nro now un
der way, but there nro still hundreds of
people in perilous positions.
Hieluiiond Needs Relief.
Itii'iiMosn, Tex , July 7. Never in
tho hiatury of Richmond were biicIi
ecenes witnessed us nro depicted toilny.
Husiiiuss la prnctic jlly Huapondcd. Muny
plaiitutiona nro under water. All trains
Mccupt those on tho Southern Pacific
West have been abandoned. Provisions
ro running low, nnd unices sonio are
received quickly, there will bo Millorlng
in a few diivH. There will he from live
to seven thousand people to feed in this
Place within a week.
Work of Rescue., July 7. A special to the
Tribune from Duke says: "The flood
situation is more grave today. Tho river
rosu two feet during tho night, nnd is
etlll rising. LifeBUvorfl from Gulveston
Marled out soon nfter davliglit. und did
splendid work. They brought In sixty
u'Klit refugees last night. Four deaths
from drowning nro reported near hero in
the last twenty.four hours."
Ainciicnii Minister in Japan Writes
n Most Scnsalionnl Letter to Uos
t, Alleging That Neither Dewey
Nr Otis Favored Conquest of
Hohton, July 7.-Itev. Clay MaOauley
written n lottor to tho Transcrlp
Ulotl nt ToklH, Jupaii, Juno 1 Mr. Mo-
y glares (hat Admiral Dewey
to him;
"lather than muke a war of conquest
AV4 . Making
Makes the food more
on the Filipino people, I would take up
anchor und sail out of the harbor."
Mr. McCuuley visited Manila in Jany.,
in Reurch of health. Of his views there
ho writes : "For u long time I couid not
believe that tliedlvastrouH drift of events
was known to the Washington authori
ties. I wns Inclined to lay the responsi
bility for the increubing perils upon the
military commander directly in charge.
Vol, now it Hceins clear to me that
General Otis did tho work In the main
In literal obedience to his superiors in
America ; thut there it wiib assumed that
the whole right and duty concerning
the future disposition mid control of the
Philippine islands lay in the wishes nnd
will of tho United States; that what tiie
Filipinos themselves might wish need
not be taken into the account in formu
lating plans for their government."
Tho writer had u talk with General
Otis. "Among other things," suid Mr.
McCauley, "Gtnerul Otis expressed re
gret that there was not u better knowl
edge of the situation nmong the Wash
ington legislators than tliero seemed to
be. And he impressed me deeply by hiB
declaration : '1 was ordered to this
poBt from San Francisco. 1 did not be
lieve in tho annexation of these islands
when I came here, nor do I believe in
their annexation now.'
I also had tho privilegoof a conversa
tion with Admirul Dewey," tho writer
says, nnd gives this version of it : "Dewey
spoke much of his concern over the turn
flairs hud taken und added that he was
'powerless to act.' Yet in one point in
liis remurks he declared : 'Rather than
make a war of conquest on these people
I would up anchor und sail out of the
harbor.' "
Mr. McCuuley says ho wrote President
McKiuley, whom he met in Washington,
ii'gnrding the situation and predicting
the outbreak which lias since occurred.
A ThouHtOHl rongiirH
Could not express tho rupture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st., Phil
ndelpl ia, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cared her of u hocking
cough thut for many years hud made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but tho
B.iys of this Royal Cnie-"lt soon re
moved tho pain in my chest und I can
now Hleep soundly, something I con
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. KingV New Discovery forouy trouble
of the throat, cheat or lungs. Price 50c
and $1. Trial bottle free ut Blukeloy &
Houghton's drug store; oyery bottle
guarauteed. 5
Yellow Fever Victim.
Washinuton, July 7. Tho war de
partment received tho following today:
"Santiago, July 7. Major Joseph
Hentwolo, chief of commissary, died
yesterday evening of yellow fever. Major
Heulwole was a resident of Indiana, and
brother of Representative Heutwold, of
DiintiuiM Cniiiiut Itu Gurmi.
liv liK-al annllcations. as they cannot
reach tho diseused portion of tho enr
There is only one way to cure deufuesp
and thut is bv constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dltion of the mucous lining of tho Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube Is in
flamed you have u rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and wheu It Isou
tlroly closed, Deafness is tho result, and
unless tho inflauunntlon cnu be taken
out ami this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will bo destroyed for
ever; nlnocuseH out of ten nro caused
by catarrh, which la nothing hut an In
flamed condition of tho mucous eur
faces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh
Cure. Bond for circulars ; free.
F. J. Ctiu.NKV & Co.. Toledo, 0.
nld In- DruukrlBts, 70c. tMO
Hall'n Family Till nro tho best.
delicious and wholesome
He Had a Tired Feeling
Nnw Youk, July 7. Secretary of War
Alger wiib a spectator of the Columbia
Defender yicht race. Afterward, being
interviewed, he said :
"About the war, we nro moving along
as expeditiously as possible, and the re
cruiting of many regiments has betn or
dered, liut you have published all that."
"What will be done to aid tlio sufferers
by the Texas floods?"
"Tho wnr department will promptly
render all reasonable aid thut it can.
Orders to that effect have been given."
"Is there anything now about your re
ported probublo resignation from the
cabinet or about the United States sen
atorship from your state?" the reporter
A wearied expreesion overspread the
secretary's face, nnd witli u somewhat
shnrp "good night," be turned on his
heel nnd rapidly wulked away.
Kur an Kclltor to Ki-uoiniiieiiil I'atcnt
From Sylvan Vnlley News, Brevrad,
N. C.
It may be n question whether the
editor of a newspaper has the right to
publicly recommend any of the various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet as a preventive of suffering
we feel it a duty to say a good word for
Chauiberlain'e Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. We have known and
used this medicine in our family lor
twenty years and haye alwayB found it
reliable. In many cases a dose of this
remedy would save hours of suffering
while u physician is awaited. We do
not believe in depending implicitly on
uny medicine for u cure, but we do
believe tout if u bottle of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Remedy wns kept on hand
and administered ut the inception of an
attack, much suffering might be avoided
nnd in very many cases tho presence of
u physician would not be required. At
least this has been our experience
during tlio past twenty years. For sale
by JJtakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Poisoning Mystery.
Sax Fkancisoo, July 7. Chen ist
Price found u largo quantity of arsenic
in the candy which wns sent to MIsb
Florence Campbelland caused tho alarm
iug illness of herself and friend, Mrs.
Elsie Scheib, Inst Friday night. The od
drose on package was cut from an old
envelope which tt is said Mrs. John
Rathom hud sent to Mies Campbell
when the two women were conducting a
friendly correspondence. The police are
convinced tiiat Mrs. Rathom did not
send the poison, and are still investigat
ing the mysterious case.
For Sale.
Three houses and four
lots in Tho Dalles, as a
whole or separately. Lo
cation healthy and desir
able, near school. Pays
oxcoptionally good intor
ost on investment. Prop
erty in good condition.
Mrs. A. Fitz Gerald
839 Golden Gate Av.,
San Francisco, Cal.
To Arrive at 'Frisco on Next Wednes
day or Thursday.
Transports Newport and Ohio Are Now
Out From Manila Twenty Three
San Fkancisco, July ".The United
States transports Newport nnd Ohio are
now out twenty-three days from Manila
with the Second Oregon volunteeis
aboard. They ehould reach here next
Wednesday or Thursday. The return
ing troops will be given n warm recep
tion. The iiarbor commissioners have
placed the tug Governor Markhnm at
the disposal of the governors of Cali
fornia and Oregon, who will bo on hand
to meet the troops. The transportation
department of the government is now
making arrangements for sending the
OregonianB home.
The Newport and Ohio will be fol
lowed by the Indiana and Morgan City
with invalids; the SenRtor, with the
Tenth Pennsylvania; Hancock, with
batteries A and B, of the Firet Utah,
and the remains of the First Nebraska;
the Warren, with the Fir6t Colorado
and Sherman with the First Calfornla.
A diseased stomach surely under
mines health. It dulls the brain, kills
energy, destroys tha nervous system,
and predisposes to Insanity and fatal
diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are
quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It bus cured thousands of cases aud is
curing them every day. Its ingredients
are such that it can't help curing.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Fire and Explosion.
Washington, July 7. Fire ami ex
plosion in the residence of Captain Dick
ens, of the United States navy this morn
ing, resulted in the death of Mrs. Dick
ens, who was fearfully burned and died
before medical assistance could reach
her. Other persons about t he house
were seriously but not dangerously
DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel
from the system nil poisonous accumu
lations, regulate the stomnch, bowels
ond liver, and purify the blood. They
drive nwuy disease, dissipate melancholy
aud give health aud vigor for tlio daily
routine. Do no giipe or sicken. Butler
Drug Co.
Practical Charity.
Chicago, July 7. A special to the
Tribune from Madison, Wis., says : Ames
F. Wilder, editior of the State Journal,
has received u check for $250 from Helen
Gould, to be used in the New Richmond
relief fund.
Threo horses Juno 10, 1899, described
as follows: two weighing about MOO
each. One a light chestnut branded D
on left shoulder. Black iiorse branded
C on left shoulder. One bald faced
sorrel weighing nbout 1200; roaclied
in tine. A liberal reward for information
of the whereabouts, or the return of
same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractors,
Viento, Or., or E. V. Husiianu, Mosier,
Or. j28-lm
You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting.
EH good, wholesome food, and plenty
of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
food without uid from the stomach, nnd
Is made to cure, Butler Drug Co.
Thomas Iihoads, Ccntcrfield, O.,
writes: "I suffered from piles Beven or
eight years. No remedy gave me rolief
until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less
than a box of which permanently cured
me." Soothing, healing, perfictly harm
less. Beware of counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
Keep Your Eye On
A. Nl. Williams & Co.'s
Ann ouncements
Next Week.
I A. M. Williams & Co.
I8-lnch Motor.!
Circulars and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
All kinds of
The palles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
& Barget
Burial Shoes,