C3) Be Gool and Co lleeted - and in order to do thii when old Sol is shedding his softest beams upon you, come in and make a selection from one of the choicest lines ofDimities we have displayed this season at 7c per yard. Also the remainder of those Dotted Swisses and Dotted Dimities at 16f c per yard. Ladies' Summer Underwear. Ladies' Ribbed Vest3 :..5c Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests .....10c, 13c, 17c, 19c, 25c Ladies' Lisle Thread Vests, low neck, no sleeves, white and ecru 35c, 45c and 50c Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Union Suits in white 35c Ladies' Lisle Thread Union Suits, low neck and no sleeves 59c Clearing out the Clothing. This week the only chance to avail yourself of these great offerings Men's $10.00 and $8.50 suits for $7-35 It isn't philanthropy, but plain, matter of fact business that induces us to make a price on men's suits such as this. Ltadies Cotton fiose. Peerless faet black, high spliced heels soft and elastic, pv pail? 25e. Infant's Wear. Infant's Nainsook Dresses, sizes 6 months, 1, 2, 3 yrs 39c Intant's Nainsook Dresses, embroidery and lace trim mings, sizes 6 months, 1, 2, 3 and 4 years 59c Ladies' Summer Net Corsets 25c PEASE & MAYS. All Goods marked in plain figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, THURSDAY JUNE 22, 1899 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Lady Minstrels Tonight at the Vogt. Oh Where, oh where has oar fruit evaporator gone? The social to be given by the Junior Endeavor of the Congregational church for the benefit of the babies home in Portland, will be held on the church lawn Friday evening, Jane 30th. Norris Bros.' dog and pony show, which gave a performance in this city some time ago, is in serious financial trouble at Seattle, a receiver being- ap pointed to straighten out their financial affairs. Chas. Johnson, who has been travel ing throughout the interior for A. M Williams & Co., has been very sick for the past week or more. We are sorry to learn that he is improving but slight ly, if any change for the better is ap parent. The receipts for the minstrel perform ance last night were somewhere in the neighborhood of $180. A repetition wilL be given tonight, and it is hoped such a ing his stay in Salem recently he de livered tbe baccalaureate sermon for the university and gave a lecture the follow ing evening. They will leave for Hood River and points down the river in the morning. , MissEna Uren, who will lease soon for her home near Spokaneaccompa nied by about twenty after Epworth League friends, spent la evening with the family of their pastor, Rev. J. H. Wood. The time was spent in Blnging and pleasant conversation. Miss Ena was a member of this year's graduating class and as she will not return next year, her friends regret her departure from the city ations of the Mr. Percy Sunday mor ing ot the joi reserves and well as from the associ- eague. Levin arrived in tbe city ing and last nigbt a meet it committees of the naval the A. F. G. was held at the armory to discuss the production of "The White Squadron." The- proposi tion met with much favor, and the man uscript of tbe play has been Bent for. Upon its arrival Mr. Levin will begin the work of getting cut parts and study ing the piece, and a cast organized for its production. Astorian. . It is a great satisfaction to everyone to hear the opinion so generally ex pressed that the "back bone" of the an ticipated flood for 1899 is broken, and to have the report say that the river will not -exceed 44 at this place. This morning It stood at 43, a rise of only .4 In the past twenty-four hours, and it fell .2 from 8 till 3 o'clock. At Lewiston it fell 1.9, and at Umatilla .2. Tbe weather has a little to say regarding the flood, but it is almost a certainty. that we will not wade very deep this year. v ' The state normal school school at Monmouth. announces anew depart ment, that of manual training in addi tion to the departments of last year. It has also added to its training depart ment an ungraded school, to give prac tice in the work of the country schools. ine training department is now per haps the most complete in tbe United States. A new building offers increased facilities for work, and this next, year promises to be the best .the school has known. The catalogue ehaws a marked gain in attendance for the present year. Pitiable Specimens of Humanity. COONS ON PARADE. house as they deserve 'will greet them. Such a show by a traveling troupe would pack the hall back to the door. The Chronicle gives out just now that its "warm enongh for us" and has decided to make it warm for anybody who asks anything farther regarding our feelings on the subject during - the heated term, and the weather report says it'll be warmer daring the next three or four days. Take warning. Sheriff Kelly arretted E. J. Marshall, of this city, last night upon the charge of stealing a horse from a man by the name of Martin, who resides on Dutch Flat. Tbe horee was mieeed some time since, and found in tbe possession of Marshall laet evening. He, however, claims that he traded for it. An exam i nation will be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Tbe D. P. & A. X. Co. has decided to give the people an opportunity of seeing the Columbia at its best, and will there fore give an excursion on the 4th to Hood River and the Cascades, the rate to'be fifty cents. This is one of tbe nicest ways to spend the day, giving a good chance to view the scenery and take your lunch along and have a picnic at the same time. Yesterday afternoon the last meeting of the Good Intent Society for the sum mer was held at tbe home of Mrs. S French. A number of young ladies and other friends of the society were invited to be present, and an especially pleasant time was had. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served by the hostess, and tbe laBt meeting was per baps the best of the year. Dr. and Mrs. Eli McClish, of San Jose, Calif., arrived in the city last nigbt and have spent today viewing our city and its surroundings. Dr. McClish is the president of. the University of tbe Pacific, and a very fluent speaker. Dnr- One of the most pitiable sights imagin able is that of a man who has become addicted to the inorphine habit. Bat to see a woman in the same predicament seems far worse. This morning two such individuals, a woman and a man, were wandering about oar streets and told their tale of woe to several citizens. They claim they are on their way to Pendleton from Portland, having walked all the way and having nothing to eat for several days were about starved. It is said they looked it too. This fearful habit seems to so numb the senses that they care little whai they tell, nor whether it be true, so that it Has hard, to discover whether they were stating facts or not. " But tbe sympathy of many was elicited, and one gentleman hastened home to procure something tor. them to eat. They said they were stopping in the old brick building at the foot of Washington etreet; but when provisions were taken to them they were no whereto be found. It was tbe intention to provfde means to send them on their way. While it seems unjust that law-abiding, upright citizens should be compelled to help along characters of this kind, humanity demands it and we instinctively do so, not stopping to question. Fairfield School Keport. Coal Black Ladles Take tbe Cake and Delight All With Tbelr Singing and Dancing. The following is the report of the third month of school in District No. 17, be ginning May 15 and ending June 9: No days taught, 20. - N- of days attendance, 395. No of davs absence, 54 ; times tardy, 3 Average daily attendance, 20. . Names of those on the roll of honor are, Ira Watetman and Anna Gilbreth Alice Powell, Teacher. ' The Modern Beauty. Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face blooms with its beaoty. If her system needs the cleaning action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. Warning. I hereby warn all persons against sell ing or giving intoxicating liquors to my husband, Peter Petersen. - Mes. G. Petersen, 2D Ke ward. A reward of $20 will be paid for the ar rest of any person caught stealing flowers or anything else from the Odd Fellows' cemetery. ' 'Harmony" Whiskey. . Harmony whiskey for family and special use, sold by Ben Wilson, Tbe Dalles. jl And now we ' are "led to question whether there is anything in which the Dalles ladies cannot excel. They have succeeded in othtr years in everything they have undertaken, but until the ar rival of Mrs. Rnncie in our city they have contentedly left minstrelsy to the male portion of the community. But his dominion in this, as well as other de partments, has been invaded, and last night the lady coons were on parade, and to such an extent that they fairly carried tbe city by storm. We may be said to live in a country town, but Dalles people are critical when it comes to shows and know when then see a good one. They were not fooled laet nigbt, and they attested that fact by the loud and continued applause given. Our ladies are all right. Indeed their minstrel performance was wonderful. With but ten days in which to practice what was to them an entirely new departure, the success attained, was remarkable. ' Truly Mrs. Runcie must be a magi cian to accomplish so much in so short a time. However, her appearance on the stage showed the artist she is, for we have never seen a better female darkey character. Then her ladylike manner throughout the entire rehearsals and performance was very apparent and won her tbe esteem of all. When tbe curtain arose last night it disclosed fifty coons, black aa the ace of spades. There were big .coons, litt coons, fat coons,' lean coons, eancy coons, modest coons and kid coons, all arrayed in coon style. 'Their overture was immense, and tbe way those six end men (?) manipulated the bones and tamborines was a caution. After the overture came a quartet, 'Ben Bolt," splendidly rendered. Then five coon girls, togged regardless, ren dered "The Whistling Girl," and gave the audience a bint of the splendid danc- ng they were to witness. Everybody applauded when the little nightingales came out and sang "I Loves Ma Honey," and well they might, for their acting was so. cunning and their dancing perfect. Inky White be ing indisposed, Seraphina Appetite and Ike Razzors introduced their selection, "My African King," which showed to advantage the sweetness of their voices aiid was acted well. Then out came the Snowball Twins in costumes so nobby and sang "Hesitate, Mr. Nigger," but no one hesitated to applaud, for they couldn't help ehowing their apprecia tion. Smoky Ham may have disguised her featuree, but she couldn't her voice, and wheq ebe struck the first notes of I Loves You Ma Babe," all recognized its sweetness and knew they'd iave a treat, sorry lsernnart naa a most aim- cult selection in "Fiy Ye Blackbirds," but she was equal to, it. In fact there's no such word as fail applied to that coon; she s a bird, a blackbird sure. Clemintina Bigfoot was late, but she(?) got there just the same and warmed the company up with a "Watermelon Party" song. Tbe grand finale was grand, and how the audience did applaud as the Stars and Stripes were unfurled and the entire company sang "Columbia the Gem of the Ocean." The dancing by one of the young ladies, dressed in red white and blue, added much to the effect, and she's a dancer there's no mistake. Part second opened with an overture j by the orchestra, which it ' eeemed was imbued with the spirit of tbe occasion and played extra well. Six black birder Bix young girls, part of whom took the part of boys, gave a song and dance which was graceful in the extreme. Madam De Kankie De Koko made her appearance and eang in true coon style a song which, when 'encored, called forth the Pumpkin Colored Coons, who sure enongh made their appearance, the little girl in a night gown and the tiny boy in a little night shirt. The audience was wild over them, and when they gigged everybody fairly yelled with de light. Company L. was composed- of eight girls, in fitting costumes and carrying , red white and blue canes. This was a very taking feature of the program, so perfectly did the girls exe cute the movements. Bat what brought the house down was when the seventeen little ones, from 4 to 12 years of age, came out and eang "Hannah, Go Hide Your Bloomers." It was just too cute, In fact it couldn't be beat. ' Tbe last number was a fitting finale, when everybody came out and a regular darkey jubilee was held. No one could imagine we bad so many graceful dancers in our midst as one by one they did their little jig. It was a revelation Bat the cake walk "took the cake." We have never seen more agility and grace displayed even among profession als. Four couples arrayed in beautiful costumes, elided across the stage form ing all sorts of figures, and surprising tbe audience, until it was almost im possible to tell which should have the cake. It was, however, evident that the second and third couple were favor ites and they were presented with the prize. We must not forget the young men who so gracefully assisted their partners in this part of the program, for they share equally in the honors. We cannot do it justice. You must see the performance to appreciate it, and will be given another opportunity to night. The roster was as follows : Mesdamea Jayne, Huntington, GroaU Eddon, Giger, Stephens, Moody, Garreteon, Blakeley, Waud, Butler. Misses Lang, Dawson, Fredden, Frenh, Cashing. Elizabeth Bonn, Beesie yEddon, Helen Hudson, Daisy Deane Vesta Bolton, Effie Bolton, Marguerite Kinersly, Pearl Grimes, Wasco Morris, Valesca Liebe, Emily Crosse, Rosemary Bald win, Lncile Crate,Lena Zimmerman, Katharine Sargent, Mary Mclnerny, Burnett Schooling, Grace Hobson, May Jackson, Grace -M31enn, Pearl Joles, Ella Rice, Hattie Glenn. Try Yerba Buena Bitters, tbe best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Hood River Clark Seedling straw berries the best canning berries, at tbe Dalles Commission Co. 19-3t 60 YEARS V EXPERIENCE 3 DYvH'JfliTBl I , , , 1 mi in Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description ma- quickly ascertain our opinion free whether a?i Invention Is probably patentable. Commun lec tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent sent free. Oldest apency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpeciai notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Jjavest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, $L, Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.36'Bh'. New York Branch Office. 25 F BU Washington. D. C The following lines can he found - VOGT Opera House Orion Kinersly, Manager. The Last Night.... To-im - Given by the ladies of T4e DalleB for tbe benefit of tbe Pnblic Library. New Specialties, New Jokes, New Songs, Fine Dancing. A grand cast of SO PEOPLE SO Kerjr Performer an Artist. ADMISSION Reserved Beats, ... 75 cents General Admission, - SO cents ...jnaier&BeatoQ Cement, Lime, Sulpher, Salt, Rubber Garden Hose, Winchestt-r Rifles, Revolvers, Fishing Tackle, Bicycle Sundries, Barbed Wire and Nails, Delft Enameled Ware, Granite Ware and Tin Ware, Builders' Hardware, Step Ladders, Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges, Complete Ltne of Groceries, Deep Well Pumps, Cleveland and Crawford Bicycles. We bny onr goods right and will positively not be undersold by any one. The Busy Store. Each day our business shows the people are finding out we are pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. To Core a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money it faila to care. 25c. ammocKs. M mmocks. We have on display the FINEST, LARGERT and most COMPLETE line of HAMMOCKS in the city, at prices that defy competition. Before purchasing, call and examine our stock, and get our prices. 170 2d St., The Dalles. Jacobsen Book & Music Go. mn-s. SEE OUR flaw Automatic Blue Flame Oil Stove. Glean, NO I. NO NO r. MAYS & CROWE.