The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 21, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XII
NO 59
SupBosea . Beneficial Law May fori
Tliem Injury.
Women May Be Discharged by Whole
. sale July i And Men Put in Their
Places Law Requires That Em
ployers Shall Not Permit Women
to Work Over a Limited Number
of Hours Per Day.
north shore of Denman island, tearing a
large hole in her hull. Her captain ran
her on the beach, where she now lies.
The eteamer Maude took off her paa-
Bengers and a large' part of her cargo.
The Danube's after hold ia full of water,
and the freight is badly damaged. As
sistance from Victoria- hae been wired
for. No fui ther particulare are at hand.
Among the passengers on the Danube
were Lieutenant-Governor Mclnnes and
ex-Mayor John Grant, of Victoria. The
steamer Tees will take the Danube's
passengers on to Alaska.
Chicago, Juue 20. A special to the
Times-Herald from Omaha says : Female
employes in the large mercantile estab
lishments and factories in Omaha are in
a condition of unrest. They do not know
whether they will hold their present po
sitions after July 1, and if they are dis
charged they do not know whether they
can find another place in which to work.
What is true of the women workers of
Omaha is true of other large cities in the
state. This condition of unrest is due to
the law regulating the employment of
women passed by the last eession of the
legislature, and which becomes operative
July 1. It ia estimated that 25 per cent
of the women employed in stores and
factories throughout the state will be
dismissed and their places filled by men
The provisions of the law are peculiar.
It regulates and limits the hours of em
ployment of females in manufacturing,
mechanical and mercantile establish-
- 1 1 - , - 1 . i Tl
men ib, uoteis ana restaurants, .dvery
employer is compelled to provide suitable
seats for the female employes and per
mit the women to use them".. It fixes a
penalty of $50 for every infraction and
makes it the duty of the deputy labor
commission to see that the law is proper
ly enforced. .
Through a committee's efforts the
women employed in many Omaha stores
will be permitted to begin work about
10 o'clock Saturdays in order that they
may remaiD late in the evening of that
date, without laying their employers
liable to fine.- The proprietor of one of
the largest department stores in the city
8 aid that he did not think the law would
cause the dismiBeal of a large number of
women in his establishment, for the pres
ent, at least. His firm will obey the
law strictly, and if its observance shall
suggest economy in the weeding out pro
cess, that matter would be taken up
The law will work a great revolution
in the conduct of hotels, resturants and
small shops, where women are expected
to work from daylight to dark. Pro
prietors of these places are opposed to its
enforcement, and are talking of going
into the courts to test its constitutional
"You can rest assured the law will be
enforced,' said Bert Each, a local labor
leader. "Organized labor supported the
bill before the legislature, and is in full
sympathy with its provisions. The
deputy state labor commissioner can be
' depended upon to enforce it rigidly."
In Lincoln, the big storekeepers are as
much perturbed over the enforcement of
the law as are the merchants of Omaha
Ran on a Rock on Denman Island
Shore. .
Victoria, B. C, June 19. The steam
er Danube, which' left here today for
Lynn canal. Alaska, struck a rock on the
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Is MoYel to Compliment in an. Official
Serious Results Sometimes Follow Its
Excessive Use.
Common soda ia all right in its place
nd indispensable in the kitchen and tor
cooking and washing purposes, but it
was never intended as a medicine, and
people who use it as such will some day
regret it.
We refer to the common use of soda to
relieve heartburn or sour stomach, a'
habit which thousands of people practice
and one which is fraught with danger;
moreover the soda only gives temporary
relief and in the end the stomach trouble
gets worse and worse. .
The soda acts as a mechanical irritant
to the walls of the stomach and. bowels
and cases are on record where it has ac
cumulated in . the intestines, causing
death by inflamation or peritonitis.
Dr. Harlandson recommends as the
safest and surest cure for sour stomach
acid dyspepsia) an excellent preparation
sold by druggists under the name of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. These tab
lets are large 20 grain lozenges, very
pleasant to taste and contain the natural
acids, peptones and" digestive elements
essential to good digestion, and when
taken after meals they digest the food
perfectly and promptly before it baa time
to ferment, sour and poison the blood
and nervous system,
Dr. Wuerth states that he invariably
uses Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets in all
cases of stomach derangement and'finds
them a certain cure not only for sour
stomach, but by promptly digesting the
food they create fieab and strengthen the
action of the heart and liver. They are
not a cathartic, but intended only for
stomach diseases and weakness and will
be found reliable in all stomach troubles
except cancer of the stomach. All drug
gists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at
50 cents per package.
A little book describing all forms of
stomach weakness and their cure mailed
free by addressing the F. A. Stuart Co
Marshall, Mich.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelphia, Pa., when she found that Dr,
King's New Discovery for Consumption
bad completely cured her of a hacking
cough that for many years bad made
life a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
says of this Royal Cure "It soon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can
now sleep soundly, something I can
scarcely remember doing before. I feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble
of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c
and $1. Trial bottle free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store; eyery bottle
guaranteed. 5
What is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It ia
the newly discovered, remedy, the mo9t
effective preparation ever devised for
aiding the digestion and assimiliation of
food, and restoring the deranged diges
tive organs to a natural condition. It is
a discovery surpassing anything yet
knowu to the medical profession.
S'nipea-Kinerely Drug Co.
"Dee Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the
teeth. tf
You need have no -boils if you "will
buy Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for boils.
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a
pure concentrated flavoring cxtractB. tf
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco ' warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Improved Magazine cyclonea are win
ners. Donnell, the druggist, will gladly
show them to you.
Fresh solio paper and Eastman's films,
all sizes, direct from the manufacturers,
at Snipea-KinerBly Drug Co.'a.
"Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
tonic' For sale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stubling, . agent, The .Dalles.
. M17-3m
Robbed tbe Grave. .
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated by him as follows :
I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin was almost yellow, eyes eun ken,
tongue coated,' pain continually in back
and sides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
friend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and ' to
my great joy and surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement. I
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, "at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. 5
. Reduced Rates to S. K. A.
For the National Educational Asso
ciation meeting to be held at Los
Angeles, Cal., July 11-14, 1899, the O
R. & N. Co. will make 'the following
rates from Tbe Dalle's : Going and re
turning all rail route via Portland and
Southern Pacific $44.15; rail to Portland
and steamer Portland to Los Angeles
port of call, including meals and berth
on steamers, returning same route,
$39.15 ; rail to Portland, eteamer to San
Francisco and rail via Southern Pacific
from ban Francisco to J,os Angeles, re
turning same route, $39.15. Tickets on
sale June 30th, July Iat and July 4th to
9th inclusive, final limit for return Sept.
oth. Dor turther lutormation cau on or
address Jas. Ireland, Agent, O. R. & N.
Co., The Dalles. 10 J
Would Not Suffer So AeilQ for Fifty
Times Its Price.
l awose last nigr.t with severe pains
in my stomach. I never felt bo badly in
all my life. ' When I came down to work
this morning I felt so weak I could hardly
work. I went to Miller & McCurdy's
drug store and they recommended
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera end Diar
rnoea itemed y. it worked like magic
and one dose fixed me all right. It
certainly ia the finest thing I ever used
for stomach trouble. I shall - not be
without it in my borne hereafter, for
I ehould not care to endure tbe sufferings
of last night again for fiftv timea its
price. G. H. Wilson, Liveryman, Bur
gettatown, Washington Co., Pa. This
remedy is for Bale by Blakeley & Hough
ton, Druggists. -
For the Fourth of July the O. R. &
N. Co. will Bell excursion tickets to any
rail station within 300 miles from sell
ing station at one fare for the round
trip. Tickets on sale July 2nd, 3rd and
4th and will be good for return passage
up to and-including July 6th, 1899.,
Were Returning to Imus With Force of
2000, But Met Americans on the
Way Battalion From Wheaton's
Brigade Impeded Their Progress.
Washington, June 20. General Otis
forwards the following:
"Manila, June 20. Adjutant-General,
Washington : Wheaton at Imna, Cavite
province, with four guns, four battalions
of the Fourth and Fifth infantry, Nevada
troops and cavalry. Sent a battalion
south on a reconnoissance in tbe direc
tion of Das Marinas yesterday morning,
where the enemy was reported to be
concentrating their scattered forces. Tbe
battalion encountered the enemy's force
of 2000 men, marching to attack Imus,
successfully impeding its progress.
Wbeaton, with two guns and two
battalione, hurried forward and re
pulsed tbe enemy with heavy loss, the
enemy leaving over 100 dead on tbe field,
Our loss ia five 'killed, 23 wounded.
Wheaton was reinforced last night by a
battalion ol tbe JNintn infantry and is
driving tbe enemy beyond Daa MarinaB,
which is now in his possession. . Casual
ties today not reported. Wheaton's
qualities for a bold and successful attack
are unsurpassed." - -
Wheaton Returns to Imus.
Manila, June 20. 8 p. m. The
troops commanded by General Wheaton
entered Perez Daa Marinas today with
out opposition except on the part of
rebels, who inflicted no losses on the
Americans. Tbe town is an UDim
port ant place, surrounded by ewamps
and Wbeaton will probably return to
Watson Arrives.
Manila, June 20. .Rear-Admiral
Watson arrived todav on board tbe
transport Zafio from Hong Kong, and
raised his flag on the cruiser Baltimore,
The commanders of all the warships
called upon the admiral during the day,
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn
Ecald, cut or bruise. Bucklen'a Arnica
Salve, tbe best in the world, will kill
the pain and promptlv heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcere, boila.corns
felons and all 6kin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. Only 25 eta. a box
Cure guaranteed. Sold by' Blakeley
Houghton, druggists.
That Throbbing Headache .
Would quicklv leave-you; if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for sick and. nervous headaches.
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health.- Easy to take
Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back
if not cured. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. . 5
For Sale.
-fT- - -i"- -"fc -WfS- Jf. JW. -X-
TsJTr -vr -wJr -Jr
Three houses and four
lots in The Dalles, as a
whole or separately. Lo
cation healthy and desir
able, near school. Pays
exceptionally good inter
est on investment. Prop
erty" in .good condition.
Mrs.A.Fitz Gerald
839 Golden Gate Av.,
San Francisco, Cal."
Ladies' Tail
Wlade Washable
ress Skirts
'c ' to
Complete lines in Linen Crash., White
Duck and White Piques. Plain or trimmed.
Washable Dresses
for the Girls.
Nice, new, pretty styles in dainty
lawn's and sheer" dimities, servicable
ducks and cool linen crashes. A dress
for every girl in town, a price suitable
for every purse. Sizes from 2 to 14 yrs.
IS ; WlmS3k$
39c to $3.45.
"Washable Suits
for the little Boys. .
Cool comfort for the hot summer days.
The largest collection we've ever shown. Suits
made of Percale, Galetea cloth, Duck an Crash.
ujZl'?".:.. 75C tO $2.00.
Extra Crash Knee Pants 50c pair.
IA. M. Williams & Co
4 '
- &
Wasco warehouse Go
for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
for Feed Grain oi ? n kinds.
for Rolled Grain, an kinds.
for Bran. Shorts, Sft?iiw;SS
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
4-ft "p1! miT This Hour is manufactured expressly for family
wv JJ. use : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think bo
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
J. A. Schear.of Sedaiia, Mo., saved
his child from death by croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure. - It cures
coughs, colds, pneumonia, lagrippe and
all throat and lung troubles. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Mature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted dieestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
j ant and tonic. No other preparation
i can approach it in efficiency. It in
l Btantly relieves and permanently cures
uyspepsia, inaigestion. Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
all other results of imperfect di pestion.
Prepared by E. C. OeWitt A Co.. Cblcaflo.
For sale by Snipee-Kinersly Druz Co.
Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue oi sn
execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for Wasco County, in s suit
therein pending, wherein M. D. Kneeland is
plaintiff and O. D Taylor. Sarah K. Taylor.
John Barger, Joseph A. Johnson, C. W. Cather,
btella K. EJdv. J. C. Duncanson and W. Lucinda,
Whealdon ate defendants, dated tbe 9th day of
June, 1899. to me directed and commanding me
to sell all of the real property hereiualter de
scribed, to satisfy a judement in favor of said
plaintiff and against said defendant, O. 1). Tay
lor, for the sum of $1485.50 and costs taxed at
f lb.uO, I will on Saturday the
15th day of July, 1899,
at tne nour oi t o ciocic p. m., sen at purxte
sale to the highest bidder, for cash in band, the'
South half of the Southwest quarter of tbe
southwest quarter of section Fourteen (14), and
the South half of tbe Southeast- quarter of
section- Fifteen (15), township Two (2) North,
ange Ten (1U) East, W. M , containing 100
crea, more or less.
Sated this 12th day of June, 1S99.
jun 17-11 Sheriff of Wa&co County, Or.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has filed his final account as executor of the es
tate of Sarah McAfee with toe clerk of the
county court of i he state of Oregon, for wasso
county, and that Thursday, the Utb day of July.
1899, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. has been
fixed as the time and thecounty court room in.
Dalles City as the place for tbe hearing of ob
jections to said final account and settlement of
Dated July 13, 1899. THOS. NORVAL.'
jun 14-1 Executor. -