l)c Dal Chriroide VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1899 NO 72 EDMUNDS WANTS TO KNOW TRUTH AS tO M III! GOVfflMIt Pl'HiSCi llii Filipinos, DURING THE WAR WITH SPANIARDS Opinions of Prominent Men on the All Absorbing Subject Congressman ilittnnd Senator John T. Morgan Defend the Policy of the Adminis tration hut ex-Senator Hdiniinds Does Not Agree With Them. ih:w VoitK, July 0. In tndny'a isstiu of tho Independent appear varbiiB arti cles upon tho foreign relations o( llio United States nnd expansion. CongruEB limit Hitt; chairman of thu cotnuiittco on foroigu relations, writes: "Thuro aro aoino who say tho lust for military glory has heou tlio cause of thu downfall of till the republics of tho part, but Mint iB not truo. Tho punt hud few or no true ropuhlicB,curtolnly not any ut all comparable with tho United States, u ropublic organized on tiio principle of representative government by all. Wo arc making precedonte. There acorns to be u great war cloud forming over China nnd tho forces mustering there nro mighty enough to produco a war of tho greatest magnitude. But I see no reason that will require us to join tiio conflict, if conflict there is to bo. Thu inly interest we have in tho matter is a trudu intor 'Bt, and our great uixichal wars have never had their origin in anything so sordid." Senator John T. Morgan, of Alabama, writes: "Thoso who lament nnd decry the conduct of our government in deal -iug witli the Philippines as being viola tive of our constitution are too late to ac complish much else than to echo tiio pa Miotic appeals of Agumaldo that we do not destroy our government in order to save tho Filipinos from thu fatal power of liis dictatorship. "It is not far to go, nor Is tho way ob ecuro, to Unci in thu constitution of the United Status expressed power given to oongro'fi to do what was dona in Louis iana nnd Hawaii, nnd what our self-respect compels us to do in the Philippine islandtj. The flag wo have planted on thu Philippines is coneocrnted to the hmiiu liberties it ahulturs on thu eapilol nt Washington." Kx-Suuutor George 1. Kdinunds, argu ing against expansion, doinandd that tho govurnmeut disclose to tho people precisluy what took place before thu capture- of Manila, and what promises were Hindu thu Filipinos, He nsks if Spain had anything but a "pretended" (sover eignty to cede, and domiiuds thu reason for the sudden turning of the Filipinos' friendship into hostility. He concludes : "First let us know the wliolo truth of what lias happened and then perhaps tho advocates of glory, or dominion, or trade of civilization and religion ad vaucod by tho cannon nnd thu bayonot and supported by the blood nnd treasure of our people can point out to us how thoso nro 'tho wuys of pleasantness nnd peace.' " THE SITUATION IS TERRIBLE People Hang in Trees Three Days; Then Full From Exhaustion. Br. Louih, July 0 A special to tho Post Dispnteli Irani Dallas, Texas, Bays : At 11 a. in. today it abort dispatch was ru.ielved from n lineman ut Dowoy, 'jiint across tho llruzos river from Sealey. It read : "Itlvur falling slowly since !l o'clock yesterday afternoon. Conditions hero Royal Absolutely 'Pure Makes the food more ROYAL BAKIHO urJ terrible. Everything in the country is swept away. A laruo number of Uvea lost in thu bottom, nnd it looks like starvation for thono left. Situation is not exaggeratrd. It will bo sevoral days boforo line repairs can bo made with anything like pystuin." This telegram was received over a wiro spliced from thu Missouri, Kaneus & Texas Ilailwuy and Postal Telegraph Company's linos, and was the first that had been working into Sealey and Dewey for three days. Thu wire only worked five minutes nnd was then loH. Efforts to connect it eince liavu failed. Shortly after this information was received by wire, Doputy Sheriffs warcniger at Sealey Bald over the long-distanco telephone: "Thuro is no improvement in this sec tion of the flood district. If anything, the situation is growing worse. No re lief boalB buvo yet reached hero from Houston or Galveston. Senley nnd the neighboring towns have about exhausted their resources for relief. Another negro family wusscen from here drowning, cut off from laud about two miles, this morn ing. Several lives liavo been lost since liiBt night among tho refugees on the mound near Old San Filipe. A number of negroes fell into the water from tho tree tops from sheer exhaustion, nftor hanging three days and niglitp. "A rumor is current hero of an nwful disaster near Richmond, below here in Fort Bend country. As we are cut off from all that southern section, we can not tell definitely what lias happened, but tho situation naturally must be ob bad there, if not worse." A Tlitiuaaucl roncucR Could not express tho rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil ndelpl in, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely mired her of u hacking cough that for many years had mado lile a burden. All othor remedies nnd doctors could give hor no help, hut the says of this Koynl Cure "It eoon re moved tiio pain in my chest ami I can now sleep soundly, somutlilng 1 can scarcely remember doing before. 1 feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King'e New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Pi ice 60c and $1. Trial bottlo freo at Dlnkeloy & Houghton's drug store; every bottle guaranteed 5 Dad I'irc at Oakland. Oakland, Or., July G, Two blocks in thu business part of town were destroyed by lire yesterday, e.uming a loss of about $10,000. Tho flro started in thu rear of Jofl" & Ned's store at 2 o'clock and sprend rapidly. Aa tho town has no tiro department, except a bucket brigade, thu flames weiu not brought under con trol until they had ewept t ho city from tho Depot hotel to Smith's stable. Only two brick buildings were left standing in this district. They are owned nnd occupied by Young & Co., nnd Page & Dimmlck. The came of tho tire ia not known. DtmtuoiR Curium be Curui'. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseaaed portion of tho ear There ia only one way to euro denfiies? nnd that is by constitutional remedies Deafness la caused by nil inflamed con dition of thu mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube, Whon this tube is in limned you have a rumbling Bound or Imperfect hearing, and when it la en tirely closed, Duafnuaa is the result, nnd unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; nine ciihb nut of ten nro caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but tin in flamed condition of tho mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused ly catarrh) thut cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send for circulars; free. F, J. Chunky & Co,. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75. 0-10 Hull's Family Pills are tho bust. Baking Powder delicious and wholesome POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ENLISTMENT ORDER ISSUED Thirty-fifth Regiment Is to Be Obtained From Washington, Oregon. Califor nia, Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Alaska. Wahiiingto.v, July 0. The order for the enlistment of ten new regiments ol infantry wns issued today by the aecro t:ty of war. Daily instruction of both of ficers nnd men will bo a special feature. Applicants for commissions, except of ficers of tho regular army, will be re quired to pass satisfactory examinations, and must have had service during the Spanish-American wnr. Enlistments will no made for the period enaing June :10, 1001 , unless sooner discharged. Ex cept in Bpecial cate?, only unmarried men will be enlisted for these regiments. Regiments will be enlisted according to tiie provisions of the net of March 2, 1899, and will consist of fifty officers and 1309 men each. Among the districts for recruiting the designated regiments are the following: Thirty-fourth regiment Fort Logan, Colo., Colorado, Wyoming, Utnh, Minn esota, North Dakota, Sooth Dakota, Montnnn, Arizona and New Mexico. Thirty-fifth regiment, Vancouver bar rackB, Wash., California, Nevnda, Oregon, Washington, Idaho nnd Alaska. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, Ecald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Sulve, the best in the world, will kill the pain nnd promptly heal it. Cures old Bores, fever sores, ulcere, boils, corns, felons nnd all skin eruptions. Best pilo cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 5 To Be Sent to the Philippines. Washington, July G. President Me Klnlcy told a delegation of Southern congressman, who called upon him to day, that it was his intention to send General Wheeler to tho Philippines at mi early date. Ho nlao said Hint he did not think that moro th;n tho 10,000 troops already decided upon would bu necessary. Thomas Ithoads, Conterlield, O., writes: "I Buffered from piles seven or eight year?. No remedy cave me relief until DoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm less. Buware of counterfeits. Butler. Drug Co. For Sale. Throo houses and four lots in Tho Dalles, as a whole or soparaloly. Lo cation healthy and desir ablo, near school. Pays oxcoptionally good inlor ost on invostnionl. Prop erty in good condition. Address, Mrs. A. Fitz Gerald 839 Golden Gate Av., San Francisco, Cul. HOME ROLE Fsr Sue of lis MM Isles ol tbe PlllliiljiDOS, NERGR0S MAY ' GET IT AT ONCE President Schuruian, of the Philippine Commission, Makes a Very En couraging Report to Washington. New York, July 0. A opecial to the Herald from Washington says: The departureof President Schurman, of the Philippine commission, will leave at Manila three members of tho commis sion Mojor-General Otis, Professor Worcester and Colonel Denby. It will be the duty of the last two named to continue the work of establishing home rule within the lines held by the ad ministration troops, in the hope thattbe example will be followed by the Filipinos outside of the lines, and show them the beneficent purposes of this government. Prof. Worcester and Col. Denby will also aid Gen. Otis in the conduct of any peace negotiations which may follow fu ture operations ot the American troops. Mr. Scburman'a dispatch is on the whole very encouraging, and the au thorities are very much gratified at the conditions be reports having found at the points visited. It is evident from what the officials say that Mr. Schur man believes the suppression of Aguin aldo's insurrection means the establish ment of peace throughout the archipel ago. He ia confident that many of the people throughout the southern islands do not openly express themselves in favor of an American protectorate sole ly because of the fear of Aguiualdo and bis Tagal army. Mr. Schurman speaks well of the sultan of Sulu, and it is evident that he feels that there ia no danger of trouble from him in case the United States ob serves the treaties which exist between bim and tho Spanish government. Mr. Schuimau makes a number of recom mendations regarding home rule for some of the southern islands, and that they will probably bo adopted by the president. The conditions in Negros were found to be of n highly satisfactory character by Mr. Schurman and home rule will undoubtedly be given immediately to the people of that island, although some alterations were neeestary before it re ceived the president's approval. "We have sold many different cxigh remedies, but uouo gave better satisfac tion than Chamberlain's," eays Mr. Charles Ilolsshauer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in all eases of coughs, colds or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton DruggUts. Lost. Tlneo horses Juno 10, 1S99, deecrlbed us follows: two weighing about 1400 each. One n light chestnut branded D on left shoulder. Black horse branded C on left shoulder. Ono bald faced eorrel weighing about 1200; roached maue. A liberal reward for information of the whereabouts, or the return of same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractors, Vionto, Or., or E. V. Hushanu, Mosler, Or. j2S-lm Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cut?, bruises, eprnins, wounds fioiu rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poleou ing quickly Healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sulve. Positively prevents blood poisoning. Beware o! counterfeits. De Witt's is etifi' and mite. Butler Drug Co. 815 ICrwiuil. The above reward will bo paid for tho recovery of each of the bod let) of Wong and Jake, Chinamen, who were drowned in the Columbia nt Blalocks last Fiiday. Cm: i: Ki:i: Co., SU-d&wlm Tho Dalles. To mop poux every larly purchasing a shirt waist, will be presented with a 1 Belt ptee Value ot belt to be deter mined by quality of waist bought. With a 50c waist With a 75c waist With a $1.00 waist. With a $1.25 waist. With a $1.50 waist. With a $1.75 waist. With a $2.00 waist. With a $2.50 waist. With a $3.00 waist. a 13c a 18c a 25c a 33c a 38c a 50c a 75c $1.00 $1.50 Tomopvoixx SA. M. Williams & Co.! 18-Inch Motor. MAXUFACTUIIUI) 11V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC. Circulnrs and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, juti2G GrandaMBoNjet DKALKUS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies: IV i vs s v m ia Styles 7 for Ladies' wear. THEv-WCWiN283 TRADE MARK jk. THE JfCy-O71N?. 0. TRADEMARK i. TRAD E MARK " belt free belt free belt free belt free belt free belt free belt free belt free belt free " ' TRADEMARK THEJOnN9ll3 TRADEMARK the yrvjwv NSiss W TRADE MARK. tl THK DALl.KS, OHKGONT. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. it . f Illipu!s6 If IV IUI w