Chrotiick. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY G, 1899 NO 71 l)c Dad PEFFER AND ONES TALK Jones Believes lie West Does No Vent the Islands. AND INDULGES IN BUNCOMBE They Express Widely Different Views of the Philippine Islands. Gino.un, July 5. A special to the Tribune from Marysviile, Mo., says: Ex-Sunator Peflur, of Kansas, was th principal Hpcukor lit the Fourth of July culubration In Marysvillo. llu said In IiIh addrosH : "Scarcely tho Binako of huttlo be twuun Americans nml Spaniards blown from ovor Manila, wJion that part of tho earth began to bIiow signs of American prosperity and ordur. Everything went along smoothly until soma of oursoldiers wore fired upon by cartnin rufllatH. It Immediately became our governmont'H duty to dutond the lives of our eoldiere ntid the honor of our country, and to necuro and prcacrvo peace and order. "tYliontuat has been done we can find time to dispute among ourselves about minor quostiona of government, hut not before. Those who oppose this policy toll us that we aro violating the principles of the declaration of inde pendence by forcing our government upon people without their consent. Will you open the doora of our prisons and turn out all the men who aro in carcerated thero against their consent? This country originally belonged to the IudlanB. Did tho white man permit the Indians to burn and kill? To re strain him would bo to govern him with out Ida eminent. "We wore dealing directly with Spain, and when tho Spanish fleet was sunk and Mmiilu captured, the Philippines c:uno Into our control under tho inter national code, and wo came directly re Hponalhle for them and the acts of their inhabit uita in tho eyea of tho world. They uro ours to dispose of as much ns any territory of this nation, and if the administration refused to put down that rebellion it would bo aa derelict in its duty aa it would ho if it failed to put down a rebulliou in Missouri, or Kansas, or Texas. Senator Junes' Opinion. Ni:w Yoitic, July 5, Senator Jones, of Nevada, iB quoted in an interview as fol lows : "The Democrats certainly will make a etrong light ngalnat trusts in tho next presidential campaign. Just how the nubjeut should bu treated, I will confess 1 do not know at present. It Is a diflkult problem. It ie easy enough to shout down with the trusts, but what are you (mlng to do about it? "Take the one that is most often made the target tho sugar trust. You go to the members aud thoy say : 'Yes wo own ull the sugar rullnorlesj we are Incorpo rated according to low.' Now will we pass a law that a concern shall own only ho much proberty, or what shall we do? What difference would it make to us if there were u thousand independent re fineries and as many mlddle-inen?" 'Does the anti-trust idea for a demo cratic campaign issue moan that llryan will bo the candidate?" "Ourtuiuly. It will bo Bryan and Mc Kiuley over again. That does not menu that the silver question will he shelved, either. It will bo rather overshadowed by the anti-monopoly movement. There uro many people who will novor under stand the curiency question, and in the fitco of a semblance of prosperity the silver Issue may he submerged (or a time. It will not stay down, however." "How is the Philippine situation re garded in the West?" "In California, where nil tho troops liikvo been shipped, tho people have made Royal " d&BSOIAJIEIV fojRE Baking Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome money out of it, and may want tho Phil ippines. I cannot see what any one elee can want of them. I th'nk the question is weakening President McKinley In other parts of the West." IMmfmiHn Cntiiint I in Curxd. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear There is only one way to cure doafneep, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tubo is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It ie en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken nut and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; niuocassB out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of DeafnesB (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Giiexuv & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 0-10 Halt's Family Pills are the best. TRAIN LOADED WITH GOLD One Claim Furnished All the Treasure Eleven Horses Could Carry Klon dike Cleanup Is Coming. San Fuancihco, July 5. A special from Seattle says : Gold dust was pour ing into Dawson when the Humboldt's paesengers left. They allego that on the morning of June 20 a pack train of twenty horses, each animal carrying 200 pounds of gold dust, arrived from Eldor- udo creek. Thero were two tons of it, worth fully $1000,000. It is said that eleven of the horses were weighted down with dust from one claim. Another D.iwson party has arrived from tho north today on tho Dirigo. Joseph Pntrau and Henry 'Berry had jointly 700 pounds of dust. Aside from this, no one man had to exceed fifty pounds. Tho total on tho vessel was about $160,000. Tho City of Topeka is close behind tho Dirigo with considerable more treasure. Richard Ifmmone, J.Osham and O. W. Jackson sought to reach the Copper river country from Dawson and came near starving to death. They were making tho journey for tho North American Transportation & Trading Company. Their Indian guides deserted, and the men were loft for ten days. Tho men have reached Dawson from Copper river without gold. They say they explored tho rivers as far north as Helleland, in tho Atctic ocean, but found nothing. A coppor yeln, outcroppinga of which have boen traced a distance of sixteen . t . I . 111 I II I miles' lias ueen jocuieti at i imams point by a San Francisco syudicate. Would Nut Buffer Hu AkuIii for Fitly Tliutta ltd l'lloo. I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomach. I nover felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt so woak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & McCurdy's drug store and they recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar rhoeu Kemedy. It worked like magic and ouo dose fixed me all right. It certainly is tho lluest thing I ever ueed for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my homo hereafter, for I should not care to endure the sufferings of last night nguin for fifty times its price. O, II. Wii.hon, Liveryman, Bur Ktittstown, Washington Co,, Pa. This remedy is for sale by BUkeley & Hough ton, Druggists. Plotting Against a Ruler. London, July 5. Tho St. Petersburg correspondent of the Globe says advices have been receivod from Cabul, the cap ital of Afghanistan, that an Afghan re cently discharged a rifle point blank at the nmeer, nut missed him, the bul'et lodging in tho shoulder of a general standing near by. Advices also say that the ameer's brother, Ishak, attempted to bribe the cook to poison tho ameer, and that when tho plot was discovered, Ishak fled into llassian Asia and the cook was hanged. DS5D IttMvurtl. A reward of $50 will bo paid by the undersigned for tho recovery of tho body of Bert Whitney, drowned in the Snake river at Palouse Itapide, near Lyon's Ferry, on May 23, 1599. DESCIUI'TION Bert Whitney wae 21 years old ; weight about 175 pounds; heights feet, 11 in.; smooth shaved ; dark brown hair. Ho wore dark pants with light stripes, nnd heavy laced shoes ; Iiub a tuft of light colored hair on the left, back Eide of head ; two burn ecars on body. The person finding the body will please wire C. E. WniTNEV, 24-2w St. Helens, Ore. A TtinuRaud Tougur Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she Bays of this Royal Cure "It soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe." So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store; eyery bottlo guaranteed. 5 LOSSES ARE INCALCULABLE Many Domes Destrwd aiii Hoimls of Lives Lost. FLOODS IN TEXAS ARE TERRIBLE Sickness and Death May Follow Sub siding of Waters Flooded District Has a Length of 500 Miles and Is 50 Miles Wide Telegraph Poles Submerged. Three horses June 10, 1899, described us follows: two weighing about 1-100 each. One a light chestnut branded D on left shoulder. Black horse branded C on left fhoulder. One bald faced 6orrel weighing about 1200; roaehed mane. A liberal reward for information of tho whereabouts, or the return of same. A Mason, J. Bays, Contractors, Viento, Or., or E. V. Husuand, Mosier, Or. jliS-Im V! Ituvruid. A reward of $20 will bo paid for the ar rest of any person caught stealing flowers or anything else from tho Odd Fellows' cemetery. For Sale. Three houses and four lots in Tho Dalles, as a whole or separately. Lo cation healthy and desir able, near school. Pays exceptionally good inter est on investment. Prop erty in good condition. Address, Mrs. A. Fitz Gerald 839 Golden Gate A v., San Francisco, Cal. Houston, Tex., July 5. A correspond ent has just returned from a voyage through the flood district. The half has not been told of the havoc wrought. The dieaBter is so appalling that description is net possible. After this flood will come sickneES undoubtedly. What a week ago was the fairest part of Texas is now almost a God-forsaken wilderness. The waters of the Brazos have for six days covered its valley to a depth of from six to thirty feet. Where a week ago there were on every hand fields of cotton and corn and thousands of acies of watermelons and conta'.oupes, today there iB slimy mud over all the vegeta tion, the carcaseea of cows, mules, pigs, dogs and cats, mayhap, humans, for many are missing. Our party left Bryan at sunrise yes terday morning, going to Novasoto bot toms, and to a point about three miles from Millican. Everything is under water from two to seventeen feot. It looked on all sides like a great lake and the water was bo high that for a vast area it completely submerged the telegraph and telephone poles along the line. In truth, portions of the bottoms are even now a perfect sea, extending four or five miles wide at certain points. All the planters stated that the out side world has no conception of the floods or losses incurred by the destruction of crops, stock and buildioga. Nearly every planter has built boats aud sent them through the flooded districts to render assistance to the people, and if possible save some of their drowning stock. The Hood distiict has a length of over. 500 miles, a breadth of probably fifty miles, aud in all this vast space damage incal culable has been done. Tho loss to life will never be fully known. To show the damage done, the following estimates have been made by men who are in a position to know : Lives lost, from 100 to 000; loss to farmers, in cluding crops as well as livestock, from $7,000,000 to $15,000,000 ; to railroads and country bridges, $2,000,000 to $4,000,000. These estimates aro taken on the whole area. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling somo heavy boxes. The doctor I called ou said at first it was a slight strain and would soon bo well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Cham berlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one half of a 50 cent bottle cured me entire ly. I now recommend it to all my friends. F. A. Badcock, Erie, Pa. It la for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. 'Wo have eold many different cough remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chambrrlaiu's," says Mr. Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe und cm be relied upon In all cases of coughs, colds or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds ftom rusty nallB, Insects stings and Ivy poison ingquickly Healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood poUouiiig. Beware ot counterfeits. De Witt's is vvt and tutt. Butler Drug Co. !K$Hgt$ j3H$H$$ i$BHgH$e $0B0r-$ $ We Can Save You Money ON THE FOLLOWING- GOODS: f Hammocks. SdnKff c,S3Where at 73c U5' 1,95 4 Telescopes, Hand Bags, Trunks, Dressing Cases and Valises. If you aro going on a vacation trip you may find your self in need of a good grip of somo kind. You will find the largest assortment at the lowest possible price3 here. Shoes for Seaside Wear. Wo have a lino of Ties and .Sandals for children, in tans and browns, that we are anxious to close out. Sizes from 5 to 2'a inclusive. Closing prices are 50c, 75c and $1.00. T drUpc' Oxfords, browns and ox bloods; pointed toes, flexi XJCLUXCO ble soles; elightly out-of-date in style, but of more than usual quality stock and finish. Were $3.00 and $3.50; reduced to $1.50 a pair. Today we are selling Apron Gingham at 3c 3 d. This price will continue for the balance of the week. Reserve. Your shirt-waist purchases till Saturday. See our ad tomorrow for particulars. A. M. Williams & Co. 4 -it lllfe Impulse &yjH9Bn Wheels IIIUIUI u IS-lnch Motor. MANUl'ACTUIIEU IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC. Circulars and particulars furnished on application. P. S. GUNNING, Agent, jun2() THE DALLES, OKKGON. DEALERS IX All kinds of Funeral Supplies GrandaM Bowjet UNDERTAKERS ri EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. Ijobes, Burial Shoes, Ete.