The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 23, 1899, Image 3

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Scotch Lawns and Challies
For this day only at CGIltlS Per yard.
These goods are new, crisp and make dainty shirt
waists or dresses both for home and street wear. Do
not delay in examining these two lines for they
are just as we represent them.
New goods in the
Grocery Department.
California Ripe Olives, pt. and pt.
Stuffed Mangoes.
Bed Hot A condiment tor meats.
Honey, pint and pint, , Octagon
No. 1, sour pickles in bulk.
Sweet pickles in bulk.
A window full of H. R. H. Table Salt.
The falling snow is not whiter or purer than our H.
H. table salt.
earing out the Clothing.
This week the
great offerings
only chance to avail yourself of these
much business is being doue bere. If
for once a newspaper had not been
eworn to secrecy we could a tale unfold
regarding the business of one firm here
that would make its readers' eyes pop.
The Dalles is all right; don't let its wel
fare cause you any uneasiness.
We are in receipt of a neat folder got
ten out for the D. P.' & A. N. Co., ad
vertising their boat line with its wonder
ful Columbia river ecenery. This com
pany has always been liberal users of
printers ink, and this is no exception to
the general ruie, as neither time, expense
nor pains have been spared. The work
bears the imprint of Thb Dalles Chbon
icle. Yet it seems almost superfluous
as their indisputable trade mark, neat
ness, cleanliness and finish, is as much
a part of the folder as the scenic half
tones themselves. Goldendale Sentinel.
When the 700 eoldier'boys meet in
Portland to go in camp and also to wel
come their comrades home from the fray,
not the least attractive anions: the com
panies will be Co. D. of The Dalles,
whose new uniforms have arrived and
which will make a showing of brave,
stalwart soldiers who will certainly de
mand recognition from all. Among
them are men who have brothers in the
ranks who have won honors in the con
flict, and we have every reason to be
lieve would make as good records under
similar circumstances. ' The captain has
shown a heroism which deserves as
much praise as could any who marched
to Manila to face the foe. At home
were mother, brothers and sisters who,
left fatherless, must have some protect
ing hand to guide and watch over them.
While bis brother Max, has received
honors on the battlefield,. he who fights
on the battlefield of life protecting those
be loves surely deserves equal honor.
There are others in the company who
were placed in like circumstances, and
we say all honor to the boys of Co. D.
Small-pox Scare.
Let the D. P. Sc A. Jf. Bteamers Be
Chartered and Dalles People Join
In tbe First Greeting.
Men's $10.00 and
$8.50 suits for
that induces us to make a price on men's suits such as this.
All Goods marked in plain figures.
Quite a small-pox scare occurred last
wees. A man named Armstrong, woo
bad been picking berries for A. P. Bate
ham, went to Portland and after several
days was taken sick with what the
Prtrrlanrl nit.w nhraipinn rtrnnnnnperl
It isn't philanthropy, but plain, matter of fact business email-pox. He was taken to the pest
house and' the authorities here were
notified and aeked to quarantine the
people Armstrong had been camping
with. Constable Olinger at once took
charge of the campers and on June 14th
moved them into the grove next tathe
old graveyard on Paradise farm, just
east of Lyman Smith's place. They
were made as comfortable a6 possible,
and Michael Boban was employed to
guard them and see that no one was
allowed to come or go from the camp.
ihe names ot tnose quaranteed are as
follows: Irwin Millham, Alvin G. Wy
land, James N. Hall, James M. Arm'
strong and Estelia F. Hall. Three of
them . came from Vancouver and the
others from the Willamette valley aboye
Portland. The man Armstrong, who
was taken sick in Portland, had never
been exposed to a case of small-pox that
he knew of or that any one could trace.
The parties in quarantine continue in
good health and will be released as soon
as all danger of their having contracted
email-pox is past. Glacier. '
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
JUNE 23. 18f9
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule -ft ill be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Tne Good Intent ladies have added
bread to their list of eatables for Bale
tomorrow. . '
George Cooper is erecting a neat res
idence on Dry Hollow, near the old
home place, where he and Mrs. Cooper
will make their home.
Prof. R.-R. Allard has retired from.,
the principalship of the Hcod River
echools. The board of directors last
week appointed Prof. C. D. Thompson,
of Cascade Locke, to supply the vacancy.
During the illness of Sunt. C. L. Gil
bert, bis duties in visiting schools and
looking after their welfare is being car
ried on by Prof. J. S. Landers, which as
sures all that they will not be neglected
but faithfully carried out.
The ladies will have another oppor
tunity to save themselves the trouble ot
cooking for tomorrow, for the Good In
tent will have on sale at J. H. Cross'
store their usual excellent pies, cakes,
bread, etc. Call and eee them.
See our window. Ladies' np-to-date
tan lace shoes, $3 50 value for $2.65.
Ladies', this season's,' vesting top Ox
fords ; color black, turned sole ; reduced
from $2.50 to $1.90. Tomorrow and
next week. A. M. Williams & Co.
We understand a gambler by the
.name of Bill Winton skipped town a few
days since, carrying with him a sum
amounting to almost $600, which be
longed to a woman living in the East
"End. As he-bought no ticket it is not
known which route be took.
Every man who expects to go in
society at all should provide himself
with a dress suit. Eberle, the tailot,
can make you as swell a suit as you can
get in any large city. If you doubt it,
just aek the young men who have re
cently had him tog them up.
The Oregonian yesterday said that a
half-million pounds of wool hd changed
hands this week. We' A go them
another half and call it a million, for so
say those who know. Tne prices range
from 10 to 13 cents. TRe town is full of
sheepmen and wool buyers.
Word was received in the city this
afternoon announcing the death ot
Antone Jerome at St. Vincent's Hos
pital in Portland. He had been em
pioyea as watcnman at tne company s
shops here for nearly twenty years.
until three weeks ago when he was taken
ill and stopped work. About week
ago he was taken to the hospital, where
he died this morning. His wife left for
Portland this afternoon.
The Bmallpox scare which has kept
the people of Walla Walla in a ferment
two weeks has not abated. The doctors
are vaccinating huudreda daily. Nearly
all the patients have had mild attacks
There are six patients at the pesthouse,
and several persons are quarantined at
various places in the city. Special pre
camions are Deing tanen to prevent in
fected persons from the railroad camp on
Snake river from reaching that city.
If you contemplate a trip East this
summer take advantage of the $81 round
trip rate from The Dalles to Detroit,
Mich., Tickets sold June 29th, only, and
good for return until August 3l9t. This
will undoubtedly be the lowest round
trip rate to the East this season. This
rate is made for the annnal convention
of Christian Endeavor Society at Detroit
July 5th to 10th. Call on James Ire
land, agent O. R. & N. Co." for further
particulars. . ,
' The river continues to fall slightly,
standing at 42.1 this morning. The
upper rivers are also falling, excepting
at Northport, where it rose .3. The
Columbia will fall till Monday, when it
will rise slightly. A flood this year
would have been particularly unfortu
nate, since so many improvements have
been made in the business portion of
the city recently. In 1894, while it was
a great loss, everything was older and
in need of repairs.
Did we bear someone bewailing the
fate of The Dalles, and prophesying all
sorts of calamity for the future? It may
seem dull to those who are not on the
inside track and do not know just bow
Everybody is enthusiastic- over the
home-coming of-the volunteers, and
The Dalles is not behind other Oregon
cities in its" anticipation of the event
and desires to join in the celebration. It
is not a lack of patriotism which has
caused many to overlook the usual
festivities of the national holiday, but
rather it has given place this year to a
holiday which comes a little later in the
Every day the remark is heard, "I'm
going to Astoria to meet the boys if
everything else must be subservient to
that end." ' In view' of this fact, it
certainly would be a splendid idea to
charter two or three steamers and take
every one, who so desires, down the
river to join the procession which goes
to Astoria to join in the welcome.
With the volunteers are a large num
ber of Dalles boys, whose enthusiasm
would be unbounded were they to see
among the other craft which escort them
to Portland, the Regulator and Dalles
City, which all Dalles people have
grown to claim as their own and to take
an unbounded pride in, and on, their
decks, with welcoming hands and hearty
cheers, to see not only loved ones but
the faces of friends eager to give them
the hand of greeting and love.
What a meeting that would bel And
it must be.
It will never do to have our boys look
in vain for the welcome of their own
home people. We do not wish it so,
but are all eager for the contrary to be
the case. Let's begin at once and ar
range for the trip. It could be an inex
pensive one so that all who have hue
bands, sons or brothers ' among the
returning heroes can make' the trip.
But should there be any who, from
ack of the wherewithal, might be com
pelled to forego the pleasure, let us so
arrange that .they may go tree of ex
pense. This much is certainly due
them. ..
Instead of the encampment wbich bad
been planned to be held at Salem, be
ginning on the 10th and lasting ten
days, it has been arranged to have all
the outside companies ot the guard
gather at Portland and camp there for
eeveral. days, joining in the welcoming
parade. The full torce will total over
700 men in new uniforms. -
TboBe who go down from The Dalles
could also remain over in Portland to
take part in the celebration there, and
then npon returning home, join, with
the W. R. C. in the final home welcome.
They cannot be welcomed too often.
Let's begin at once to prepare to receive
them as they deserve.
The Modern Beauty.
Thrives on good food and sunshine,
with plenty ot exercise in tne open air.
Her form glows with health and her face
blooms with its beauty. If her system
needs the cleaning action, of a laxative
remedy, she uses the gentle aud pleasant
SyrnpofFigs, made by the California
Fig Syrurf-Co. only.
They are mild and sure, Bmall and pleas
ant to take, and entirely free from ob
jectionable drugs. They aesist rather
than compel. Snipes-JKinersly Drug Co.
Two and four-horse teams, with
drivers. Month's work : good wastes.
payable weekly or monthly. Apply to
W. H. Bkown,
Columbia Hotel.
Caib In lour Cbecfes.
All countv warrants registered Drior
to August 1,1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after June 9.
1899. . C. L. Phillips.
Countv Treasnrer.
Thomas Thnrman, deputy sheriff of
Troy, Mo., says if everyone in the United
States should discover the virtue of De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles,
rectal troubles and ekin diseases, the de
mand could not be supplied. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa.,
says: "tor forty years 1 nave tried var
ious cough medicines. One Minute
Cough Cure is best for all." It relieves
instantly and cnres all throat and lung
troubles. Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co.
Try -Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
tonic. For sale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stabling, agent, The Dalles.
Hood River Clark Seedling straw
berries the best canning berries, at the
Dalles Commission Co. 19 3t
Remove Pimples, Prevent
BilionoeB, Parity the Blood,
Oure Headache and Dyspepsia.
" movement of tbe bowels each day is necess&nr
JZ:itJl- T1j; neither (trip, nor i?k "n? T?cS!
2 SiS i llm1l sample free, or full hoi tor
. Bold bjr druggists. DR. B0SANK0 CO. Phila. P.
it's a real
to get the meale for the family
when you have a complete set
of needfull utensils and have a
new Garland stove or steel
range to cook upon. We fur
nieh kitchens and can save you
money and many steps when
you want anything in the
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, graniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cutters, taisen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other things to
make the kitchen complete.
We can fnrniph double oven
cook stoveBfrom $8.00 up.
See the beet Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware.
rnaier & Rsnton
167 Second St.
Thousands are Trying It.
In order to prove the great merit, of
Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure
for Catarrh and Cold in Head, we have pre
pared a generous trial size for 10 cents.
Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to
ELY BROS., 55 Warren St, N. Y. City.
I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind
ever since a boy, and I never hoped for
cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do
even that. Many acquaintances have used
it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum,
45 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine,
mercury nor any injurious drug. Price,
60 cents. At druggists or by maiL
A Successful .Repetition.
I hereby warn all- persons against sell
ing or giving intoxicating liquors to my
husband, Peter Petersen.
Meb. G. Petersen
" S20 Reward.
A reward of $20 will be paid for the ar
rest of any person caught stealing flowers
or anything else from the Odd Fellows'
cemetery. '
"Harmony" Whiskey.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special rise, sold by Ben Wilson, Tbe
Dalles. jl
' Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send ns your orders and get
the best.
Phone 25.
. Jos.
T. Peters & Co.
J. A. Rehear, of Sedalia, Mo., saved
bis child from death by croup by neing
One Minute Cough Cure. It cures
coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrippe and
all throat and lung troubles. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. . -
For Sale Cheap.
Harrison . Hay press, good as new, in
quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith shop.
For the best, results use the Vive
Camera.. Fur sale by the Postoffice
harmacy. ' - tf
If poseible, the repetition of the
minstrel performance on last evening
mas an improvement over the first night.
Certain it is, it Buffered nothing by the
repetition, and was as much enjoyed,
even by those who had witnessed it the
evening before. The joke's of the end
men (?) were perhaps an improvement
over tbe hrst night, -although the
Chronicle was slandered by having
a sample of its spring poetry rehearsed
for the amizement of the audience, and
we were made to hear ourselves as
others bear ns. Unlike a second per
formance generally is, ' the participants
seemed to be as energetic, if not more
so, than on the previous evening.
The addition of tbe singing and danc
ing by little Jennie Monser, of San Fran
cisco, was worth the price of admission.
She is a dear little girl about 7 years of
age, and her voice is remarkable, show
ing a training which is wonderful in one
of her years. Her dancing is perfect,
and she glides over the stage with the
grace of a little' fairy. She was re
peatedly encored, and seemed perfectly
at home on the stage. Tbe cake walk
between her and the little son of Mrs.
Runcie was very cunning and they were
encored loudly.
We cannot refrain from mentioning
the excellent playing of the orchestra
under the leadership of Bert Baldwin.
Many complimentary remarks wete
heard regarding their selections. To
the accompaniments of Mr. Baldwin is
also due much of the success of the sing
ing. ' None but those who have at
tempted to sing when the accompani
ment is poor can realize what it means
to be ably assisted by the pianist. Then
too, it is a difficult task to accompany
soloists when the piano is not on the
stage, but Bert succeeded admirably.
We are pleased to know that the re
ceipts last night were $84, making a
total for both nights of $264. . The per
formance was not only a success, but the
finances as well. - As the receipts will be
used for tbe benefit of '.the library, it is
gratifying that they are so large. We
are all Interested in our public library.
rjCjSn Copyrights &c.
Anyone lending n sketch and description ma
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether a;
invention Is probably patentable. Communlc
Hons strictly connclenttal. Handbook on Patent
sent free. Oldest apency for securing patents.
Patents taken throueh Munn & Co. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
Scientific Jimeiicam
A handsomely lllnstrntcd weekly. Lareest cir
culation of any scientliic Journal. Terms, 3 a
' year : four montks, $1. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36,Broat"rair- New York
Branch Office. 625 F St. Washington. D. C.
Each day our business shows
the people are finding out we
are pushing to tbe front with
.better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, and
lasts but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for tbe people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Rooms 39 and 40, over U. S. Land Office.
"We have on display the FINEST, LARGERT and most
COMPLETE line of HAMMOCKS in the city, at prices that
defy competition. Before purchasing, call and examine our
stock, and get our prices.
170 2d St.,
The Dalles.
lacobsen Book & Music Co.
Automatic Blue Flame Oil Stove.
J)e Witt's Little Early. Risers act as a
faultless pill should.cleansing and reviv
ing the system instead of weakening it.