N. steamers are safe with him at tbe helm. Saturday evening Constable Hill made a trip to D. P. Ketchum's ranch on 5- Mile and arrested M. K. Thompson, charged with aeeaolt and battery on the person of Edward Breen. xlia trial was set for 2 o'clock this afternoon, bnt was postponed till later on account of Mar-r shall's case coming Dp before Justice Bayard. N. H. Gates will appear for tbe defense and A. A. Jayne for tbe prosecution. Yesterday's Oregonian gives notice of the death of Thomas M. Lawler at Na kusp, B. G. ; bnt no particulars are given as to the cause. The iiawier Doys, Larry and Thomas, will be remembered by Dalles people, both of them having been employed as painters at tbe com pany's shops here, some years since. I Thomas was tbe younger of tbe two. He leaves a wife and child, having married one of tbe Horton girls, formerly of this city. - " The Dalles bowlers eeem doomed to disappointment as far as bowling for the Feldenheimer trophy is concerned. The past two Saturdays tbey have planned to go to Portland for tbat purpose. Last Saturday they depended on passenger train No. 1, and of course it was late, Mftvnr Nolan hnn ' nnnpurpd nn the Our reputation for giving the best values in this line, scene both times, but couldn't win the trophy alone, despite his excellent record. They are not discouraged, how ever, and say they'll take the early train this week. In summer time "when days are warm, And gentle zephyrs seem disposed To stay at home, Tis then you long for dreses light And other garments shear and white. These fabrics then you'll find to Flease--at Pease. In summer time when days are long You seek the shade and glad to be At home. Take warning then and don't delay To call at Mays. In summer time when evenings "bright, And pleasant "breezes soft and light Call you from home, 'Tis then you know the place to go Is Pease & Mays. I told you so. Shirt Waists. And the Good Old Steamers of the D. & A. N. Line Will Be First to' Greet the Bojl. has placed this department in the lead to 44 bust measure. Sizes run from 32 Ladies' Shirt Waists in medium and dark percale. ,50c Ladies' Shirt Waists, fancy striped persale and gingham medium light and dark grounds 75c Ladies' Shirt Waists, white pequot embroidery, trimmed front $1.75 Ladies' Shirt Waists, about three dozen, slightly soiled, will be sold at half price. Hosiery. A broken line of Ladies' iancy colored hose, worth up to G5c, special 39c Special in Men's Wear. Opium Fiends In Jail. Men's Suits. Four dozen of them are to be sold at $7.35. Until this special sale they've been $8.50 and $10.00. Silk Front Negligee Shirts for men who appreciate good drees, even when coolness in the chief consider ation. Cool and cool looking, $1.75 and $2.00. Men's Blue Serge Skeleton Coats. The correct style and weight for eeason, $3.00 and $4.00. the Men's Seamless Half Hose. fast colors, black and tan, 10c. PEASE & MAYS. All Goods marked in plain figures. A few days ago the Chronicle spoke of a man and woman who were opium fiends and had been wandering about tbe city, but when provisions were taken to them they could not be found and it was supposed they bad left town Yesterday morning August Bucbler aent word to tbe marshal tbat a man and woman were camped in tbe place where his bogs are kept, and tbat he desired them removed for tear they might set fire to tbe premises. Tbe officer at once went to the place and found the woman, but she said her husband was away ; tbat he had gone down to try and get help from the county. In the afternoon tbe woman was taken to tbe city jail, and later tbe man was found and locked up. Tbey put in a plea to be sent to the insane asylum to be broken of tbe ter rible habit. Judge Mays refused, how ever, as there is no ground for such a procedure. ' What disposition will be made of them has not as yet been de cided, but tbey will probably be sent out of town. They are a young couple about 25 years of age, and give tbeir names as Gray. It eeems that tbe . man was brought up by Cbas. Doyle, on 8-Mile, buc has fallen into tbe dope habit of late years, and with tbe woman, who claims to be bis wife, is a total wreck, Dalles people can iyew rest ansurred that an opportunity will be afforded tbem to go down tfie river and meet tbe returning soldir boys. Everybody wants to go, and sufficient means will be afforded to accommodate all who can get away. ' Great plans are being made in Port land, and all passenger steamers, or as many as are deemed necessary, will be placed under tbe control of Capt. E. S. Edwards, 17. S. local inspector, who will form them into a equadrontwo abreast and go dowji as far asSt. HelenB to escort tbe transport up (he river. Each steamer will be listed to carry a certain umber of passengers and a rate of $1 from Portland will be charged. The re ceipts will then be turned over to Capt Edwards to be used for the entertain ment fund. It is thought about 10,000 or 15,000 people will take advantage of the opportunity to meet the boys and welcome tbem. As to the people of our city. Agent Allaway, of the D.P. & A. N. is very en thnslastic over the matter, and will do all in his power to give our own boys a oyal welcome. Indeed, be is already planning all sorts of schemes to that end. Uapt. Edwards has agreed to send np 300 tickets for those who desire to go from here, and the Regulator will be used on tbat occasion. It is thonght tbat will not be sufficient to accommodate all, and, if tbe height of tbe river will permit of the Dalles City being brought up, tbat too can be brought into use As no donbt many friends from the country will desire to join us, more than one steamer will be needed. . The plan is to arrange to go down tbe night betore so as to join tbe procession n the morning, and it is thought ar rangements can be made for sleeping ac commodations on tbe boats. Anyway, we'll all be there and on band to send up cheer upon cheer .y We will have the good old steamers oy onr own line gaily decorated and mfeke them look so at r tiactive tbat ourboys will have the best welcome of all. Mr. Allaway would be glad if different citizens would suggest a deeien to be used as our banner. As soon as it is de termined about what time they'll reach tbe Columbia, then plans will be carried out. MORE ABOUT THE ASYLUM. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - JUNE 26, 1899 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. J. F. Moore, of this city, was ap pointed a notary public Friday by Gov. Geer. Rev. A. W. Rider will lecture at the Calvary Baptist church tonight at 8 o'clock. Subject, Japan. The lecture will be illustrated with maps and charts. No collection. E. Jacobsen has found out tbat there is to do a 4tn ot J my in this year's calendar and from the looks of ' the fire works he has in stock .he must think Dalles people are going to celebrate. Tbe case against Marshall, charged with stealing' a horse from Martin on Dutch Flat, came up for hearing in Justice Bayard's court this afternoon, and was not nmshed at the time of go ing to press. Much trouble has been experienced with the sewer on Union street today, which caved m. The cellars along that street were flooded this morning and 'workmen have been bnBy all day repair ing the sewer. Del Norte, the famous gnideless pacer, which attracted so much attention here last fall, Las been taken from Walla Walla to Salem, where he will go an ex hibition mile against bis record of 2.04 next Wednesday. Having served seven years in The Dalles fire department, as members of tbe Jackson Engine Co. No. 1, Meesre. John Herdtle and Joseph Knebel were today issued exemption certificates by tbe board of fire delegates. v ' Messrs. D. M., J. W. and S. French, accompanied by C. J. Crandall, left this i morning for White river falls, in the Tygh district, for the purpose of taking j elevations and determining tbe power !' to be secured from these falls. This morning the furnishings of tbe barber shop ot TboB. McCoy were sold at sheriffs sale and bid in by Max Vogt for $150. The property was sold on exe cution founded on a judgment in the circuit court in the case of Vogt & Co. against Thos. McCoy. Walla Walla people now have a treat ahead of them, for on Thursday night the ladies of that city will give a min strel show under the diieclion of Mr. and Mrs. Runcie. If it is half as good as the performance here, it'll be all right. There will be a meeting of the charter members of tbe public library this evening at 8 o'clock, at the library, for the purpose of revising the charter Tbe library will therefore not be opened for tbe exchange of books until tomor row evening. ' The new Benedictine monastery at Mount Angel, near Portlands the corner stone of which was laid last week, will be one of tbe moet important Benedic tine institutions in tbe world. It will cost wben completednot far from $2,- 000,000, and probably more. Tbe river has continued to fall at this place, but the report Bays a rise from tonight until Friday, wben it will etand at 42. A decided fall will then take place. Tbe readings this morning were as follows: Lewiston, 17.3, a rise of .7 ; Wenatchee, 38.5, a rise of .7; Northport, 31.1, a rise of 1.1 ; Umatilla, 23.2, a fall of .1 ; Tbe Dalles, 39.8, a fall of 1.2. Capt. Sherman, of the steamer Regu lator, resigned his position as captain last Friday, and made his last trip today- Cbas. Alden, who has been mate of tbe Dalles City, will assume command bringing the boat back this evening. Capt. Alden understands the river thoroughly and any of the D. P. & A. Lust. Between the First National bank and the residence of J. S. Schenck, on Satur day afternoon, a watch fob; design, t Masonic emblem a gold eagle. Liberal reward will be given to tbe finder who returns tbe same to tbe bank. 26-3t The Modern Keaotf. Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleaning action of a laxative remedy, she UBes the gentle and pleasant Syrnp of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Cottage fur Sale or Kent. A comfortable, furnished cottage of seven rooms for sale or rent for tbe sea' son at Seaview. Apply at the Wasco warehouse. 24-lw 'Harmony" Whiskey. Harmony whiskey for family and special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jl Wood Wood Wood. We can furnish yon with strictly first class, dry, fir wood at the same pricea which you have been paying for inferior quality. Send ns your orders and get the best, fhone 20. ' Mchl. Jos. T. Peters & Co. Cash In our Check. All countv warrants registered prior to Aogust 1, Iby&, will be paid at my omce. Interest ceases after June 1899. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. 9 Warnlnjr. I bereby warn all persons against sell ing or giving intoxicating liquors to my husband, Peter Petersen. Mas. G. Petersen For the best results nse the Vive Camera, For Bale by the Poetoffice harmacy. tf Wanted. Two and four-horse teame, with drivers. Month's work ; good wages payable weekly or monthly. Apply to W. H. Brown, Columbia Hotel. "WE'LL ALL BE THERE. The Sentinel Makes Farther Charges Which Should Be Investigated. Intervals from tbe balcony were hanging baskets filled to overflowing with full bloom white roses. Just at the entrance was a beautiful garland of roses tied at either end with true lovers' knots of white illusion. Thea'.tar was brightened by eeveral beautiful palm trees and bas kets of exquisite flowers. While the guests were being seated Mr. Thomas M. Lighter rendered a program of organ selections. First came six ushers, fol lowed by tbe six bridesmaids, Miss Julia Sprague, of Tacoma, as maid of honor. and last the bride escorted by her brother, Mr. Laurence Ainswortb. At the alter they were met by the groom and bis best man, Mr. Grant Mays, of The Dalles. The ceremony was pro nounced by the Rev. Dr. Hill, during which the organ softly played Barnaby's "Perfect Love." At tbe conclusion of tbe wedding, a reception was held at the bride's resi dence, to which were invited the wed ding party and a few friends. The decorations of the handsome home were very elaborate.' Tbe ball was entirely intones of red and green, tbe walls, pictures and embrasures of tbe doorways being massed with Jacquiminot roses depending from Indian baskets. The drawing-room was all in white and green. Bunches of Nephitos roses were held in place .with long garlands of soft white tulle. The dining-room was entirely in tones of pink. The bride's table was massed with La France roses and bunches of asparagus-tenaissimns tied with large bows of pink satin rib bon, while the other tables were pro fusely decked with pink carnations. Tbe library was arranged with a beauti ful display of marguerites and woodland ferns tied with true lovers' knots of white tulle. The bride looked very sweet in a simple gown of white organdie with a ve:l of filmy lace, which completely en veloped her graceful figure. She carried a bunch of.bride's roses. Mr. and Mrs. Mays departed tbe same evening for Seattle, and from there will take the steamer for a short trip to Alaska. At the Portland hotel on Thursday evening, in the small dining room, a handsome dinner entertainment was given by Messrs. Grant and Robert Mays, and Mr. Iiilburn. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, EI e ton, Mo., writes : "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup." Snipes Kinersly Drug Co. It's a real l pleasure to get the meals for tbe family when you have a complete set of needfull utensils and have a new Garland stove or steel range to cook , upon. We fur nish kitchens and can save you money and many steps wben yon want anything in tbe way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, graniteware, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, iaisen seed ers, pots,Dirons, roasting pans hundreds of other things to make the kitchen complete. We can furnish double oven cook stoves from $8.00 up. See the best Range on Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. per & Benton 167 Second St. m Til The Salem Sentinel continues to speak freely regarding tbe manner in which the state insane asylum is conducted. In Saturday's issue it' says: "Friends of the present asylum ad ministration say the Sentinel has been too eevere in its criticism of loose methods at that institution. To all such critics we would say, tbe half has not been told. There is even yet talk of an official investigation of the mysterious death at that institution of Del Main, and of another unattended patient who during tbe state fair was permitted to ride a hobbv horse on the merry-go- round. Becoming dizzy, ehe fell off and her neck was broken. It eeems tbat tbe price of a place there now is for the employe to keep his mouth shut say nothing and saw wood. "Much criticism is made of tbe method of handling the private funds of patients. Tbey are said to be asked wbat they require, and are then made to sign a receipt in blank. The word ing of these receipts affords a lovely opportunity for minor grafts and tbe working off of old, second-hand or shoddy clothing at a nice price. "Tbe manager is said to retain several employes who are wholly incompetent. Not only that, he has created new offices, with big salaries, has assessed and collected enormous political assess ments. Last year he bled tbe employes for about $1100. One Democrat refused to contribute to the fund. He was threatened with discharge, but as be has no donbt learned by this time tbat silence is golden, be retainsj bis job and says nothing. On the whole, we incline to the belief that should our critics in vestigate tbe management of tbe insti tution they would agree with ns tLat our criticisms have been decidedly mild." ' ' MAYS-AINSWORTH WEDDING. Thousands are Trying It. In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., 5G Warren St., N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many acquaintances have used it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents. At druggists or by mail. The Busy Store. Each day our business shows the people are finding out we are pushing 10 the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for sunburn and wind chafing. tf S JULY 4-th, 1899 Headquarters For Flags, Fire- crackers. Lady-crackers, Colored Fire, Pin "Wheels, Hobson Wheels, Cannon-Crackers, Dewey Torpedoes, Bombs, Roman Candles, Sky Rockets, and other Fire Works to numerous to mention at 170 2d St., Tlie Dalles. Jacobsen Book & Music Go. The Ceremony Took Place la Portland Lat Wednesday. -SEE OUR- Automatic Bin Peat, Flame Oil Stove. Following is a portion of the Maye- Ainsworth matriage notice as it ap- j peared in the Oregonian yesterday : The weddtngof Miss Mabel Ainsworth and Mr. Edwin Mays was solemnized at at tbe First Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. The decorations were artistic in the extreme. The choir rail held in place a lonft festoon of white rosea intermingled with sprays . ot woodland greens, wnue depending at Economical. NO Danger, NO NO MAYS & CROWE i J i