THE PMLLco N ORTHERN not even by being thoroughly whipped. Evening Tclogrnm. O.R.&N. pacific ry, IgjEAfYI LAUNURY, Kctlnrrtl l.ntes to M. K. A. I V I have just received a fine line of Woolens m Sultlnee, Overcoating ana i JlXnd?thoi! P'ei,Std lhnV,i!tnrninBsameroute,.15. Tickets on you call and ate them. 4,h tj J. A. Eberle, Finn I Tailoring. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 9CU8CIUPT10N 1'llICE. One week ? 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 fiTfURDAY JUrYlTl899 BURIED FOR THE TIME. It is very gratifying to hear that the navy depart mentis going to take jio farther official notice of the con troversy over the merits of Rear Ad mirals Schley and Sampson, says the Spokesman Review. If people gen erally will do the same in a private , ' limbic; capacity, n good deal of va time can be devoted to more useful purposes and newspaper space will be utilized for more attractive ad vertis-! ing- There is invariably a disposition to give credit where it is due, but when people have settled the matter to their own individual satisfaction, they are willing to let it reat. The late war is certain to be talked over for a good man years and there will be differences of opinion as to who was especially conspicuous for :al- lantry and as to what ought to have "been done which was not done. Dis putes will arise similar to those heated but bloodless pen combats which fol- lowed the publication of the civil 1 war articles a lew years ago in a pop tilar monthly magazine. Hut so long as we weie victorious, it is the wiser course to talk only of the pleasanter features of our cam paigns on land and sea. As for alii these personal squabbles, let the prin cipals settle them ten or fifteen years hence when they have nothing else to do nnd the public is not surfeited j with military and naval bickerings , which amount to nothing. PARTIS AX OPPOSITION. Opposition to the administration in its Philippine policy nnd its con duct of the war on mere partisan fTTnnnrU ic lil-olv tn 1m nenrilnnn liv ' glOUnttS 16 ilUCIJ IO UC 0erdOne 0 some of the Democratic lAeis. Alarge portion of pol.ticians-and ; -i.. ll a r..nis,fit-.. n i-a itnl !t inin n. , i.uiij twi iuiiiiumii; . :..,l.. 4i,.:,." ,1,ir.ic..oii.. ' mii oiuji'ij .itt i.i.j t.i.iiiiiiiavi uiiuii ' of the opposing party, and cvnry thing it does, good or bad, right or wrong and oppose it when it is right ami dots well just as strenu ously as in the other event. What-' ever t does they are hound to condemn. A great many of those who are now severest in their criti cism of the president for prosecuting 1 the war were the Joudcst in demand ing war. When the president hung back and tried to keep out of war, thev were for war. riht off and red ! fj hot; but as soon ns the country be gan nr, and while it is neces sarily continuing war, they affect a righteous indignation at all that is being done. If the administration j bad abandoned the Philippines, tliey 1 would hove howled against thnti. policy even more loudly tiian they j do now ognicst the policy of keeping ... . i mem. ao wuu auviuiuu, every iiiuig . they are simply "agiu" McKinley because he is not of their 'party. These chronic nnd hidebound partisan kickers are in a small minor ity,' however, ns they will discover 'after the votes are counted next-year. Oat such men never learn anything, For the National Eiluctttonnl Asso- Jcintion meeting to be held nt I.osj Angeles, Cul., July 11-14, 1890, the O. , 1 12. & X. Co. will mnke the following' I rates from Thu Dalles: Going nmt re- turnine nil mil route via Portland and Southern l'ncific $41.15; mil to Portland nnd steamer Portland to Los Angeles ! port of call, including meals nnd berth on steamers, reiurning game romt, 139.15: rail to Portland, steamer to San FrnnciSco and rail via Southern Pacific . Fronclfe3 t0 Los Aucelee, Te- 9th inclusive, final limit for return Sept 5th. For further information call on or address Jaa. Ireland, Agent, O. R. & X. Co., The Dalles. 10 J A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cnt or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the be3t in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Ciups old sores, fever sores, ulcere, boils,corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 ctB. a bos. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 5 Farm for Sate. Price $1S00. f 1000 don n ; balance on reasonable terms. Two hundred and eighty acres in closed, one hundred and twenty acres deeded land, good title; between fifty and eixty acres in grain nnd meadow; good house of seven rooms, good barn and out buildings. School house on the , , b ... . ... ,. place ; wen oi water on iuu jiureu ; eree runs through the place; 4G0 bearing fruit trees, good gardens; forty stnnds of bees ;5sood assortment of small fruit. (This farm is woll improved, four miles I from Dufur, four miles from Endersby, ! Reasonable terms. Apply to Bn.v I Southwell, on the place, on a .Mile creek. w-2w A Card of Thanks. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given the most j perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly in-' denied to the mantifi.ein.-er3 of this ! remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mits. c r-.. n .,- rn:..n i,. it .,,.,.!.. i... , . n 13 nkelev & HoiiL-hton. Drntrlats. If you contemplate a trip P'ast this summer take advantage of the ?S1 round trip rate from The Dalles to Detroit. 1 Mich., Tickets sold Jnno SO.b, only, and onil tor return until August olit. This will imdoubudiv be the lowest round trip rati; to the this season. This rate is made for the annual convention of Chiiniiut Endeavor .Society at Detroit ! .Inlv ."itli tn 1 0t f - CiiU nn .TiiniPo Trr.. ldndi Benl 0. r. 4 x. Co. for further particulars. A Beautiful Skin. Jjidles, If you desire n transparent, clear and lreati complexion use ur. nournoii s French Arsenic Comu exlon Wafers. Their efi'ect is I slmnlv musical, fosweslnc the wizard touch 1,1 producing and preserving o beiutllul trans- ; ,rcm.y mi wiiucld clearness of comnlexlon. &H'SmVk r . ducss, vcl low anil in udd" ski ii are iMjrinaiieii t- ly removed, and n delielously clear and refined eouiiiiexiou ussureu Price )er s small box. CO cents: lame hoi. six large boxes, 15. bent to any address post paid and under plain wrapper ujion receipt of the above umount. Write for free clrculai. The Parisian Drug Co., UJ Montgomery .-it, -1 in Frane ! scoCal PROFESSIONALS iHA' STURDEVANT. Dentist. Olflce over French i C'o.'s llant ''l'"e 6 THE DALLES, OKEOON J-lf UKlHENDOUFFEli Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given lo surtiery. Room 31 nud a. Tel. 328 Vogt Block FKEU' "'attokn' law. - , ... THE DALLES, OI'.EGON, huhtinqto IJUNTINUTON A WILSON, ii a iviuon ATTOKNEVK AT LAW, oaiccovr rt Nat. "" Ilroiicb Office Oregon Viavi Company, Hoom 7, ovci French's llauk. OCce hours, Charlotte F. ItnbeiU, Local M.nsger. FfWlhtaUli laHurt trery Thursday at Hp. in TtMF. fCIIKnULr.. Fhom IUM.KS. AniuvR Fboji. Fast Suit I.akc, Denver. H. Mnll Worth, Omaha, kali- UI1 11:50 it. m. ms City, St. Unils,, 3:Io p m ' Chicago and Last. Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane,; Spokane KUer I .Mliini'Himiiii. ni. i "mi r ) 5:40 p. m. i) n 1 n t li, .MIlwmiKcc, r:w a. m p. m. Fkom Portland. Occnn Steamships. For hnn Friinclu-o Januarys!, and every live days tliereatter. 4 p. m. S ti. m 4 p. m. Ex.sunda) Ex.buuday Columbia ttv. Steamens. To A stoma nnd Way landings. Saturday 10 . in. 6a.m. i Willamkttk Kivtn. 4:30p.m. Kx.hundayOregou City. Kewberc, Ex.buuday ! Salem ik way Lund's. i a. m, es.Thu 'WtLLAMtTTE AND YAM- 3:30 p. m. Tues.Thur. mix Kivers. Mnn.,wed and bat. Orcpon Cltv, Dayton, and Frl. , and Way-Uuidlngs. 6 a. m. WitLAMETTK River. I p. m. Tue.. Thur Portland to CorvallU.'Tuc. rhur and Sat.i and Way-Landings. and Sat. Snake Kivek. Riparia to 1-CKlstun. I.EAVK Lewiston dally Lv Ktparlal daiiy 1'arllcs deslrlne toiro to IK-iinncr should lake .no. 4, leaving 'Hie Danes a o:au o. m making direct connections nt lleppner junction Hemming niaMngdirectcoimectuiu at Heppucr Junction itliNo. 1, arriving at The Dalle:) at 1:15 p. m. No. ?J, throucht freight, cast bound, docs not c.irry pussengers; arrives -J:50 n. in., departs 'i:l0a. m. So 'Jl. local freight, carries passengers, cast i bound: arrives 4:su p. m., departs fc:15 p.m. ;o. 'Jl, west D'luim tnrougii ireigni, uock nm ; c.irry passengers; arrives s:lo p m aeparts 9:30 p. ra. No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers, arrives 5.15 p. in., departs 8:C0 a. m. Fo: full particulars call on O. It. i N. C'o.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. H. IIUItLllL'HT, l'os. Agt.. Portland. Or. Ocn Santa Fe luie Offers travelers choice of the following routes east. They are all famous for their scenic attraction. O. R. A X. view Option and Denver. Shasta Route view Sactamento.Ogden ami Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, Lr;s Angeles and Alberqnerque. A" dailv lint! of thrums!) PULLMAN 1 r r t rL i rriti nTtvn c r r i? iit.- t F " a n c i s co n d Lo a A ) i gel o a to Chicago. This is The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents Of the O. R. & X. Co. or the undersigned, for folders nnr descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEREUX, Gen. Agt. Worcester. Bblg. l'orilond, Or. A 1 -v s- y-x -J f J-f I II II I A C w vSlQfll. O ou well know that a good drug sign is the patronago which is bestowed on the store. It is the purity of the goods PAUt if lf?k ! nmm 1 Wat, 1 ,V Hi ' y 1 uwiiuieu unu me manner ol doing busi ness that makes and keeps this business, j " " e are pleased witli the result of our ef-' oris to supply the !9t drugs nt tho 1 C O best price. We are particular about the i O coiunoundini' of them. i ' It ELI ABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For tale at all firat-clata bare. C. J. Btubliajf, agent, The Dalles. M17-3(n Sleemns: Cart, u s Pullman Elegant Tourist - Dining Cars Sleeping Car tT. VAVl. siiNNK.vrni.i ii;i.ittii K AltOO (IKANU I'OK CKOOKSTON WINNIl'KO Hi:i.i:XA an ItUTTK TO Through Tickets ciiiuauo wa8u1nc1ton l'HIL AIKt.riIl A NEW YOUK UOHTMN AND A 1. 1. 1'OINTB KAST and SOUTH For information, time cards, maps and tlckcu cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon Oh A. D. AKLTON. AsBt. G. P. A., 25 rrlsou Cor. Third. Portland Oksoi EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and arc due to arrive at l'ortlai .' 0VKK1.A.N1 EX-1 j press, Halem, lto"o-1 I burg, Ashland, Hac-1 (tm m i ramento, Ogden.San I 1 t-rnucisen, injave, ( j Angeles, El faso, j i I Netv Orleans uud I i t East ! s-ta v M Ho-eburg and way Ma- 9 A Jl. lions . r. Jl Dally except Sundays fVia Woodbury fori i Ml Aiipnl. mivprttm. I Daily excup l, ( Weit bcio, Drowns- .p' ville.riprlnrlield and 115 I Natron J Sunday 17:20 A. it. ICorvallls and wayi (stations 5:10 1". it. INUEl'ENDESfE I'AS3F.NGEIt. Expreis trull; Dally (except bundayj. l;a)p. m. (I.v. . .Portland .Ar.) fi:Za. m 1 7:soi).m. 'At JlcMinnvllle .i.v.J S:Mn,m biajj). m. (Ar..Independence..l.v.) l:.-flu. m Daily. fD-my. except bunanr. JHKI.ST. CAUS O.N OGDEN UOUTE. 1'DUJIAN lll'Fri'.T Bl.FEl'EHB AND fiECOND-CLASS bl.EEl'ING CAI'.fc Attached to all Throuuli Trniaa. Direct connection nt San t-rancixco with Occi dental and Oriental and l'acllic mall itcnmbli 1 lines ior jai-a. una citi.NA. hailing dates on a()dlcatlou. Hates and tickets to Kaitern points and Eu- ro;e. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU anf ' All above trains arrive at unit iletmrt Irnrr All IUT11 II II I Orand Central Htatlon. Filth and lrvniB streets YAMHILL DIVISION. I'atsenger Depiit, loot of Jederson street. I-eave for Bherldnn. week days, at 1:00 p. m I Arrive at Portland, 0:30 a. in. j U'ave for AIIU.1K on Monday, Wcdncsdav and ! Frirtiij- at 9:10 a. in. Artiv at Portland, Tues day, Thursday uud bitturdaj it 3:03 p.m. j Except Sunday. Except Saturday, R. KvK'.l.EK, , it. MAI'.KHAM, ilHiiaier. Asst. (i. F. A Pass. Asl Through Ticket Olhce, 1SI Third street, where ttirouirli tickets to nil i.nliitu In tin. i.',.i,..r, jitntes, Canada and EuroiH! cnu t obtained nt lunrai mica irom J. II. KIliKLAND, Ticket Accnt. or N. WUKAl.DON. Tne columDia PacRinp Go., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUKEKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of ir BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIED CEEF. KTC. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shoo. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor, Second & Laacblin. 'Ptooe 157 Dewey while wash' Yes, uud wash white on can Havana thinp wa.hod a. the Steam Laundry. '.I h0 'Maine point is quality ami tho 'iVIerritt ofour work iS .such thai people go .... ni1.,v,;.0 Us. Our prices are not IVIlltsa'"! . . ,, Hnhqon's fhoico, hut uio Cevera high a? some people C-U-B-A customer rf ours. Corner of First .ov qai i Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. tt a e-n TPnckA rirciin oil U4B Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind j Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ytSSSS, Headquarters fcr "Byers' nest" Jfenoie- ton Flour. This Flour iib: i'vltv Wa boiI rinr uonila lower thun any hmiHt! ill the tradt;, nd if you don't ttnnk to : will and mt rur jirices and lit; convinced. J ! Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats This brand of Whiskn is giuitnntiTil to the ciinstimcr as ti l'L'UH HANI) MADK'SOUK MASH WiilSKKV for Family and Medical Lc. Sold In i Ben Wilson, - TN3r JTSBN23 nJEVVVsMWANJE 1 ockford "Quick Shot" Simplicity Durability 12-Plato Matrr.zlno Ciimurn. j "Turn Ibf lever and you are ten.Iy fir anollier." No plrtlu huldurn with (.ii.les j to draw. No sleeve or changing bug. No j chance to fog plates. No fallurec. If you want V2 pictures quick, bov the "Quick-Shot.'; the only umunz ne cunt) era that holds the plates tertircly after tliey are exposed. No rattling or break ing of plates. Jieht on e.uth. V.ixW S6.00 4x5 $9.00 Willi one d jzen plate holders Manufactured under the Conley paleuls by the Rockford Silver Plate Co., llOCKrOHD, 11.1. We sell only throui;li local iiRruts Ask our i agent to show 3011 tins "yulck hhut " NOHCEOF FINAL SKITLEMKNT. Notice l hereby given that I Imie fllol with I J'c lerk of the Cimnly Coutt oi the hlalo o( w r iintcoi uiiuiv. 111 v llnai mi'inni! ,n administrator ol the i-slalV ol (;. W !! il,. I ceacd, and I by unorder of tlm County Cnurt aforesaid, inn IsW. lit the boor ,.i ... ,. i ,1 . 1.'." (' Jtlllli 1. 1VI, M.H,.,.. (..I.. .. ' ' V ''), mid the settle I i- r uw vlmimstrntor ; Jim ;; n Atsk your 1 I Druggist t for a generous IO CENT TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH ! Ey's Cream Balm ' contains no cocaine, I iarcury nor any other uijuriuiiH uru. ItlsipilckiyAbeorlicd. (lives Iteilef at once. It opens anil cleanses COLD N HEAD iiiv .usiti x-assiges. Allays iiiiuiiiiiiatlon lle-ils anil Protects the .Meiubrauc. lb-stores tho Seines of 'laslc ami Hindi. Full blio Kc. '. Trial Ueiqc.t Bt Druggists or by nmlL c"vev,;, l,m liiji M Wra Btmt. tw Tork. ftERVITA"&'. ssiilll 1 flAND manhood Cures Impotency, NiKht EmlBHloiiB and wajtl"g dlHeaaes, all clTects o self. uuuhc, or excess and indts cretlon. AucrvotonlcunU Wood builder. UrinK'H the pink glow to pale checkBanc' rcHtorca tlie lire of youth. UV mallfklWl.Tlt.r l.r.w. St 1... lor Wtt.ftO: with a HiiAn mm tee to cure or rcttmd the luauey. NCHVITA MEDICAL CO. WmJ6kstOHK?AOO, ILL. l ,l,;,.l, n.. .... hiaim.viu iU ilo; think, and wo want to and Cotirt Street, THE DALLES, OR. la innnufncturnd nxprtuHly lor family fiick is liiinriiitU'cd to give Batiefactlon. 99 CUhiskey. The Dalles. Or. V v Ick Solierij Complaints ; The Snlpos- Kinersly Drue Co. ACil'.NTH, 1 he U i'Im, 0rt j!0li. CITATION. I '1'E COUNTV i:Ol, ltT Or THE KIAt Oregon, for the County of W asco. , II ...It... ... ............. I wi ' V. i ;'. ' . .. ." 1 .' t C1TATIOS UmI,. An .ti. ir, ,, .)V m :K.7.,y ri i .M.irv ilv lllllll'V linii I-111,. I .Hii.i llii t-lu li.tlrM .iV 111 w of HllliX W Il!ll l. ill.. ....ri tn Alillil M Mt limns, W. II Vniillibber. Hmltli French, B ; i-vum; aim uoxi i;, jielfi 11. inorlcagees ww Dip 111 III' lliiinfs (if tn utrtfA l niutii ou arc herebj cited and reoiilred to iipprarW the county coutt of the statu ol Oregon loMM county of Wasco, nt the vuuit room thereof, I he Dalli-s, Oregon, In the county of Wusto, on .Monday, the 'l hint day of July, 1M. at ten o clock In the forenoon of that day, llien nnd there to show cause, If any there lie, why " order ol tin- nbfun I'lillttwl iimirt slinnld not bo inadeiltrcetliiK II. F. Uuglillii, ns mlmliiUttotor i .m mm, esiiue oi hi. us w. Davis, ueccuscui w deem the mortgaged premises belonging to w CStlltl. nr If .7.1 i... .ir...w..i Inn- pedleiit, that said iiiliiilulstrator bo imthotUnl "uu iiiiicteii to sou mi of the real estate noinnr ol thii nortlnvcst iiuartcr, tb'e northeast iiiarlj and the mirth hall of the southeast quarter o sect on 11 In nm.i.iii.. .1 ,.,.,n, ..t esit of the WIUaiiHitlu mvriliwtif In Wasco coiintri uregoii.conialiiltiHirjOiicrcs, inore or le.W iiii. i i oiaciu nuuiJiio auction ior c UIIIKl. Ill ti, iiiftiinnp .r..u.t.ll..l I... Liu. illlO ttlO priiceeds of such sale to bo held by said iidmln r.'h" V" "'"ix'iiwl of us may bo reuultcd by order of the above entltlod nourt. (..VJ!!T."Kr.H' ,l,u ,l0". Kbert May, Judge '!'! :" " V ourl of the Htnto of OrcKon, for t iok 10 int n.tato of sold dcjenseU, and purucu Urly desctlbed as follows, to-wlf Lot Ne ' I ',I,'.''k...No' ' 'uca City proper lu Ui;11! t 1U. IO.CI milt. f)r...i . .til.. III., tuirth tltll TmV '? "Mi witn the seal ol mm t-oui. i Jl.. ym" w"'.o l'y uf June A. U. IhW Jun a-ll Attkht: A M. KKI.HAV, Clerlc. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT' iri".Ml'''.',".lu"l,' Kli) that tb uudi islKned H? "ii, M awuitt its exeeulor of tho cs J,! '. 'i B",M, .McAw wllb '- eterk o IW c it; court of Iheslalo ol Oiokoii, for W Sl,y.'.'!"d. ,l,"t 1'1'UinjHy, tl latl) Uay of J' ' ,h' "'- bour of 10 o'clock u. m. ban I 1 mm "i.f!,e ,n"0 Miil I"" eouuly uourt luoiu lo sum eslale. J"ll U I Kxeeutor,