Were You Warm Yesremay ? You should not l.nvo bocn, fur It Itut tlite in only u trontlo reminder gontlo hint of what wo havo to oiler you lor lhu luturo wnrm days. Crashes at 10c to 22c (former prices, 15c to oOc). Thoso handsomo "Welts and Piques at 10c to 57c .yard (for nier prices, 1 5c to 05c.) These aro two Rood things, but jud when you call on nn. Hosiery Sale. 25 dozon Ladios' Silk Finished 'black, 2e )cr pair. Misses' and Hoys' Fino Ribbed Hose, high, spliced heel and toe, 12U' per pair. Ladies' Vests. Ladies' Fino Summer-woight Jtibbod and Lisle Vests, ecru and white, 10c, 18c, 19c and 25c. Jersey Ribbed and Lisle Union Suits, low nock and sleeve less, 59c. SraeciaL j. Ventilating Summer Corset, in Men's Straw Hats at Half Price. Wo have an assortment of odd lots which we wish to dispose of, and will sell them for one-half of their marked price while they last. PEASE & MAYS. All Goods marked in plain figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WKDXUSDAY - - JULY fi, 1891) Telephone ATo. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUK ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no clumps will lie accepted In the aft ernoon This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISH INC CO. The Dalles, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. August DcaiRtier just received nt Peneo & Maya. Designer (or August now on sule nt PeuHo &. Mnys. Hon. O. W. Fulton delivered the orution ut Independence yesterday. Today the Wasco wnruhouso ehipped four airloads of baled wool to Boston. Thuro will bo an Ico cream social at the church in Thompson's addition on Thursday ovunintt. Jonathan Jackson nppeured before tho county court today and took out his flnnl c'tiz 'iiship papers. J.eavo your orders for tho August Do signer at Penso & Mays and it will bu sent nt oticu to your address. A urcnt intiny coyoto scalps aro being brought in and from all Indications the bounty allowed in huviug a good (fleet. Tacoma is ovuriun with (ootpnds. Yustordny Bovural hold ups wero re ported and In ono ease the victim was shot. Had not thoeditois arrived .yesterday tho Fourth in this city would have been decidedly quiet as there was nothing go ing on whatever. The crops in lhu vicinity o( Antelope aro looking good, says an authority, hut the spring grain in beginning to turn B3tno and is in need of rain. Tho river is falling and will probably continue to full (or a few days. This morning it registered 119,0, h fall of u foot during tho puat twenty-four hours. Mrs. A, II. Tuck umn has purchaeod thu greenhouse, plants, shrubB, etc., from Mrs. Btubliug, and they are being removed to thu Tuck man property on Kiist IIIII. Thuro will boa joint public installa tion of oilloura of Temple- lodge No. !i, A. O. U. W. and Fern lodge No. 26, D. o( II. tomorrow evening ut 7 :!I0 o'clock. 800 their ad In another column. Tho county court la in losiion today with Judge Maya and Commissioners Kluisoy and Kvaua present. Many pro uttte matters have totno up before tho was only 00, of wlml la to come. Wo will rJvo yon n wo will show you rnnny others equally r.s drop-stitch Hosiery, stainless while, only 25c. court but tomorrow will bu the first day for tho transaction of county busineBP. Last night Mt. Hood was to have been illuminated for thu benefit of Portland residents and many people from Tho Dalles wero under the impression we would lie able to see the light from here, but nB yet wo have not heard any say they noticed thu illumination. We learn from parties who have just returned from tho Watnic and Tygh ridge country that tho crops are looking tlno in that vicinity, in fact have never looked better. In Rome some localities tho grain will harvest forty bushels to the acre. J, 15. Goit who in com puny with W. II. II. Dufur, supervisor of the forest reaerv, has been running the line of the Cusenilo forest reserve from Whlto river to Hood river, returned last even ing and leports a successful although not overly pleusant trip. Monday evening tho council, with newly elected members and mayor, met with tho intention of nominating the city marshal, nightwalcluuan and re corder, but owing to some of the council men not being present the meeting was adjourned until Saturday evening. Wo have it from good authority that tho strawberry crop in Hood Iiivor has nearly been picked. Although not fo m iiny berries have been shipped as usual, neverthelcES the returns have been greater than in former years. Tho averugo price paid hoi been ono dollar per crate. Yesterday during tho stay of the editors, tho i ml inn, Martin Spedae, nnd a number of his comrades wero tho cen ter of attraction (or nn hour and duiiug the tlmo leaped several dollars posing. Martin gave nearly a hundred auto graphs and his picture will adorn places of proinlueuco In homes thousands of ibHcb ttwny. Tiio wool mnrkot Is very quiet today, only a few small clips being sold. A great muny ol tho buyeis having spent tho Fourth in Portland have not re turned. Ilowovor, n great deal of wool Is beiug received by wagon (roin in terior points nnd also by railroad. Both thu Moody and tho Wasco warchoueo aro running their balers ut full blast, baling about 110,000 pounds of wool dully. Tho excursion yesterday was a decided success and the decks of tho ltegulntor were througod with old ud young, maid nnd matron, youth nndr men of mnturo years, nearly threw hundred persona having taken passoo. Many spent the day at Intermediate points, but the ma jority went to Usenues, whuro a inoro tesirablu place Mr 11 duys outing could hardly bo foun Going down tho wind was rather strng and it was quite chilly but the return trip was moat pleusant. Nearly nil who participated declared themsclvos morothnn pleased with their outing. During theyfuiated term an evening exouislonywould undoubtedly bo wo'.l pft ronized. Tho glorlonstourth is always a re minder o( thu trials our forefathers went through. When a celebration is at hand, wo take moro than passing pleasure and thought, but n day like yesterday when n good bhnro of our town?peoplo were away thero was but littlo to do or sec. However tho small boy (and we could see onrselveu as others saw us) made tho welkin ring with tho firing of crackers, bombs, and other car splitting noises that some larger boy has put up on tho market. Slnco O. M. Cornett has taken posses sion of tho Pnnevlllo stage lino he has made numerous chances. Among others he has increased tho stock nnd is mak itig better tlmo between hero and tho ubovo named point. The time of de parturu from Tho Dalles remains the same, hut tho stapo will arrive in Prine ville ut (i a. m. and will leave there at noon which will give merchants and residents of that placo ample time to answer their correspondence received from northwestern points on tho eame day, which will be a great convenience. On almost every excursion on the river there conies the report that bo me one has been hurt or drowned. These rumors aro very annoying to persons in terested in making the affair a success, for they create much anxiety to persons having friends and relatives on board the boat. Yesterday it was rnmored that a child had fallen overboard and drowned, while shortly after the rumor was so changed that it was a man who was the victim, How three reports get out Is a mystery, but should be stopped. Lust evening many mothers who had children aboard weie on tho verge ol hysterics thinking that perhaps it was her darling who at that moment was be ing rocked to pleep in tiio bosom of the mighty Columbia. Persons with regard for the feelings of others will refrain from uttering these stories unless they aro positive what thev state is absolute ly true. M aterluiiB lliiniicurante The whereabouts of J.JcScott, of Bridal Veil, is shroude40n mystery, sayB tho Telegram. Monday morning his boat was picked up.'floating in tiie Columbia river, by L.-Dupuis of Van couver, and its occupant was missing. Scott left Bridal Veil Sunday morn ing in his boat, bound for Duncan lake. That was the lust Been of him. About G o'clock Monday morning Mr. Dupuis discovered a small clinker-built skiff floating in tho river, apparently without an occupant. He took a small boat and pulled out. The craft was empty with thu exception of a few articles of clothing, and a Winchester rifle. Mr. Dupuis towed tho skiff ashore and immediately began an investigation. Thu following-named articles were foutid In thu boat: A coat, hat, Winchester riflu with one shell discharged and the hummer thrown back, an umbrella, a kid gleve and a (mart bottle about one half full of whiskey. In a pocket of the coat was nn er. velopu'addresscd to J. J. Scott, Bridal Veil, Or. Thu envelope bore the post mark of Seattle, May i, 1899, and contained n receipt for an expiess .noney order for tho amount of 2. Mr. Dupuis immediately telephoned to Bridal Veil nnd tuked fur information concerning J. J. Scott of that place. It was uscertained that ho was n resident there nnd had left in 11 boat Sunday morning for Duncm lake and nothing h'id been seen nor heard of him since. When tho boat was picked up, there was ono o.ir hanging in tho lock. Three or four locks wero scattered about the bottom, but no oars were in tho bunt. Tho skiff is u valuable one, clinker built, and varnished inside and out. On thu bow is painted tho uiuno "Cap Sheaf." It is goncnliy supposed in Vancouver nnd in Bridil Veil that Scott has fullnn overboard and is dro.vned. Hit) Dalle I'uulln School, Tho public tichool o( the city will be gin on Monday, Sept. llth. Tho Chiist urns holidays will ho from Dec. 23rd to Juiiy. 2nd. The following Is the assign ment of teachers : East Hill PrimaryMiss Nun Cooper, 1st I), 1st A, 2.1 A ; MUs Knitiia Hoboits, 31 B, -1th B, 6th B. Court Stioet Miss Mary Donthit, 1st 0, 1st B, 1st A ; Mies Ella Cooper, 2d B, 2d A ; Mies Catherine Martin, 2d B, 3d A ; Miss Kttu Wren n, 1th B, 4th A. Academy Pnrk MitsSallua Phlrnian, 1st 0, 1 tit B, 1st A ; Miss Margaret Fliuu, 2JA.3J B; Mrs. Kuto Roche, 4th B, 6th A ; Miss Klalo Ball, 6th B, 6th A. High School -Mrs. Kllen Baldwin, Oth B, Oth A ; Miss Louise Riutoul, Oth A, 7th B; Miss Teun Riutoul, 7th A, 8th B; MIsh Minnie Miehell, 8th B, 8th A. High School Department Prof, Justus T. Neil', principal; Miss Melissa Hill, A Ski it out. Prof. J. H. Landers, superintendent. THE EDITORS ENTERTAINED. They Fifnt Two Hoiim in Mm City itml Were Orontly I'lenacd. Although a good share of our people ha I gone out of tho city yesterday, nevertheless when the members of tho National Editorial Association arrived nt 3:45 jesterday afternoon there was a larto crowd to meet them and make them feel nt homo. There were thirteen care, consisting of Wagner's nnd Pull man's, nnd they wero drawn by two large engines. Arriving at tho depot tho train which contained tho 350 editors and friends was cut In two and six of tho sleepers wero drawn to the Umatilla House, where tho occupants were dined, somu 200 being seated at the first table. While these wero eating tho rest of tho party were being entertained by our citizens and the committee ap pointed, tho members of which deserve much credit. When tho llrst tablo was cleared tho rest of tho party were taken to the hotel and were seated to a spread that would be haid to rqual east of the mountains. Many editors were heard to remark that it was tho best meal they had partaken of since they had been on tho trip, and complimented our people on being able to prepare such a spread. Messrs. Sinnott & Fish exerted themselves to the utmost in giving the dinner, nnd indeed deserve much credit for their labors. The tables were tastily decorated with palms and flowers, while in tho line of edibles our home fruit was predominant, and many were the remarks made by our visitors about such delicious straw berries and cherries. There was but little time in which to bIiow the editors around so it was mostly devoted to conversation, during which our resources and surrounding country were given the benefit. Since the editors arrived in Oregon they have been shown more courtesy than in any other state through which they passed. They left at 5 o'clock for Portland, having spent nn hour and three quarters in our city. They expressed themselves as being greatly pleased with The Dalles, and were only sorry that more time could not be devoted to seeing the surrounding country and places of inteicst. Their last words were praises for our people and thanking us for the hospitality shown. I'EItSONAI- .11 KNTION Frank Fulton of Biggs is in the city. Julian Lacey, sheriff of Malheur county, is in the city. N. C. Evan?, county commissions from Hood Rivtr, is in the city. Monday evening Rev. DeForest left for Denver where he will spend a couple of months. II. S. Wilson has returned from Arlington where ho delivered the 4th of July oration. County Commissioner D. S. Kimsev. of Antelope, is in the city attending the countv court. Nicholas J. Sinnott returned today (rom Goldeudale, whero he delivered au oration yesterday. Mesers. 12. Y. Judd and J. M. llussell returned last night from a fishing trip in the vicinity of Mt. Adams. G. W. Miller and family will leave in the morning for Nahcottn, Wash., wliere they will spend thu summer. Itiruiiliil !ou vt-ntioM. For tho above international occasion of the Kpvionh League, which takes place nt Indianapolis, July 20-23, tho O. R. it N. Co. will meke a round trip ratu ofsj7G to Indianapolis, tickets on ealu July 13th and l lth, limited to expire re turning September 15, 1809. Good for continuous pnseago only on the going , trip. Good for stop over returning at I any intermediate point weet of the j Missouri river or St. Paul. Call 011 or 1 address Jas. Ireland, agent, Dalles, fori further information. jnJy 1-15 j A. O. V. W., Attention! j Joint public installation of oflicjrs of Temple Lodge No. 3 end Fern Lodge No. 25, will take placo nt A. O. U. W. hall Thursday evening, July 0, 1890, at 7:30 o'clock, and it is earnestly desired that all who can will attend. Short program and refreshments. By order of Muster Workmen. J. F. Hawoktii, Recorder. A ( hllil Knjoyg. Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother bo costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is thu best family remedy known nnd every family should have n bottle. Manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. A diseasetl stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys tu nervous system, and predisposes to insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles uro quickly cuied by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It bus cured thousands of cufes uud 1b curing them every day. Its ingredients are such that it can't help curing. Snlpes-Klneisly Drug Co. is ir ittaiiT nn Kdltor to Itiocmimcntl MritlclniM? For I'ntcut From Sylvan Valley News, Brcvrnd, N. C. It may bo a question whether the editor of a newspaper hai the right to1 ; publicly recommend any of tho varioue1 ) proprietary medicines which flood the1 market, yot as a preventive of Buffering wo feel It a duty to say n good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Wo have known and used this medicina in our family ior twenty years and hayo always found it reliable. In many cases a doso of this 1 remedy would save hours of suffering while n physician is nwaited. Wu do not believe in depending implicitly on 'any medicine for a cure, but wo do; believe Unit If a bottlo of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand 1 and administered ut the inception of nn 1 attack, much suffering might be avoided and in very many cases tho presence of J a physician would not be required. At least this has been our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, DruggistB. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture o( Annie 1 E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil- ' adelpl ia, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery (or Consumption ) had completely cured her of a hacking I cougli that for many years had made lile a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure "It soon re moved tho pain in my chest nnd I can now eleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel lileo Bnnnflinc? itq nrnicps thrnnrTnnt ihn universe." So will every one who tries I Dr. King'e New Discovery forany trouble of tho throat, chest or lung?. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley & Houghton's drug Etore; eyery bottle! guaranteed 5 Last fall 1 sprained my left hip while j handling some heavy boxes. The doctor 1 I called on said at first it was a slight ! strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I j had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the! druggist recommended me to try Cham- ; berlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one-' half of a 50 cent bottle cured me entire- J ly. I now recommend it to all my j friends. F. A. Bahcock, Erie, Pa. It, is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton,; Druggists. DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel from the system all poisonous accumu lations, regulate tho stomach, bowels and liver, and purify tho blood. They drive away disease, dissipate melancholy and give health aud vigor (or the daily routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler DiugCo. You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting. E.itgood, wholesome food, and plenty of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food without aid from tho stomach, and ia madu to cure. Butter Drug Co. m JULY Hoadquarters For Flags, Firo- crackers, Lady-crackors, 1 Colored Firo, i Pin Wheels, Hobsou Wheels Socafik Jacobsen TATJ A ! a, - A li.-A n M 'AIT A. TAll AVXT. CI X 1 Our Bicycle Repairing Department Ts now in shapo to properly huncllo all kinps of work from a pur.otuvo to building a wheel. Also impair Locks, Guns, brinrlR nf lifrlif. w. - - o This department is under MAYS & It's a r pleasure to get tho meals (or thu family when you have a complete set of needful utensils nnd have n new Garland slovu or steel range to cook upon. Wo fur nish kitchens and can save you money and many steps when you want nnything in tho way o( kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, tranitoware, delf waie, tablo cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, tnison seed ers, potH, irons, roasting pnnu hundreds of other thiugi to make tho kitchen complete. Wo can fiirniph doubio own cook stoves from $8.00 up. See thu beet Range on Karth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. 167 Second St. The Busy Store. KacU tiny our business shows the people are finding out wo are pushing to the front with better ood9, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and Inst, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy fot the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Lutheran service tomorrow evening: at S o'clock. 4th, 1899 Cnnnon-Craokors, Dewoy Torpedoes, Bombs, Roman Candles, Sky Rookots, nail other Klro Works to numerous to mention at Book & Music Co. '5 Sewing Machines and all mnchmfirv. or.n. , tho charge of Mr. J. KirchofT. CROWE - J per & Ben