Were You Wann YesMu ? You Hlioulc! not have bum, for It Rut thin ih only n ecntlu rcmlniJcr Uuutlu hint of wlnit vu nave to onur you lor mo iiiiuro warm nays. Crashes at 10c to 22c (former pricos, 15c to 30c). Thoso handsome Wells and Piques at 10c to 57c yard (for mer prices, 1 5c to 05c.) 5 Tliefio nro two good IIiIiirb, but t Kod wlion you call on ns. Hosiery Sale. 25 dozen Ladies' Silk Finished I black, 2.5c per pair. f Misses' and Boys' Fine 'Ribbed toe, I2e per pair. Ladies' Vests. Ladies' Fino Sununor-weight Ribbed and Lisle Vests, ecrn and white, JOe, 13c, J 9c and 25c. .Jersey Ribbod and Lisle Union Suits, low neck and sleeve- loss, 50c. Special. Ventilating Summer Corset, in Men's Straw Hats at Half Price. We have an assortment of odd lots which wo wish to dispose of, and will sell them for one-half of their marked price while they last. PEASE & MAYS. All Goods marked in plain figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY JULY 0, 18D9 Telephone A'o. J. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUK ADVERTISERS: All ChiiiiKCK in Advertisements must be handed in before to o'clock A. M., us no cIiuiikl's will be accepted in the aft ernoon This rule will he positive. CHRONICLE riHlMSIIING CO. The Dalles, Janwiry io, iHyn. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Vury low Bitlmon nro nuiiiine; inul tho season promises to turn out vury poor (or men interested In thu business. Tlio pnet two d.ii'fl have boon some what wanner than the Fourth but still tiioy nro not too hot to bu uncomfortable. A seven-foot (all of thu Columbia would bo Hnflloient for boata to paes through tho locks, which would grcutly facilitate trade. Moro cluiuiH tho honor of boiiitf the only town in Shurtnuu county that cole United the Fourth of July this year, and saya thu caiue in by no nieniiR n luck of patriotism, but that most of the other places celebrated last year. .Since the Columbia lias brgnu to ru cetlu tlio buck water w Inch baa invaded tho premises and alley between First and Second streets In tlio west end o! town in beinttini; to raioo an odor which iii anything but allocable. Tho following Kcntleirfuu opcut the Fourth In Portland turn returned home yesterday: Meaaoff W. A. Jolinaton, Ur. 8turdevaut,l. O. Liobe, W. O. Fredden, Uort flollieter, Grant Mays, K. It. lliutonand Fted Schmidt. H. W. Aldrleh, of rortland, luia ac cured tho contract from tho 0. H, & N. Go., for utralchtouini; tlio track between Vicntn and rortland and will begin work about August lat. W. F. Johnaon of thia ptuco will net aa time keeper while tho work la going on. Win. Wlnton was brought buck from fiumptor yesterday by Shei'lll" Kelly and laat evening waa arraigned before Juh tlco llaynrd. IIo waived exaininution and wan placed under if 1000 bonda to ap pear before tho grand juiy which will meet in November. IIo accured bondn last night ami la at liberty, Many are making preparations to go to tho const and mouiitalna. Thia Is the time of year when ono'a IhoughtB turn to cooler Holds, and thoeo who are fortunate enough to get away can indeed bo classed ua lucky. When one worke h year in the same plnco, plodding along io tlio old groves, life at limea becomes wns only !)0. of what la to cotnn. We will nivo you a wo will nhow you many others equally as drop-stitch Hosiery, stainless Hose, high, spliced heel and white, only 25c. Vdry inonotonoua and a few weeka 'mid new acenea adda vim and life to work when the return ie made. Tho hoys a ay swimming tituo lias come ngaiu and from all appearances they are not losing many opportuuitiea for a dip. Daily, crowds of youngaters can be found bathing in Mill creek, and they aeoin to enjoy tho epcrt im mensely although tho water is not nearly so warm aa it usually is ut thia time of the year. M. T. Nolan ia having hia atoro re novated and remodeled. Tho ware room Ima been torn out and the entire ntore will be shelved, and aa eoou aa completed Mr. Nolan will move hie book and ntationery etock in the same building with hia grocery store, which will bo much more convenient for him self and patrona. "Many men of ninny minds," ia what the reporter heard a collector ay today and on inquiry was told that the old adage was never moio forcibly brought to mind than today when every ottier man ho at rue!: had n ruto little faiiy tale fixed up to aing to him, or would tell lii ut that yeaterdny waa collectien day and that lie bitter come around next month. When wo heard that J. llaivy Smith had eold three years flock of wool in The Dalles ntn good llguro last week we felt like striking him for a thousand to (It up tills aback with a power press etc., but when he came to see ue he corrected the report, lie sold three elipa all right, one wna hie, one belonged to Robert and ono to Alex. All clipped this year. The Observer. A creature having tho semblance of a man, but not strictly in "God'a own linage," disgraced an orang-outang last Monday by boating and choking an in nocont calf nearly to death, and when ills wife remonstrated he knocked her clear over into tho "dog daya" and was arrested therefor. On tho trial hia duti ful, but disfigured wife stoutly main tained his inuoconco and ho was dis charged. Crook County Journal. Sylvoster l'ennoyer nnnouncea that ho ia negotiating tho sale of a half interest in hia saw mill plant in South Portland, mid that If tho deal goes through, the mill will resume oporationa in the noar future. Thia plant is one of tlio best In Portland and its capacity la 100,000 feet of lumber n day. Between tho year 1877 and 180-1 it was operated continuously, hue since the latter date it has been closed, Mr. Penuoyer de claring it impossible to do business at a profit under tho gold standard, Thia morning tho street sprinkler in passing down Second utreot came very near thu curb ut French & Co, 'a bank, and hb a number of gentlemen were talking on tho corner and not noticing tho proximity of the sprinkler they were considerably wet. Tho word a spoken were not tho most flattering, as thero wan no occaaion for baptism. Thore has boon a number of complaints from bicyclists, who havo had their wheels thoroughly boaked when left standing near the edgn of tho sidewalk and it peoma as though some ono has been careless. When our soldier boya arrive homo it would bo nothing moro than proper to have a state holiday, and all turn out and give them a roueing welcome. The Dalles and vicinity has quite a number of boys in tho Second Oregon, but more wore sent away than will return which ia a cii'cuinstamc of v.ar that cannot be prevented, bullet us show to thu living that their sei vices were highly appre ciated and that they havo with dignity and honor held up thu namo of our state. Gov. Gcor being approached on tho mutter of issuing a proclamation calling upon the peoplo of Oregon to observe n holiday when the volunteers arrived said: "Yes, that ia what I shall do. I am only waiting to learn if possible, tho day the volunteers will ar rive Just as Eoon as I get this informa tion, I expect to call upon the people to observe the day as a holiday. Tl.io will give every ono an opportunity to turn out and show the boya that wo are glad to see them. It I find It impossible to tell tho exact day they will arrive I ahull i'esuo tho proclamation eoon, any way, naming tlio day of their nrrival as a holiday. I am of the opinion that, thero has not been a greater day iu Ore gon in many years than Volunteer day will tie." llBvnnu, Cuba. Culm which has lately become a part of tlio United Statea is but 130 mil's from ttio coast and separated only by the straight of Florida. The entrance to tho harbor of Havana, which ia the principal city ou tho island, does not exceed a half a mile in length and is so narrrow that only one ship can pass in at a time, Reyond Ibis narrow channel liea the harbor itself, which ia so large that every man-of-war of Kngland could be anchored there, and yet so well pro tected from the winds and waves that ships are perfectly Eeetire within its limits. Tlio citv itself, viewed from the harbor, is wonderfully piciurestjue, with large and imposing structures solidly built of stoue and often painted in brilliant colors. It iB true the bright anticipations of Havana, which one forms from a distance, are to a certain extent dispelled on landing and walking through its narrow streets. But Havana is uot the only city in the world of which this cm he said. On the other hand Havana ha3 a num ber of extremely attractive parka and promenades, which in the evening are tlio resort of the best society in the city. Fortheie, as in all particularly warm climates, when tho sun has disappeared, tlio streeta nt once become enlivened and those who have remained mdooia during tho day seem to have then ac quired new life, and come out to drive, walk and serenade under tho brilliant stars and in that balmy atmosphere, which in the tropics seems enchanting in its soft caress inipiintcd by n per fumed breeze which lulls to languorous repose. A Ctilli! KijiiyH. Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effect of Syiuu of Fir, when in need of a laxative, and if Ilia f itlioi or mother be costivo or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; do that it is tho best family remedy known and every family should havo a bottle. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. lilonulul Cuuvt'iitluii. For the abovo international occasion of tho Kpwortu League, which takes place at Indianapolis, July 'JO-y, the O. It. & N. Co. will make a round trip rate of it 70 to Indianapolis, tickets ou sale July loth and 1-lth, limited to expire re turning September 15, 1899. Good for continuous passago only on tho going trip. Good for stop over returning at any intermediate point west of tho Missouri river or St. Paul. Call on or address Jas. Ireland, agent, Dalles, for further information. July 1-10 A. O. U. '.. Attmitlon! Joint public installation of ollicsrs of Temple LodgoNo. 3 and Fern Lodge No. 25, will tnko place at A. O. U. W. hall Thursday evening, July C, 1890, nt 7:30 o'clock, and it is earnestly dealied that all who can will attend. Short program mid refreshments, Uy order of Mastor Workmen. J. F. Uawohth, Recorder. A Frightful-Blunder Will often cause ti horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Uucklon's Arnica Salve, the best in tho world, will kill tho pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, corns, foloua and all akin eruptions, lk'bt pile cure on earth. Only 25 eta. a box, Cure guaranteed, Sold by Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists. .A Nnlxnncn. Some property owncra havo been very negligent in the matter of keeping their trees trimmed. On several of tho prin cipal streets of the city limbs havo boon permitted to grow so they overhang the sidewalk and In pass'iig under one has to stoop. When it rains, or even dur ing mnehiny weather persons carrying umbrellas or parasols havo numerous times ruined them on account of ever hnngincr limbs. This should not bo permitted for if the owners of property do not see fit to trim their trees the city should attend to it, for thero is an ordinance prohibit ing tlio same which wo give below. Another thing which is quite annoying ia the manner in which things are piled on the sidewalks in some portions of the city. Thero is also an ordinance against this but fiom all appearances it is a dead letter. The following is copied from ordinance No. 274 : Sec. 3. No person owning or occupy ing ar.y building or premises shall place or cause to be placed or maintained, or suffer upon tho street or sidewalk in front of such building or premises any goods, wares or merchandise by way of show, advertisement or otherwise, to ex tend moro than two feet ont?ide of the inner line of tiie sidewalk. Sec. 8. The owner or owners or agent of any lot or lota or premises situated within the limits of Dalles City and having shade, ornamental, fruit or other tree or trees, growing near or on either the inside or outside line of any sidewalk, the branches or limbs of which project or hang over such sidewalk or over any public street or alley, shall closely cut, trim and remove all the limbs and branches from such trees for a distance of not less than nine feet above such sidewalks and keep the Eame so trimmed, cut and removed as aforesaid. I'KItbUXAI, JtKMTIUN, Win. Streeter, of Portland, is In the city on business. Mrs. K. M. Wilson made a trip to tho Locks this morning. E. 15. Seabiook, an attorney from Portland, is in the city. Oriri Kincrsly left on tho Regulator this morning for Portland. Ctnis L?vin, a prominent sheepman troui Antelope is in the city. Hon. John Sommerville returned to day to his home at Hay creek. Walter Van Duyn. of Sumpter, is reg istered at the Umatilla House. M. J. FinhiVBon a prosperous sheep man from Antelope, is in the city. II. Glenn will leavo for Astoria this afternoon, wtiere he goes on business. Win. Wurlzweiler, of Pririfvillo and M. Sichel, of Portland, are again in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. S-wgent, of the Fort Peek iridian reservation, are in the city. Fred W. Wilfon and N. H. Gates were passengers for Collins' Liriding th s morning. J. A. Doutlut returned last night from Portland where ho went with tho National Editorial Association. Frank Irvine.who has been in the citv, since Monday attending his father, left for bis homo at Antelope loduv, liis father being much better. J. S. Landers, city su perintendmt of public schools, Mt on the bout this morning for Los Aneeles, where he will attend a meeting: of the National Educa tional Afso'jiatlon. Mr. J. W, French and wife, Mrs. G. V. Bolton and two chililren, Miss Burke, and Mr. and Mrs. 15. If. French will leave in the morning firNoith Beach, where they will spend the summer. IS IT UIUliT For an Killtor to Iti'niiiiiiiiciiil .llt'Uichieo? l'aleut From Sylvan Valley News, Urovrad, N. O. It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper lias the right to publicly recommend any of tho various proprietary medicines which Hood tlio market, yet as a ureventlve of suffering wo feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Wo havo known and used thia medicine Iu our family tor twenty years and havo ahvoya found it reliablo, In many cases a dose of this remedy would savo hours of buffering whilo a physician ie awaited. We do not believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but wo do beliovo lliat if n bottle of Chamhei Iain's Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack, much suffering might bo avoided and iu very many cases tho presence of a physician would uot bo required. At lenst this lias been our experience during tho past twenty years. For sale by Hlakeley Si Houghton, Druggiste. NOIIOK. Umti:u Status L.ni Owiui:, Okkuon Citv, Juno 21, 1SW. Notice is hereby given that tho ap proved fractional plat of Township 2 uorth range 8 vast, has been recelted from tlio surveyor general of Oregon, and on August let, 1890, at 9 o'clock, it. m., of said date, s-ild plat will bu filed in ' tills oflice, and tlio land therein em braced, bo subject to entry on and after said date. Ciiah. D. Mooiils, ( Wir. Galloway, Register. Receiver. Itnluceil ItntPA ti M. K. A. For tho National Educational Asso ciation meeting to bu held at Loa Angeles, Cal., July 11-14, 1899, tho O.l R. & N. Co. will mako tho following rati'H from Tho Dalles : Going and ro- turning all rail route via Portland and Southern Pacific $44.15; rail to Portland ' and steamer Portland to Loa Angeles port of call, including meals and berth on steamers, returning same route, ' $39.15; rail to Portland, steamer to San ' Francisco and rail via Southern Pacific ' from San FranciscD to Los Angeles, re- turning same route, $39.15. Tickets on I sale June 30th, July 1st and July 4th to 9th inclusive, final limit for return Sept. 5th. For further information eaiJ. on or address Jaa. Ireland, Agent, 0. 11. & N. Co., The Dalles. 10 An Kplilcmlc of Dlnrrlioen. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cotioa- nut Grove, Fla., siya there baa been j quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. ' He had a severe attack and waa cured by four doses of Chamberlain'a Cuolie, 1 Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ho eaya ho also recommended it to others ' and they say it ie ihe best medicine they J ever used, tor sale bv iiiakeiey x Houghton Druggists. A diseased stomach surely under mines health. It dulla the brain, kills energy, destroya tha nervous system, and predisposes to insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. ( It has cured thousands of easea aud ia j curing them every day. Its ingredients j are such that it can't help curing.! SnipeE-ICinersly Drug Co. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between C. J. Cathcart and J. D. Straus, under the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, O. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus will continue the business, and will col lect all bills dne said firm und pay all accounts against the same. Dated July 1, 1899. C. J. Catiicaut, J. D. Stiiaus. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers expel from the pystem all poisonous accumu lations, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify tho blood. They drive a war disease, dissipate melancholy and give health and vigor for tho daily j routine. Do no grips or sicken. Uutler Drug Co. IS v TX QtiZ POR A DOSE, Itfraivo Plm!'?, rrevent iillon;-jes,l'ariry thcUlucd, vCro ll.'llciarhn .ml 1 I rm.njlt 1776 Headquarters For Flags, Fire- crackers, Lady-crackers, Colored Firo, Pin Wheels. Hobson Wheels 170 2d St , The Dalles. Jacobsan i Our Bicycle Pll LS A Movement of the howeia ilsy Ij uceesizii ..r hcaht,. TI107 neither Btlne nor el'ua. Ta cnn' V?" y. ,u, w? aPln cr fall hoi for M.mm.-ydxnU5. D;l UCSANK0 CO. Piilla. Pi JULY 4th. i r . v v , Repairing Department IB !K I s now in shnp3 to properly lmnrlln nil lrirma nf wnrlr S from a puncture to building a 0' wheal, I - '(, Also repair Looks, Guns, kinds of light This department is under MAYS & i It's a ireaS to get the meals for tho family when you have a complete set of needful utensils and have n new Garland etovo or steel range to cook upon. Wo fur nish kitchens and can save you money nnd many 6teps when you want anything in tho way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, v.ranitewaro, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cuttere, inisen seed ers, pots, irons, roasting: pans hundreds of other thing to mako tho kitchen complete. Wo can furnish double own cook stoves from $8.00 up. See the best Rangoon Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of .build er's hardware. 167 Second St. The Busy Store. EucU day our business shows the people are finding out wo arc pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and bit' for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotino fit siiubnrn and wind chaflntr. 1899 Caunon-Cracker3, Dawey Torpedoes, Bombs, Roman Canclle3, Sky Rockets, unci other Firo Works to nuincruu') to mention at Book & Music Go. i 9 ' I I 1 Sewing Machines and all "i machinery, etc. "i the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff. CROWE. i jp t& w tfe&Oa? visa i w per & Benton