I have just received n fine line of "Woolens in Suitings, Overcoatings nnil Tantine, nml will be plensed to hnve yon call and see them. J. A. Eberle. Fine Tailoring. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 5UH9CKirTif ruici:. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 WEDNESDAY - - JULY 5, ISft) GllOPING FOR AN ISSUE. Japbct, when in search of a father, had an easy and pleasant time com pared with that which the Democra cy has in searching for issues for the campaign of 11)00. One of the very tew papers of any standing or in Jlucncc in its locality which sup ported the bogus money ticket of 189G was the Indianapolis Sentinel. It is said that the editor of the Sentinel has now told his party that if it gives any sort of prominence to the silver issue in 1000 it will be defeated. The programme which he is ieported to have proposed for his party nest year is "anti-ti-ust, anti militarism, anti-expansion and tariff reform." In dropping silver the Indiana Democratic editor finds himself in a pretty numerous company. Gen. A. J. Warner, who can claim to lin tho iather of the silver folly, now tint Richard P. Bland is dead, advised bis paity a few days ago to abandon lbal issue, or to keep it far iu the background. Wharton Barker, who was one of the loudest of the shout ers for it iu 189G, 1ms cut loose from silverism, but has gone over to green l)acktam. Ex-Senator PofW hn dropped silver, too, but lie has come over to the Republican party. Some of the newspapers of the Teller ele ment of the Republican party, which went into the Bryanite coalition alter Teller's secession from the Re publicans in 18913, are advising their friends to say nothing about silver in the coming canvass. 'On the other band, the Bourbons, under the lead of Jones, Altgeld, Bryan, Stone and George Fred Williams, urge their side to stick to silver. The trouble with the Democracy is that it is certain to be beaten, no matter what programme it adopts. The set of "principles" urged by the Indianapolis editor arc, of course, absmd. When the Democrats had entire control of the government during half of Cleveland's second term they made no attempt to frame any anti-trust legislation. In the! campaign nt the end of Cleveland's term the Democracy leagued itself with the most vicious trust which ever appeared in this country, tho silver trust. The Democrats" will have an interesting time shouting against militarism and expansion, in View or the fact tliat n large and constantly "rowing eloinent of their party favors both niilitaiiam anil ex- lnaion. If the Democracy rleelares for tariff reform, it will bo confronted ! witu its record when it framed tlm iieruay una dishonor" taiiffof 1891, 1 "" iuuhuu uaiciuiiv arier the i..i..i .....ii i interests cfsevcial of the trusts, the 8ucar schedule of uln..i, .... ,i , , ' " ATTOK.VKY8 AT LAW, up by Havemeyer, of the sugar i office ovt m Nat. ,11$ ,MU'KS' U"BUJ truel. On the other hand, if iiml. JJeaioeracy almndons sliver, it will be cut by all tho Populist?, and will not carry a binglo Western state, or ny state outside of a few of those u tlio South, fu any case, iu dC- feat is certain to be overwhelming enough to make all the other party beatings since 1872 look small. GIobe-Domocrat. ltolilicil tlio llliive. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated ty him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eves sunken, tongue coated, juiin continually in back and sides, no appetite gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physi cians had Riven me up. Fortunately, a triend advised 'Electric Hitters' ; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. 1 know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." 2Co one should fail to try them. Only 50c, gnaranteed,'at Ulakeley & Houghton's drug store. 5 A Csml u r Tlinnkt. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it ha9 always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly in debted to the manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs. S. Doty, Dea Moines, Iowa. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. If you contemplate a trip East this summer take advantage of the $81 round trip rate from The Dalles to Detroit. Mich., Tickets sold June 29th, only, and good for return until August 31t. This will undoubtedly be the lowest round trip rate to the East this season. Tins rate is made for the annual convention of Christian Endeavor Scciety at Detroit July 5th to 10th. Call on James .Ire land, ngent O. R. & X. Co. for further particulars. An Epidemic uf Mlarrhoen. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa- nut Grove, Ha., b.wb there has been (piite an epidemic of diarrhoea there He had a severe attack and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Cholie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says he also recommended it to others and they say it is the best medicine they ever used. Eor sale bv Rlakelev & Houghton Druggists. Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. Hils tiistltiiUon Is pleasantly situated near the Columbia on the line of the I'nion Pacific; mi-nee i: is easy 01 excess lor mi tlios-c wno de sire to secure n comfortable homennd a profiles tive seat of learning for their daughters or wards The location of the Aeademv Is one of the most healthy on the 1'acllic slope, tills por tion of Oregon twins proveiblal for Its pure water, em bracing air ami i icturctque scenery. The Academy is incorporated and authorised by the State to confer Academic boners. 11- iird and tuition per scholar c ) ear 100. Studies will be resumed Tuesdav.l-eptember 5th. For detailed information apply to the Sister Suiwlor. Jlyl-Jm ladles, if you desire n transparent, Clear and fresh complexion use Dr llourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Walcrs. Their etl'cct is Mtnnlv mnflr.nl ,uikBf.,l,iif iun ...t..-.. -l. ............ tf4tw,i,h iw&uiii IUIICJ1 lu pro-liicins and preserving ,i benitllul truiii- i .ivui j uuu iviiui'm eivaruesi ni complexion. sbaiKjly contour of form, brilliant ejts, toft and smooth tKlmvhcro the reverse exists liven the coarsest and mrnt repulsive skin, marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulcar fulness, yellow anil muddy skin ate! permanent ly removed, and n dellclously clear and refined complexion assured. 1 I'rlco per small box, CO cents; large box, Jl.or tlx Urge boxes, 15. bent to any f ddress iKist paid and under plain wrapper imi.i receipt of the above amount. Write for free clrculai. Tlio Purisiiiu Drug Co., lal Montgomery dt.-Jia Friioi t-coCal, PROFESSIONALS. J-JA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllce over French A Co.'a Hank I'liono C, TIlKDALI.KS.OIiHOON J'liysieiau anti Suraeoii, Siiccial attention given lo surgery. Uoomg21 and W. Tel.3a Vogt Ulock TJ'Itl'D. W.WII.SON, I1 ATTOllM'V.AT LAW, (iuiwm, ,.,, .... tiik DALLiia, oiikoon. ' "hunui 11 S HUKTIHOTON II S WIUON r.fUSTiNiiTON ,t wuov. Jlranch Oflico Oregou Yiuvi Comimny, lloom 7, ohm Fieneh'h Hank, of,1.,."mf Charlotte F. lloU-iU, Free liwtlli Wfo m.ry 'jfiuriliy v. m win mm i Beautiful Skin O.R.&N TV KT IIHK frilKIU'LK, ' AllMVK ro From Uallks. ( From. Fust Suit l.nkr, Denver, Ft. Fnt Mull Worth, Omiilui, Kirn- Mll 11:10 1 m., fiis C ity. St. Umis.i 3ilfti m j Clilciigo mul hiist. Siokniio WiilU Walls, Piuikiitie, SfHjIiime Fiver Mlnm'.iroll-". St. FnitlJ Vljer. fl:W'i. in. i)u lu t li, .Mllnnukce, ft:Wn. m Cliicniii nml Kast. S i. ru. From I'ortlind. 4 p.m. Ocean steamship. For Sun Friinclci January nml every live days thereafter. S p. m. 1 p. m. Kx.suuday Columbia r.v. Fleamcr. Kx.fftiinliij .To Astoria nnil Way Saturday i IjinJIngs.. 10 p. ill. j Ca. ni. Willamf.ttk Hivkr. 4:."X3p. m. Kx.bunilayiOrcKon City. Newlicrg, Ex.suiiilny j SA'.em A Way LniuTg. 7 a. m, WiiiAMrrrK and Yam- a:S0 p m. Tue.TIiur. hill lUVURt. lMoti.,Vcd nnil Sat. Oregon City, Dayton,, anil Frl. anil Way-UimlliiKs. fill. m. WlLLAMKTTK KlYKH. I liSOp. III. Tuc.Tliur.irortland to Corviilli,jTtu-., linn anil Sat. anil Wav-Landlngs. i anil Sat. I I 1 , Snake Uiver. I.kavp. Lv Uiparlnl Ulparla to Lcwlatou. Lr.wisTON daliy dally i take No. I, leaving 'I he Dalles at 5:30 p. ni uinnwif; wi etiuiii-eiiuii ui iivipitei juiieiiuii ItetiirnltiK makingdirectcoiinectlim at Ueppner Junction with No. 1. arrlviiii; at The Dalles at :):15 p. in. No. tliroiiKht freight, east bound, Jms not carry p-issengcrs; arrives "J;&0 a. m., departs 3:10 u. m, No. '.'I, local frelKht, carries passeiiRers, cast bound; arrives l:aup. ni., departs s: 13 p.m. No. 21, west b'liuiil turougli freight, does not carry passengers; arrives b:lo p in., departs 'J:S0p. m. No. 23, wet bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrieso:lj p. in., departs SVM a. m. For full fiiirticulars call on O. 1!. & N. Co.'s pgeut The Dalles, or address W. II. HURMll'KT, Oca l'as. Ant.. Portland, Or. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. a N s Pullman Sleeping Carj, Dining Cars Sleeping Car MT. TAIIL JUNNKAIMIIJ HULUTII I'AKGO OIIANI) Fill! UKOOKSTON WINNIl'UO UIJtiK.VA an IIUTTK Elegant Tou:ist TO Through Tickets TO ClIIOAdO WAHH1NUTON I'lllLAlUSI.t'IlIA .VKV Vllltli IIOSTON A Nil A I.I. I'OINTH KABT mill HOUTH cal'on "orwrlV' to' tImC earaB' map!l Bnd ,lc!letf W. O. ALLAWAY. AKent, Tho Dalles', Oregon OH A. D. AHLTON, Asst. G. '. A., 25 irion Cor. Third, l'ortland Oregon Oilers trnvolurR clinln, ft ftm frills. !... routes enet. Tlioy are all famous for their eceiuc attraction. O. IJ. AN. view Oplon and Denver. hhnsttt Routo view Sucrainonto, Ogden nun iuuvur. Shaeta Itputo view Sacramento, Jab Angeles and Alberquerqiio. i.riU U"0 of tliroutrh I'ULUIAN I ALA0K and TOUItlSl' SLKHl'BR, from han I-rancieco and Lou Ant'oles to Cliicago. This i The Short Line iium Euiiifierii uaiiiornl.1 To the East. deicrlpllvo literature. J. J. DKVKIM.MIV tien. Agt. Worcester. Hldj;. I'orlhindl Or. Sanla Fe He EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF Tin: Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trails leave and are duo to arrive at l'ortlat LKAVn. nircss, Hiiiom, uove- mig, Alilmiil, Sac- rmnetito, Ogilen.Saii I Fraitelco, Mojavo, ( C:C0 l'.M. 9A. M. , l.os.xugeii's.i.i i ., 1 1 New Orleans mid , I Kast , ,, tlto-obiire and way sta- "lll.,n '8:30 I'. M Dally except Htindays. 1 f Vlii ' w'ooillmr.-' fori it,.iiv i Mt.Angel.Sllvurton, Dall . SVost H(, iirowiis- ) 7:!!0 A. M. ICorvallls I stations.. and way .jqp.v. INDlIl'r.NDKN'Ci: FASSKNOKU. llxprcis train Daily (except Sunday). J;fj0 p, in 7:30 p. m S: p. in .I.v rnrlliltlil . .AM JAl.'S'li'MllinvUle .I.V.J .r; a, in .Portland . .Ar.) hswii. m ( Ar. . Independence.. I.v. ) 4 ;U) a. in Dally. (Daily, except Sunday. DIN'INd CAltH ON OllDKN ItOUTK. I'L'I.IJIAN 11UFFKT Sl.rKI'KltS AND HKCOND-CI.ASS BI.KKI'INO OAKS Attaeluil to all Through Trains. lll-w,t ..i,irw.tlnt, tit S(.1T1 ('"rnitpUrn wlllt Occl dental and Oilental and l'aclllc mull itejimshlp lines lor JAPAf, anil uiii.a. milling uaiea un at plication. Kates anil tickets to Katern points and Kti roio. AlsoJAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU am Al'STUALIA. All above trains arrive at and depart Iron Orand Central Station. Fltth and Irving streets YAMHILL DIVISION, l'assenger Deiit, foot of Jellerson street. Leave for Sheridan, week days, t4:S0p. m Arrive at l'ortland, U:S0 a. iu. Leave for A I HI. IK on Monday, Wednesday and FrMav Mt 9:10 u. m. Arrlv"' at l'orlland, Tues day, "J hursday and Sjiturdaj it 3:0o p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. li. KL,F.'.l.i:it, (1, II. MAKKIIAM, ilaliajtcr. Asst. 0. F. A l'ass. Ant Through Ticket Otllce, 131 Third street, when through tlckct-s to all points, in the Kastein States, Canada and Kurope can bo obtained al lowest rates from J. II. KIltKLAND, Ticket Agent. or N. WHKALDON. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' II V Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way poin.s on both sides of the Columbia river. .llotli of the abovo steamers have been rebuilt, and aro lu excellent shape for the season of law. Hie Keiriiliitor I.lno w III endeavor to give lis patrons the best service osslble. For Comfort, licoiioiny ami I'h'iiNiirc, tiavcl by tho steamers of Tli Itogulntor I. Inn. The ubovo steamers lenvo Tho Dalles nt S a. m. and l ortland at j a. m., and arrlvu at desllua lion iu ampW time for outgoing trains. 'n't'l",'1!?"1,"'- 1110 Dalles Olllce. Oakfct. Dock. Court htreet W. C. Allaway, (ieneral Agent. 1 crnnr You W(i j;noiv tlmt j d la till lilllrnnn.x. ...1.1..I. i" . '"h",b" tlin Hlnrn T ft .1 18 we8WCll Oil " luiiunur oi uo III! niH . new that makes and keeps lUh , f8 no Wonro pleased will, tliu reiul l of oir con.po..,.dinofti,ou: "r "uout 1,10 KEMAHLB PilAItMAOISTS. 175 Second Street. THE dalles !l T I n n II W I KOlTII mv AH il no it A drug sig Y? Ml MUM m MftaaMM . my This space will be occupied by the Butler Drug1 Company, successors to the Snipes-Kinersly Drug" Co. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S" mTL'lISed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- toil FlOUr ''''8 '0l,r ,H uinniifnt'turud uxprecHly (or family uw,u' A xv ii3l,; ovurv Hack is Kiiaranteed to icivo satisfaction. V3 pull our eoods lower than any liouso lu the trade, and if you don't think so call and not iur prices mid bu convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. TH STEAM Dewey while wash? Vo., unci wash while You eun Havana thing washod at, the Steam Laundry. Tlio Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rales, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES. OR. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. NOTICE FOH I'UHMOATION. I..I.N!) OFPICK ATTlIK IUM.KH, OllKIIONI x , , .111110 111, IWJ. .Notice In liiTfliy kIvcii Unit tlio following uinii'il wittier has lllul notice of Ills Intention to niulif ilinil nroof In Mipj.ott of III cluim, unit Hint mill proof will Iw inmlu luiloru the ivitixtur h!u.r..'C HHr, "l,.'.llu ""lk,a 0rW'. " Kaliuilay, , , 1'niiln (irlmiiiicl, ivlilow of I'lcrro (iiliiniinl, ilwaml, of Tlio llnllys: . i:. No, W7H, for the V.K HP.W Hce.-'l. iii. i norm, it w i:. p. - iiu iiiimes mo roiiowlni: w ttifkcs lo urnvu ii-iivv uptjn anil ( i uviiUtiii . ... '..it (Ml UK. A Stinrv l!Mrtt- ( I 1.. ri . Jl.mii. A. Solnitz. nock Minin Aok your Druggiat for ftgencroM 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocalno, mercury nor miy titUer Injurious Oru. H U nulclily Abeotlxid. (lives Iteilef utonco. Tl ....1 .1 K'm- rni n ni u r a rt A i my a inilaiuinatlon. www iihnil IIotI anil I'rotfclu tlio .Mvuilirnuc. Itnlorcn tho Seines of 'Jto and b'incll. Full Hbo 60c. t Trial IslolOc.f atUniKgliUorliymall. ' ERViTA Rulorei VIK ALITY. kwa i vuuri AND MANHOOD Cureo Imnotpiirv. Miiriii-t,',i. i ..., ........i , , ' J '." .mionnnin .will w'"jtng UlacascB, all tiiTucta oi eclf. uousc, or fxcueu and ltidln. crotlon. Anurvotoiiloiuul blood builder. Urluga the pink nlow lo ;ale clicclsHnW rcHtorcH the lire of youth. IlvmnllrtU.. lor Mis. rlO: wifii ii ui..ii to to euro or roflmdtlio niouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. CNnton JMiiMn Hto., OHICAQO, ILL. DHLLES LAUNDRY, CITATION. fN' TIIK CDUNTV COUltT OP Till: STATK ni Uri'irtm. fur tint i'ntiiiii ir u....... lit Inn nuittor nl tliii tut.itn ..f i HIIitM V. UiiViH.lk'fiviM.1! I CITATION To Mix. Kniftlliu DhvIx, Mm, :, c ( i 1 1 hi, .1.. ... , I, .1 1 , . i . .... i . , .'' Jiiiry Jin h :v - v. .',". '!V..! u '"IVIH, IIVIM lit IllW llm.,.. w n v', m 'l Vjinii iuhI ifi.ri. v f...ii t 4 i Kiii iijur, nu i i ii f rui nt ii i,' ')U':k. '"renoon of tliVt ilaA I en . n I.1 " 'ill , I avN. ( .(l'iuciI to rn. mil mul ..i i7. . .i I ".".V"""'. "u ''' w 1 !' li. ! (ir ... , Vf "U IVIll t-HlllIU lieloilL- i i.rii' i,.J,..ii i v "eci'iimi , inn lmrt lute 1 1, ik.1 ' vf." ,,u ".l"-wlti' Lot So. " of i'ii.. ii " ny liroiier m In I ch oj:jH,;3,!1n' of tli ii 1 1 i hi 1 1 ii ii... ,. r r. ii.,.. i . ! . lu 1. eht (oiKconlinHileie;: nionV ' VSiu" i r i""10 "tniUllu miction for e sii l . m.i.i, ,i, iu in, inner inewir bed iy hivv inn ih ZlBW!M"!L1I.OT. ! llm JllllSMl Attkkti a m ui.iu.. ,.. . NOTIOL! (W l.Mv i c. ewm.il, nml i,v .V.,, ; ... Ket', ic went oi hold tillU)( J m it :i ii I'. M.Wri, Ailininlmiiiiiir, Fur tho heat munii. iihi) tho Vivo tho ruitofllou tl Cmniirfl. For hmIh l.v Imtmey, of