I have just received n fine lino of Woolens in Suiting, Overcoatings nnd l'Mitintrs, nnd will be pleased to huve you call nnd see them. Fine Tailoring. J. A. Eberle, Tbe Dalles Daily Garoniele. SUItSCKIl'TlON 1'UIUK. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year G 00 "MONDAY - - JULY 3, ISf 9 GOVERNING HAWAII, li. A. Thurston, former minister from Hawaii to tho United Slates, arrived in SaD Fraucisco on Friday, and while talking about the islands, said, among other things: "We h.ive no politics there now. "We are wait ing for congress to act. What we aak for is a territorial government, pure and simple. We want no colonial system or anything of the .kind, and there seems to be hardly any doubt that congress will give us the kind of government we nsk, Bince the commission has made a recommendation to that end." The Hawaiian people ought to be given about what they ask for. A "teriltorial government can be estab lished which, while retaining n full measure of sovereignty for the United States, will allow the people to run the internal affairs of the island to suit themselves. Those people are just as active and intelligent as any others in the world, and with fair rights and privileges to the natives in accordance with their condition, there ought to be no diflicnlty in organizing a form of local govern ment that will be satisfactory. There is no reason for the estab lishment of a colonial sjstem. That would mean that all the oflicials would be appointed from Washing ton, and it is easy to see that such appointments would result in Ilono Iwlu being filled up with a Jot of carpet-baggers, broken-down poli ticians, professional heelers and friends with influence. The western territories protested for a long time against having a crowd of strangers "with commissions unloaded upon them every four years, ami at last the protest was heeded. The Ha waiian? are justified in objecting to the same evil. It may be necessary that there bo some of the higher federal positions filled by tho presi dent, but the people of the new territory should be allowed all reas onable latitude in the administration of their own affairs Spokesraan- Eeview. AtiKcles, Cnl., July 11-1-1, 1890, the 0. 1 R. it N. Co. will -ninko tho following rntt-B from The Imllej: Going and re turning nil rnil route vin Portland nnd Southern Pacific !f44.15; rnil to Portlnnd nnd atennicr Portlnnd to Los Angeles port of call, including mcnia nnd berth on etenniers, returning same route, $30.15; rail to Portlnnd, Btennier to San Francisco and rail vin Southern Pacific from San FruneiscD to Los Angelee, re turning same route, $39.15. Tickets on sale June 30th, July 1st nnd July 4th to 0th inclusive, final limit for return Sept. 5th. For further iuformntlon call on or address Ja. Ireland, Agent, O. K. & N. Co., The Dalles. 10 J Farm fur Hale. Price $1S00. $1000 donn ; balance on reasonable terms. lwo hundred and eighty neres in closed, one hundred nnd tuentv ncre deeded hind, good title; between fifty nnd sixty acres in grain and meadow ; good house of seven rooms, eood burn and nut buildings. School house on the place; well of water on the porch ; creek runs through the plnce; 400 bearing fruit trees, tfood eardens: fortv stands of bees; eood assortment of small fruit. This farm is well improved, four miles from Dufur, four miles from Eudersby, Reasonable terms. Apply to 1e.v Southwell, on tho place, on 8-Mile creek. w-2w A Curd uf Tliiinlis. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Ctmmberlniu's Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given tho most perfect satisfaction, wo feel greatly in debted to tho manufacturers of this remedy nnd wish them to please accept our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Miss. S. Doty, Djs Moines, Iowa. For sale by Blakeley & Ilousrhton, Druggists. If yon contemplate a trip East this summer take advantage of the ;f8l round trip rate from The Dalles lo Detroit. Mich., Tickets sold June 29th, onlv. and good for return until August 31st. This will undoubtedly be the lowest round trip rate to the East this season. This rate is made, for the annual convention of Christian Endeavor Society at Detroit July 5th to lOtb. Call on James Ire land, agent O. R. & N. Co. for further particulars. fl R.&N. 311 ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. p.vnr Tiun schkmile. Amuvk 1 roB From Dallus. from. ! i , , Fnt ISalt l.rtkr, Denver. Ft. Fnt Jlnll i Wottli, Oimihn, Kan- Mull 11:50 p. m.l fas Cltv, St. I-ouls,' 3:l&p m I CIltCHRO and Kast. j Sioknuc Walla Walla, Hpokanc, Pnofciine Fiver Minneapolis. St. I'nnl, F!er. 5:i0p.ni. iMilntl), Milwaukee, fi'.lXJa.m Chlcaso nnd Knst. S p. m. From 1'onTl.iNf). 4 p.m. Ocean Steamships. For San Krnnci'co January 'J.', nnd every live days there-liter. S p. m. -l p. in. K.x.suuday Columbia Uv. Steamers. Kx.buuilii) To Astoria anil Way Saturday ' landings. 10 p. m. lin.m. WlLLAMKTTK UtVKR. i-liSOp. m. Kx.&umiayOres:on City, NewberrVEx.i-undaj Snleni & Way Land's., s Pullman Elegant Tourist TO Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. I'Altl. JWlNNEAl'OI.r llUI.irTU FAIUIO OKA NO I'llII OHOCMCSTON WIXNM'KO iii:i,i:na n ltt'TTK T . m. IWiMiiip-rp ivnVixi Tues.Thnr.i him. Hiviirs. and tut. Oregon City, Dayton, and Frl, , and Way-landings. Through Tickets THE DKLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey white wnsh? Yos, and wash whito. You can Havana thing washed at tho Stoam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and (ho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices arc not Hobson's choice, but tho standard rates, which aro not Cevera high as some poople think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phono 341. THE DALLES. OR. Wasco Warehouse Company 3:M n. m. IMon.AVed Ca. m. , Willamette ltivnn. !-l:S0p. in. Tue..Tliur,!Portland to UorvnllU,Tue.. l'luir and Sat. and Way-Landing, j and Sat. I Snake HtVEK. Leave Lv Hiparla Itlpuriii to Lcwlston. Lewisto.v daiiy j , daily ! JT. Pill flCiEfll,.. Under the direction o( the Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. TllU TncfttllllAtl ttf ..ln.tc.t.11.. .t..nn.i tllO CJOlllItlllffl nn Iho line nf tl,r l'nl I..,.frl... llieucfi! Isiasyot exec fur nil tlnso wno tle lire to teenron comfoitablo tiiimvnnd a progrea-idvoi-e.it of learnlnr for their dimshrera or Hinds The locution of the Academy is cine of the most healthy on the l'acllle sIoik.-. this nnr. Hon of Oregon Ulng proverbial for its pure ""n-i, ruiuinviiiK "ir iiiiii picturesque icenery. lhe Academy is incorporated and authorized by the State t.i confer Aeadumlc hollers. liz ard and tuition pir bcholasl c year f 1C0. Studio' will bo losumedTuctdiiv, September 5th. 1-or ilctulled InformHtion apply to the Sister Superior. jlj-l-im tiike.Vrt. -I, leaving 'Jho Dulles nt 5:;W . v. iiinkinK illrwt councctloiii at Hcppncr Junctlim lint MVitltti niobli...UPluir,..1.,n..,A,i !?......... junction with No, 1, arriving nt The Dalles at carry pasjengersi arrives -.':50 a. in., departs 3:50 11. m. No. .'!, local freight, carries pafieiigers, cast hound: arrives l:yo p. m., departs 8:15 p. 1:1. ..u. -i, ih-m unuiiii uiruiiKii ireigui, noes noi Carrv Mssenirors: nrrivcs s?l n m . tint.lr,u 0:S0 p. m. No. 2.1, west bound local freight, entries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs 8:C0n. ni. For full particulars call on O. K. A X. L'o.'f agent The Dalles, or address W. II. imilLllCUT, (leu Pas. Act.. Portland, Or. XI OHICAOCt VAS!HN(1TN 1'lllLAIlKL.rilIA yaw vouk IIOHTON AN1 AI.J, 1'OINTH i:.HT nnd HOtlTU For lntoniiHt'.oii, time curds, maps and ticket, cul on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. ARont, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. AKLTON, AeHt. G. 1 A., 25 rrlson Cor. Third. Portland Otcuoi. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, oPwIIlfed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOU FlOUI" '""H 'our 18 ii'Miiihictiired expressly for family Wa sell our coode lower thsin iiny hoimo iti the trade, and if you don't think eo call and uut Mir prices and he convinced, Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats or THE' Santa Fe Boole Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are duo to arrive at Portlai I .99 LEAVE. mrc ...u I rtumii iiress b OVEULAXD KX-1 ess, Salem, Hose- 1 ;, Auhland, hac-L-nto, Osden.San I iclseo, ilnjavc, A Beautiful Skin. l.udlcs, If you desire a transparent, clear and fresh complexion usu pr llourdon's Kreuch Arsenic Complexion W'n'ers, Their eilVt-t Is flinplv iiiaalciil postessinB tho wizard touch In privlucinmuid preservluirn he iiitilul trans pareneyund pellucid clearness of cnmplexlon. sh.iK.'Iy contour of form, brilliant eu-s, soft and smooth skin where the rtveisc exists liven the coarsest and moit repulsive skin, marred by freckles, liioth, blcckhemis. pimples, vulk'nr r dness, velloiv mid muddy skin art-permancnt- complexion assured rnceper small box, to cents; larRObox, 81, or six latKe boxes, t. bent to any address post lull! lltlll lltlltlT tJmIii wr i. 1 . the above uiiiouut. Write for freo circular. The Parisian Drug Co., 181 MoutKomcrySt.in t'r.uio 1 tcot'al, OlTers travelers choice of the fnllntvmf routes enst. They nre nil famous for their scenic attraction. O. It. & N. view Otfilen and Denver. tilinsta Iloilto viinv Sin'iiiinnntii flir.lon and Denver. Shasta Koute view Sacramento, L:a Angeles and Alberquerqne. A dllilv linn nf tlimni.li PfTl T t IV PALACE nnd TOURIST SLEKI'EK, from San Franeieeo nnd Los Angeles to Chicaj-'o. This is The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents of the O. It. & N. Co. or the undersigned, for folders uur descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEUEUX, Hen. Agt. Worcester. Bide;. Portland, Or. I.os AtiKeles,i:i Paso ,H'iv uueans am Vast i '&:30 A. SI.'Ji c. " " w"' !-t", i f Via Wocnlbiira fori ' Dallv I J'.'-AiiKOl, Sllvcrlon, i esi bcio, nrnwns-i l.MCp. ..111.. ,..11. .1,1 ,..,,1 I I Natron J ' Sundays 17:30 A. Jl. 5 A. M. P. i! Dally except Smiduyis. IC'orvallls and way) (stations j i5:0 P.M. I.N'DKPK.VDKN'CE PASSUNCIIlt. P.xpress tralp naiiy le.xeept Bunoayj, 1:50p.m. rl.v. ..Portland ...Ar.) S:23n. tn . ::l)li. 111. iAl MfM I n ti v 1 1 1. l.i-.l r.'.HMi in SWJ H. in. tAr..IIl(ieliC'liile!irp..Lv.l l-.'Jlii in A good drug sign. lho new uniform of Admiral Dcwcy will be very modest. This is entirely fitting nnd in keeping with the taste of tho distinguished naval commander which is good taste. Think what a gorgeous affair the uniform would ho if General Miles -were to wear it, nnd have nt tho same time the privilege of desinin" it! Ex-Sonntor Blair, of Jfciv Ilamp- uuirc, says in regard to trusts: "It PROFESSIONALS. J.JA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllcoover French & Co.'h Hank ,,ll0,1 c- THE iAU,m,ORK(iON jr-ju- ii:i.HKNioui'rr.it Physician and Suriceon, Sieclal attention ulven lo siirvery. i:oonu2laud!X, te.3H Vo8t Illock li 5tW-'l i is tho business of tho republican J FUEI- w,aiw nVv kt i w Jrty lo invejtigate nnd deal with ou.ee ove, nnuSil'f I,A"- 0Ui:fi0X' t ll la raw nunnAl e .. . i , ' . ou well know that a food tlrug sien is the patronage which is bestowed on hesiore. It is the purity ofthooods handled nnd the manner of (bint; buei ness that makes nnd keeps this business. W oare pleaeed with the result of our ef forts to stipp y the best driius at the best nr co. Vn r nni....i... ..i.... : 1 ,.,.... . J. - I'liimiiiBi UUUUl llie t.uiiiiuiiiiuiiig oi inein. Dally. fD.niy, except huiiitiw, DlNIKCi OA P.S ON OOI1HN ItOUTK. PL'I.I-MA.N llOKlT-T Hl.rGPKKS AKD HECO.NI)-CI.ASS SI-EKPINC- CAP.b Attachtd to all Through Trains. Direct eowiKitlon at Van l-'rauclico with Occl ileutal and Oiteutal and Paelllo mall iteanielilp lines for JAPAN nnd CHINA. Sailing datoa on aiplic.ition. Uatea and tickets to Katern points and Ku- ftnA1iViA.lt,0.,JAl'AN' CUISA iIONOI.UI.U unc A l ' bi KA 1.1 A. All above trains arrive at mid depart Iron Grand Central Htatlou. l-'ltth and Irvtni: street YAMH1U. DIVISION. PaftctiKer Dei)t, foot of Jellcrson street, Ixiave for Blierldan. week days, ut 1:30 p. ni Arrive nt Portland, u:S0 a. m. I-eave for AIItUK on Holiday, Wednesday nnd rrllny nt9:ln. m. Arrivi- at Portland, Tue dav, aimrkday nnd Haturdaj it a:03 p. m. Except auuday. Except Baturday. It, K.K'.t.KU, (i, II. MAKKHAM, ibiliiuer. Asst. (i, K. A Pass. Airt Through Ticket Office, 131 Third street, where through tickets to all points in thu lk-dern ht-itei., Canada and Europe can bo obtained at lowest rates front or n, IIv.!1)ji!.,K,Av,, T,oJ,ct Aen- TleOBMiBiaPacSiiGo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF M ANUFAUTU KK118 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED BI3EF. KTC. cxvmony CUhiskey. This hrnnil of Whiskey is ininititeeil to the consumer as ;i 1'UKE HAM) MADE SOUK MASH WHISKBY rur family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles. Or. This space will be occupied by the Butler Drug Company, successors to the Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. N'lltif'O In lirrfKt iiLt..,, I l nt. t ...i.i v"".j .wnn, hi uiu niiuu m Orojron, for Wiocn County, my Iliml iircimnt its atlintnlHtrntor nf tUt .ut.it.. ,.f r w t .. wmw( nnd by nnonlor of Uio County ;ourt t iit,u 110 J"U,1.'W Moiulrty, July :i, ... ,.wUi riut;k it in. i una uc:u xijl mm tin; time itinl tho County Court room .,i.i...Vr;...u . ' i , ., ' . ' uiu neiiuiigoi 'J'lln hi snldllual lunmnt, nnd thusettlo- . w cum taiiiiUi Int. nn r 1 t iUIi " AllliillilMlrntrir. CITATION. CATARRH ii m ivasoti this new nspect of our business nnd ' national nffnira ami find the true n "untinutos Olutioil." Thnt In.K.l.Ac i. . I l.fUNTINUTON A WlU?ON, - ahoknkvh at law, tow of (he question. The Republican I oiuccov-r r.t .vt. SnA ,U,',,K-' JN party is tho only one with tlio will ! art nbility lo regulate the trusts. Knluord lUtt-H tu a. K. a. For the National Kducitional Aseo. Ution meetlnir (o be held nt Log llrunch Ottlco Oregon Viuvi Coinpniiy, Itooui 7, ovci French' Hank. r.,U ' T' '" Local SlHTH.-.r Hte health lttur every Thurulay at a p. , ItEIJADLE rilAUMAOISTS. 1 175 Secouil Street. THE DALLES Drink Warren's Pure Olncer Urandy. tor eulu nt nil Mrst-chiss bare. C. J tublinK, agent, The Dalloa. M17.ain F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, dor. Second & Laaablio, Tuone 157 Aeh your 1 Druggist for ft generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely's Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other InJarloiiHdni. It In quickly A lisorbcil. ti vea lit eratntirn. Wfe, COLD 'N HEAD lle.lla and 1'rotL-cU tho Memlininn. l(,..i.,r.u n, Heiuc of Tule and Kmcll. l-'nll Bkc iuc. : Trlul ttln 11V. f II nmi,l.l.,..l,HM.ll 1 liLY MiOTilKwM. M WiiwaflWK-wYc-k. iervita: Kkle VIlf'AUITv, i nr uir.nn AMD MANHOOD Curca Imjiotcncy, Night EmlBsloiiH and M..nwnK uiaeubeu, illl VIICCIU 01 fiCII- ubube, or execta and Indlo crctiou. AncrvotonlcuuU lilood builder. Di Iiikh the pink flow to alc chcckn am rcHtores the lire of youth, U V mall ti(U ncr I w. ipxiu", wnu wriuon iriiui'uu too to euro or rcluud tlio utouey. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. OHnlon JHOkwn Utt., OHICAQO, ILL. IXTIIK COtTNTV COUItl' or THE BI'ATK ' Oremiii, for thu Comity of WmVo. In Hip mailer of thu cMiitvnri Klla W. I nvli, deceived, j -station M"1!;7!,L,.-',.r,,,.i, Ihiv.s Anein; , nlVMeN al ! 'I M ns w IMvij. iKi'i-Hhi.d, mil ti, Aniin M. Wll- ani, W. ll, Vnnlllhhur.' m.iltli Kr' h i; 5 JV..W, and Una, i:. .MCl,iii, morlmwili,'' Otect-- in the name nf tho hlnto of Onwin i oil are hereby ciliU mid reiinlied to nhK'iir in the county court of the Male 'of Ore ' lor tho conn y of Win.,..., in the eo ,t roo n 't , rwif t 'I hcllalles, Oreiron, In the col nty f v ,Vcr 'im .S.WiyA 1';"'"" 'lyof J Hy. jfci t' te tlii'uf aifil'iv !!',f.V"""if ' '".'t K'y. He" mid e ii. thu inoriuHKul MeiiiUea IiuIoiikIiib to kiiIiI eMat.., or If Mild ledeinptlon he deemed Jm'x. m.h!m 1 1 "',lrm ''h"lijltrator ho iintln'r ieil iiK U tin iiitiiluof Ha d deceived, nnd nartlcu rly denorlhed na folhrnn, to witi I ." So " ,,f h loek Mi, u, of Dallea l lty proper In haiwi idVh nVh n. ' ,Vi;.""" :r"1V,,!,l Mh'irter ii'iit Iriti 1 1 ill iiiiv i .1, 1 ..,. i . t.i .. 'I "Jl"' !''" W""J"! ""' rl'lliin lii W eo ,,S!i itkiikh, tho Hon. Knbort Miivh, JiiiIko of tho (inn y Court nf tho Htato nf jrJi "ii , "r t n Coiliity of Waken, wild thu el orf.Al.1 I'oii.V ni Ui. tl.la becoml day of Jimo a.Vjsw. " Jim ::n 't r of cant ATTKhTi A M.KKI.BAY, Clerk, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE. M KNT. ,inS,.Mil''.',rcV Klv,m ,1",t tnidernlijiiK.1 ' 'Viln. eonnt i-niVi .r,i.:., . V 'a' l Uio N(ltlrf, Ih liurnl.. nan tuiA . .Jiiiiiii jhwiim uiiii W.u,ii fJl.lv. lias? ' Ti?-SWiiw'ifni:: lllttl ll .Illl.- II ILItfl t-w. . " 1 i:iiiiii