The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 01, 1899, Image 1

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21) c DU
ispbalt Trust Will Htol raviDE
Material -estet
Peanut-Eaters Must Pay Homage
to the Coffers of a Trust Are Al
ready High, but Further Advances
Are Expected.
1 ..ti,.i)::i.rmA, Juno 30, -TSio articles
i tk r I t
I ; io Aspnau Vyoinpany ui iimui icu,
Ivl.i -u ha? boon incorporated in New
horsey with a capital of iSUO.OOO.OOO, and
l hiih will probably bt) known na "the
Ivai baU trmt," authorize the company
: ) "luanufneture, produce, purchase, or
u.henvisoaequire and use asphalt, atone,
od, brick?, tile?, natural and artificial
-avemonts and mppliesof all kinds, and
bines which can be used as a part or in
juneetion therewith, or as a substitute
Mitrafor; and to hell, exchange, deal in,
jr otherwise dispose of tins same m any
manner whatsoever for the of
pa vine, roofing or similar purposes any
tlceorative ornaments, natural or arti
iial asphalt or combination thereof."
New Yokk, June of). There will he a
i-ecret meeting of district assembly No.
fce, Kniuhts of Labor, which is composed
uf railroan men, in Brooklyn tonight,
Mid tomorrow niuht a similar meeting of
railroad men will be held in this city.
beneral Master Workman Parsons will
liJdress both meetings. Mr. Parsons
lias written to the chief executive board
of the Kuithts of Labor at Washington
Lisking that he have full control of dis
trict assemblv No. 75, as he now has on
the recently formed assemble of this city.
Tnis is regarded as a significant move
In- labor leaders, althongh the lieuten
ants of Mr. I'arsoiiB imply that It is
fcnorely a percautionary one on his part.
Ni:w Voiik, June 30. The American
iilible Nut Company, to control the pea-
mt trade, is to be incorporated in New
Bersev. The capital stock, it is stated,
will be 15,000,000. The charter of the
combination will permit it to handle
Lutsuther tlittti peanut, and the product
il nuts crown in this and other
countries. The company will contioi, u
Is claimcJ, the entire peanut market of
the world.
Peanuts have been advancing for soino
ninths from natural causea, there being
kn active demand and ecjiH uipply.
pVhen the company begins operationa
he nuts, it ie believed, nro likely to ud
Laiice still further.
lias Faith in Outcome Force of 50,000
Men Needed.
Chicago, Juno 30. General Harrison
Liray Otie, of Los Angeles, Cal., who was
kith tho Eighth army corps'at Manila
I'hen tho insurrection began and who
law nearly a year's fighting Around that
ivy, arrived in Chicago last night en
route for Washington. Ho stopped at
llie Palmer House and will remain in the
Iity until tonight, before proceeding
astward. His visit to Washington will
nark hie muster-out of the volunteer
General Otis discussed the situation in
he Philippines at considerable length
bnil took the hopeful view that with the
Additional troops to bo furnished the
.h iiiiu be terminated ueiore tue
-a.ny season sets in,
'With 50,000 troops all told say 30,.
Makes the food more
royl DKiwa
000 for the fichting columns and 20,000
forgarrison duty," he said, "Major-Oen-eral
Olia eupprtss tho revolt before
the next rainy Benson, restore peace, es
tablish order, protect all well-meaning
natives of Luzon in t'leir rights of per
son anil property, and establish and
maintain a bimple, economical, just and
effective government over the islands."
Itolihrcl (hu (imvr.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
eubj-cr, Is narrated by him na follows:
"I was in a moft dreadful condition. My
skin was nlmoft yellow, eves sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
in,; weaker diiy by day. Three physi
cians bad given me up. Fortunately, a
triend advised Electric Bitters' ; and to
my great joy and surprise, the firet
bottle made a decided improvement. 1
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. 1 know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only GOc, guarantetd.'.at Blakeley A
Houghton's drug store. f
Smallpox Scare.
Si'OKank, June 20. A smallpox searo
exists in a dozen towns in Eastern Wash
ington. Aluum, Lincoln county, is quar
antined. Colfax has a well developed
ease. A new patient has been reported
Spokane and Walla Walla has a sick
nun in her pesthouse. At Altnlra there
are seven well-developed cjsoj.the whole
town having Icon exposed, because the
school teacher who first was stricken did
not know the nature of his malady and
continued to teach for several days. An
other case was discovered at Marchall,
thid county. Five men who occupied a
bos-car with a smallpox patient have
gone to Waverly, where hundreds of la
borers are working In tho beet-sugar fac
tory. It i3 feared the epidemic will
spread there. Public meetings In farm
ing communities have been prohibited,
while vaccination is the prevailing fud.
A Tliouitatiil Tongue
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
ndelpl ia, Pa., when ehe found th'ut Dr.
King's New Discovery for Cor.eumption
had completely cured her of a hacking
couh that for many years had made
lile a burden. All other remedies and
declare could give her no help, but she
says of this Boyal Cure "It eoon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can
now bleep soundly, something I can
Ecnreely remember doing before. 1 feel
like Bounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. KingV New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, chest or lunge. Price 60c
and (1. Trial bottle free ut Blakeley Sc
Huughtou's drug store; eyery bottle
guaranteed 5
U.VITKD States Land Office,
Ouegon City, Jupe 21, 1609.
Notice is hereby given that the ap
proved fractional plat of Township 2
north range 8 east, baa been recobod
from the surveyor general of Oregon,
and on Augmt 1st, 1800, at 0 o'clock, a.
m., of said date, said plat will be filed in
this office, and tho land therein em
braced, will be subject to entry on and
after said date. Chah. B. Mookkh,
Wm. Galloway, Register.
Last fall I sprained my left hip while
handling some heavy boxes. The doctor
I called 011 said at first it was a slight
strain and would soon be well, but it
grew worse and tho doctor then said I
had rheumatism. It continued to grow
worse and I could hardly get around to
work. I went to a drug (tore and the
druggist recommended me to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one
half of a 60 cent bottle cured me entire
ly, I now recommend it to all my
friends. F. A. Baboook, Erie, Pa. It
is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton,
delicious end wholesome
roworn eo., niw voix.
Tacoina to He the Center.
Tacoma, Wash.. June 30. A special
from New York to the Evening News to
day I'ays: Negotiations which have been
pending for the past ninety days for sot
tiemont of the terms for a joint terminal
corporation for the Pacific coast havo
been practically concluded, and the plan
of orgenlziliou agreed upon. Tacoma
will bo Ihe center of the iiyotcm, which
will ineludo various ports on the navi
gable waters of tho North Pacific coast,
where the steamship lines of the Pacific
will bo centered.
Active work in tho carrying out the
project, which includes the Great North
ern, Northern Pacific, Burlington and
Union Pacific systems, will be at once
Would Not MinVr Su .Again ror l'llty
Tlini'n It I'i Ifn.
1 awoke last night with severe pains
iu my stomueh. 1 never felt so badly in
all my life. When I came down to work
this morning I felt bo weak I could hardly
work. I went to Miller & McCurdy's
drug store and they recommended
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea itemed). It worked like magic
and one dose fixed me all right. I',
certainly ia the finest thing 1 ever used
for stomach trouble. I shall not be
without it in my home hereafter, for
I should not care to endure the uiflerings
of last night nguiu for fifty times its
price. G. U. Wilson, Liverymau, Bur
gett&towu, Washington Co., Pa. This
remedy is for Bale by Blakeley & Hough
ton, Druggists.
An Kjilili-iiiic uf lllnrrliiini.
Mr. A. Sanders, w riting from Cocoa
nut Grove, Fla., s.iys there has been
quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there.
He hnd a severe attack nud was cured
by four doses of Chamberlain's Ciiolle,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Koinedy. He
says he also recommended it to others
and they say it iB the bcit medicine they
ever ueed. Eor bale bv Blakeley &
Houghton Drugglals.
A diseased stomach surely under-
! mines health. It dulls the brain, kills
energy, destroys t3 nervous system,
and predisposes to insanity and fatal
diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are
quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It has cured thousands of encea aud is
curing them every day. ItB ingredients
are such that it can't help curing.
SnipeE-Kincrsly Drug Co.
Guu-Bhot wounds 11 11 J powder-burns,
jcuU, bruises, sprain, wounds from
1 rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison
I mg quickly healed by DeWitl's Witch
1 Ilnztil Salve. Positively prevents blood
poisoning. .Bewareof counterfeits. Do
I Witt's isniiis and sure. Snlpes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
For Sale.
Three houses and four
lots in Tho Dalles, as a
whole or separately. Lo
cation healthy and desir
ablo, noar school. Pays
exceptionally good inter
est on investment. Prop
erty in good condition.
Mrs. A. Fitz Gerald
830 Golden Gate Ay.,
Ban Francisco, Cal.
: President OrJtrs That All Easle Sbail
Bo Made.
Even Reinforcements Must Take Second
Consideration Xo Negro Regi
ments Wanted.
Chicago, June 30. A special to the
Tribnno froih Washington says: Under
direct orders from tho president, every
nerve is strained to get the volunteer
regiments away from the Philippines
without a day's delay. Even tho Im
portant work of sending reinforcements
is to be considered secondary to the
necessity of returning tho volunteers.
Tho president feels that they have been
kept too long nlready, and is anxious to
see the last man homeward bound.
To facilitato tho work, the adminis
tration bus ordered transports to clear
j from San Francisco as soon as thev can
he made ready for tea, whether there
are recruits ready or not. They will
not take reinforcements when they E.iil,
but after urrival will hasten back for
volunteers without regard to the new
recruits for Oils. The president has
also authorized the purchase of two new
transports which will be put into the
regular service as soon as they cm be
Alter the volunteers aro retired, the
transports will carry back full loads of
the regulars, and when they aro landed,
will return for the new volunteers.
No Negro Regiments.
Nnw YoitK, June 30. A ppeclal to the
Herald from Wathfngton says : No
colored regiments will be organized for
service iu the Philippines. Any colored
men enlisted will bo nssigiud to va
cancies in the present colored regiments
of the regular urmy. The experiment
of the war department with colored
volunteers duiing the Spanish war was
not not a happy one, aud iu spite of re
poits which come from tho Philippines
totheeHect that tho colored man is
greatly feared by the Philippines the
authoiiMes are averse to running the
risk of a repetition of the troubles of
last year.
I)cafm Cmuuui uu Curct'.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach tho diseased portion of the ear
There is only one way to euro deafness
and that ia by constitutional remedies
Deafness Is caused by au inflamed con
dition of tho mucous lining of thu Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube ia in
flamed you havo a rumbling Bound or
imperfect hearing, and when it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inilnmuiaUon can be taken
out und this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
eror; niuecasa out of ten ure caused
by catarrh, which Is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars : free.
F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by DrugglBts, 75c. 0-10
Hull's Family Pills ure tho beat.
"Wo have told many different cough
remedies, but none gave better satisfac
tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr.
Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark,
N. J. "It U perfectly safe and can be
relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds
or lioarsenesB," Bold by Blakeley &
Houghton Druggists,
HO ltetrartl.
A reward of f20 will be paid for the ar
rest of any person caught stealing flowers
or anything else from the Odd Fellows'
I Today....
Wo ofier several very good bargains in
tended for those who are alive to op
portunities for mone3r-saving, and who,
when such opportunities present them
selves, aro ready to profit by them.
Come in and look; if you don't care
to buy, you're just as welcome.
we sell
only Men's Sfl.bO
man who is
price is
I Today
I only
I A. M. Williams & Co.
118-lnch Motor.!
Circulars and particulars furnished on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
DEALERS IN , ty()b6S,
All kinds of undertakers Shoes,
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dalles, Or.
Men's 50c neck ties; a choice line of hows, tecks,
pud's and four-in-hande, at the special Of
price of OlU
golf or bicjelo shirts; pretty styles,
patterns, worthy fabrics: to the
ready tomorrow's
We offer a tnanV Tan Willow Calf Shoe, made
with good-year welt soles, nicklo books and eye
lets, and uu the latest last, at. . . . d0 flK
Tue tegular price is $3.50. CpCUd
Choice cf an assortment of 75c, $1.00 tiffin
and $1.25 straw hats, for OUt.
r muiuiu