I have ju3t received n fine lino of Woolens in Suitings, Overcoating uml TantinKe, unil will be pleased lo have yon call and seo them. J. A. Eberle, Fine Tailoring. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THUIJSDAY JULY 0, ISfO THE BUFFALO CONFERENCE. After a session m which pande monium reigned, the social confer er.ee at Buffalo on Monday agreed lo a hodge-podge of reform ideas embracing about everything: that ever occurred to the minds of those who pose as experts on isms, says the Spokesman-Review. Up to Mon day tho sessions have been rather com ana solemn. A few days ago when Rev. Dr. Thomas, of Chicago, referred to "the great victory of the magnificent Dewey" and remarked Hut it was a splendid thing to drive Spanish cruelty forever from the western hemisphere, the conference responded only with death-like still ness and frigid silence. The only approach to enthusiasm was when apologies were made for the Span larus ana weyierism m L'uba, or when Aguinaldo was lauded to the skies as one of the great patriots of the century. It is not surprising that the first paragraph of the conference address to the people should denounce '"the -war of conquest." The strange thing is that in tho midst of the tumult they could agree to strike out the woid "extermination," which was in the original draft. However, this playing with fearful terms will not be very rich in results. Clitics and theorists do not carry much weight unless they have the ootid tlence of the people. These liuffalo "visionaries who can agree upon no single project, unless, peihaps, it be to haul down the American flag at Manila, represent nobody and when the great heart ot the country is not lchtnd them, they will accomplish little or nothing. The address which was read by Professor Ilerron of Iowa, and prob nbly prepared by him, has too much of rant in it to be taken very serious ly by common sense people. For several days he has been groaniug irom the platform nbritit n militn.v ... ...V...J dictatorship of the most despicab'e kind," and throughout the address dwell? upon the awful dangers that are to result from this spirit of militarism. According to the pro cessor's ideas a republic with a population of 75,000,000, and a reg ular army of G5.000 is a military nutociacy like that of thoczir of all the Russians. Tuerc may be some who will bo led away by such rub biah as this, but they can not be many and their influence will not be all. powerful. Some good ideas may be contained in tho mass of reform subjects refened to, but there is so much exaggeration, venom, extravagant denunciation ami profefsional chiptnip in it all uiai very lew will regard it as of any practical value. As one of the tearless delegates of the slim minor- Jtysaiil at one of the tessions, one drop of good red patriotism can achieve more in a day than an armv ot croaking pessimists can accom plish in a lifetime. Qernlnn3 Ima troiiblo over tho Banoan issue, mul on eevernl issues of UotnesUo politics. Franco lias its iefH3 tanglo nutj n foiv kindred Rnmulnls. Ennlnnil is bothered over the Jtocr problem, one of lior big i parties apparently desiring wnr, 1 while the other is split up on the wnrl question. Spain's polities, of course, will be unsettled for n year to come, and possibly for many years, on ac- count of the loss of her territory in the American war. The United States is not the only great nation which has delicate political problems on hand. ltoliltctl tin- (liuvc. A etnrtliiiL- incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated by him as follows "I was in n most drc.ulfal condition. Mv skin was almost -yellow, eyes sunken, tonsuu coated, nain continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker unv by day. Three physi ciana had given ine up. Fortunately, a triend advised 'Electric Hitters' ; and to mv great jov and surprise, tho first bottle uinde a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know thov saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." ISo one ehomdfai! to try them. Only 50c, guarnnteeil,"at Ulakeloy it Houghton's drug store. 5 A Curil nf Thanhs. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our fa m i I v Wo have used it in so nianv cases of coughs, lutig troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly in debted to ttie manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs. S. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. If you contemplate a trip East this summer take advantage of the $81 round trip rate from The Dalles to Detroit Mich., Tickets sold June 29th, onlv. and good for return until August 31st. This will undoubtedly be the lowest round trip rate to the East this season. This rate is made for tho annual convention of Chtistiun Endeavor Society at Detroit July 3th to 10th. Call on James Iri land, agent O. II. & X. Co. for further particulars. Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a pare concentrated flavoring extracts, tf ST. HIT'S MDiY t I to Under the direction of tho Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. .. . 13 l'..i.iiui -uu:icu m'lr thu Columbia cm tho line of tho Union I'nclllc; ihtuee 1! h easy of excess fur all Unite who de sire to teciiroii fomfoitiihle home mid a prodrug tlvute.it of learnhiK for their duuKhters or uards Tho location of the Academy Jsunoof tho most healthy on the Pacific tlope, this, por tion of Oa-jjon bilnjj proveitilal for its pure water, embinclnB uir und picturesque M-enury. I IIP A fUlipni V Itt IllfrtFTr-ifnl nml ... I,. I.....I Tl.lc f,Hl , ! ..,...,,.. ......... ' .....v. .vi. uti t.u,uviii;l uy the fetate t confer Acufeinle honors. K.inr.l ni.il tiiHInti ...... ....... ,t.... Studies will be returned Tuctday, .September 5th. for detailed Informal, nn if ... ,.,. 1. . a... -( ...... ."v cisiei Superior. Uyi-im Tj,lllp- If Vrtll Hncll-n n ,........, l ...... .... . i . i...,i iiiji, ejeur aim fr-Kll rfiTnn r.vliTi luo Itp , .....i.. i.. Ari-enlc Complexion Wafers. Tlieir ell'eet Is fcimph; maijlcal poksmins the wizard touch In producing and prescrvltis a buautllul trans P'ireiicy and ptllueld clearness of complexion, r..,7i'l.VK. .1,,' .'. OM, Mdt thu coarsest and mt repultlvo kltl, marred by treekles, moth, blackheads, pimples, viiliritr r.dnos, yellow and muddy tkln atopermuntiit- COlTlTllQxffiTI HkVftrnrl v....vw I'rice pcr small box, 0 cents; laruobnx, l,or .... w..v, ... mm in any uuaress iikt puid and under lain wrapper upon receipt of thu above amount. Wilte for f reo circular. The Parisian Drug Co., lSlMuitgonurySVSi-i Kruol tcoCal, PROFESSIONALS. j- A. STURDEVAMT, Dentist. omco over Frcneh A (.'o.'s Uunk I'hono C. Till: DAI.LKi, OitEGO.N JQIf OUIHKN-IHIUPPISU riiysiciuu and Sui'Cfeon, Special ttttcntlon given lo surjery. Uooms2Uud'J.', TcJ.328 Voxt Block I7IUKD. W.WIWO.N. I.1 AlTOll.VKV.AT LAW. Olllco ove, Fit Nut. llVrl UAUJU' 0WKfl0ff' a fi mi.NTiNaio.v T,I U.NTJNUTON & WILSON, li s ivaso.w ATTOitNKYS AT LAW, Office- ov'r Jlrancli OUico Oregon Viavi Company, Itoom 7, ovei Trench's Hank. "toC?i',"m?' CbKrloljolMlobeiO. H Jiealth lecture wy Thurt4y H i v, i A Beautiful Skin 1 MB i mSmmm n oil mm m$ mm rUr TIMK fCllKHULK. AltlltVIC rou kkom Dau.ru. Huim. Fnt Salt Lake, Denver. Kt. Vnt Mall Worth. Omaha, Kan- Mull 11. -SO p. m. ms rily, St. Louts, 3:1.1 p m UIiIoiro and Knst. Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spokane Fixer Mtnni'HpoliF. i-t. 1'iiul, l'lyer. 5:4'p. in. ulu th, .Milwaukee, ftiOOo. ni Ohlc.io and Kast. 8 p. in. Kr.ost l'ortTLsl). I p. in. Ocean Steamships. For San Krnnclteo Jniiuaty'.V, and every live days theteatter. Sp. m. I p.m. Kx. suuday Columbia Uv. Steamer?. Kx.sundaj To Astoria and Way Saturday ; landings. 10 p. ni. : fin. m. I WlIXAJIKTTK HtVSR. itSOp. m. Kx.b'unday!Or;oii Cltv. Ncnbors, Kx.EUtiday Salem Way Land's. I , - - 7 n. m, IWillasittti: and Yam- 3:30 v. m. Tues.lhur.l jULl.lttVEB.-i. Moii.,Vod and Sat. Orcpon City, Dayton, und Kri. and Way-Ijindtngt. On. m. Willamette Kivkk. 4:3) p.m. Tuc.Thur, Portland to Oorvallls, Tuo., l'hur and Sut.j and Way-LandliiKS. j and fat. ! SNAKE lllVKlt. Lhavk Lv Itlparia Itlparln to Lcwlstou. Lktcimun daliy daily CJas oriics uetiuuR in ku in ueppi'er tiiouui take No. 4, leaving 'the Dalles at o:30 p. m makliiR direct connections at Jleppner Junction ivuuuiuh iuiiKiiiijiii-uLiuiiui.i:iiiii Mb ill. iitii:. Junction HithXo, l.arrlvhiK at The Dalles at ...U 1. ill. No. SJ, throusht frelirht. cast bound, does not carry passengers; arrives '.':IiO a. in., departs 3:50 a.m. No, '21, local freight, carries passengers, east bound: arrives 4:30 p. ni., departs ,s:lj p.m. No. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives :lo p m depatts t:30p.ra. No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs 8:30 a. m. For full particulars call on O. it. ic N. Co.'t agent The Dalles, or uddress W. ff. HURI.HUP.T, Gen Pas. Ast., Portland, Or. ORTHERIM mvvrtniMja PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegant Tonnst Sleeping Caj Dining Cars Sleeping Car nr. i-aiFT " MIN.NKADOI.J nui.DTii K.() u..N reus CltOOKSTOH iii:m::,-.v HUTTIi TO Through Tickets CHICAGO V.MHIUNCJTOh I'llir.AIJKM'HIA NKIV YCUJI ItOSTON ANI1 A 1. 1. l'OINXS KAfjT unci HOUTil cal'oVi or0"?iato0tS' Um Cara6' an1 tIekctt' W. C. ALLAWAY. AKent, The Dalles, Oregon OR AKLTON. A rrI . n a D. 25 rrlson Cor. Third. I'ortlaud 6!eion OI'era travelers cholcn nt iim f,,n,... . " w w in ii j routes cutit. Tnev nro nil fn rilniiu in,. tlieir ticeiiio attraction. u. U. & N. vihw Oplen and Denver. bilHBtU liunln vlnw K.ir.i.ii. (...i ... nml l)envr. ,UKUC" rihaeta nouto view Sacramento, L-;s AiifoleB mid Alberqucrque. i. Ar '.ily llno of t'irousli PULLMAN from bun J'nuicieco and J.oa Angeles to Chicago. Tina Ih The Short Line from southern California To the East. dcecrlptivo literature. J. J. DHVHRKIJY Uen. Agt. Worcester, lild. Portland, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OP TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains Icavu and arc duo to arrlvo at I'nrtlui LKAVK, oVkiilani) i:x-i ..1 II..V,.. I I Mess, iiiiti.t iing, Ashland, hnc- ........ .....I. hi 11.1,1 C:00 P. M Krauelsco,' Mnj.ive, OA. M. I 1.0S Angeles, 1.1 Paso, I ' I New Orleans and I ; I Knst ! , m It.iteburi; and way tti- 1 Dally except Sundays. f Via Woodbury fori Dally. west tfclo. Ilrnwitf ! Mt.Aligel, suvorioii, i O.MCpt Sundays n,.l-ai t.i( ........... vllle,SprltigUcld and (, Natron J 17:30 A. M.I jCorvallls and (stations ivay 5.50 P.M. ,.,,i.i,l..v.,itil... !i IQQl-'Vllt.!! Kxpress train lillJUil'i.l'IHU .. . ...JJ... Dally (except Sunday) 1 :50 p. in 7::X) ii. m l.v Potllaucl ....r,i :. Pnttlaml R:25 a, ro 7::X)p. m. .Vi..McMlniivllto..I.v. ;M a, m 8::w p. m i.r..imiepeuucnce..i.v, . :!i0 a. m Daily. Daily, except SuniMy. DINlNfi CAKS ON 00 1) UN ltOUTK. PULLMAN llUFFLT SI.FKPKHS AND SKi:OND-'JLAS3 SI.KKP1NCS CAUU AtUichi-J to all Through Trains. Direct connection at San Francisco llh Occl dental and Oilental and Paclrio mall steamship Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on nt plication. , Kates iitid tickets to Kastcrn iilnt mid hil roi.e. Also JAPAN, 0I11NA, HONOLULU am Al'STltALlA. All above trains arrlvo at anil depart irmr Urand Central Station, Filth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jetterson street. Leave for Sheridan, week days, t t:50 p. ui Arrive at Portland, !):S0 a. in. Leave for A1KI.IF. on Monday, Wednesday and Frl'iny at 9:40 a.m. Anlv at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday it 3:05 p. til, Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. Ii. KU:'.l.KK, (I, II. MAUKHAM, MaiiHer. Asst. 0. F. & Pas. Ant Through Ticket Office, 131 Third street, when through tickets to all points In the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can bo obtained cl ion est rates from J. li. K' IKK LAND, Ticket Agent, or N. WHEALDON. The Dalles, Fortlaufl and Astori3 Navigation Co.' mi si. Regulator t Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of tho aboyo steamers havo been rebuilt, and an: In excellent shape for the season of Is'Jj. lli It.-L-iiliitur I. in,- will endeavor to kivu its patrons thu best service possible. For Co in fort, lie nny nml I'lf amiro, tiavel by thu steamers of 'ilio ItcL-nlator I. Inn. Tho above steamers leave Tho Dalles at 8 a. in. tion In Biupl ; time for outKcliiK trains. 1nll1"Jl'1.w1'- tUo OBIc. . Ua". !:t. Dock. ((, tl tstrt-ut W. C. Allaway, (ienernl AKcut. A good arug sign Ynil lVOll L-nnu, II, l , , i thu , K.Vn '7 " ,"a ?It'n tin, Ttnr uu , "u" ,B toweuon nil P n. .I i'lL'!1!'. HOO'h ---""" luniiiior oi uoiiiir bus . .. r.v.i ,,,,1, ui ruaii i oi our of orta to supply tho best (lruKa at 0 ..?.?u.V"ron""''lrnbouttl!o i'uiuii ui ilium. RKIJAIILE P1IAH.MA0I8TH. 175 Second Slreel, THE DALLES mil i ! It will be our aim to carry a Complete Line of the Purest Drugs. And wo invito your nUuntion to our Htoclt of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND WALL PAPER. BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, Kucccsfor toHnli(i3-IvliRriily Drug Co. Wesoo Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kinds Headquarters for Soiled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, XiSlfbSd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- IrJTl "F'lmiT' Tliia Flour is umniifiicturutl cxproaaly (or family nan; uvurv pack is Kuariiiitcoil to jrivo Hiitiunctlon, We eel! our (tooda lowur than nny liotisu In thu tratlu, ami If you don't think tso call and not cur prices and lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats, THE DHLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey whito wash? Yds, und wash whito. You can Havana thing washed at thu Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is suoh that peoplo go IVIiies to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OE. PIONEER I have re-opened, this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-rocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. NOTICU VOH Pl'HLIOATIO.Y. I.NI Ol HCB AT Till: D.W.I.SB, OltlitloN) v ,i i , . Jll,lu liW. Nollro U lw.rliv .il.-.ii. ii i... . ii ' .1. mimed w ttlcr' J.J.V j'luVl ".K.Uu of ,Z 'BZ tllllt it I III limiwll " . . "'.',!'" '!!!'.'vr't,l!'"ti'l:l'u ,"",ui' 0riW turd.iy. tt, 7.1 wiilow of rk'riu (iiliiuuii. ih fi'iijus!. nf 'I tut Iilllw II. i; K. WIT,!, f I,. I. HI- V U ..I. " Tl.. 1 . I IHIIUI, U U I,, v si, llu ri.iiii.iu I.. r..tl i ....... nortli,iti2- w ji, " ........ ,i,u,, ,j. )iu ritH'H to urovti ofV!,lin!i"vrr1,k',R' U"'" """ eu'llvWloii (.'llilM. A SirOuit it..... t . ..i . . . Andrew U,7'. iTnTniU W,'t Ju"1111 JAY V. I.IH'AH, Iti-slilvr. Ask your Druggist for ftgencrou 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocilno, tili.prnri ... niiu Injurloimdru. It Is quickly Alieorbcd. Olvci Itdlef atonco. If 1 -I .'i.uiin in,., i . mm 't&i-ion. COLD'N HEAD lluals and l'rotcctu.tl.o Jluuihrjiuc. Kctorwi tho bi'iiscs of 'Ja.tB and bmcll. Full (jUu eue. : Trial 'fo 1 5,?t I'roKKlit or hy mall. ' tm liLVUOTumta.M Wwrm tJtt.NewyorIr. liuloru VI l'AI.ITV Ciirea Imiiotcncy, Nitrht Kmlsslor.n and iJi,ur lUa(Jlscai ull '.'IVccta of eulf. ai iiuuuc, or exefta and imUu .11 cretlon. Aiioi-infonli'iiiiii blood liuinior. ih liiKii the pink i;oVf to inlcclioultiiniif "i i oHiorcfi ine ilrc of youtli. O Rv mull lUt ...... l ...... it i wo to ultra or rcrtuul tlo liiuuuv. NERVITA MEDir.jii www AS ASM ! BAKERY. CITATION. f.N TIIK COIIN-IV COHHT 01- TIIKHTATK J- of Da-xoii, for thu county of Wiik'u. In llii-tniitlurof thu ifctuio f HII.1H W. l!liVl,llmM!Cl. ':tatiiih To Mix. i:mcli IMvId, Jlrn. ( urn l: Ciunm llllMS, Alll-llc 1-nilJC'lM Mc.Nvii , '1 ny Mrv 11,,. nii!n v it ' 'Ii'imi'i1-1 1 A'"' wji iiniK, w. II. Nimlllljlior, hin I i Krijncli. K ( In llic unmoor HhmiiIimiI Orci.Mii mi nr. livicliy cliiii miI riiinlr.n o iinmnr In ;SHSiiSKte.B , I Ml, tmnle of Hl.us W 1 vl , dV ,, 1 1 k d 1 1-1 , i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 111 M ''"'Idloii l,o ilu-nici li,..x .1 1 i I i'. I t LA i ."'.'i J 1 1 V I.'.t r" 0 r. 1,0 ""tliorlzal I i. l , . i . . Of I 10 H',1 I'NIHtU IlL'lllllL'. 1 i.l,, ?L. 'i''" ,'(ll.r.r.0 .'"-wilt i..,t f5. ,'f i n . u" ' 1 i ny iriin;r in DiiIIvh . r '..W'i'l' t0"." lv- " i tli - ii tiV i' if oi tl,; iiortliMot iiiinrU'r, thu iiortlioimt in iriV.r Jin. Il- noitt, ,ii ( ,,;0 "Z l"it mi , rUf Hn'i u"u . " lnw "'l'l' '-' north f rn mk'c -. ," oiw.il .foiitnl.iln K y.ii ik-u-h inc.ro or uVi i ( h n. "i.T .'i'""10 """''I" "'' i for ttlHl 'III iiiml, In tho iiiiiiinur in'HcillM.i hy ,,, ,i, locmlK of mk-Ii h,,1.i bo hold y n' J ri' 1 1 1 1 1 1 i k- trnt.ir i.nd dlnond of us nmy , rili V ! , ,.. onlorof Ihunbovuoiillllod contt. 1 "Kl1 ,y ,l,u I i vmTK, N0TI0H OF FINAL kwi'ti i,-m t..o"!iloi,,,ir,!,1il'! wr?, ' "' '"Mdo ,,r.io,; ,;nfco!r; imio Juno i, in,., : jStoV.Vi'J Jj,riv 'i Jim :mi I'.M.WU, Ailiiiinuinitor. LFor tl,u .!' rwiiiu lio the thu Vive Pontofllce tf