Saturday... Scotch Lawns and Challies For this day only at j. OG ITilS per yard' These goods are new, crisp and 'make dainty shirt waists or dresses both for home and street wear. Do not delay in examining these two lines for they are just as we represent them. New goods in the Grocery Department. California Ripe Olives, pt. and I pt. bottles. Stuffed Mangoes. Bed Hot A condiment tor meats. Honey, pint and i pint, Octagon bottles. No. 1, sour pickles in bulk. Sweet pickles in bulk. A window full of H. R. H. Table Salt. The falling snow is not whiter or purer than our H. R. H. table salt. earing out the Clothing. This week the only chance to avail yourself of these great offerings Men's $10.00 and $8.50 suits for . It isn't philanthropy, but plain, matter of fact business that induces us to make a price on men's suits such as this. $7.35 PEASE & MAYS All Goods marked in plain figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY JUNE 24. 18fd Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be banded in before io o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. N. J. Sinnott, of this city, will deliver the 4th of July oration at Goldendale this year. Pague eaya the young ladies can't wear their summer dresses tomorrow ; that it'll be fair, but cooler. Rev. Mr. Woodrum, of Marion county, will occupy the pulpit of the Christian church tomorrow, in the absence of the pastor. Six hundred head of cattle were de livered to Cox & Fyle at Saitmarshe's stock yards today. They will be shipped to Montana tonight. Mr. J. Herbert Preston, formerly with the American Import Company, will ar rive in The Dalles Monday, and. accept a position with E. Jacobsen. ' C. J. Stabling is sole agent in this city for the celebrated Naglee brandy. This brandy is of the vintage Xt 1872, and is 1 unexcelled for medicinal purposes. The remains of Antone Jerome will be brought to tis city this evening. The funeral will take, place from the Cran- dall & Burget undertaking parlors to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. There will be no meeting of the Elks tonight. During the summer months regular meetings will be held on the first Saturday in July and August, and the third Saturday . in September. Special meetings may be called at any time. The ferry boat Klickitat met with an accident the other day, Bays the Pjfoneer. While loading ties in the mouthXf Rock creek she sprung a'leak, caused by load ing too heavily on one end ofthe boat, and before she could bo Jxfuled "ashore ehe sank. She is not damaged ma- It seems that Breen was attempting to carry out Mr. Ketchum'e orders con cerning the feed to be given the stock, when Thompson refused to obey. Breen started to do the work himself and the other man jumped at him, and as be is a much older man, bruised him up con siderably., He was brought to Mr. Ketchom's borne in this city and a physician called . The left arm is badly swollen and perhaps broken, and his side also Beriously injured. One of the best means of advertising Oregon can receive is in the distribution throughout the country of the beautiful photographs of the scenery along our .grand Columbia. Much of this has been done in past years by the O. R. & N. Co. and in almost every railway sta tion may been seen pictures which at tract travelers and cause questions to be asked concerning the country where may be seen such views. The D. P. & A. N. Co. is doing much along the line of such advertising at present. Yesterday . Mr. Gifford showed us a large size photo graph of a view of the Regulator taken near Castle Heck, and showing snow capped mountains in the background. Many of such views are now being taken and used not only as advertisements, but to beautify the homes of Oregon people. ' While discouraging reports continue to reach us from the Alaska mining dis trict, and disheartened prospectors are returning on every steamer, every few days letters are received from tbp mines in Oregon which are gratifying to not only those directly interested, but all who feel a pride in our state. Yester day Mrs. Isaac Joles received word from her husband, who is part owner in the Sand Gulch mines in Grant Co., and his reports are all that could be desired. In the three or four days previous to the time he wrote, in making a clean up of a small portion they bad worked, they secured thirteen pounds, which would make nearly $3000. Delaying to eend the letter for a few days he wrote a few lines later and said they had picked up $340 the day before, and were not through with the clean up in the small canyon they bad been working yet. Who eays Oregon mining doesn't pay? Attention, Foresters! WOMEN TRAMPS. They m Now Abroad In the Land Look Oat for Them. terially, but there is not much chance of getting her afloat until the high water in the Columbia copunences to recede. Bishop Morris will arrive in the city ftom Portland this evening and hold service at the Episcopal church tomor row morning. There will be no eervice in the evening, as Rev. DeForest will accompany the bishop to Hood River In the afternoon. C. L. Phillips has about completed the work of removing his grocery store to the North side of Eighth street, where it will be attached to the new portion re cently built. Together they will make a good sized store, and much of an im provement over the old one. The Chronicle has a secret to tell its readers Monday. But its too good to keep till then, so we'll just give you a bint of what it is, and that is, Dalles people are going to have a splendid op portunity to go down and meet the soldier boys. We'll tell you all about it later. Oscar Minor is of the opinion that the coyote bounty law is having the desired effect. Last week be rode for eeveral days over the range, including a portion of the mountains where they used to be plentiful, but failed to see a eingle coyote. The boys got in their "dirty work" on these sheen-eaters in DroDer shape. Heppner Times E. L. Matlock, sheriff of Morrow county, died at his home in Heppner Wednesday evening and was buried on Thursday at 3 p. in. Mr. Matlock was one of the pioneers of Oregon. He was one of the men who came into Eastern Oregon when it was new and not yet changed from its naturally wild condi tion. He bad his part in the work of development, and he did that work well Yesterday afternoon Gen. John F. Miller and James Bybee arrived in the city, having made the trip from Klam atb Falls overland. " Having disposed of some real estate in that section, it was their intention to return to Salem by the Lebanon route. However, finding the enow so deep in the mountains they came by the way of Prineville. Both gentlemen are well up in years, one 80 and the other 86, but they averaeed fifty miles a day on their trip. They left on the boat this morning. This morning Edward Breen, who is manager of the D. P. Ketchnm ranch on 5-Mile, where he keeps his stock, was pretty badly bruised up by one Thompson, an employe at the ranch All members of Court The Dalles No. 12, F. of A., are requested to be present at their hall at 1 sharp, tomorrow, CSunday) to attend the funeral of our deceased brother, Antone Jerome. All visiting brothers are requested to attend. Byorderjf Jno. W. Adkixs, C.'R. W. F. Gbunow, F. S. The Modern Beauty. Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleaning action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle aud pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the .California Fig Syrup Co. only. Cottage for Sale or Bent. Still the tramp nuisance grows, and we are.- not only annoyed with men tramps and boy tramps, but women-are aeeuming tbeir rights along this line as well as others, and have joined the army of those who choose this as a means of obtaining a living. As is usual when women undertake anything, it is being done up brown and people are being imposed upon in a manner to suit the queen's taste, if not those who find themselves hoodwinked. When women begin this sort of thing, where will this dreadful evil end? The best way to assist in equelching it is for the people to harden themselves against all such appeals, and, although it may eeem uncharitable to say eo, starve it down. A little over a week ago a woman tramp made ber appearance in this city, and as it was a comparatively new de parture here, she succeeded in eliciting the sympathy of many of the ladies around town, who, in the kindnees of tbeir heart, aesisted her. She told a story of a sick husband and four chil dren, which was calculated to' pull the wool over the eyes of any who gave ber a bearing. No doubt the same people have been "working" the people cf Walla Walla, as the following from the Statesman would indicate: "Last Tuesday many prominent ladies bad their sympathies thoroughly aroused by the pitiful tale from a .Mrs. Wartleiftht who said that she and ber husband and four children bad arrived in town and were without money or friends. The Ladies Relief Society rented a bouse, ordered groceries and wood and sent out bedding, clothing, in fact every thing necessary for housekeeping. "After having received these things Mrs. Wartleigh went around to the merchants with ber sorrowful tales and upon being asked why she did not ap peal to the Ladies Relief Society she said that they had refused to assist her. Last night the family departed taking all that tbey had collected and forgetting to say good-bye. It is thus that the merchants and the society are imposed upon.""" . - More Scared Than Hart. A comfortable, furnished ' cottage of seven rooms for sale or rent for the sea son at Seaview. Apply at the Wasco warehouse. 24-lw Salesmen granted. $400 a month and all expenees guar anteed selling to merchants Arctic Re frigerating Machine for cooling refrig eratore, guaranteed 75 per cent cheaper than ice. Exclusive territory assigned. Arctic Refrigerating Co. Cincinnati. O. Help Wanted. Side line. Light (free) earn Dies (on uncovered territory) given by prominent house. Several "bides" earn $2o week ly cash. "Factory" P. O. 1371, New York. "Hirmonj" Wbttkey. Harmony whiskey for family and special uaer sold by Ben Wilson, The miles. jl Wood Wood Wood. We can furnish you with strictly first class, dry, fir wood at the same prices which you have been paying for inferior quality. Send us your orders and get the best, rhone 25. Mcbl. Jos. T. Peters & Co. Warning. I hereby watn all persons against sell ing or giving intoxicating liquors to my husband, Peter Petersen. ' Mns. G. Petersen, J. A. Schear.of Sedafia,' Mo., saved his child from death by croup by using One Minute Cough ' Cure. It cures coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrippe and all throat and lung troubles. Snipes- Kinersly Drue Co. For the best results use the Vive Camera, For sale by the Postoffice narmacy.' tf Wanted. Two .and four-horse teams, with drivers. Month's work ; good wages payable weekly or monthly. Apply to ; . W. H. Brown, Columbia Hotel The old adage that "an ounce of pre vention is worth a pound of cure," although a good one in many cases, probably doea more harm than good when carried to the extreme, and a person might just as well "die as be scared to death." ' i When the news reached this city a week ago that a berry picker at Hood River bad been taken to Portland and that it afterward developed that be had small-pox, the Chronicle accepted the news with a grain of allowance, and re frained from publishing the same, fear ing that it "might have been started through spite work and to injure the strawberry trade in Hood River valley. It now appears that such is the case, and that the people are more scared than hurt, the small-pox cases proving to be simple cases of chicken-pox. A letter received from Dr. HolliBter by the Ciieonicle this morning says : I was called to Hood River yesterday afternoon by County Com. Evans, ( who reqnested me to bring another physician and investigate the small-pox scare there. "Dr. Andrew Smith, of this city, accompanied me, and with Dr. Watt, of Hood River, who had been attending the suspected cases, visited the patients and found them to tie severe cases of chicken-pox." ..Advertised Letters. FEBSOitAL MESTIO!!, Geo. E. Patterson, Antelope's mer chant, is in The Dalles today. Mr. "and Mrs. L. E. Crowe returned on last evening's train from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mays, Jr., came upon the midnight train from Portland last night. Lillie Brown came up from Portland last night and is visiting her friend, Helen Hudson. Mrs. Alex. Thompson end children were returning passengers from Port land last evening. Fred Wallace, has arrived in the city after an extended trip iuto the country representing Pease & Mays. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gerichten came up from Portland last night and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Buchler. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Frazier and family came down from Condon yesterday, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lucas. Miss Ena Uren, who has been attend ing school in The Dalles during the past year ana living with ber sister. Mrs. K Warner, left last night tor her home near ."Spokane. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 5 W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa., says : "For forty years I have tried var ious cough medicines. One Minute Cough Cure is best for all." It relieves instantly and enres all throat and lung troubles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. For Sale Cheap. Harrison Hay press, good as new, in quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith shop. Mayl7-tf Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles, M17-3m Hood River Clark Seedling etraw berries the best canning berries, at the Dalles Commission Co. 19-3t Db.GUS& ONE FOR A DOSE ft 1 -T" rreyra i?nV? Th"r. "either enpe nor sicken. To con SWV ""'.mail samplorree.or full boifor loo. bold b, druista. DR. B0SANK0 CO. Pbila. pZ mi is Thousands are Trying It. In order to prove the great merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., 56 Warren St, N. Y. City. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many acquaintances have used it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. At druggists or by mail. It's a real pi m ha N 1 to get the meals for the family when you have a complete set of needfull utensils and have a new Garland stove or steel range to cook upon. We fur nish kitchens and can save you money and many steps when you want anything in the way of kitchen eupplies. Our stock of tinware, graniteware, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, laiaen seed ers, pots, irons, roasting pans ' hundreds . of other things to make the" kitchen complete. We can furnish double oven cook stoves from $8.00 up. ijjj See the best Range on Earth, The Garland It' has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. jiiaief & Benton 167 Second St. The Busy Store. Each day our business shows the people are finding out we are pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. 3. T. MOORE. JOHN GAVIN MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORNEYS, AT LAW. Rooms 39 and 40, over U. 8. Land Office. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice atThe Dalles un called for June, 24th, 1899. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Condict, H M Ray, Mr W Carender, John Russell, George Garner, Thomas Smith, It F Harvey, E R Sites, Ed McFadyen, Donald Stillniger, Mary ' Montgomery, P Stirmeis, M A Moor, Mary L Tate, N H Martin, GW .'. Towle, J S Plank, Clark B War ten, Columbus Rhodes, J H. H. RiDDKLL, P. M. If yon contemplate a trip East this summer take advantage of the $81 round trip rate from The Dalles to Detroit, Mich., Tickets sold June 29tb, only, and good for return nntil August 31st. This will undoubtedly be the lowest round trip rate to the East.this season. This rate is made for the annual convention of Christian Endeavor Society at Detjoit July 5th to 10th. Call on Jamea. Ire land, agent O. R. & N. Co. for further particulars. De Witt's Little Early Risers act as a faultless pill 8bould,cleaneing and reviv ing the system instead of weakening it. They are mild and eare, small and pleas ant to take, and entirely free from ob jectionable drugs. They assist rather than compel. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ammocks mocks. We have on display the FINEST, LARGERT aud most COMPLETE line of HAMMOCKS in the city, at prices that defy competition. Before purchasing, call and examine our stock, and get our prices. 170 2d St., The Dalles. Jacobsen Book & Music Co. B jmsm SEE OUR aav Automatic Blue Flame Oil Stove. Heat, , Glean, EGQDomi- NO r, NO SFT1QK8. NO r. MAYS & CROWE. ? J . A A i i i