leas. Hewnre Drug Co. until DeWitfa Witch H.uel Salvo, lies tlinii a box of which pcrniiineiitly cuied Soothine, healing, pent-oily bnrni cf counterfeits. Ilittler Wouil U noil Wood. Wir Wuciti furnish von with strictlv firt Wlilixmelte MtrMwii. Kanci w om, In M fflfA s$v?r ! ho tan inrmsn jou nun strii.ii iir.i i;mmUitf ,,, t)K0, (,iih a view to limn ft sU sf' i clues, drv, fir wood at thu enine prices cellinim uf .uti.t mtr. evnttunt iiwi' 11 V 5- iT , ' ,, ! , i , .. Mill UeM vhumimiernoM'f nlmuilorrultlvJ , which joti luve been paying for inferior J t tr.ioti o.tiwt tlx vi nm-er Send us your orders iintl yet hone lo. Jos. T. I'ktkbs A Co. All conntv warrants registered prior Ail Excellent OoinWiuitiou. The pleasant method and boncfieinl effects of tin' well known remedy, Svnur of Vius. manufactured by the Camkohhia 1"io by inn- Co.. illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid lurca tivo principle-, of plants Unmvn to be niediuinully lasaliw and pre&entinp thom in the form moat refreshing' to the taste ami acceptable, to the system. It is the one periect strengtheningr laxa tive, cleansing- the system effectually, dispelling' colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly nnd ennblinrr one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from .every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, .liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing fig's ,are used, as they are plea.sant to the tast, but the medicinal qualities of tho remedy aie obtained from senna and other 'avomatie plants, by a method known to the CAr.iFortNiA Fio 5vnm Co. only . In order to fret its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of overy package. CALIFORNIA. FIG SYRUP CO. SAIT SHANCISCO, CAI.. Z.0T7ISVIX.X.E. KT. ITIVW YOBH, If. V. for sals by all Drugs'-- I1: ice SOc. perboltl BUSINESS LOCALS. j Notice Timber Culture. I '. S, U.Nll OHICK, TlllC 1UIXKH. Olt.OON,' j-i'Diiiir- -i. io...- i IMimiUIiu linvltig been outiwl t tins ollir-0 l.v OIllV 1 V,cl.erK i!niiit Yxwli-y winimniT tor t.iiliiK! tn coiiiplv ultti linvni to tlmli.-r-oiilliitr Kntn N.i. ai-'MlrtKit Sevtfiulicr 1!.', lt-. i)l ..... u I- I iu.ll,,t 10. '1Y.U llhllllt .-. M.tllli ot 111 ..HM,- run Hint ultlvJUit mirrr t iuiytlnui nor tins an nmi Iiir tilni iiUulnl jiil iril'SOrtlllMliPi.lU l-l-IUS, HUH UIM" "it " lev c-umuinor iitiont tin- month ot hflriwy,lMi. Jiilv rcllnqiiUlml Mint tnif-t to ti.r Unllul tojutcj llll.l'llfllvouil Wld rclilllllMlllH1tt lt tills BtlUllt m.U anal wIlnnuUlumMit n ill ',, '" 1 1'. S.olllci-iif Tlio lMlti-.-, Dkvo! , ami t Un said tlino ami pil.-r thorciiiHltitult mil lil Hurt unrl liua lt.,v..r sli.lH- Aill lilllO rllllll(.l HuTl'Iu crclsliiuxliiny light or interest In catd trm-tot IBicycSe REPAIR SHOP. to Auuuat 1. 1S95. will bo oaid at hit t... . .... ... ..r...- T...... . Lit.il ly. i.. l naura, jiotrtthlKoaico on the JOtlt ilny of April, lw". County Treasurer, hit 10 o'clock n m., to lesiioml umi inrittfh to'llmgnj conuemlni; Km nueuoi laiiuii ll.Il JAV ' 1'. J.t!(.A, IHHUtCr 1S90. i Mr. and .Mrs. 15. Luekaiup, KIston, Jlo., writes: "One .Minute Couli Chip eaved tho lifo of our little boy when : nearly dead with croup." llutier Drug Co. "llaimoiiy" Whl hoy. ILirniony whiskey for family nnd o)fcial use, told hv Ben WiUon, The D.illea. jl Xn (.'urit a Colli In -tn Xtay. Tako Laxative iiromo Quinine Tab lets. All Uni'isti refund the mou-jy it fails to cure, -nr.. l'ol- bull) Cli t.iii. Harrison Hay press, "food as new, in quire nt Lane Brosi. blacksmith shop. Mayl7-tf You can't euro dyepepsin by dletini. Ett tituod, wholesome food, .and plenty of it Kodol Hynpopsia Cure digests f joil without aid from thu stomach, and h made to cir. Kutler Drug Co. - I El nGHNT KOFI TMC I 9 You need have no boils if you will buy Clarke A Fallc's sure cure for J oils. Lntest thing in cameras a:e Im proved Mag.iz.ne cyclones at Donuell's alrug etore. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. uieb25-tf Improved Magazine cyclones are win ners. Douuell, the druggist, will gladly ehow them to you. Try Verba Buana Bitters, tho beet tonic. For sale ut all Orst-clasa bare. C. J. Stabling, agent, The Dalies. M17-3m DeWitt's Little Early Kisjrs benefit .permanently. T.my lend gentle assist ,auee to nature, causing no pains or .weaklier, permaauntly iurin conttipa--tlon .and liver .ailtuente. Butler Drui 'Co. Wihon jjallerv now open. Photo grnplia Irom $1 to 5 per dozen. Jlyl-lw Drink Warren's I'ure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J tubling, agent, The Dallea. I117-;iui. For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera hat will take Iar;ui pictures than any other Camera on the market. For sale by Clarke A Folk. tf J'or Hale. One second-hand truck .wagon, and one new oja-inch Bain truck .wagon at M.ueu A Benton's. Jun,10-2-.v Use Clarke A Falks llosofoam for teeth. the tf Try tonic. C. J. Verba Buena Bitters, the btet Fur sale at all flret-class bars. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M l7-3oi 1C Uuiruril. .The above reward w.ll be paid for the i-recovory of each of the bodies of Wong ,and Jake, Chinamen, who were drowned in l hi Columbia at B:a!oco laEt Friday. Chei: Keb Co.. 9-dAwl;n The Dalles. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Notioo of Sale. Notice 1 hereby atveii Hint liy tttuo of an .utcmion Is-Mifdoutof tlii'l.lreult Court of the Stiitoof ()u.soii. for Wiih-.i comity, i .i n fiilt therein Ktitlii.','. wlierein M. 1) Kiievtaml l.s l.laintin hiiiI l. i Tjtor S-irah K 1nlot. John lurwr, JuH'i'h A. Johntoii.c. . Uithei. Stell.i K. JCi.t v , .1.1' l)u mi niwju ami . Luc-liul I WhiuWen iiioilitenUimlsi, il.Kiil the 9tli ilrt nl June, 1KU, to luuiliiuctil a.t oouinntmlini; me tonll:iliol tin- tiwl pnj)ieity heriu.ilter lie hciibiil. to mtlf n juii-jim-nt In Imor t-f hai.l jilnliitirrflmli,puiitMHialfea(lrtnl,t l. ln l.ir, for the turn of $lltici.fj nuit tuiiti IhmxI tit f2d.A., twill on hauirUiiy the loth ilu of.liily, 1HII1), at the hour cf ao'etoeK y. ra., selliit pulilic Kile to the inchest Udder, lor ih In Ivind, the South Juilf of the SoiiltlHOt .iiuirter of th frouthiuist quiirterof hii:tlon Fuuiteen (II), csd the toilth It-iH of the fcoillhimst iUatter of fcootiuii Fiftoeu (l.'i), toiuithlt. lm (.') North, H nee Ten (10i i;-t. W. M. t-unbilulDg 100 ci e, moroor lot.-. Untul this lith dn ot Juno, J!)10 KOI1K1T KKI.LY. jun 17-il bherill i Wntt.i County, dr. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby Rieiii Ihiil the uYiilerstBiicd hus tietii iluli i.)iiitf.i by the Hon. i -.11 lit y Courtof the the Mitts vt Orintou. fur Wn-eo county, mlmlmatnitorni tuo mbitnof Ailolph ASiillus. detoiisctl All noui- having claim nlrut NiidOBliite. Hre hertliy notified to prextit tlie Niuie proi.orly utliifil to meat the. otllee of my attorneys. Dufur ,v Mefiv, within m.x Dioiilhs irom Iheilntu of till Notice Unteilat The Dalles,, Origou, time MO. J 1' AlUUllib. Artniinistrntor of Die Estate of Ailolph A!(titiu, deeeufcttl. 7ii ..RAMBLER.. I.ooU am! tlimnmlth. unci Munlilnu work. Charles Burohiorf.oi.,..!. Teeth Extracted HTURDHY. FREE s. Tim best- nrk ut the leaf t pof fllhlu mst. WJO hIh teetli in out) yettr In nttr r. coril in our l'oitlnntl (illk'f. riittiofiu'titin Hiiuranleod in every citsu. i 2 i S O S . wW5Hi5 Heat Crown, umi Urldyii work tl!l!l. lien j hut tenth, I'linrnnteed Hest (iitld 1'llliiiB Heat uilver ur alloy lllling CONSIDER OTJE PRICES: gold i, per tooth . ,1.50 aoi f)(li) up lloonip 11-12 Chnpiuau Bloek, .Second St. Portland Dental Parlors tlKNKUAi mam r mm Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Manage: II How About Your Title? Vnjion and Curriayo Work. Fish Brothers' Wisyon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby plvcn that the iuiileriii;nel litis liled til;) lin ill juroiintufc tfAvciltor nf thu tuti- of brtrali ilcAtee ivllh t.ie clerk of the county court ot thentntu of Oiex-m, lor U.ii-eo County, nml that Tluirtilny. the WtU Uiiyof Jul;. , ly.ty, at the hour of 1" o'elK-k . m hie Ijkh lixcil at tho tlnio mid thy county e-iut room i it Dullest City ai the p'aee for the Ikmiiuk ofoh jeotiout toiiiil Dual account ami wttlemeiit of mill estate. Diite.1 July 1 liW. THOS. KOKV.M JUilll-i l.ieciito-. Drink Warreu'fl Pure Ginger Brandy, For aale at all lirst-olass bare. C. J. Cllllitiiw, o.,t 'I-l,,. Tl.lls mi- .,.' , UtlllCC, Dill till! Tiis uoiiois Pac!;iilifl.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUi'ACTUKKUSUK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND ..GflAS. mti i)UlED BEEF. ECC. Itartiflciallvrl ' What mght huv bean'-n that.gaus. ItistholatestdlscovereddlMaL 1 v-'wj.i Jittle coueh lntdn't been neglected, is tho , ant and tonic No other preparation mid. reflection of thousands of consump- icau approach it in efficiency. It in five.. One Minute Couah Cute curea Iv1 Pf rmauntlytciire3 cou2ho aad. Butier Dm, C. , iffie, SSlS. Thomas lUnL, C:,. O &&WSS write : "I iufL'reii from piiee seven or fvreoarcd by E. C. DeWltt & Co., Chicano. cigiit jtaw. No remed ttave me reiiei For bji.e i Butter Unu ( .. ' J.H. SOJIENK. t'jt-tidc'iii. II..M.J1SU. , LttSlilel IE CANCER. Fitfsfc -National Bank. THU L'ALLIiS - QHIIGON Bafcehci's and Fafmcpj t ..Exchange.. Ke.'p.oti ilrauKht the volulirnleit COl.UMIHA lIKKlt, ncku.i-.vl cIkciI the bet Urr In Tlio dalles, Ht the usual pttce f.'ome in, try ltiuiJ bt couvineeil Atto the l-"lnt liriinils of Wines, l.i jiiur mill Ciicius. Sanduiiehes ot nil Klndi iihntyi on hand. 4 Just What You uaanfc. & (t wk)h A Genera! Banking BueijieaB transacted Depusitc. received, eubject to fs'ight Dmft or Check. Collections niado suui jiroeeeda promptly ii-unu-u ijii hhv oi noiiccuoii, i Sijlll ami Tfiltivmnhii' Kvoii'.m.ii ci.l I i.e-A orlt, fjan Francisco and "oil- ; ideafc n Wall Paper here, fcueli laud. ; ,vlll variety as we aro ehouint; "ever bo- im-tHWOKsi lorn graced a fciuglo stuck. Jieal iuiila- tion ereton elleeti! at ordinary priuufc. Lu, A,. illuKo, (iiio. A. hmai:. I '.'.V0'1 l'al'-'8 at cheap paper prit-ot. II 2,1. Ijit.iLt. '--lexantdefciuiiB.taiitefoleolorinxe, yourw ) lor a biubII price, at our Bioro on Third leueei. nito a mn mie oi uoiieo painU. ft r HV. YiH' SUltH it i all ripht? ltctnfii.lif i i tho JtEClMtD that coverns. It it nui IniH-neH- t iearub tlio recurdmnuil bhow what tliev entitam m relation tn laud titles. If yon oontemplnti- hnviui: laud or loaniut,' money un real nhtstti reuurity, tiil:- it" ini.r word, but iiiMitit upun knmvtin; what Hie record ulimvs ri'tiardini; the title. An Abetraut. is iib easuntia. iim n deed. Inniat on ImvliiK it. W'o have the ntih hi" of Abstract BotikN in the Cnuuty, All work promp'lv ex I'cntid Hitd Bnttpiaction tjunranti'iid. It von huv prop er! v to iiiHiire, uivo un u call. V are ucunin fo- fuurof the beHt lire iiiHuraneti oompanii'M in the world If yon have property for nle, liat it with in and wi-'i tint! a buyei . J, M. Huntington &i Co. Phono 81. 'M St., oppoHlto A. M. William!! fit Co. 2 "l-tarmony CQhiskey. 'litis brand of Whiskey is uuarantccil to tltc consumer as a VVlUi 1IA.VI) .MADE SOUK MASH Vll!SuT, for himilv and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. Improved CYCLONE Magazine 1 CiO V CARS' MOST VIOLENT CASES HAVE SIa lnnp,npn . , . 6hova no diijiojitioa to heat under ordin- flPPFflRFn AT F RST Vt'ent. Koouocantellhownthe iHI I LHIILU HI I IIIUI HO will develop into Cancer of tho worst type rni- riinani r- .t85 "ny woplo dio from Cancer simply bo- IIIUHL I mil 1.1.0 . thoy naturally turn themselves over to tho doctors ,, , . , aud1 arP, forced to submit to a cruel and danuerous operatwn-tho only treatment which tho doctors kaow for Cancer. Tho lC promptly returns, however, and is oven more violent and destructive tluin before. Cancer a a deatJIy poison in tho blood, and an operation, plaster or .other external treatment can kwo no effect vruataver upon It Tha euro must .comofrom withm-tho last vestigo of poison must bo eradicated i-mr,wVini "'P?10,' of.Walshtown, 8. D., s-iyn; "A Jittlo blotch about tho sizo of a pea cimo under my left oyo. gradually irrowinK larger, from wjiich sbootiuK iwius at intervals ran mall directions, I,becaruoBre.itly alarmed anil CnriSllltjill n irinn, .1,. , t-. ""1 and adviaed tliat.it bo cut out, but this I could not con! mt to. 1 read, m my local p.iper of a euro effected by n. a. uHuuuTOiim io iry jc. tsacieil j(Uo a charm, tho Cancer beconiimr at first irrit,ited, ami then dicliariing lssSyrJ rely. Tins irradually irruw less and then Tnoc Mahhc Jesiqnq COPfHtGHTa&C. AtivniiriHA-.trilnif n Vl.l. u,..i ....... i.j. n .. . I'l'iiiiim if nueiuer u iiuninntiiy lonllJuiHIal iiit'ftiitiuii H prouaUy nuieiitnUn ( ,,,, i... tlljiontlilenthil JlwidUioUon fuliinls (w f . . . r t- . ..-' n, B. B. B nnd decided to try it. It acted liko a charm, tho er ueconiimr at jirst irritated, ami then dhcJwririnr freely. Tlas irradually ((uw less and then diswn d altOiether. la-ivim' nsmnl u..!. ni.r.i. , ped-ofr and now only a healthy Jittlo near rem.iln Ji.L ned to destroy my Jjfo onco held full (,way. tho only cure for Cancer is Bwiffs fjpecillc- 0 t. 'FO.R THE BLOOD because it, is tho only remedy wliich can go deep enounh to reach (hr, nt m ;iuo uiseaeo ana forcp.it out of tho Mvetem lit'UL ItHi- i'MMl MW tlJIOUKJi MuiUl & Co. IfeLflvfi ttiailLtdUC. Wltlu.Ut. l-.l.urr. Itifl.A ' Almiiilomplyllhifirtao'I weekly I,riciit lr lulttUuu of wiv M.miitiUr Ji.uriml. ' nu". n MUNN Co.30,UfMdNBV York 'niomijiuiln j,ro 'I'rjliij; It, 7n onlor to provo tho wreat nioiit of lily'H (retn lt.ibn. thn woj.1 elluctiyo ciiro for Cutaiiii and Cold in Head, wp Jmyo pre pirwl a fjisaeious (ml hito for 10 eents. I tietitwf younlruagi.tw bVnd 10 eenti to HUX IHWii., M Warren fit , K. Y, City. I buffered from catarrh of tho worat kind , ever fcnioo n boy, and I net,r hoped for num. lmt. f-'lv' f:.,,,,,, i-.i... 1. ' " - ... faun pgvjun i, j un even mm. No. 4 ; j NO. Q FOR 1399. Tun Points to Gotmldm-; ll Ploturnnln 12 HucoiiUb. bluittur Hull) Uolimaii. -hluittur Atitomatlti. Hliuttor Looks, l'J Aiiimlnuni Hatuholiiuru. bot Htops. Huoolui Cluiok Lonti. Atttonmtii hijffitittir. All lliirtll lllt,.r.l.i.,,,r..r,UI.. ,lJ ,'i'f.,.,.,i?,?tl ,)lat"h runrnvot! without iliaturUiiijr unoKDonou. aizo'ti' .U1 Ijiat Arrivod li'ieniy MiikiuIdh liaiiiftu nltli Imlli tJmiirr. S8.00 10.00 1809 Ctitnlonuo with com. ploto information FHEt:. M. Z. DONNELL. :D. W. VATJSE, Third St. p. s. Gunning, Blacksmilh, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. 1 nor, Secoud & Laoailiu, 'PIiohc m !P.TOtPVTriT.T o a. X- JAJiUXsin. OT. I it J WHiaKl V from . 7f to :tn mi :rr. ,v - ) ii.in.Mi. ii in in vearH uiii, i irU. -i." ' ' Ji' ujijixv nui t;n(. ti ib.tllipnr yiillun. VJMKUAtrr A WiHItAbJUriKIHti JitJi,tBw C. J. STUBLIMO Wholounlo and .Rotall Wines5 Liquors and Cigars. Agency lor tlio Qroate t American Liquor Tellowslone Sour Mash Whiskey Utterfl of Crwlit Umeil wv.tlJal)lo in, the Olifllt J'.Nchiuiirii nml 'IV!,. i... I 'tWfera m) n k.w'" y,..V" Wkanwitdun "U w. J,raiicieo, l-'ortlfimJ ,t)ni- ilxjokaTon Giiicor and Wood DWiiS win J . .1. " ',noAl Valuablo "' wunn aud owiUJim no cwaino, tf 'h ' r'h'"'"1 variotiH .poiuUi .Hwllt Bpciflc Comnany, AtlantaTab. W ffZZ. Tt 52 I UVnTu j orawic lerm'j. Jluny utvpualnlnucuHjiuro uacd . Wouar Unlrujui, all prtliitu on ol lii J.l .yearn nltl. ONLY THE PITCTST LIQUORS BOLD. """ Vt" M..pm Heor i .buttle .JOBBERS IN IMPORTED ,and DOMESTIC CIGrAES.