I have just received n fino lino of WooIuub in Suiting, Overcoatings nnd Piitincs, nnd will ho pleneed to have yon call and eoo them. J. A. Eberle, Fine Tailoring. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TRIDAY JULY 7, 1699 THE DESPONDENT DEMOCRACY Some Democratic papers arc get ting a little aid and comfort from an assertion by Chauncey M. Depcw, in an interview in Loudon, that the "questions not dreamed of at the last struggle (189C) arc forging to the Iront," nnd that "no man can tell the issue with any success until the electoral vote is counted.' This utterance is considered by some 'Democrats to mean that one leading 3tepublic;.n concedes the result of the election of 1900 is in some sort of doubt. Not the faintest doubt is felt by any Kcpublican about the re.ult of the election next yenr. Every Re publican looks for n bigger victory for his party than was gained in 389G. In this opinion a vast ma jority of the intelligent Democrats of the country agreo with tho Rcpub Jicans. No Democrat anywhere is making any prophecies of victory for his side. Nearly every Demo cratic newspaper in the country was predicting a triumph for his party on the eve of the canvass of 1890. The feeling among Democrats now differs widely fiom what it did then. Everybody can see at present that the chances for a Republican victory of big dimensions in 1899 arc better than they were in 1895. There is a gieater degree of despondency in Democratic circles at the present time than there has been on the eve of any other presidential canvass since that of 1808. The fact that Democrats pretend to Gnd some encouragement in Chauncey M. Dcpew's words shows the gloom which pervades their parly. Depew talks more than any other man in the United States. Necessarily he says many things which he does not mean, and which are of no consequence whether ho means them or not. Ordinarily he is not a very good authority on Amer ican politics. His judgement on partisan clmnces is not entitled to much consideration unless when it, coincides with that of the majority of his fellow-citizens. It is probable that, in common with the vast majority of his fellow countrymen of all parties, he looks for an over wLeluiing triumph for the Republic ans in 1900. There will lie no chance to get up a scare next year about a possible Democratic victory, and consequent industrial and Gnan cial disaster. lrom this peril the United States will bo free in 1900 at least. ' About $13,500,000 of gold has gone out of the country sinco the move ment began. Perhaps $30,000,000 or $40,000,000 m all will go cut hefore Ihc How stops. Usually there 18 an outgo for a few months every year. In 1898 wo escaped any such Movement, but thut wns an excon. tional case. A gold outflow Is ! Innkflrl fnr ,..... no - course. Tho fact thut it is not at tracting any particular attention now U ihown by Iho circumstanoo that the gold reserve in the treasury is growing constantly. It is at present alout 10,000,000 above the mark nt which it stood just previous to tlio time when this gold exportation started a month ago. This, of course, is because the banks arc furnishing all the gold which is going out now. The production of gold by tho mines of the United States in 189S was $01,000,000, or much more than the exportation is likely to be this year. Tho production of 1S99 stands a chance to be $70,000,000 or over. liulilii'd the Oiavn. A startling incident, of which Sir John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated by him as follows "I wns in n most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back nnd tides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi clans had given me up. Fortunately, a triend advised '.Electric Bitters'; and to my great joy and surprise.. tLo first bottle made a decided improvement. continued their use for three weeks, nnd am now n well man. I know they saved my life, nnd robbed tho grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50c, Guaranteed, 'at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. An Epidemic of Diarrhoea. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa' nut Grove, Flu., save there has been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there He had n severe attack nnd waB cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. He says he also recommended it to others and they say it is the best medicine they ever used, Eor sale bv Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. If you contemplate a trip East this summer take advantage of the $81 round trip rate from The Dalles to Detroit, Mich., Tickets sold June 20th , only, and good for return until August 31st. This will undoubtedly be the lowest round trip rate to the East this season. This rate is made for the annual convention of Christian Endeavor Society nt Detroit July 5th to 10th. Call on James Ire land, agent O. R. Sc N. Co. for further particulars. SU'O Ken-aril. A rewnrd of 20 will be paid for the ar rest of any person caught stealing flowers or anything else from the Odd Fellows' cemeterv. ..ST. Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. This Instltu'lon Is .pleasantly situated ncor the Columbia on the line of the Union 1'aeltlc; thence It lb easy of excess for nil tlioio wno de sire to secure n cnmfortahlc home nnd n progres sive teat of learning fur their daughters or Miirils The location of the Academy Is one of the most healthy on the l'acllie slope, this por tion of Oregon being proveihlal for Its pure water, em bracing nlr nnd picturesque scenery. The Academy is Incorporated and authorized by the State to confer Academic honors. Hoard nnd tuition per scholast.c jenr flCO. Studies H ill be returned Tuesday, Kententber fith. For detailed Information apply to the Sister Superior. Jlyl-im A Beautiful Skin. I-ndk'K, if you desire n transparent, clear nnd fresh complexion uso Dr. llourdon'n French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Their cll'eet Is simplv magical, possessing tho wizard toucli in producing and preserving n beuutllul traus pnreuey and pellucid clearness of complexion, shapely contour of form, brilliant oes, soft and smooth sKiu where the reverse exists. Kvcn tho coarsest and mint repulsive sklu, marred by freckles, moth, blockheads, pimples, vulgar r.dness, yellow and muddy shin tiro permanent ly removed, nnd a deliclously cleur und refined complexion assured, l'rke per small box, to cents; large box, ?l,or six large boxes, .y bent to any address post pnld and under plain wrapper upon receipt of the abovo mnount. Write for free circular. The Parisian Drug Co., 131 Montgomery St, Sin Franc 1 scoCal, PBOFESSIONALS. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllce over French A Co.'s llauk Pliono 6, THE DALLES, OREGON J-)H- UKISKNIXUtrrKIt Physician aud Surgeon, Special attention given lo surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 323 Vogt Ulock 17RED. W,W1I'0N, I.1 A1TORNKV-AT LAW, THE DALLtti, OREOON. Ofllco ovei First Nat. llnili, II 8 IIUNTIMI1TON II S WILSON HUM,8 law. .!' IULI.KS, (JUKUJM Olllce ov'r rt Kat. Jlunk Ilrancli Ofllro Oregou Viavi Company, Room 7. ovei Ficnch's Hank, Office hours, Charlulto F. Itobvits, 2 to 4 p, m Ijcul Manager. Frw health le;turt rtry Tburtdu)' atp. m R.&N. TAUT T1MK HflinnULK. AltlllVK FOU FllOM IULLKS. FllOM. Fast Salt I.akr, Denver, Ft. Fnt Mall Worth. Omaha, Kan- Mull 11:60 p. m, sas city. St. Uiuls, 3:l5iim Chicago mid Fast. Spokane Wnlla Wnlln, Spokane, Spokane Flyer Minneapolis. St. I'nul, Flyer. 5:19 p. in. i) n 1 ti t h, Milwaukee, fi:00 h. m Chicago mid East, S p. ui. Fnost Portland. 1 p. m. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco January , nnd every live days thereafter. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex.bundny Columbia Uv. Steamers. Ex.bundnj To Astoria mid Way Saturday Ijindlngs. 10 i. ni. (ia. m. Wii.LAMr.TTE Rivkr. -t:S0p. m. Ex.Sunday Oregon City. Nowhere, Ex.Sunday Salem it way Land's. , 7 n. m, WtLLAMETTK AND Yam-I .1:30 p. m. Tucs.Thur. hill Kivkks. Mon Wed aud fc'nt. Oregon City, Dnyton, and Fri. nud Wiiy-Ijindings. C a. in. Willamette Kivkr. -1:30 p. m. Tuc.Thur, Portland to Corvnllis, Tue.,Tliur nnd Sat. and Way-Landings. und But. Snake I'.iver. Leave Lv Ripnrla Rlparlu to Lcwistou. Lewiston daily dully SF Parties desiring to go to Heppucr should take No. -1, leaving The Dalles at 6:;S0 p. m making direct connections at lleppuer Junction lietui'iilng makiugdireuteonuection at lleppuer Junction with No. 1, arriving nt The Dalles at si:15 p. tn. No. 2-j, throught freight, cast bound, does not carry passengers; arrives 'J;S0 a. m., departs 3:50 a. m. No. local freight, carries passengers, east bound: arrives 4:au p. in., departs 8:15 p.m. No. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; urrlves 8:15 p in., departs 0:30 p.m. No. 23. west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. in,, departs 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. It. & N. C'o.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. II. IIUKLltUUT, Oen Pas. Aet., Portland, Or, ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. N s Pullman Elegant Sleeping Car& Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. I'AUl. MINNEAIMH.I UVL.VTU 'Alt GO OKAND FClt CKOOKSTON WINNIPEG I1KLI2NA an ItUTTK Tourist TO Through Tiekefcs CHICAGO WASI11NOTON rillLAIISL,l'J!lA 'KV YOKIE UOHi'ON ANI AIL l'OINTS 15ABT nnU HOUTH For Information, time cards, maps nud tlckctt, cal on or write to W. C. ALLWVAY. Agont, The Dalles, Oregon OK A. D. AKLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 25 rrisou Cor. Third. Portland Orcnon OlTurB trnvelora choice of the followiiiL routes ciiBt. They nre nil famoiiB for thulr ecenic uttriiction. 0. H. & N. viow Oyilcn nnd Donver. KlmHta Kuute view yttcioniento,Ot'(len and Denviir, UlittBta Route view Sacramento, Lob Angeles and Alberquerque. A daily line of through PULLMAN PALACE and TOU1UST KLUKl'KU, from San Francisco nnd Loa AngeloB to Chlcupo. Tin 8 ia The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agent of the 0. It. & N. Co. or the underaitfneri, for folders nr deeenptive llterutiire. J.J. DEVEREUX, Uen. Agt. Worceitcr, Did. Portland, Or. Sama Fe Rou EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -of Tin: Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains lenvc and ate due to arrive at l'ortlnl OVERLAND EX-I press, hak'iu, Itnse burg, Ashland, Hue--....,...,. fti.iii.ti Mm, C:00 P. M, j imiii-ii ... v..,......, v rr.tnr'Urn. MnillVO. I i A. M. I.os Angeles, fciraso. Sew Orleans ami I l.st Uoeburg nnd way sta '8:30 A. M. Itlons 1 f Via Woodbur:' fori Mt.Augel, SUverton, l-l West Sclo. llrowns-) '. '1 Dally except Sundays. Daily except Sundays vllle.Sprlugtield and INI Natron . (Corvnllis (stations.. and wayj -,;jo P. V. 17:30 A. M.J INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express trail Dally (except annuity), liSOti.m. il.v Portland .Ar.) 8:2oa.m tLv Portland .Ar.) 8:2na. JAi . .McMlnnville. . l.v.J 6ii a, (Ar.. Independence.. l.v.) -tint) n. 7:30 li. in. 8:30 p. in. (Ar..lndc Dally. f Dally, except hunitay. DININU CARS ON OC1DEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLFEPERS AND HECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARb AtUichi'd to all Through Trains. Direct connection at fan Francisco with Occl dental unit Oriental and Pacific mall steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Balling dates on at plication. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and hip rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU mil AUSTRALIA. All above trains arrive at and depurt irmr Uraud Central Station. Fifth and Irving streets ' YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jeltersou street. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m Arrive tit Portland, u:30 ii. m. U'avc for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday nnc Friday at 9:40 a.m. Arrlvi- at Portland, Tues dnv, Thursday and Saturday it 3:0o p. m. Except Sunday Except Saturday. R, KoE.-.lER, iianittcr. (!, H. MARICHAM, Asst. G. F. it Pass. .U!t Through Ticket OHIce, 131 Third Btreet. when through tickets to all points in the Eastern Btates, Canada and Europe can bo obtained l lowest rates from J. II. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. or N, WHEALDON. The Dalles. PorUanfl ani Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Kegulator S Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) bctvcen The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching nt way poin's on both sides of the Columbia river. Roth of the above steamers luivc liron mliollt and are in excellent shape for the season of ISM. The ltegnlittiir Mini will endeavor to give its jmuujin me uesi scrvicu possiuic. For Cnmrort, Kcmituny nut) PlniHiire, travel by tho steamers of Tim Itrgtilntoi l.llin. Tho above steamers leavo Tho linll.'i nt k , ,,, and Portland at 7 a. in., and arrive at destlna- tlou in Hinpl' time for outgoing trains. Portland Olllce. J'lio Dalles Ofllcc. nues. court Wtreet W. C. Allaway, (ienernl Agent. A good drug sign. 5?l'ffijKnu, 3 You well know that a Rood drug Hhrn ? Pntrouago which is heatowed on he a tore. It is the purity of tho goods handled and the manner i,i i,,.i ness that makes and keeps thia hnalnesB. W e are pleased with the result of our ef orts to Btipply tho hest druH at tho heat price. We are particular about the compounding of thorn. KKLIAHLE rHAUMAOIBTB. 176 Secoiifl Slreet, THE DALLES u ml It will be our aim to carry a Complete Line of the Purest Drugs. Ami wo invllf your attention to our stock of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS .AND WALL PAPER. BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, Sum'SEor to Snipes. Klncrcly UriiR Co. Wesso Werelioiise Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot i-n kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, "L'lfe'ed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- nn TTlmTT This Flour ia iimntifacturnd expresaly for family LUll XUU.X. He. evm v Hack in tfiiarnntoed to tivo flatisfaction. W? Bel! our poods lower than nny hoiiHe in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and cut rut prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats THE DRLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey while wash? Yce, and wash while. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rales, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, ?Phone 341. THE DALLES. OE. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. NOTICli FOR I'UISUCATION. UN n Oitiui: ATTlIK IMM.KH, Ol'.I.OO.V j . ,, , , , Jtmu It), iw.i, "Uco Ik lii-n-liy on that tlio fullnwliii; imine.1 K'ttlcr haf. tiled lintfce of Ids lutruth.n ii mnkv llliiil l.ro.if u Miiurt (if Ills !hilm, Mini that h ild prouf will liu mmlu liufnru the rfylKtcr JulvXuw 'vl 1MV' a',!U"' "" Hnlu,a"i, , , , 1'uulii (irliiuiuil, widow nf 1' kTiu tirliiimid, ilwon,cil, (1f Tho 1 alio; II. i: No. ami. for the !: , svA K...". lp. 1 luirlh, it il' K, v .M. - He iiamra the folhmiiii; wltiiihscs lo prove olldrtlimil'vl1' V """ (MlUlv"11'"1 t'lnm, A Sfihut, Knck Ciiry, Ijiiih finiido, ,ml " 1'. I.l C'Ah, ItvKimur. Ask your Druggist for ftgoiicroua 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH JSC VfTH "nr."' ri : liiHHin tin m nt '-n am . - ........ VSitA contains no cocaine KT ' tLl M niurciirv nnr nnv otlmr hijutloiixdrug. It Is fiulcl:ly AIjBorbeil. (lives J teller at once. It opens and cleanses 1110 nunui 1 asuaeH. COLD IN HEAD Aiuiya inimininntlon. Ileals end l'rotecls tho Jlcuihrane. ltcnturtH tho heiaics uf Ta5to and Hintll. fan UkeBOc. ! T 1 BUo 10c. t at Uriipulnta or hy mull. ' KuiviutMx.w WarwuBtmUHiwyorlc '""l I fc ftAND WiAWHOOD P"ruf f Potency, NIKlit Kmlsloi,B and waHthiir dlKcaHCB, all effects 0 Bulf. uuuee, or excises and India cretlon. Aiiorvotoniuuml blood bulidur. iirjnK8 the pink j;loiv to ;..ile cliccltH an. rcBton-H the lire of youth liv mall ; t,r. m f. Hit i'v ""(iiiu iZ. ' min u written uimruii to to euro or rtstuud Uto inouey. NfBVITA MEDICAL CO. CHnten A 4mkm Bt,., OHIOAQO, IU. CITATION. IN TUB COUNTY (JOL'UT 01' THE KTATK "t Oicrou, for the County of Whmhi. In the mutter of the cMiite of) Hlhis W. li1vl,lKcv.iH'd,j 'TATI0N MTrn:TlllI,y,1,''' hu- (!"r ' t-'orum, l.nv'l, m' n r'"'1',' ".V"?. lhii "'lllllllll II 'inli, Alictlc I rmielK .Mc.Neu , Tiny Mary Ma hTlrW"! '"V"1'1 11",v", ' Aw f iiiim, .11 . Vanlllhher, Bmlth Kreiieh, K ' IW,.,,,.! lion i I. .Meulll, morli;aeei (licet In the namn of tho mate of Oregon . ' "V "v" 'iieu mm rciin led to iiiiiu-nr In n, n'il'i'!! V ",lrt l.','u ht"tu Oliw'i ' or the I III iWi L ' "l,llltl, (',,u,t '""" Hii'ieof. t Mm, iiv tV''l2!,.,,., l,.ll'uc'm,,l '. 11 till cii 1 1 1 1 !. 1 t 1 i n'' ul!'l;llon he deeniKd lnex ' M'd adinlnlHtrator ho anthoried . .. I V . .......... .... , and tho ninth im ithhall of tho hotitheiiHt iiuarter of inowiihhlp'j north of rmiKo 11, eubt UOII I 1 I ",,t.K "(Wi'tHl'iliiKirJo neieii, mote or Ich county, IChU, HI Id 11 11,. 1 t '",u "'""'"I! miction for crndi In In 1 1 , u -h"'1' H1.lu UM y tiald iidmlnlK or 1 . 1, 1, "?l'"wl "' "y ho re.tilicd by tho order of tho abovo entitled court. of tho for tht' Coutl Jiinilli An kpt I A. M. KKI.HAY, Clerk. NOTIOH OK FINAL SETTLEMENT. oiij,k..'ili,'',y.K,vv" tlintl ' iii"i w'' I'KO1 1 for WU , '"'"V 'f tl' HllllO Of of an iirtniiMiLr....... . . .. " " "'f "inn lirrouui 11. 1. iiiiheil. mill In in, ..,... ... ai.cd. hi,. i. wrs"'".;".. iifiiii.,i.i 1" in" liouiiiy i-oiiii 18OT t il ,"'.T..J"".U..1' .'W Mouitiiy. July is. iUw'i':J.i" 1 mr V'lMik p. 111,, iuiH been in 1,., t "i.J ",u 1 wamty fourt mom !!enUd,ldclau'!l,,,, ":"m"' "WM3"u J1111 Illl I'. 1'. MAYH, Adniliiliitialor. or the tii'vt immlti uie the Vive Uinnrn. Kur alu by the I'oatoHlce Imrmucy, ' tl ill,,,. ;.. Ji . . . 1,1 111,11 ie '" tin to toKhow cauhe, f any there he. why an a le MumxV !,!'"HM1iirt hi m id not U 1 , . S 1 lVi,f ' ' ""K1"'". ' iidnilnlntrator lil'Mili ! . '' H,;".'' W' l,,ivl"' 'iL'eeiiHod, to re ileelii tho ii in I'aen i,n,iiv,u i,i nil,.. 1 ."ti. .V . V "", V t,iu u'"' tH""u heloilK il K! li.,' '" uof, ,',Ui 'weahed, and i.iirtleu I ' "if 1 county, Oreeon: also Hi ,rth half Ol IIIO lllllt IHKhl iin.rl,.. ...I '. ..: .... . r.N.,'!'.H' ! 'I1'". Hubert Miivh. Jiiduo l.i'Vi " 01 ' Himo of oickoii, lac 1" Hm"'" ""' JUIIU A. U, I8UU.