BUSINESS LOCALS. fetM ! branded H S c feii Ten dollar. 'sorrel weishior. nbont 1200: reached mane. A liberal reward for information ; ,, Vientc,Or.,or E.V.HCSBASD, Mosler.l Lateit thine in cainem are Im t o.-. jSS-lm , proved Mazarine cyclones hi Donne i '. dmc store. j Fresh cracked Nsbrafka corn at tl." to' Wasct- rehuuse. Finest kind of ft Balles. Porllanfl aifi Astoria, feel Navigation Co. sf?v iat-Si'ijU '. about s, or delivering them to ns at vn-jsjebv. Kens Unos. An Excellent Combination. The passni method and beneficial olTWis of the veil i:amvn rcmetty from the system ail poisonous acoumu p. flamach C&urvtwu. i to srsur m. " nn, , nnrifr the blood . The? btain:n th? itquta wsa- - - - -; , fctmj-cil or "toltn. Two cav horses, n licht and darl dappled.) The light stay branded j chicken feed thus T- m left shoulder; the dark one ; iIni,r0red MasR:r.e eve'enes are win- on left hip. (tiers. Djunel!, the druggist, wi.i triau.y rewatd will be given to ! ttow them to you. Fresh folio paper and Eattronn's fi in?, all sizss. direct from the manufacturers, Endersby. Kens Unos. 1 , snlji.K'nerslv Drue Ca.'s. D.Witt's Little Early Uisers espel i Try Verba Ilnena I!ier?, the best tonic, for saie ai nu u.'st-ua:: J. Stubhu?, agent, The 117-3tn mm sirs, ikiiilaiord Dais 'a' pally (esc, i: : Extracted FREE SATURDAY. ti,. i...t nrk at the leapt po?iWe m.'I. SflO eHs tectn in ono year ia our re card?n o iriOrSndmcJ. SaiMaC.lon Ku.rnld in eyery case. tive p-tneipis ot plants Known medi-'inai.? laxative and preienting them in the f.rra moat refreshing to the taste and acioptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive elsacsinsr the svstcin eiTeotually, filspellinxr colds, lieaslaches and fevers pent"? vet promptly and ennblinp one to overcome habitual e-onsiipation per manent -v. Its perfect freedom irora eser- objectionable quality nnd snb-saal-e, aad its acting on the ltidneys. liver and bowels, without iveaucnmg and cive health nnd vlcor for the dai.y routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Snipes Kuiersly Dm? Co. DeWitt's Little E.riy Kise:s benefit permanently. They lend gentle assist ance to nature, causing no pains or weakness, permanently enrins constipa tlor and liver ailments. Snipcs-Kiner-s!y Drug Co. milk I'lir Sle Cliriv. Ilirrisou Hay press, good as nev, iu ouire t Lane Bros', blacksmith shop. The Dalies, Hood Hirer. Cascade Locks, Vancouver MaUT-if Wall I'Hirr. C3 I K per cent saved by getting fienres j rom the Snipes-Kinjersly Drug Co. ! For the best results use the Vive ! Ounera. For Bile by the PostoSice i harmacy. tf P.est Orwwn and iliidge work ni Pft teeth, sjnarnnteed . and Portland. j A PnK Hcst tiiver or alloy filling CONSIDER QUE PRICES: 22k. pii.ii, per tooth .. tiso ? ' 00 il 00 up j 60c up for Clarke & Folk's or irritatiac them, make it the ideal laxative. I Ii yon want to nave good Jersey tnitK ; Ask yonr grocer la the process oi mauiacwing n . (Bjjv.erel lwice a jjav at your home, you : nure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf i- rwt n t trT- Il(,:l 1 1 ;i) i lit- I - 1 tests, but the medicinal qualities of the j may be supplied by applyinc to Bert j rcdedr are ub'aimd from senna and , Baglcv, who will bring von the best oft ntlipr arr.tnatie nlants. bv a metnoa tnown to the Catjfohxia Fig Sriiur Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember t he fnlt neme of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFOPaTIs. FIG SYRU? CO. ioTrr-vrLi-K. m. Kris' zrorjn. it. t. Ftrznlz by ail Drucrti Pri; 50c. perbottis milk morning and eveuinr. 28 3t : For Five Doliara vou can buy a Camera j !? tl-tsd O HKe. hat will take larger pictures man any Touchlnj; Mt war poin on Kti tiiJe of tfce lolunibM river. po'.h oi ihv rAxi" stpracr have len rvbotlt. aud eic In excellent hapc tor the mvm of Tll lLTlllaliT il! itdtvot to pivc lis )iron? the be: . enire i slbtc. ! Far Cinnfnrt. Ucimnni ami riraurr, tjnvet by the ttcaaicis of The ltrRulatur , l.lur. The nliove 5lmeI lcav The r!llk at s a. tn. nnd lortlaiid at 7 a. m.. and arrive at deoliim tlon in enii.W time lor cutcuinc uains. The Dane c..ictj. rourt street Portland Dental Parlors: Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S. Uootu 11 12 is, Chapman lliock, Second ? Manager. Cottage fur Sale or Kent. A comfortable, furnished cottage of seven rooms for sale or rent for the sa son at Seaview. warehouse. other Camera on the market, bv Cinrte &. Fa!k. For sale ' tf i To Curt; n Cold lu uuc Uay. TakB Laxative liromo Qoinine Tal- W. C. Allaway, Cicsiernl Aci'iit. j Apply at the Wasco - leu. All drniiU refuo ! the money 2-5 In it fails to core. 25? . Just What You mant. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, j For hale at nil first-class bare. C. J. 1 YTnttr CommWiloners iltct. Wood Wood Wood. We can fnrnih vou with strict!y fir class, cry, fir wood at the same prices j ijtnalin-.:, agent, The D.iiies. M17-3ai which yon have been paying for inierior i quahty orders and get Snd us your Phone 25. Jos. T. Peteks & Co. water commissioners met at the te-Jychl. corder'f ofiice: Messrs. Crossen, Uohon, j j Jnku; iisher, who was fornm.y ln Kinerslv Drug Co. . I . ; ...... lir. nln.,,,4 a. I- ... 1l.Ka. ' ahop, has opened a first class barbershop Fish. Ksndall. Dusnr, Pairman and Seufert, the latter presiding over the meeting. On motion of Fish, the superintendent was acthoriz2d and directed to employ four men to immediately repair the water ditches and other property rt the head of Miil creek, whkh were reported by the committee that visited them to be in a bad condition. Yesterday morning a conference was held with Johns, of the lumbering com pany. Is seems that the ten-years' lease of the flume for bringing the water to the city expired same months since, and the lumbering company now pro poses to tax the city $1090 a year foi the use of the flume. It claims that we will be compelled to use the flume, as it can never be successfully brought down in any other manner. The matter will, luwever, be settled Thursday night at the meeting which was called for that date. Bills were read and ordered paid as follows : J B Crossen. sup't salarv ? GO 00 C A Bordere, helper's galarv. . . 80 00 H Gates, sec'v galarv ". 10 00 ed Gates, prepayment freight Mr. nnd Mrs. B. Lackauip, Elston, j Mo., writes : "One Minute Cough Cure j saved the life of our little buy when ; nearly dead with croup." Snipes-' in the Hotel Peikins at Portland, where D.illes peapie will always be glad to find him when viaitinc there. "What m'ght have bea" ;f that little con,:li hadn't been neglected, is the sad reflection of thousands of consnmp- I Notice. Timber Culture, j , r. 3. La.vii Orrif t. The IUixr-. cr.r.nnx. j ftbru.ryji. J-. ) j ! Comnlai-.t Laving been CP'etrd at trh nDicc j h- OUie !' VcbcTF ocniu-t Wcrley suminiier fur ( : (ailni's tn ei.iiii: v. la ti limb-:- cnl'.uic j Enlrj No. ifcjS. Catwl K'ttu:U.r, 1.-, ujn , thefi. K. ,t saciinn h.', Tom.Mii toutli of 1 Wiilametu JKrldlan. itauue li etit, in V.j-coj I Pnnn.r U'a.o nf tl.i.r.rir 1 loir fn (hnp.r. lives. One Minute Couzh Cure cures ; ccliatiui. of Hi cut.- . c.T.'itsiit atu-vins thnt wide varietv as wo ure showing never le coughs and elds. Snipes-Einersiy Drug j SIS uSKi'i; ' t nroceda tingle stock Iteal imita Co. enj-timenot iis any one for hi-n v'?Mi any i tloa creton elTectfc at ordinary prices. ir.i! oi i-uuuis irji-TO,KiiG mm sneaiu , uooo papets ni cutiip paper prices. Ipj-snmmncr iio-iut lilt- month of Fi'briMry.liSU. , pi . . ,lP.i,.ns tnlffu' cobiriiiL'- vo-irh duly reliiLjuialitd said trnot to t.v Unit d Males ; L.i"l?ani uejl!.ns, tasieiu. cotoriUL , yojrt ana dtflivciedsair. rcliimui.hnieni trtihis affiant for a small price, at our etore onlhird Ako a full line of house paintE. 1 yi uL , is! m Jul ' feM- 4 nl iX Pi f No.4-slzo3'4 x44. SS.OO M'4 I ' t WWl J; No-5-(Slz3 4x5 . lO.OO my j J.tArrlvca 'j I t L-- ilamcruwlUi hulb ajiutlcr. here. Such -------- - - Magazine. FOR 1699. Ton Points to Consldor: 12 Plcturos In 12 Soconds. shutter Bulb Roleaso. SfMiUnr Automutlc. Suttor Locks, is Aluminum Hlat&holders. Sot stops. Sooolni Quick Lons. S Automatic Hi-n'stor. 9 A I parts IntorchanKeable. lO- Expost'd platot. romnvud without ctlbturbtnjr unexposed. 1S99 Catnlonue with com ploto information FREE. M. Z. DONNELLj New ideas m Wall Paper For the Fourth of July ihfc O E. & X. Co. will se:i excursion tickets to any rail station within 200 miles from sell ing station at one fare for the round trip. Tickets on Eale Juiy 2nd, 3rd and 4th and will be good for return passage np to and including Jnly 6th, 1599. 811 Iieward. How About Your Title? a' d ;ald Tt'limiuhhnietu was duly t;k-J in the orect. I'. S. .Tilice nf The Dalles. Oreror. mid at the I " said time and rrior thereto nlwud' iitd aid UhcI ' t-. , . Tr n TTCTi mu;.l aiid his never -M1 lime returned thereto i JJ. W . Vii.U)ili, 11111x1 bl. ; cr cltimed any :i?ht or iulvrtit in Mid tract of I land. j ', The said parlies aic hdebv summoned to ap turat tid! .iHi.v no the ii'.h onv uf Atuil, ' ', .t testimony cmf t. !d a..eced 'uimrt ircan'ent. Caahlcj ll-ii JAY 1' i.' i As IlrcUtcr The abave reward will he paid for the recovery of each of the bodies of Wonu' and Jake, Chinamen, who were drowned in the Columbia at Bluiccke Inst Friday. Cnsc Kue Co., 29-d&wlm The D.tlies. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting. I-'-! I tr-linlacnrr-i n r ti ! li- , ' ' l'"l J li . i. Jl .1 iiciuai (v. !. of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure diss's A A Urqnhart. labor 24 00 j food without aid from the stomach, and Geo Joles, labor 3M in .uorjraniield, labor J riuinT, lator K D Gruer, labo: S J Vickers, labor Jacob Wetle, labor G A Vun Anda, 3 days cuide. . . . J B Croisen, prepayment hills. .. F S Gunning, repairs Da iier Lumber Co, lumber. .. Hbox-h !c rhompjon, lumber . Ciir.o.viCLr. Pub Co, printing . . Uito i In.n and Steel Co, S4 pieces 4-ir.e''i pipe Mayg & Crowe, mdse Senfert Bros O, 55-poi nd rope. . V F Burham. hanlini.' L D Oakes, hauling 4 25 17 00 10 00 50 0 00! 19 23 ; 3 Co! 1 si ; 4 0rt I 332 93, OS 22 j 4 40 1 1 50! is made to cice. Co. bnipe-Kinerely i)rug cat( -it uceruir Trace Warks jccighs Copyrights &c. a tielfh and dradrtlon n&- cnli 1t njeert.n: o:r ofiJ:iii:u free trhethpr n Invpnlmn tf iRtibtii. It TBilrntable. fomniunlf liiusit" T indilcnlCal. ll.-.Gdcookon l'atcatc ."First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Dejx-site received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptlj remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold cr S'e-A York, San rrr.ncieeo and Port land. DSRECTOHa 1). P. TllOMPBOS. Jj;o. S. Scuzxkz, Eu. M. WiLMAKa, Gno. A. Liebs. H. M. Bkai.u r iP.K VOU PUIIE it is al! right? Keini'iiibei it ii" the BKCUHl) that coveriif. It is our btisinecs to teareh the rt-cirda and thow what thev contain in relation to land tiling. If you coutemplale buying land or loaning iirney on real estate security, lake no man' word, nut insift upon knowing what the NTurd thows regarding the t; I Ait Abstract is ac eeseiuial ae a deed, li.f-it on having it. We hnve the only Bet of Abstract Booke in the County. All work promptly ex (cuid and satisfaction guaranteed. It you have prop erty to itibiirc, givu us a ca'.l. We nre ueiito for four of the best lire incurnnce f-jinpanies in tho world. If you have property for e.ile, list it with us and we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. m. 1? fi nricE- B. j--tixt-! K.d, U n 8L. ivt 'ri?s. 'i' test azenrr forstcurmcpaienu. I3tnu taen turoueb Jlunn i Co. recetrfe tpcuUnatlc, wliaoat csarrc. lntae -,r-a . vy IT I WATEC fiCl'ECINTSNUENT h IIEI'OUT May 1 Total book aect Collected during mouth.. . I TncASunen s ucronT Jnne 1 BjI. cash on hand .... P.trc'd during month Thousand mo Trying It. Tn nrdr to ururn nrcat TTirrit nf 14S9 75 Ely's Cream Unhn. tho mo$t effective cure 1223 25 I fof Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre. ared a ganeroas trial size for 10 cents- 00 50 i Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to I ELY BI'.OS., 00 Warren St., X. Y. City. 2520 SO 1314 20 3S41.09 Pay out interest on water band 750.00 Warraute redeemed 201 93 951 93 Sal. cash on hand 2SS9 10 Thomas Khaadc, Centerfleld, 0., writes: "I suffered from plies eeven or eight year?. No remedy cave me relief until DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve, U-3-than a bos of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm less. Beware of counterfeits. Snipes Kineraly Drug Co. Cath lu lour CUecKK. All conntv warrants registered prior I suffered from catarrh o the wowt kind ever cinco n boy, and I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm Beeraa to do even that Jinny acquaintances have ussd it with excellent results. Oecar Ostruci, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged care for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. At druggists or by laaiL cletitific flmerieati. A handsomclr lllmtratwl wwiltlT, I.nrsest clr rau. in of arj r clenitfic J am3L Tcrrna. 13 a Tenrj four montui, (L boldbyall ncindealer.. MUNN & Co.36,Brcad'N8W York Uraocii Orflcts C25 r Eu Taihix.vton. 1). C. Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. r M,mm "if I mm 1 AGENT FOP. THE ! ..CflAS. 1 'Phono 61. 2d St., opposlto A. M. Williams 4; Co. Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kcer on draught the celebrated CUl.CMlSIA 11EKK, ncknnwl-c-decd the bent tn-r in The ImtK-a, Htilit? umal price. Come In, try It and be rticvincwi. AIo the rinmt brands ot Winee, Ll-juor and Cigart. Saoduiiehes of atl Kinds aiu-ayi on hand. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. ..RAMBLER.. '.ndst. S S hiiiton. P. lock ana Gunsmith, i, and Machine work. 2 Charles Burchtorf. i opji John jtuii. OENEHAL PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Digests what you eat. 'FRENCH & CO., I to Aii'Mifit l.lM'i. will tin iihwI nt mi. It nrtlflplollflln3o,j j j I .uuiur. miereat ceases mior June v, jiuiure id HircuBthenlng and recon- J3lIVCn5). S Count v Treaanror. gans. It is the latest d i sen vVmI hi TKA.Ni.veT a kseual jiL'tt.sES Stantlv relieve.4 nnrl iwrmininl..i. oi .... t,. T . fc t i7. Tjr, jni....,vmw qikiu rikcnnnKe nna ieiecranint i n BiacKiiifis ...AND.m L.uat. Three horaes Juno 10. 1609. detcrlbed D' an fiillnxn- tun noli. !,!... .U, UAn Flatulence .t. r,. - ii. .l.i .i. . ........ SlckHeadache ".in uiid ucuk ciigi uut oranueu u .n ... . .ODleffhoulder. Blaci horae branded TSTcS.a D oa left thoulder. One bald faced I Horsesnoe l t&?RiiS2lP"&bvin eold mK york,ChicaKo,!S' Wagon. ch?Gartffffr.miUlen,5l Bl- u18-fi"" anciBco, Portland Ore-' S Fl.h Brot o i .7m W-.:.r--: mvii ""-"'V 7 t:w: - Collections made at all poInU on fav lor sale by Siiipes-Klueraly Dru Co. orabhs termi. r nd Carriage Work. Brothers' Wagon. I llii. and Jeffcran. Phone: 'i. 131 1 A M C. J. STUBLINO. Wholesale and Rotall Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor i Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WfliattiJt irt 1 3 irom 2.7o to 0.t)0 ikt eallon. rtTTTTfi .r ' ..iX . lf M? 7t 1?:0?iASvr:,:n' 7' 10 ,I2- "Ur ll0''' " To 2U7earaold.) JJjIICPJA IBIHBjjijnjrtMo (ti t Oj .rj.hllci,. (4 loirara old. ONLY THE PUHEST LIQUORS SOLD. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. 2