cn For Thursday, Friday and Saturday we will offer you a line of Do lei M ami Dim Hues This line is broken and we will sacrifice the remainder at the lowest possible figures. These goods are choice and will make beautiful party, afternoon and evening gowns. Do not delay in looking at these goods, for they are lim ited in quantity. tffih& Ladies TO Suits Ladies' Suits, made up from all-wool Venetian Suitings in blue, black and brown, that we will offer at $ 5.95 All new and stylish suits, made, up from blue and black Serge, we will offer at 10.95 We carry a grand assortment of Separate Dress Skirts. You will find among them blue and black Serge, Taffeta Silk and black Satin, ranging from.. $2 to 16.50 men's Summer Meiweai. 30o por G-armont. Three big values in light-weight summer goods, kind that fit. No. 45 Fancy Balbriggan, blue stripe. No. 122 Fancy Ribbed, blue stripe, silk stitched seams. No. 125 Derby Ribbed, solid color, silk stitched seams! See our window display of these goods. PEASE & MAYS. All Goods marked in plain figures'. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY JUNE lo, 1899 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be banded in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING QO. The Dalles, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. River reading This morning, 37.3, fall of .5. Rapid rise after tomorrow. Madam Ardessa's dressmaking system will be taught to all applicants at room No. 21 of tbe Chapman block. Honrs after 3 in tbe afternoon. 12-4t George McKinnon, for tbe past three months a patient at the insane asylum, left yesterday for bis home at The Dalles completely restored. Salem Statesman. One of the elephants of tbe Ringling circus was caught in quicksand while taking a bath in Snake river the other day and bad a narrow escape from drowning. C. L. Phillips, treasurer, Bold today as per advertisement, bonds of School Dis trict No. 50 of Autelope, amounting to $3000, to H. E. Bell, of Spokane, at 6 per cent and $127 premium and accrued interest. At the last meeting of the Good In tent Society the ladies tendered a vote of tbanks to Mrs. N. Harris for her kind ness in donatirg her parlors for the Tailor-made The entertainment recently given at her reei dence. Tomorrow evening at St. Mary's Acad emy will occur the closing exercises of the echool, commencing at 7 :30 o'clock, X splendid program has been arranged, and an admission of 50 cents will be charged. Tomorrow evening at Fraternity hall Cedar Circle will give one of their pleas ant social dances. No program will be rendered, but tbe entire evening will be devoted to dancing to tbe splendid music furnished by Prof. Birgfeld. For a few months past Nat Moore, son of Mrs. A. B. Moore, of 3-Mile, has been ailing with what appears to be consump tion of the entire system. We are sorry to learn tbat he is much worse today, and may last but a short time. . Last night at Hartland, Wash., David K. Clarke, aged 52 years, an old settler in tbat section, died of stomach trouble with which he has been suffer ing for the past seventeen years. He leaves a ife and six grown children. Before a week has elapseci tbe Oregon Telephone line will haveyfeached Ante lope, the workmen leaving yesterday to stretch the wires. The last load of poles has also been sent got to Prineville dis trict and we can sorfn say "hello" to our frinevuie friends. Reports from the Athn mining dis trict are anything but flattering, and will probably cause some Oregonians to wish they bad remained where the I golden opportunities are numerous. One man in speaking of Atlin says the peo ple who came out from" there last fall must have been looking through glasses which magnified a thousand times. One prospector who is located close to the famous claim vibich Capt. Sperry sold at such an enormous price, eunk a bole seventeen feet deep and made a cleanup of $ 2.60. In the mining regions of Ore gon a sharp prospector can clean up sev eral times that much by merely looking at his claim. Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday by the Gold and Silver Mining Company of Antelope. The capital stock is $150,000, divided into shares of 1,500,000, par value ten cents each share. The principal office will be at Tbe Dalles, and tbe incorporators are W. N. Wiley. R. E. Saltmarehe and J. B. Crossen. Five mines have already been included in tbe incorporation, and as it will be seen tbat it is virtually a local affair, will no doubt receive the co operation of many and prove a success. Although in extremely poor health, Mrs. C. E. Haight has determined to attempt tbe trip to her old home and relatives in Connecticut, hoping thereby to receive benefit, or at least to spend her last days with her own people. Her friends here have deeply regretted tbe serious illness of so longstanding, which the estimable lady has been called upon to suffer and while they also regret part ing with her, it is with the hope that she may improve thereby. Mrs. Haight desires The Chronicle to express ber tbanks to hei many friends for kindness shown and to say to them that while she will be unable to receive them be fore her departure (some time during tbe early part of next week), a card receiver will be placed at ber parlor door, in the building over Pease & Mays' store, and she will be very glad to receive tbe cards of any who may desire to leave them. School Superintendent Gilbert baa for the past week been making it a point to visit tbe schools near the city, and yes terday made a trip on his bicycle to Chenowetb creek. Upon returning, when about a half mile this side of the school house, his wheel struck a large rock and Mr. Gilbert was thrown about fifteen feet onto eome rocks. He was rendered unconscious for a time, and when he came to, found that his hip and back were so badly bruised tbat be was unable to assist himself. As no one happened along the road he lay there from 1 till 4 o'clock, when a boy appeared on the scene, and immediately went on to tbe school house and informed the teacher, who procured a team and came to his assistance. He was then brought home and has since been confined to his bed. Mr. Gilbert's health has not been the best for eome time, and the ac cident is particularly unfortunate as be will probably be laid up for several days at least. Although not a large crowd, it was an appreciative audience that listened to the violin recital of Elmore Rice last evening at the K. of P. hail, and ap plause was frequent as number after number was perfectly rendered by the artist, for such he most be who, unaided save by the splendid accompaniment of Prof. Birgfeld, entertains an audience for almost two hours. The reporter feels wholly incompetent to criticise the work of a violinist; but at tbe same time we know what pleases the ear and what ap parently held other listeiit-r "pell bound and such was the case last night. Better violinists have perhaps visited our city ; but 'tis seldom we have such an artist in our midst. Each (-election was well chosen and many weie so sweet and touching as to almost bring tears to the eyes; but the effect when Mr. Rice struck the familiar strains of "Kentucky Home" and "Suwanee ' River" was electrical and the encore at the close told of the appreciation, and the au dience was repaid by that ever-pleasing eelection "Traumerei." Mr. Rice left today for his home in Olympia. Now Listen! While I do not profess to be in opti cian, twenty-five years practical exper ience in fitting eyes enables me to give better satisfaction than many of tboee who do make such professions. I will not try to "look wise" and bewilder you with technical terms, but use such terms as . far-sightedness, near-sightedness, cataract, etc., those we can all under stand. I will give you a comfortable fit, at a moderate price. My glasses are the very best tbat are mad?, and for $1 to $51 will fit you with glasses, tbat would cost you from $10 to $25 i' bought from so-called professional opticians. Respectfully, J. E. Adcoz. ' The practical watch maker and jeweler at the East End Jewelry store. 'Phone No. 345. Our Trade Somber, irk uhroniclk has ic preparation a "Trade Number," which will be issued in July. Tbe object of the work is to present a trustworthy review of thebusi ness interests of Tbe Dalles, and to tbat end The Chronicle has employed the service of Messrs. Sargent & Rohra bacber, two able and experienced com mercial writers, who will collect data, prepare matter and Bolicit business for the work. If you wish a new hammock this year it will pay you to buy it at A. M. Wil liams & Co.'s. NOMINATING CITY OFFICERS. H. L. Kick fur Mayor Blcetlon Will be - Held Next Moadajr. Although not so large a number as ehonld have been interested in onr city's welfare and the officers to be nominated, attended tbe mass meeting last night at the court bouse, perhaps 200 citizens were present for the purpose of nomi nating officers for the ensuing year. John Gavin was chosen as chairman and H. H. Riddell as secretary, after which the meeting at once proceeded to the business for which it had been called. As is usual, enthusiasm seemed to be lacking and there was but one nomination for each office, and as these seemed to meet tbe favor of all present, no dissenting voice was raised. Ex-Mayor Menefee took tbe floor as soon as nominations were in order and in very complimentary terms nominated H. L. Kuck for mayor of tbe city. Mayor Nolan seconded the nomination, and as no further nominations were made, on motion of F. W. Wilson tbe secretary cast the ballot for H. L. Kuck. T. J. Seufert then nominated G. J. Crandall, tbe present treasurer, for re election to the office. No other nomi nations being made on motion tbe ballot was cast for C. J. Crandall for treasurer of the city. Nominations were next in order for water commissioner at large, and John Micbell named J. F. Moore, and a ballot was cast in bis favor by the sec retary. It was then arranged that a meeting for nominating councilmen and water commissioners be held in tbe various wards Friday night. The meeting for the First ward will be held in the council room ; for tbe Second, at the cir cuit court room and for the Third, in tbe county court room. We bave beard no further names mentioned as candidates for tbe mayoralty, and indeed, we doubt if a better nomination could have been made. Such an office ehouid be filled by one who has proven his worth and his interest in the city. Such an one is H. L. Knck, who during his term as councilman has been faithful in tbe few things required of him, and deserves to be made the rul.r over many thinge. Especially has his ability aB a financier of tbe city's affairs been shown to good advantage, he haying fathered the sink ing fund project and others of a like nature. He has also made a success of bis own business affairs and therefore is the more competent to serve the city. Mr. Crandall might also be said to have proven a "treasure" in tbe office he has so successfully filled and no doubt will be re-elected. Mr. Moore is a good man for the place of water commissioner at large, and The Chronicle is glad he was nominated. We only hope that in filling tbe re maining offices such good material will be found as candidates for them. Sold Ilia Employer'a Borsra. About ten days ago Willis Hendricks, of Dufur, with his family left for a short t . 1 1 1 - 1 ' . stay :n rnriiana, leaving in a piace ana iill coi. netted therewith in charge of Frank Collins. No pooner had his em ployer gene than Collins proceeded to dispose of lleniiricka' horses and ap propriate the money. He brought a team u.'o Ti e Dalles and sold one to Murchie ui.d another to Lewis Porter. He also sold several dozen egg, etc., and bought goods for himself. Learning of his proceedings Wilbur Hendricks wrote to his brother and asked if he had authorized such sales. Being answered to the contrary, he tele phoned to Sheriff Kelly last night at 10 o'clock and asked him to hunt up Collins, who was in town trying to dis pose of a fine sorrel team belonging to his brother. Mr. Kelly at once began his search and found him in Skibbee's saloon under the influence of liquor. The man protested Baying he was not the man, but, assisted . by Mr. Thrall, tbe sheriff started for the cohrthonse with him. Ou the way they discovered a Smith & Weston revolver in his pocket, which they appropriated. Upon almost reaching tbe courthouse he got away from tbem, but only a short distance, and was captured again, when he was landed in jail, where Wilbur Hendricks identified him later. The sheriff-did not rest until he had discovered who' bad the' first horses sold, and found that one was here and the other across the river, so they will be returned to tbe owner. And Jailer Fitzgerald now has a hoise on Collins, who will have his examina tion tomorrow. Bouse for Rent. ; Six-room dwelling house, nicely kept and freshly papered, in the east end of Third street. Apply at this office. 10-3t Casb In Hour Cneeka. All county warrants registered prior to July 13, 1895, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after April 19, 1899. C. L. Phillips, County Treasnrer. PERBOHAL HESTIOK. Mrs. B. T. Collins left this morning for Portland in the hope of benefiting ber health. Mrs. C. McFarland is in the citv from Portland, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Moody. Mrs. W. H. Mansfield, formerlv of this city, arrived last evening on tbe boat and is visiting friends. . Elder Clifton made a trio to Cascades today. His health is somewhat im proved, and he hopes to be able to fill his pulpit Sunday. Mrs. C. J. Stublincr returned home last night after attending the commence ment exercises of Holmes Business College in Portland. Roy Grimes, who has been a student of Pacific University at Forest Grove re turned home last evening to spend his summer vacation here. To Care m Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money t "fails to cure. 25c. What you want is not temporary re lief from piies but a cure to stay cured. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles, and they stay cured. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. " Ice cream soda now on sale at the 4tf. Palace of Sweets. BO YEARS " . Vv.-. EXPERIENCE D Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether aa: invention is probably patentable. Communlc. tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent sent free. Oldest asrency for securtnapatents. Patents taken tbronsh Mann St Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, 13 a year; four months, (L Sold by all newsdealers. MM & Co.36,Brod-- New York Branch Office. 62S F Bt Washington. IX C The following lines can be found r Cement, Lime, Sulpher, Salt, Rubber Garden Hose, Winchester Rifles, Revolvers, Fishing Tackle, Bicycle Sundries, Barbed Wire and Nails, Delft Enameled Ware, Granite Ware and Tin Ware, Builders' Hardware, Step Ladders, Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges, Complete Line of Groceries, Deep Well Pumps, Cleveland acd Crawford Bicycles. We buy our positively not be goods right and will undersold by any one. male s Benton Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, of MILL. FEED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- 4--v-r- TT'lonT' This Flour is manufactured expressly for family tJ IX -- 1U IAA Qae : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We eeli our goods lower than any bonse in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. f mn. SEE OUR j ST Automatic Blue Heat, Clean, EGODOmi MAYS & Opera House Orion Kinersly, Manager. TWO NIGHTS, Wednesday and Thursday, JUNE 21 and 22. Given by tbe ladies of Tbe Dalles for tbe benefit of tbe Public Library. New Specialties, New Jokes, New Songs, Fine Dancing. A grand cast of SO PEOPLE SO Kverjr Performer an Artlat. ADMISSION Reserved Seats. - . 75 cents General Admission, - SO cents The Busy Store. Eacli day our business shows the people are finding out we are pushing to tbe front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Flame Oil Stove. NO Danger, NO NO Odor. CROWE. VOGT LADY MSTBELS ! cks3 4 i I i