The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 07, 1899, Image 3

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Yard? of tho choicest of
Uco Jaconna, riguruu liuwnn, tapper i&inpos, Figured Or
irandies and Mayo Cords. All nl ono price,
8 cents.
TIioho goods aro the accumulation of tho various lines,
and although but ono and two pieces of a number, represent
Choice Novelties
at a figure much below tho
v Hosiery Sale.
25 dozen Ladies' Silk Finished drop-stitch Hosiery, stainless
black, 2Hc per pair.
Misses' and Boys' Fine ftibbed Hose, high, spliced heel and
toe, 12?.c per pair.
Ladies' Vests.
Ladies' Fino Summer-weight liibbcd and Lisle Vests, ecru
and white, 10c, 13c, 19c and 20c.
Jersey Kibbed and Lisle Union Suits,, low neck and sleevc
les, 59c.
Ventilating Summer Corset, in white, onlv 2oc.
Men's Straw Hats at Half Price.
We have an assortment of odd lots which we wish to dispose
of, and will sell them for one-half of their marked price
while thev last.
All (Joods marked in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. J.
All Changes In Advertisements must
w banded in before io o'clock A. M as
uiuies win Dc accepted in tue alt
crnoon This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, iKyy.
Tlio fainotiH eu ier resort Cloud Uup
"in la opened tor tho fieneon.
JJy a Bliirt waist nt A. M. Williams
Oo.' tomorrow and gut a belt free.
Keiul their nd.
A- M. Williams & Co. uro offering vou
a choice of retook of belts free' to
morrow. Kead their nd.
T'w 1'rlnuvlllo Btnue bits changed lime
"ii til furt bur notieo will leave here
wt n, in. ,i nrrjvo ,u no0IJi
Tho inisotliin of tho National KJiturtul
jMocltttlon i,lcli is being held in
'"timid is still insoaslon nnd baa had
foIeV1"'0' 1"U'ro8ll"s BubjBl
Yesterday Hfleruoon Batnuol Wllkln
o mid Anna JJ.Franclfco were united
rrioge, Judge Maya officiating,
"y left on the ovoning train lor
opjmer, where they will upend a few
Mr. Kdwurd Morse arrived in the city
Zi i 1 ,rom 1,ort'ni ! c
JJ .'M'OBltlon with the Duller Drug
'" 'uimuber of year Mr. Moree
m been head druggBt for tliokldmore
""gCo.,01 Portland.
Work on the YaiuHII locki will be
MUuieduHBoouM the water it below
'V' ,,l(1wl'workl.tobegln. It 1.
July 8th,
summer goods, consisting of
. Id. .
cost of these goods in slock.
dull v. Ono hundred men will be em
ployed, nnd the locks will bo rushed to
Mayor Unrrct, of Hilleboro, lias issued
n call to tlio citizens of llilleboro and
Washington county to meet this even
ing and make arrangements to receive
in ft fitting manner the boys (run that
county on their return from Manila.
On Monday evening (ieo. Horshnw of
Pendleton was co unfortunate as to lose
an eye. Ho was standing on tho street
whou eonieone threw u good sized bomb
on the ground at Ills feet just as It ex
ploded, throwing rocks and dirt, tho re
sult of which Mr. ilereltnw lost the
eight of nn oye.
Tho second oiso of smallpox in one
day, both from tho same nidua or nett,
fell into the hands of tho city health
officers at Spokane Wednesday after
noon. The man's naino is .lobn Cilue,
andbolinlls from Wren it Cireenough'H
grading camp on tho Clearwater river
extension in Idaho.
Tho many friends of Kdwurd JenkliiB
will bo purpiieed and pained to learn
that he is in St. Vincent hospital in
Portland with not more than even
chances for his recovery. He was taken
alck Tuesday and n doctor being called,
pronounced bis care nppendecitis, and
bo was removed to tho hospital when
an operation was performed on him.
Tlio wool market is very quit today
and will not open up much before Mon
day. More woolgrowera nro in town
than nt any other time dining the
season and oie watching tho market
very cloeely. Wool Is urriving daily In
large quantities, and although a great
deal of It la being shipped Katt never
theless tho warehouses are crowded to
the utmost.
There la a great deal of activity around
the garrison at Vancouver at present.
Preparations aro being pushed rapidly
for the reception of tho Second Oregon
volunteera. The company quartern are
being thoroughly overhauled and tents
aro being erected on (lie parade ground.
The barrack are not Urge enough to ac
commodate all the member of the regl
went, and it will be ueceaaary for part
of them to occupy tents. This will not
bo a hardship, however, as tho weather
will be warm and tho location dry arid
The c.ise of tho Statu of Oregon vs.
Ohricninn llros. is occupying the atten
tion of .liiHico Bayard today. The
chnrgn Is that their slaughter house,
which is on the Chriemnn property be
low the Masonic cemetery, is a nuisance
and should bo abated. Tho jurymen
weighing tho tcetimonv nro. .Inlm linnn.
i. M. Lane, V. lltirchatorff, M. Randall,
u !. .Stephens and John Catcs.
An adjourned regular meeting of tho
water commissioners was held lastoyen
ing at tho recoider'a oflico, President
Seufcrt presiding, nnd Commissioners
Fish, Moore, lluchlcr, Phirman and
Randall present. K. n. Unfur sub
mittcd a deed for tho rieht of wnv for
tho Dalles City supply pipo from tho
reservoir at the Mesplio place to the city
reservoir, which was received bv thn
board. Election of officers for tlio cur
ront year was next in order, and T.J.
Scufirt, tho present incumbent, was
unanimously re-elected president, as
was J. 15. GrosEcn for city superinten
dent. On motion of Phirman the super
intendent was instructed nnd directed to
employ a man to take cue of the ditches
at the headwaters of Dalles City water
supply on Mill creek for at least three
months. Nothing further coming before
tho board the meeting adjourned.
Arson was attempted twice in Spo
kane on the night of the Fourth nnd the
following morning. Tho home of Arthur
K. Houchlns was soaked with coal oil
by the vandals before tho match was
applied. The oil had been epattered on
walls nnd on furniture with the inten
tion of making a thorough job of it, but
the blaze had not made much headway
when it was discovered, and tho neigh
birs broke into the bouse and eaved n
large part of the furniture. The IIou
chins family was absent from the city
and none of them had been in tlio house
for several days. The origin of the fire
is a mystery. Tho fire department ar
rived In timo to eovc tho house after it
had been damaged about half its value.
The other attempt to destroy valuable j
property was at the Sacred Heart school.
A largo Chinese bomb was thrown
through one of the second-story windows
into a vacant room, where it exploded
nnd scattered burning straw over the
floor. Luckily the straw oid not burn
sufficiently to start a blaze in the room
The bomb wns evidently exploded in
the building after 11 p. in., as Father
KuBters was about the building until
that hour and did not hear the ex
plosion. Ho discovered the evidence of
it in the room Wednesday morning.
The window had been smashed when
tho bomb was thrown in.
A Child Knjoyx.
Tlio pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing efl'ect of Syrup of Fig?, when in
need of a laxative, and if the fattier or
mother be costive or bilioup, the most
gratifying results follow its use; so that
it is tho best family remedy known and
every family should have a Dottle.
Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co.
50 lt-ruril.
A reward of fiO will bo paid by the
uudert-iiued for tho recovery of the body
of Bert Whitney, drowned in the Snake
river tit PaloiiEo Ilapiils, near Lyon's
Feiry.on May L'll, 1809.
Bert Whitney was 21 years old ; weight
about 175 pounds; height 5 feet, 11 in.;
smooth shaved ; dark brown hair. Ho
noro dark pants with light stripe?, and
heavy laced shoes ; has a tuft of light
colored hair on tho left, buck side of
head ; two burn scars on body.
Tho person finding tho body will
please who
C. K. Whit.nkv,
2l-2w St. Helens, Ore.
11 lunulal ('(invention.
For the above international occasion
of tho Kpworth League, which takes
place at Indianapolis, July 'JO-iJIJ, tlio O.
It. & N. Co. will make a round trip rate
of 47(1 to Indianapolis, tickets on sale
July lJttli and Mth, limited to expire ro.
turning September 15, 1899. Good for
continuous passage only on the going
trip. Good for etop over returning at
any intermediate point west of tlio
Missouri river or St. Paul. Call on or
address Jas, Ireland, agent, Dalles, for
further information. julyl-15
. Nori UK,
IJmtkd Status Land Omon,
Oituao.v Citv, June 21, IS!)!).
Notice Is hereby given that tlio ap
proved fractional plat of Township 2
north range 8 eaet, has boon received
from tho eurveyor general of Oregon,
and on August Jet, 18!)!', at 0 o'clock, u.
m., of aalddate, said plat will bu tiled in
this office, and the laud therein em
braced, will be subject to entry on mid
after aaid date. Cuah, It, Mooiikk,
Vm. (iAi.i.owAV, Jteglater.
Ciimittsrfeltnr Arrenlcil.
Shortly boforo noon today n eecdy
looking Individual wandered into Stub
ling's saloon and began playing tlio
nickel-in thc-elot machine, Several
were in the saloon at tho time nnd
noticing tlio peculiar manner in which
tho man acted walked up to the ma
chine and became convinced Hint tho
man was working sonto scheme. Mr.
Fall's attention was called to the tr.:U!er
and ho Investigated and found tho man
wns playing counterfeit nickels.
Fait immediately telephoned for
Sheriir Kelly who came down nnd ar
rested the fellow who pretended to be
decidedly under tlio influence of liquor.
When taken to the county jail nud
questioned bo said his name was John
son nud that he had arrived in town last
nilit, cDining from Wailula.
On being asked where he secured the
spurious coin, which wnn a baso imita
tion and could be told by a blind man,
he said ho bought them from a man
hero in town, which undoubtedly ia a
When searched, $8.05 in good money
was lound, among which was 131
nickels. In a sock sccteted on his
person lie had $15. -15 in counterfeit
nlckele, while in his pockets and tied in
a handkerchief he had $6.50 more, in all
some -530 lead nickels which he was dis
posing of as fast as possible by putting
them in the different machines around
town nnd Inking out good money.
A recipe for the composition of which the
counterfeits are made was also found on
his person, but there was no trace as to
where the die was secreted. He is
being held for examination.
Tito of a Kind.
The Dalles is njt the only place that
has difficulty in settling tho Btreet light
problem. We have been without light
for the past two year?, and are in the
same position as when the matter was
first discussed. The committee appoint
ed from tho council have done every
thing in their power to remedy the
matter so we would be able to have
light?, but so far have not met with
Salem is in about tho same fix as
The Dalles in the matter of lights, nnd
have come to the conclusion that the
city has been paying too much for iight.
Today Recorder Gates received a com
munication from S. W. Prescott, of
Salem, asking for a statement of curient
expenses, such as aro paid for water,
light, salaries, etc., and we presume
they want to compare them with their
At a meeting of tiie council of the
above named placa Wednesday they
rejected tho bids for the street lightine
recently submitted by tlio Salem Light &
Traction Compnny, and tho Welsbach
Street L'ghting Company of America.
Tho reason assigned for this action is
that the bids offered weio not sufficient
ly reduced thnt the council desired to
enter into a contract. The meeting was
attended by only the five conncilmen
known ns the "reform member," who
uro themselves disagreed as to the
proper course to pursue. The motion of
Alderman Burrows to reject tho bids
prevailed, after a lively discussion, by a
vote of three to two.
SrrluiiH AcrliU'lit.
About !) o'clock Tuesday evening as
Richard Hacked, vho is employed in
the machine shops of tho O. R. & N.,
while in tho act of touching off a larr.o
c, union tire cracker which ho held in 1 1 1 b
light hand, ho met with n very serious
and painful accident. lie hud ignited
the fuse nud wns in the act of throwing
it into the street, and as lie drew back
his hand to throw, it exploded, tearing
away a portion of all of tho linger?,
lacerating tho flesh in u frightful man
ner nnd throwing the thumb from its
socket and tearing away tho corda so it
lay upon the back of his haiiu. Ho wns
at once taken to the oflico of Dr. Chip
man, who amputated the index linger
just below the second joint, tlio next
two fingers below the second joint and
the little finger close to tho hand, The
thumb was brought luck to its place
and some twenty-three stitches were
tuken to hold it there. Tho operation
was very successfully nnd skillfully per
formed. Dr. G. W. Riggers assisted Dr.
Chipman in the surgical operation.
Another accident of similar character
though much less serious occurred on
Tuesday evening to Dun Tumor, who
lost the end of one finger by tho explo
sion of n piece of fire works. La Grnndo
is ir m out
I1' or mi Keillor to llrcuiiiiiKinil Tutt'iit
From Sylvan Valley News, llrevrud,
It may be u question whether the
editor of a newnpaper bus the right tn
publicly recommend any of tho various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet os a preventive of suffering
wo feel it a duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Itemedy. We havo known and
used thio mcdicino in our f.imily lor
twenty and hayc always found it
reliable. In many cases n doso of this
remedy would save hours of suffering
while n physician is awaited. Wo do
not believe in depending implicitly on
any mcdicino for a cure, but we do
believe that If a bottlo-of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Itemedy was kept ,on hand
nnd administered at the inception of an
attack, much suffering might bo avoided
and in very many cases tho presence of
a physician would not bo required. At
least this hits been our experience
during tho past twenty years. For sale
by Blakeley & Ilougliton, Druggists.
IttMlucril N. K. A.
For tho National Educational Asso
ciation meeting to bo held nt Loa
Angeles, Cal., July 11-14, 1809, tho O.
I!. & X. Co. will make the following
rates from Tho Dalles : Going and re
turning nil rail route via Portland and
Southern Pacific $4-1.15; rail to Portland
and steamer Portland to Los Angeles
port of call, including meals and berth
on steamers, returning samo route,
$39.15; rail to Portland, steamer to San
Francisco and rail via Southern Pacific
from San Francisc.3 to Los Angeles, re
turning same route, $39.15. Tickets on
sale June 30th, July 1st and July 4th to
9th inclusive, final limit for return Sept.
5th. For further information call on or
address Jas. Ireland, Agent, O. K. & N.
Co., The Dalles. 10
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Fnlk'a
pure concentrated flavoring cxtrncto. tf
KacU day our business shows
tho people nro finding out we
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business nnd buy
for tho people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
170 2d St ,
The Dalles.
N ..T.r,. 1 mffWI
Uur iDicycle
Repairing Department
Ts now in Bhapo to properly
handle nil lclnps of work
from n punoturo to building n
Also repair Looks, Guns, Sowing- Maohines and all
kinds of light machinery, etc.
This department is under the charge of Mr. J. KirohoxT.
It's a real
to get the meals for tho family
when you have a complete set
of needful utensils and have a
new Garland stove or steel
range to cook upon. We fur
nish kitchens and can save you
money and many steps when
you want anything in the
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, traniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cutters, raisen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other things to
make the kitchen complete.
We can furnish double oven
cook stoves from $8.00 up.
See tho best Rangoon Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a completeline of build
er'e hardware.
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chicken Lice.
Cnll at Mnlcr A Benton's nnl see
tlic Antiseptic Nest Egg. With the
use of this Nest Kbu jou will have
no more Mce, Mites or Vernln la
your poultry homes. Setting hens
will set better eggs and will hatch
better nud chickens Mill live nnd
grow bettur whetc Antiseptic Kggis
used. See them at
167 Second St.
Lock and Gunsmith,
and Machine work.
Charles BiirchtorUpSo8,!:
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy.
For Eale at all first-class bars. C. J
tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m.
Book & Music Co.
piaiei s Benton