At. 8A" 8k IsK' fit. 'ill'- I THE OLD WAY An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects 01 tne won Known remedy, Srr.ui" of Vina, manufactured by the Camfouxia h'ia Svnur Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally lasalive and presenting them in the form most rcf resiling' to the taste ami acceptable to the system. 11 is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleanslusr tins system citcetualiy, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per nianciitlv. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, ana its aotintr on tue niuneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they arc pleasant to the tasts, but tne medicinal qualities ot the remedy arc obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Califoiinia Fio Svnur Co. only. In order to tret its beneficial effects and to nvoid imitations, please remcmiiorthc full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ban ruAfrcisco, cai.. X.0TJIS7TLT.E. ITT. III5V.- YOHE, K. V. For sale by all Drugbts. Price SOc. perbcttla Of Treating Dyspepsia and Indigestion by Dieting a Dangerous and Useless One. 'I KBON It, MEXTIO" J. II. Shcrar came in from Eicht-ruil today. A. 11. Wi'cox nf Grass Valley iina re turned from a short trip to Portland. Mrs. J. M. Patterson and Miss Patter Eon left on tiie train last evening fur Wasco. Simeon Bolton and wife have returned from PortlaLd where they stent Ihe lonrth. Bay Loian came up on the boat last evemiig and will visit in the citv for Eorue time. Messrs. E. M. Brannik, Meyer Abra ham a id A. Roderick Grant, all travel ing men, are in the city. Dr. Charlotte B. Brown, of San Fran c'ico, ia visiting her aunt, lire. E. P. E iberte, of Dry Hollow. Brent and Frank Driver, who spent yesterday in the city, left this afternoon for their respective homes near Wamic. Rev. an Mrs. G. Rushing arrived home yesterday evening from Turner, Or., where they wero in attendance at the Oregon Christian Missionary Con vention. J. A. Douthit left on the afternoon train for Astoria, where he goes to at tend a meeting of the State Editorial Association. Mre. J. S. Cooper and ohildren who have been visiting with Mtt. D. J. Cooper for the past few days rofitrned to their home at Independenciron tne boat this morning. BUSINESS LOCALS. For Snlo. One second-hand truck wagon, and t one new 3j-inch Bain truck wagon at M.uun it Bunton'm. Jun30-2w We say the old way, but really it Is a very common one at tho present time and many dyspeptics and physicians ae well consider the first step to take in attempting to cure indigestion is to diet, either by selecting certain foods nnd re jecting others or to greatly diminish the quantity usually taken : in other words the starvation plan is supposed by many to be the first essential. The almost certain failure of the starvation cure has been proven time and again, but still the moment dyspop-1 eia makes its appearance n couuo of dieting Is at once advised. All this is radically wrong. It isfco'.ish and unscientific to recommend dieting to a man suffering from dyspepsia, be cause indigestion itself starved every organ, every nerve and every fibre in the body. What the dyspeptic wants is abundant nutrition, which means plenty of good, wholesome well-cooked food, and some thing to assist tho weak stomach to di gest it. This is exactly the purpose for which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are ndanted and this is the method by which they cure the worst cisos of dyspopsia; in other words the patient eats plenty of wholesome fcod and Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets digests it for him. In this way the system is nournhednnd the overworked stomach rested, becauso the tablets will digest the food whether the stomach works or not. One of these tablets will digest 3,000 grains of meat or eggs. Your druggist will tell vou that Stuart's Tablets is the purest and safest remedy for stomach troubles and every trial makes one more friend for this ex cellent preparation, bold at oO cents for full sized package at all drug stores. A little book on cause and cure of stomach diseases mailed free by address ing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. DeWitt's Ltlt'o Earlv Risjrs benefit permanently. Thev lend ucntlo assist-i anco to nature, catifin no pains or j weakness, permanently curing canstipa- j j tlor and liver ailment?. Butler Drug j C0 1 1 "What might have been" 'f that S, little cough hadn't been neglected, is the ead reflection of thousands of consump tives. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and olds. Butler Drug Co. OKKEKAL Teeth Extracted FREE SHTURDHY. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bare. C. J. Stublinc, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m ...AND... Horsesfioers Wagon and Cnrrlago Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. a, t 'ill s '! The het uork nt tho least poesible cost. ROD sots teolh In ono yuar is our ro ll ! cord in our Portland cilice. Satisfaction gimr.mtenl In eyery case. ! Administrator's Notice. Xntlcc Is hereby kIviii that the inulcrslRiiril has been tl illy iioliitfcii by the Hon. County Court of tliu the SUto of OrcffOli, for Wuco county, as Riluiimitnitorof the I'stateof Ailoljih Astillns, rtecciiHii. All persons having claims spalnst taiil estate nro hereby notified to present the same properly verified to me Ht thi- olllco of my nttorntys, Dufiir & Menefee, within tlx months rom thuitnte of thli notice. lMtutat The Dulles, Oregon, June.'., 1SW. J. 1 AlIIPlUS. Administrator of (he Estate of Adolph Agliilus, ilccensetl. 7ll NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the umlcrsiKiicd has filed his llnul account as executor of the es tate of Sarah McAfee with t ic clerk of the count court of the Ma to of Orcsou, for Waco county, ami that Thundny.lhc l.'lih dayof Julr, lM.', at the hour of 10 o'clock n. ni. lias been llxwt as the time unit the count r-mrt room in Dalles City as the pace for the hearttif; of ob jections to s aid final account ami settlement of salil estate. Pateil July 13. li'.O. Tllr y. NOIiVAL. Jun U-i Executor. Notice. Timber Culture. s. Tliiril and Mewn. PhoucI159 ..cjuis. mu- Butchers and Fafmeps 1 Wood Wood Wood. We can furnish you with strictly first clasp, dry, fir wood at tho same prices winch you have been paying for inferior quality. Send us your orders and get tiie best. Phone 2o. Mchl. Jos. T. Prrcas A Co. Cah tn Your Checks. All countv warrants registered nrior to August i, lai'o. will be nanl nt mv office. Interest ceases after June 9. iovv. j, l., riiif.i.irs. County Treasurer. U. b. L.ind Offick, The Dalibs, OnKoo::,l r'ebruary'il, HVJ. J Complaint having been cntereil nt tfci oa'.ce oy uiue r. v.eDenj nnmnst Lesley hummner for fnllun) to comply with law as to timber-culture j-nir .o. arii, uatw cpteiiiDcr".', lijs, it pen thoy. E. II .Seellon 10. Towushin 6. south of Willamette Meridian. Ituncu US cst. In Wnsco i-uiiuiy, oiateoi urcjiou, wun ti view to tne can cellation of said entry, conttstant allejjliu that said Wesi-y Summncr never plowed or cultivated &am iraci e.xcepi aooui six acres ami never at any time nor has any one for him planted any trees or cuttinjrs. or seeds, and alo the said Wes ley .Summner about the month of February, 1S99, duly relinquished said tract to the Unlttd states and delivered saia relinquishment to this alliant aud said relinquishment wai duly riled in the U. S. office of The Dalles, Otesou, and at tho said time and prior thereto abauduned said tract and hs never siuco saM lime returned I hereto cr claimed any tight or interest in said tract of laud. Tho said parties arc hereby summoned to ni pcar at this otlice on the 20th day of April, lb'), at 10 o'clock u. in., to lestioiid and furnish testimony concerning said allezcd failure. U ti JAY 1 i.UCAS, Ilesister. v ..Exchange.. Keepi on draught the celebrated COl.UMIIIA HEEIt, aeknowl. edged Ihe best beer In Tho Italics, attheuual price. Conic In, try it and be ronvlnrod. AIo the Finest brands of Wines, I.liuor and Cigars. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always on baud CONSIDER OUE PRICES: Best Crown and Bridge work f-'2k. gold;, per tooth sot teeth, cuiir.inteed Best (lohl Filling Heat silver or alloy filling ... M.r.o ....$5.00 .$1.00 up , .&0i:iii Kmms II VI l.'i, Chapimiu lllocl:, Second .St. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manager. How About Your Title? 1 p1 Yon need have no boils if you will buy Clarke & Fa Ik's sure cure for Lolls. Latest thing in cameras are Ira proved Magazine cyclones at Donnull's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of fhickfii feed. tuc! 25-tf Improved Magazine cyduiea are win ners!. Dunnell, the druggist, will gladly show them to you. Try Verba Buena Bitters, (he best tonic. For sale at all Grst-clas3 bars. C. J. Stublinc, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m A diseased stomach surely under mines health. Itdulli the brain, kills energy, destroy th nervous system, and prtdisposei lo Insanily ami fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles arc quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has cured thousands of cates aud is curing them every day. lis ingredients nre tuch that it can't help curing. Bnipef-Klneraly Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo., writes : "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug Co. "Harmony" WhUkey. Harmony whiskoy for family and special use, eoIiI by Ben Wilson, Tho I'alles. i'l To Curo a Cold In Oue Day. Takn Laxative Brorno Quinine Tab lets. All drugget? refund the money It fails to cure. 25c. me CoiumDia PacRino Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANCFACTOHKKB OF Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JBIED BEEF, EEC. Just "What Vou caant. 3 2 'T 1 UK YOr St' HE it is nil right? Uomimihtir it U the HKCOU1) that ui'VertiH. It ih our liti-mees Jo Ecarcii the records and ehuw what they cuiilttin in elation to hind thief. If vnn coutcmtihitu liiivlug land or loaning money nn real etUte ccrnrltv, lake no niun' word, but insist upon knowing what the record tihuwu regarding the title. An Abstract is as essontlal ns a deed. Innist on having it. Wit havu the only cot of Abstract Books in the Coiiniy, All work prinn)itly ex tent! d mid satisfaction guaranteed. It you havu prop crtv tn injure, give m n call. We are agiiutH for four of the best lire insurance companies in Ihe world. If you have property for sale, list it with us and we'll find a hover. J, M, Huntington &Co. Phono 81. 2d St., oppoalto A. IYI. VllllaniB &. Co. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Beal imita tion creton effects at ordinary nrices. Good papers at chean naner nrinpH. Elegant designs, tasteful coloriuge, yours for p. small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. J.S. HCIIKMK, President. . ii. Jixxi. , Caahio I'or .Sale CIipu-. Harrison Hay press, good as new, in quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith shop. Mayl7-tf You can't cure dygnenin hv dit-tlnc Eitjtoad, wholesonie food, anil plenty i fils!u n?.d Tolegraphi of it Kedol Dvspepsia Cure digests food without rid fro.n the stomach, and ii nude to cure. BiHl-r Drug Co. Wilson gallery now graphs Irom $1 to ?o pe DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tho part nership heretoiure txieting between O. J.Cathcart and J.D.Straus, under tho linn name of Cat heart & Straus is this day dissolved by mutual content, C. J. Cathcart retiring. J. I). fjtraus will continue (ho business, and will coh lect all bills dun said firm and psv all accounts against the aaine. Dated July 1, 1SU0. C. J. Cathcakt, J. D. liTftAUS, DWitt'i Liitlo Early JU.ers expol froai tho syitem nil poUonous nccuniu latiorm, reaulato ihe etoinach, bowels open. Photo r dczen. Jlyl lw For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera hat will take larger pictures than any other Camera on tho market. For sale by CJarfc'fcft Falk. if ONE FOR A DOSE. TUmivo Plra-ilo., I'f-T-nt I. Illon; jm., Vurtlf thlllMj. inuar... 11.. p. -.,... in - n II u m f T.i ..?" ...""oou, H HKakl a"? '''itp-u. i . ,TT Tj-c run. in, will ,',,, ' .tll'l? l'tl1l.n!. f coo- it C. Scl.1 I,. .",-"i-'J Finst National Bank. THH DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted uepoaita received, subject to Sight Braft or Cheek. Collections made and proceeds prompth . i. . ,t.iii uxi u ui i;uiiuLiuii. and Toleirranhie E-icharma pniii cr. Kdw York, .San Francisco ami ort. ;nnd. DIKBCTOKS l). I'. TlfOill'HOH. Jno. B. Snintff.- En. M. Wilmayb, Guo. A. Lti;a:i. 11. al. iiKAi.i.. GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE "Hr , TRADE MARKS Jesigne r TfW COPYHIQIITS &C. Anyono sending a sfcctrh and driciiptlon rna liirentlnn la probnblr patentable. CommunlciC Mii..iiikiir yuiiuuvnildj. IIJUIQUOOK on I'atenlc cms. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. wi t,?'t,fl1cl-lJ' dlerests tho food and aids J2f ? BtronKthenlng and recon struotlnj? tho exhausted digestive or Rial liver, aiid ptitlfy the hlooiJ. They .ant and tonic. No other nrftrZnHnn drive uwur iliHMtio, disilpato melancholy 5?n JPpro?1ch 11 ln, eUlclency. It In and give health .....I vUor for the dal.y SSwL'g "6 L?dftiSJWn?n,iSnt,?,cur08 : Cj I lr T T a 1 -,. - -"''I "HUICUl eiit Ireo. Oldest teener for lecuncp patei: I'aroniA lauen flirniliFh Alttriri Jtr tfn tptclal notlct, without ctiarcc. In tho ' Scientific American. A hnnd'omelr Ulu'tratert weeklr. I.aruost dr. culatlun of nnr -cientiuo journal. Tcrroi). S3 a 2"r montUa, ci. Boldbjall newsdealer. MUNN&Go.30B. New York Uranch OBlco. (, Y EL. Waihloito" Ii. C. p. s. Gunning, Blacksmiih, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Car, Second & Langlii, 'Piione 157 FRENCH Sl CO., BANKERS. ritA.NSAUTA UNKKAMUKKINO HUhlNKH Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. fjiit bxetmnuo nnd Telegraphic 'I Vi rt at avo XT -if i ' .....,.wa cum uii i-uw i orK, unicaKo, St. Louis, San Frnneieco, Portland Ore- ?w... uuu -rnajinmi various points in Oregon and Washington. iOiiections luado at all points on fav orahle terins. (Xlhiskey. This hraml of Whiskey is una ran teed to the consumer as a PUKE HANI) MAIMS SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family and .Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - Tiie Dalles, Or. i n !id CYCLONE Mgazine Notice of Sale. ,!i",'(;e Is hereby Riven that by virtue of u?..,. : ii we wire i i ucurt of the Mutoof Orntoii, for H'uco Countv, ! tfilt John Jlnrirer. Joacnh A.'jni n.,7 A AW1'.'' hlclla k". I'Milv i 1 1 ii... V :a''"-r, TliomaniU nro TryliiR It, Tn order to Drove tho rrreat mnrtf nf , Hly'B Cream Uahn. tho jnoUoiIcctivo euro . for Catarrh and Cold in Head, wo havo tiro. I pared a gctioroiw trial uizo for 10 cents. I ?L,i!..1VnV,!,""rtp,t,la,"1 wnmiiiliKm FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consklor: 12 Plcturon In 12 Soooncls. b uittor Hulb nolTmuo. b utttiir Automatic Shuttor Locks, Alumlmim I'lntehoUlora. hot Dtopn. Spoolni Quick Lons, Automniio KuKiHtur. All iinrtn lnl.irl,,. i.i 10 tuZfiZVtt.l'?"" romovad without tiisitirblnir uncxpoaud. No. 4-'slzo 3'., x 4,',j) $8.00 No. G-(aizo 4 x 5),... 10.00 1899 Cntaloftuo with com ploto Information FREE. . I lint A fflt,nri j 1 liu only Miik-Iiih 1 1 Uaiaern tUili bulb klmtter. Uv M. Z. DONNELL. 10th ilay f July, iaoi, at. I ic Iioiir of 2 o'clock n.m.. tolUi i,iin WltTft7PV t, i In .1... irr- :- C. J. STUBLING- Wholosale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t Amerioan Licmor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. uAia to tiioh Uiiii..-. i;;. .v.."v :4,' -'JLH.-"i kuih u 9 itdr.ruii.m t.rrz tr? r. . - - - -- ci" ?fy?!-d"88ut " o i &!HH'A' ?' .''.-'w tiio IMPORTED (JfjON AO lr 7 , ,:;,' V vmrH',Hl'1 ... KLY IJllOH., CO Warronfit., K. Y. City. I iu Hoiitli bnlf of tlio Jnl.n ,w-n '" A LI ( M A yi ili n V u .7 ' r Bn,l",, 1X1 ,0 '""" "M'' ever einco n boy. und I nover honed for ere. 111..V0 H M 1 wdliiliiK lui DWT.V rprrTn riTm-nr -- aa abJ 1 X A I'l f III". H I I I f TT V w w. i--AV)iUUH BUJjD. BlailirofVmc,,tou,Vt7,(5 Drii Co. Uo Clarke A Fallm Ito-ofoam for llio Uetn. wiqtiierriMulUoflrnperfectdlHMtlnn: rmoarta oy t. C. D.Witt Co.. CjjlcoBoT For alo by Uutler Unit Co.. curo, hut Ely'H Cream Halm neeiiia lo do! I2t)i iiay of June, evon that. Many acquaintancea havo used ! j,,,, 17.11 ki,..,i -Lf -KKI.l.v it wun excellent results. u,-ar Ostrimi, 45 SVurrou Ave., Chicago, 111, i:iy'i Croam Balm is tho acknowledged cure for catarrh aud contains no cocaine, tnorcury nor any injurious driiK. 1'iico, 60 cnuU. At driigtUu or by tii'iil. j Try Verba lltieim Illttore, tho hfst Ionic. Jor ealo at all UrBt-clasg bars. U. J. Ktublinj, DBont, Tho Dalles. MIKm! rmS&SSZr' Val 1,lilU ft,,d 0n"l eer In bottle JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.