The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 29, 1899, Image 3

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For the balance of
this week we will display
to the public the choicest
we have in colors at
25 cents per yard
At this prise we include all goods that range
from 35e per yard and upwards.
Boys Shitft tdaists.
In medium and dark colors, age 4 to 12 years 29c
Mother's Friend shirt waists, in dark blue and white
percale, age 7 to 12 years 59c
Mother's Friend shirt waists, plain, white, and plaited
bosoms, attachable collars, age 5 to 12 years 85c
Fauntleroy blouse waist, in dark and medium fancy per
cale, size 1 to 8 years 35c
Fauntleroy blouse waists in plain white, age 1 to 8 yrs,
50c to $1.85
Boys' yiegligee Shirts.
Fine showing of these shirts for the little boys in many colors and
pretty patterns. The assortment from which all tastes can be suited are
here. - ...
Pretty Percale shirts, with separate cuffs, to be worn
; with white collars ...40c, 75c and 90c
Fancy Cheviot shirts, with separate cuffs, to be worn
with white collars "......75c
Stylish Percale shirts; collar and cuffs attached.. 50c and 65c
SPECIAL Misses' and children's straw hats at half price.
All Goods marked in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chfoniele.
- JUNE 29. ISC 9
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Spain she had a little lamb.
The slickest lamb around.
She sold the lamb to Uncle Sam
For twenty million down.
When Samuel took it by the tail
To lead it home you know,
The mutton rare turned out a bear,
And now Sam can't let go.
All kinds of bicycle repairing done on
short notice at Mays & Crowe's.
Today's report says warmer weather
for several days. Also that the Colum
bia will begin falling tonight and fall
until Tuesday. It now stands at about
The wool market ia exceptionally live
Iv today, and we understand for tbe
first time this season clips bave sold to
day at 15 cents. So far" not more than
13)-2 cents hid been paid.
There will be a council meeting to
morrow night for the purpose of settling
np the year's business. Any who may
have claims against the city are re
quested to preeent them before the
The leading question ie, "Where are
you going to spend the 4th?" Many are
tilking of joining in the fun at Dufnr;
others at Goldendale ; while a great many
will go to Portland. A good way to do
would be to board the Regulator and
enjoy a picnic along' the river banks
Many bave decided to celebrate in this
Albany will donate a site and get a
$250,000 saw mill employing 500 men.
We mention this fact simply as a newa
item ; but if our citizens care to take it
as a hint, it will not hurt our feelings in
the least.
Mrs. Ida Crawford, the trained nurse,
whose health has compelled her to be
away-from the city much cf the time,
has returned and may be found at Mrs.
Nelson's oh tbe comer of Third and
Liberty streets.
Among the many beautiful gifts which
the bride and groom received last night
was a handsome basket of tbe most
handsome flowers, which was presented
by the Ji,ike, Mr. Williams being a
member of that order.
The Btreet sprinkler is doing splendid
work in reducing tbe dust on the streets,
and have you noticed just how well it
succeeds in striking the cross walks full
torcer .Never mind, just let two or
three ladies pass over them with their
trainB and they'll soon dry them up, act
ing in the-capacity of a mop.
- Monday, the 3d, being the anniversary
of tbe battle of Santiago, the leading
banks all over the United States will
close on that date. Therefore French &
Co. and the First National, of this' city
will also observe it as a holiday. . As
Tuesday is the 4th, that will make two
holidays in succession when no business
can be done with our banks. .
i We understand that Moro will be the
terminus of the Columbia Southern
Railway for some time to come. The
management bave found the construe
tton of a line south much more difficult
and expensive than anticipated, besides
being asked the most exorbitant figures
for right of way through ranches on the
route. Owing to these conditions tbe
C. S. company have come to the con
clusion not to extend their line further
south for the present. Moro Leader.
The father of Durrant, the San Fran
cisco murderer, was employed in one of
the large ehoa factories there. The
other employes demanded that he be
discharged and bia employers had to
let him go. All the factories have been
closed against him, and he and his wife
and daughter are living in poverty. He
is trying to get money from England to
take the family back there, whence they
It is a splendid idea to teach the chil
dren, to begin charitable work in their
early years, and no better way could
their energies be expended than in do
nations to the babies' home in Portland.
Next Friday evening tbe Junior En
deavor will give a social on the lawn of
the Congregational church. Ice cream
and cake will be eerved for 10 cents.
Don't fail to stop and encourage the
children by patronizing them.
Definite arrangements have not as
yet been made for the excursion down
the river to meet the boys ; and it will
probably by impossible to go into de
tails before the river recedes and it can
be determined whether the steamer can
go" through the locks. Many have
questioned regarding the rate that will
be charged for the excursion. It will
likely be about 2 50 for the round trip
to St. Helens, and a dollar of that will
go to the entertainment fund in Port
land. However, the price has not as
yet been fixed.
Tbe two opium fiends, who were re
leased from jail with the understanding
that they would leave town, are evi
dently intending to use Ang. Buchler'e
hog pen as a eummer resort, for no
sooner were they at liberty than they
returned to tbe "pen." Mr. Buchler
naturally objects to bis swine associating
with Euch characters, and wants them
again removed. The question now is
how will we get rid of them? They are
anxious to go np the road, and Dalles
people have small objection to their go
ing wherever they choose if they'll only
get a move on them.
Flax culture in Oregon is destined to
become one of the leading industries.
The Moro Leader eays: A sample of
flax comes from J. W. Daugherty, grown
on his farm at DeMoss Springs. This
flax is about twenty inches loDg at
present, but has not come to its full
growth. Persons who are authorities on
flax culture, says Mr. Daugherty, will
harvest twenty bushels to the acre from
his 75-acre tract. Allowing a dollar a
bushel for the flaxseed, the superiority
of flax over wheat in this case as a
source of income to the farmer is very
plainly demonstrated.
There are still several sidewalks in
our city which are a disgrace. Of conrse
we would not be so small as to mention
the numerous chuck boles which are
evidently left to allow the ratter to ply
his trade, nor the planks which when
you step on one end, fly up and salute
you. But we are now referring to the
walks which bave been patched up by
property owners, who have not taken
the trouble to put new .boards in, but
instead, have nailed "bias" pieces on
top covering the pit falls and in their
place leiving a splendid stumbling block
whereon to stub the toe and light on all
fores. Indeed, there are many such
things in The Dalles which would induce
one to keep sober for fear of running np
against them. If even that much good
were accomplished by their presence, it
might be an excuse for the patching
business; but we have noticed no euch
results, and therefore call the attention
of the marshal and property owners to
the neglect.
. The Modern Beauty.
Thrives on good food and sunshine,
witn plenty 01 exercise in the open air.
Her form giows with health and her face
blooms with its beauty. If h?r system
needs the cleaning action of a laxative
remedy, she uses the gentle and pleaeant
Syrup of Figs, made by the California
Fig Syrup Co. only.
SCO Keward.
IYI. William and Kllzabeth Sampson
United In Marriage Last Evening;.
centered, than in
night, when Mr.
A reward of $50 will be paid by the
undersigned for the recovery of the body
of Bert Whitney, drowned in the Snake
river at Palouee Rapids, near Lyon's
Ferry, on May 3, 1899.
Bert Whitney was 21 yea-s old ; weight
about 175 pounds; height 5 feet, 11 in
smooth shaved ; dark brown hair. He
wore dark pants with light stripes, and
heavy laced shoes; has a tuft of light
colored hair on the left, back side of
bead ; two burn scars on body.
The person finding the body will
please wire .
C. E. Whitney,
21-2w St. Helens, Ore.
Julius Fisher, who was formerly in
this city, employed at the Elite barber
shop, has opened a first-class barber shop
in the Hotel Perkins at Portland, where
Dalles people will always be glad to find
him when visiting there.
Never in the history of The
there been a wedding of two
)alles has
oung peo
ple about whom more inteiest has been
that Bolamnizea last
Edward M. Villiams
led from tbe altar, aa his Wife, Miss
ihz ;beth Sampson, eldi
Mr. Frank Sampson, of
having made this their
years and both bavin
prominent places in'
natural that they h
thoughts and heartfe
tdaughter of
no city. Both
Fiome for many
occupied most
r city, it was
d the kindest
best wishes at
article to anybody. W. W. Statesman.
The Times-Mountaineer evidently
thought it would not be necessary to put
a credit on any of the Statesman's
articles, as their excellence would pro
bably brand them as coming from that
As to the Chronicle's error in tbe
matter, we are perfectly willing to make
reparation, and apologize sincerely to
the Union for the mistake.
815 Reward.
this important step in their lives.
The Congregational church, where the
ceremony was performed, was beauti
fully transformed for the happy occasion
by a great profusion of; palms, ferns and
white lilies, and the scene was one oi
beauty and impresBiveness, as to
the playing of tbe "Bridal Chorus" from
Lohengrin, by Prof. Birgfeld, the bridal
procession entered tbe church. first
came the UBhers, Uarl Williams and
Victor Sampson, followed by tbe two
bridesmaids. Misses Clara and Florence
Sampson, becomingly gowned alikiin
lavender organdie and carrying hand
some bouquets of roses. They proceeded
the maid of honor, Miss Pearl Williams,
dressed in pink organdie, and bearing in
her hands a bunch of La France roses.
Following the maid 'of honor, came tbe
bride, a picture 'of sweetness and
simplicity, leaning upon the arm ot her
father and attired in. a very pretty gown
of organdie and white silk, over all of
which was a handsome brida) veil. She
carried a large bouqbet of white roseB.
At the altar tbe! party was met by
tbe groom and bia best man, Mr. Fred
W. Wilson, and to the.impressive words
of the Episcopal marriage service
nttered by Rev. Dj V. Poling, of tbe
Congregational church, the care of the
daughter for all time, to come was trans
ferred from her father to that ot her
husband. During the entire ceremony
Prof. Birgfeld at the organ rendered
sweet and impressive music.
Following the ceremony at the chuvch
the participants repaired to the home of
the bride's parent p, whose parlors had
been very tastefully- decorated with a
profasion of fljwers. The color scheme
in the front parlor was entirely in pink,
tbe walls being so covered that they rep
resented a bower of roses, while deep
red roses in great profusion gave to the
dining room an appearance of great
beauty. In an adjoining room the
decorations were confined to blue, aud
here weie placed the many beautiful and
appropriate presents, which showed the
appreciation of a large circle of friends.
At 10 o'clock the guests sat down to
an elaborate wedding supper, the bridal
party occupying a table at which the
decorations were principally of sweet
brier combined with sweet peas and
pink streamers of ribbon.
Many kind words and wishes were
expressed for the happiness and pros
perity of tbe newly married couple, and
with great interest 'the wedding cake
was cut. Fortune decreed to Miss Pearl
Williams the ring it contained, while
the bride's bouquet was caught by Miss
Clara Samnson.
Just as the supper was er.ded the
sweet strains of music were heard
coming from tbe band which gave a de
lightful serenade to the participants in
the happy event.
Mr., and Mrs. Williams left on the
11:45 train for an extended wedding
journey, expecting to be away till Sep
tember. They will visit many places in
the fttr East, especially in New York and
Massachusetts. Jf all the good wishes
by which they are followed are vouch
safed, their future life will be one of
unalloyed happiness.
Mr. Williams is well known to the
business world as the head of the large
dry goods establishment of A.'M. Will
iams & Co., and occupies an enviable
position in tbe estimation of all who
know him. His friends are limited only
by the extent of his acquaintances, and
few men can claim so many sincere ones.
Mise Sampson has lived in The Dalles
6ince her girlhood days, and her sweet,
unselfish disposition haB endeared her
to a marked degree in the affection of
her aesociatione.
The wedding was of a private nature,
only the members of the respective
families and the employes of Mr.
Williams' store being present. No cards
were issued.
The above reward will be paid for the
recovery of each of the bodies of Wong
and Jake, Chinamen, who were drowned
in the Columbia at Blalocka last Friday.
Chek Kee Co.,
29-d&wlm The Dalles.
If yon contemplate a trip East this
summer take advantage of the $81 round
trip rate from Tbe Dalles to Detroit,
Mich., Tickets sold June 29th, only, and
good for return until August 31st. This
will undoubtedly be the lowest round
trip rate to the East this season. This
rate is made for the annual convention
of Christian Endeavor Society at Detroit
July 5th to 10th. Call on James Ire
land, agent O. R. & N. Co. for further
If you want to have good Jersey milk
delivered twice a day at your home, yen
may be supplied by applying to Bert
Bagley, who will bring you the beet of
milk morning and evening. 28 3t
It's a real
Cottage for Sale or Rent.
A comfortable, furnished cottage of
seven rooms for sale or rent for tbe sea
son at Seaview. Apply at the Wasco
warehouse. 24-lw
A Card of Thanks.
I wish to say that I feel under lasting
obligations for what Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has done for our family.
We have used it in ao many caseB of
coughs, lung troubles and whooping
cough, and it haa always given the most
perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly in
debted to the manufacturers of this
remedy and wiBh them to please accept
our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs.
S. Doty, Di8 Moines, Iowa. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Wood Wood Wood.
We can .furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at tbe same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send na your orders and get
tbe best. Phone 25.
Mchl. - Jos. T. Peters & Co.
to get the meals for the family
when you have a complete set
of needfull utensils and have a
new Garland stove or eteel
range to cook upon. We fur
nish kitchens and can save you
money and many steps when,
you want anything in the
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, graniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cutters, taisen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other things to
make the kitchen complete.
We can fnrniph double oven
cook Btovesfrom $8.00 np.
See the best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It haa no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware.
filer & Benton
167 Second St.
Thousands are Trying It.
In order to prove the great merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we havfe pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., N. Y. City.
I Buffered from catarrh of the worst kind
ever since a boy, and I never hoped for
euro, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do
even that. Many acquaintances have used
it witn excellent results. uscar usirum,
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any injurious drug. Price,
60 cents. At druggists or by mail.
Each day our business shows
the people are finding out wc
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
Headquarters For
Fire- crackers.
Colored Fire,
Pin Wheels,
Hobson Wheels,
Dewey Torpedoes,
Reman Candles,
Sky Rockets,
nnd other Fire Works to
numerous to mention at
170 2d St.,
The Dalles.
Jacobsen Book & Music Go.
We Apologize.
The Dalies Chroniclr ia giving our
morning contemporary credit for that
recent suggestion of oura to the peace
commission. If The Cuboniclk had
printed the article without credit to any
one it wonldn't be eo bad but for us to
furnish feathers for the nest of the morn
ing grafter is too much. The Dallea
Times-Mountaineer clipped an article
from the Statesman, too. But its course
was not quite eo reprehensible aa that of
the Chboniclb it didn't credit the
Automatic Blue Flame Oil Stove.