The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 28, 1899, Image 3

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For the balance of
this week we will display
to the public the choicest
we have in colors at
2lS cents per yard
At this prise we include all goods that range
from 35c per yard and upwards.
Boys' Shirt GUaists.
In medium and dark colors, age 4 to 12 years , 29c
Mother's Friend shirt waists, in dark blue and white
percale, age 7 to 12 years 59c
Mother's Friend shirt waists, plain, white, and plaited
bosoms, attachable collars, age 5 to 12 years 85c
Fauntleroy blouse waist, in dark and medium fancy per
cale, size 2 to 8 years 35c
Fauntleroy blouse waists in plain white, age 1 to 8 yrs,
50c to SI. 85
Boys' Negligee Shifts.
Fine showing of these shirts for the little boys in many colors and
pretty patterns. The assortment from which all tastes can be suited are
Pretty Percale shirts, with separate cuffs, to be worn
with white collars 40c, 75c and 90c
Fancy Cheviot shirts, with separate cuffs, to be worn
with white collars- ...75c
Stylish Percale shirts; collar and cuffs attached. .50c and 65c
SPECIAL Misses' and children's straw hats at half price.
All Goods marked in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JUNE 28, 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
A special meeting of water commis
sioners is called for Friday morning at
10 o'clock.
The Umatilla bouse is receiving a new
coat today, not of many ' colors, bat
white paint. Nothing improves the ap
pearauce of a building more than a fresh
coat of paint.
Two days of special meetings will be
held at the Salvation Army hall Satur
day and Sunday, conducted by Staff
Captain and Mrs. Willis from Portland
Everybody invited.
If yon want to have good Jemey milk
delivered twice a day at yonr bftme, yon
may be supplied by applying to Bert
Bagley, who will bring you the best of
milk morning and evening. 28 -3 1
Dr. Geisendorffer who was called to
Wamic on account of the eerions illnees
of Mrs. Frank Woodcock, who is well
known here, returned last night and re
porta her condition much improved.
Gdb. Purser, a deck band on the Reg
ulator, stopped off at White Salmon
Monday, and yesterday when he boarded
the boat bound for Portland on a wed
ding trip, he was accompanied by an
assistant Parser.
When the Regulator goes down to as-
etards at 41 ; but we are now safe, as the
rivers above are . rising only slightly.
Yesterday's bulletin says that cooler
weather prevails oyer the Columbia.
The temperature in the mountains was
near the freezing point during the night.
This cool period, the coolest for two
weeks, will check the melting of the
snqw and allow a fall of several feet in
the rivers before tbe next warm period
can melt sufficient enow to cause them
to rise again. Warmer weather will
prevail for several days, from Wednes
day, but as it is thought that the snow
is off the lower levels, there appears to
be no danger of any farther material
From a telephone message received
from W. H. Hurlburt, of the O. R. & N.
Co., it was thought the editors would
reach this city Monday evening and re
main over until the morning ot the 4th,
thns giving ns a splendid opportunity to
entertain them and show them our city.
Later word, however, was to the effect
that they cannot reach here till early
Tuesday morning, stopping only long
enough for breakfast. It is now planned
to give them breakfast at tbe Umatilla
House, and if possible take them a short
drive about the city. About $40 was
realized from the play given for this
put pose, and it will be necessary to call
upon the citizens foF"a. small contribu
tion to meet the deficit. All should re
spond liberally for no sncb opportunity
has ever been offered our city for adver
tising as this. We cannot afford to let it
pass unheeded, and fail to give these
distinguished visitors a royal reception.
In spite of Ringling Bros, endeavor to
have no accompanying skin games, ho
bos, etc., following them, when they
reached Moscow last Sunday they had
with them a menagerie of tramps. It
seems that the Weary Willies wanted to
gel out of town, so about sixty of them
secreted themselves aboard tbe five cir
cus trains as they pulled ont of Lewiston
during the night. As the trains neared
Moscow the rising day revealed many of
tbe hobos to the management. Abont
five miles below town a stop was made
and all the Willies that could be found
were summarily yanked from their po
sitions and left upon the right of way.
When, at 3 o'clock the trains arrived at
Moscow and stopped for water a thorough
search was made and thirty-two more
hobos were brought to light. Tbe
nightwatchman arrived on the scene
with a savage looking bull-dog and a
billy club, and the hobos were pre
vented from going np town. Later on
the others arrived from where they had
been put off down the track. The
marshals were kept busy all day, and it
was nearly evening before the last hobo
disappeared up the track toward
The Modern Beauty.
Thrives on good food and sunshine,
with plenty of exercise in the open air.
Her form glows with health and her face
blooms with its beauty. If her system
needs the cleaning action of a laxative
remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant
Syrup of Figs, made by the California
Fig Syrup Co. only.
sist in escorting the boys up the river,
there'll not be a steamer inlhe squadron
that will present a more Jewell appear
ance, for she 11 be decorated to suit the
queen's taste. Ernest Jfensen will un
derstand just how to tog'her np, and A.
fli. Williams 3c Co. have consented to
let him superintend the work.
M.K. Thompson, who assanlted Breen
ai tveicnum s rancn Monday and was
put in jail for failure to furnish bail, paid
over his $15 and was discharged last
evening. It is too bad that such petty
cases should be brought up and a jury
inai nau, tnns putting tbe county to so
much expense. If possible tbev should
be settled out of court or with a mini
mum expense to the county.
M. F. Boyles and Tim Brown arrived
at Oregon City, Saturday, from Eastern
Oregon with a band of horses. They
made the trip by the Barlow road, and
say they are the first to come over that
road this season. Mr. Boyles reports
that there is more or less snow for a
distance of forty miles. Boyles and
Brown had difficulty in getting through
places where the snow lay twelve feet
deep. The Bnow seems to be melting
very slowly at tbe summit.
ine not eprings ana various camping
places along the Columbia will not be
overlooked by Oregonians this year,
Mrs. Jewett has made many improve
ments in her summer resort at White
Salmon, and for some timepast she has
bad application enough from Portland
people to fill her house. The resorts at
Wind river bid fair to receive their share
of patronage also. W.D. Hadlev is now
engaged in bnilding aAtotel at the Car
son hot springs, just back of Sprague
which win no doubi attract many, as
good accommodations are what has been
lacking to make the hot eprings better
"No more high water this year." So
says tbe report from Portland today
The Columbia is coming np a little, and
SOO Reward.
Attempting: to Obtain a Pension
Under False Pretense.
S. L. Morse, U. S. depnty marshal,
came np from Portland laet night for
the purpose of arresting David Garrison,
of this city, who is charged with making
false statements in order to secure a
It seems that as far back as 1892 Gar
rison purchased tbe discharge certificate
of one John Barrett, who was a soldier
in company M, Second Wisconsin Vol
unteer Cavalry, with tbe intention of
reaping the benefits which might be de
rived from a pension, and at once set to
work to procure it. At that time he
made his declaration of invalidism be
fore Geo. P. Morgan, then clerk, but in
his own name. Finding no such soldier
as having belonged to tbe company, in
quiry was made and Garrison claimed
to have enlisted under the assumed
name of Barrett, for several reasons, one
of which was that he had run away from
home. Suspicion having been aroused,
an inspector was sent to this place and
he was placed in a sweat box. After
telling his story over again, he finally
acknowledged the entire proceedings.
He waived examination today and
was bound over in the sum of $1000.
Bondsmen were secured and he is
now at liberty.
Mr. Garrison has lived in Tbe Dalles
for many years and has always been
considered an honest, harmless fellow.
He is now receiving a pension of $8,
having been unfit to support himself
since service in the war, and it is
thought by people of this city that he
does not fully realize what his crime is,
and is not responsible therefor. When
questioned concerning it today, he did
not seem to comprehend the true state
of affaire, nor to realize what he had
A reward of $50 will be paid by the
undersigned for tbe recovery of the body
of Bert Whitney, drowned in the Snake
river at Palonse Rapids, near Lyon's
Ferry, on May 23, 1899.
Bert Whitney was 21 yea's old ; weight
about 175 pounds; height 5 feet, 11 in
smooth shaved : dark brown hair. He
wore dark pants with light stripes, and
heavy laced shoes ; has a tuft of light
colored hair on the left, back side of
head : two burn ecars on body.
The person - finding the body will
please wire
U. h,. Whitney,
24-2w St. Helens, Ore.
Cottage for Sale or Bent.
A comfortable, furnished cottage of
seven rooms for sale or rent for the sea
son at Seaview. Apply at the Wasco
warehouse. 24-lw
Two and four-horse teams, with
drivers. Month's work ; good wages
payable weekly or monthly. Apply to
W. H. Beowjj,
Columbia Hotel
We can furnish you with strictly first
ciass, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which yon have been paying for inferior
quality. Send ns yonr orders and get
the nest, rnone lo.
Mchl. - Jos. T. Peters & Co.
If yon contemplate a trip East this
summer take advantage of tbe $81 ronnd
trip rate from The Dalles to Detroit,
Mich., Tickets sold Jnne 29tb, only, and
good for return until August Slst. This
will undoubtedly be the lowest round
trip rate to the East this season. This
rate is made for the annual convention
of Christian Endeavor Society at Detroit
July 5th to 10th. Call 011 James Ire
land, agent O. R. & N. Co. for further
Market In Portland Letter
Uuion Stock Tarda.
Leo Rondeau, who returned from
Portland last night, having taken some
horses down to dispose of, reports the
market there as having th bottom
knocked cut of it. While he was fortu
nate in disposing of his band, he says
many who went down from here took
their bands to Southern Oregon to find
a better market.
The following communication, which
has been received from the Union Stock
Yards in Chicago, may be of interest to
dealers :
Chicago, June 23, 1899.
Dear Sib: We have done nothing in
five years with range horses, nor have
we attempted to do anything. The low
prices prevailing generally on horses of
all kinds, but more particularly on
native, broken, and unbranded horses
made it impossible to handle the others
of the range class to any advantage, so
that in the meantime we abandoned the
field and encouraged no man to ship.
but conditions are now diuerent: we
believe they are entirely favorable for a
movement on a large scale of good
branded western horses, but we do not
believe the miscellaneous assortment of
nondescripts will sell to any advantage,
while on the contrary we do believe that
tbe biggest and best, none to weigh less
here than 1100 pounds, and from that
up to the heaviest and draitiest that are
bred on the ranges will sell readily at
prices satisfactory to the shipper.
We have been working up a sentiment
among the people generally for the past
two or three months to handle these
horses, and feel more or less assured
that 4,000 or 5,000 head can be handled
in the next four mouths, at prices very
mnch better than could have been
obtained during the past five years of
We have made arrangements to hold
our first sale ot these about the middle
of July and would strongly encourage
anybody that has a bunch of good
drafty-built horses to push them for
ward as quickly as possible. Advise ns
in the meantime when you intend ship
ping, the number, size, weight, ages
etc., so that we may intelligently adver
tise the sale broadcast. An imiuediate
response to this will be highly appreci
ated, and we believe will prove mutually
Yours truly,
J. S. Cooper
cation has fixed npon the same time,
August 9th, 10th and 11th, as tbe time
for examination for all applicants for
state papers. In this connection, please
eee rules and regulations nnder "Teach
ers Examinations", Oregon School Laws.
"Examination of applicants for state
papers will be held in August and Feb
ruary of each year.
"After the Angnst examination of this
year, questions will be taken as follows:
All questions in theory and practice and
one-fifth of the questions in Arithmetic,
grammer, geography and reading, will
be taken from White Elements of
Pedagogy. All the questions in litera
ture will be taken from Smith's Studies
in English Literature; and all the ques
tions in Psychology will be taken from
Buell's Essentials of Psychology.
The state board of education has de
cided to take these books as standards
for two reasons : First, because the
normal schools have adopted them as
textbooks; and eecond, because there
has been a feeling on the part of many
of the leading educators that some credit
shonid be given to those who are stu
dents of professional books and it has
been suggested that a good way to give
this credit would be to base a part of tbe
questione for state and county papers
npon certain indicated books.. Acting
on such suggestion, the state board of
education makes the above announce
ment, believing that in so doing the
educational standard of tbe state will be
materially raised."
A Card of Thaults.
I wish to say that I feel under lasting
obligations for what Chamberlain's j
Cough Remedy has done for our family.
We have used it in so many cases of
'coughs, lung troubles and whooping
cough, and it has always given the most
perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly in
debted to the manufacturers of this
remedy and wish them to please accept
our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs. !
Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by j
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Between the First National bank and
the residence of J. S. Schenck, on Satur
day afternoon, a watch fob; design, a
Masonic emblem a gold eagle. Liberal
reward will be given to the finder who
returns the Bame to the bank. 26 3t
Rules Regarding the Examinations
It's a real
to get the meals for the family
when you have a complete set
of needfull utensils and have a
new Garland stove or steel
range to cook npon. We fur
nish kitchens and can save you
money and many steps when
you want anything in the
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, graniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cutters, jaieen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other things to
make the kitchen complete.
We can furnish double oven
cook stoves from $3.00 np.
See the best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware.
piaier t Benton
167 Second St.
8SO Reward.
A reward of $20 will be paid for the ar
rest of any person caught stealing flowers j
or anything else from the Odd Fellows' j
Thousands are Trying It.
In order to prove the (treat merit of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BROS., CG Warren St., N. Y. City.
I snffered from catarrh of the worst kind
ever Btnce a boy, and I never hoped for
Mim. font EIv's Cream Balm seems to do
even that. Many acquaintances have nsed j
it with excellent results. Uscar ustrum,
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, HI.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any injurious drug. Price,
60 cents. At druggists or by mail.
Each day our business shows
the people are finding out wo
are pushing 10 tbe front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Use Clarke & Falk'e Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
m . JULY 4-th. H
Headquarters For
Fire- crackers.
Colored Fire,
Pin Wheels,
Hobson Wheels,
Dewey Torpedoes,
Roman Candles,
Sky Rockets,
find other Fire Works to
numerous to mention at
170 2d St.,
The Dalles.
Jacobsen Book & Music Go.
Automatic Blue Flame Oil
Prof. J. H. Ackerman, state school
superintendent, has issued circular
letter No. 16, addressed to the various
county school superintendents, relating
to tbe August examination of teachers,
and the rules and regulations governing
the same. Following is the text of the
"To Comity Superintendents: The
law provides for the holding of an ex
amination for connty certificates, be
ginning on the second Wednesday of
August, next. The state board of edu-
I Glean,
I Economi