The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 14, 1899, Image 3

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For Thursday, Friday and Saturday
we will offer you a line of
cil Swiss ami Dim Dimes
This line is broken and we will sacrifice the remainder
at the lowest possible figures. These goods are choice and
will make beautiful party, afternoon and evening gowns.
Do not delay in looking at these goods, for they are lim
ited in quantity.
Ladies' Suits, made up from all-wool Venetian Suitings
in blue, black and brown, that we will offer at $ 5.95
All new and stylish suits, .made up from blue and
black Serge, we will offer at 10.95
We carry a grand assortment of Separate Dress Skirts.
You will find among them blue and black Serge,
Taffeta Silk and black Satin, ranging from.. $2 to 16.50
men's Summsr
SOo per G
Three big values in
kind that fit.
No. 45 Fancy Balbriggan, blue stripe.
No. 122 Fancy Ribbed, blue stripe, silk stitched seams.
No. 125 Derby Ribbed, solid color, silk stitched seams.
See our window display of these goods.
All Goods marked in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily ChPoniele.
JUNE 14, 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Mass Meeting;.
A meeting of the legal voters of Dalles
City is hereby called for the purpose of
nominating candidates lor tbe various
city offices to be filled in the coming city
election, said meeting to take place in
the circuit court room in said city on
Wednesday, June I4th, 1899, at the hour
of 8 o'clock p. m. M. T. Noian,
Mayor of Dalles City.
Read A. M. Williams & Co.'s ad. to
Thos. Maloney is reported as much
improved today.
Violin recital at tbe K. of P. ball this
evening. Be sure and hear Mr. Rice.
Be sure and attend the nines meetirg
tonight. Everyone should be interested
in a meeting of this kind and in what
irien are chosen to fill tbe city offices.
Madam Ardesea's dressmaking system
will be taught to all applicants at room
No. 21 of tbe Chapman block. Hours
- a,rxxiexLt.
light-weight summer goods. The
after 3 in the afternoon. 12 4t
The smiling countenance of Patricio
McNeil is missed from his usual place
at the Umatilla Houee today, Pat being
floored by illness which confined bim to
his bed.
Wonder if tbe calendars in The Dailes
are all minus the 4th in July? We
bavn't beard a word regarding that date
Presumably most of our people will cele
brate in Portland and then eend in a
petition to have our fourth delayed till
the boys come home.
A. M. Williams & Co. are offering ex
ceptionai values in ladies' dress ekirta
this week. Skirts suitable for camping
wear as low as 69c. Yoo are invited to
call and eee them.
ine river reading this morning was
37.8, a rise of 1.8. Tomorrow the Colum
bin will remain stationary, falling slight
ly Friday and Saturday, and then rising
again until it will stand at 39 next
Cedar Circle will give one of their
always enjoyable socials next Friday
evening at Fraternity hall. The program
will commence promptly at 8:15. Be
on hand as Prof. Birgfeld will furnish
music for the evening's dance.
The committee appointed to interview
the citizens regarding tbe purchase of a
chemical engine and putting in a fire
alarm system, report very favorably,
$1500 of tbe reduction in insurance
which will be thus gained, being already
promieed. If all accede to this request,
this is about two-thirds of what will be
The pupils of St. Mary's Academy will
give an entertainment on Friday, June
16th. to raise funds for the purpose of
lighting the building. Exercises will
commence precisely at 8-o'ckck p. m.
Admission 50 cents. Children under 7
years not admitted. Tickets are for sale
at Blakeley & Houghton's, H. Her
bring's, J. P. Mclnery's and Maier &
We learn from Dr. L.ogan ' that our
suspicions regarding the death of Chas.
Ross in Portland Sunday are confirmed
by railroad rum in. this city who have
received word to that effect. Ross was
ran over by tbe work train near Seufert's
recently, and taken to tbe hospital for
treatment. At last reports be was doing
well, but "tetalus" or lock jw, finally
caused his death. Roes was 32 years
old and was a man well liked among his
It is quite the rage at present among
our professional, as we 1 as amateur
photographers, to obtain a collection of
Indian pictures, and each is vieing with
the other in the attempt to secure the
best subjects. Lo has gotten over his
superstitions prejudice, being persuaded
by the offer of a few cents to pose as
gracefully as tbe white man. Tbe finest
specimen of an Indian picture we have
yet seen i that taken by Mr. Gifford
and which now occupies a place in
Clark & Falk's drug store window.
"Rain in the Face" or "Stand in tbe
Window" or whatever he may be called,
has a countenance which embraces both
kindness and bravery, and is a study in
tself. Mr. Gifford has brought out
every feature perfectly and is justly
proud of bis work.
Last evening when Earnest Halfpap,
the little boy who carries the Oregonian,
was passing the European- House, the
dog belonging to Hugh Frazier jumped
at him and bit hi in in the left thigh, not
severely, but causing an ugly little
wound.. This is bis fourth offenBe of
that kind, and while he is considered a
valuable dog on a sheep ranch, Mr.
Frezier has determined to be rid of him
for fear be may do eerious damage. A
serious case of dog bite was that of the
little brother of Mrs. Chas. Johnson,
who a short time ego in Goldendale was
bitten frightfully about tbe face by
what was considered a pet dog. His
wound9 were such as to disfigure bim
for life, and be just escaped fatal in
juries. A number of important matters were
brought up at the meeting of tbe board
of fire delegates last night. Among
other thiDgs a communication was re
ceived from Columbia hoee company
asking that their membership limit be
increased from thirty-five to fifty, and
that the new chemical engine be placed
in their charge. The matter was laid
on tbe table. At the drill about two
weeks since tbe members of the various
companies failed to give sufficient beed
to certain rules applicable to drills,
notable among which was tbe fact that
some companies left before being ordered
by the chief. A committee, consisting
of N. M. Eastwood, John Gavin and
J. F. Moore, was appointed to investi
gate the matter and determine whether
charges should be brought against them.
Members of the board being negligent
about attending meetings, it u as de tidtd
to inform their compani- s tbat unless
they were present at the m xt meeting
new members should be appointed.
And Help to Nominate City Ofllcrru
the EiigDluf Year.
A mass meeting is called to be held in
the circuit court room this evening at 8
o'clock, for the purpose of nominating
candidates for the following city offices
to be filled at the coming city election :
A mayor and city treasurer.
First ward One councilman for the
term of three years. One councilman
to fill an unexpired term, said term hav
ing two years to run, from July 1, 1899.
Second ward One councilman for the
term of three years. One councilman
to fill an unexpired term, said term hav
ing two years to run from July I, '99.
Third ward One councilman for the
term of three years.
One water commissioner at large tor
the term of two years.
One water commissioner for the first
One water commissioner for tbe sec
ond ward.
One water commissioner for the third
Our Trade Somber,
Ihb uhroniclk has in preparation a
"Trade Number," which will be issued
in July. Tbe object of tbe work is to
present a trustworthy review of the busi
ness interests of Tbe Dalles, and to that
end Ths Chronicle has employed tbe
services of Messrs. Sargent & Rohra
bacher, two able and experienced com
merciai writere, who will collect data,
prepare matter and Bolicit business for
the work.
If you wish a new hammock this year
it will pay you to buy it at A. M. Wil
Hams & Co.'s.
House for Kent.
" Six-room dwelling house, nicely kept
and freshly papered, in the east end of
Third street. Apply at this office. 10-3t
The Hot Springs Along the Columbia
' Equal to Any A Jordan Near at
Perple along the Columbia have n y ix
seemed fully to realize just how much
virtue there really is in the hot springs
which line the banks of the river, and
many make long expensive trips to
famous springs in other etates when at
our very doors might be found the Jor
dan which if its waters were only tested
would accomplish the game healing pro
cess. For many years a few stragglers
have visited tbe various pprings at
Cascades,. Moffitt, Collins, and other
places, but little publicity has been
given them and few know bow much
they are missing. The Oregonian Mon
day had an article which told of how
much benefit had been derived by Mr.
Holman.of Portland, who had been in
poor health for some time aud is making
a prolonged stay at the hot springs near
the mouth of Wind river, about eight
miles above the cascades.
This is the same place where Mr. W.
H. Biggs is staying, and he is loud in
bis praises of the benefit he has ob
tained from drinking and bathing in the
waters, which are impregnated with
minerals of various kinds and which
come from the earth as hot as there is
any need of. Mr. Biggs says when he
first attempted to drink of the waters he
found it almost impossible, but now he
can drink freely and feels the effects
As the springs can be reached by boat
in a few hours they might become a
favorite health resort; but at present
they are owned by a half-breed, who has
no means and no desire to improve the
property. They claim they cau . make
all they want to off of them in their
present condition, and therefore - no ac
commodations worthy of mention are
afforded. Parties have offered large
sums for their lease for a season at least,
but such have been steadfastly refused.
Ample room, however, could be secured
for camping purposes, and no doubt will
be utilized when the healing properties
of the springs are fully known.
Much has been said of Bingham
Springs, wbich are no doubt all that is
claimed for them ; but we fully believe
that along the banks of the Columbia
may be found a balm fully as efficient.
Indeed, we question whether the waters
at Glenwood Springs, Colo., wbich ap
pear to us to contain the same prop
erties, are more healing than would be
those right at our own doors, were the
same amount of money expended on
their improvement.
Death from an Accldenr.
This morning at 1 :30 o'clock Charles,
the 17-year-old son of Henry Stegman,
who formerly lived at Centerville; but
now resides in the Happy Home district,
died from injuries received in a runaway
accident which occurred Monday after
noon seven and a half miles- from the
river on the Washington side.
In company with the hired man Charles
had driven to thie city and delivered
some wool nt the Wasco warehouse.
un the return trip the Mrea man's
toaoi, w b'ch contained some stock
salt, was ahead and 11 Bank or two of salt
fell into the ron-l. When voung Steg
man drove up, just' in front of Win.
Crawfcr I'd pi ice, his horses became
frightened at the ealt sacks and jumped
to one side onto some large rocks, throw
mg their driver out and cutting a very
deep gash in the scalp and badly dislo
cating his left elbow. Internal Injuries
were also received, wbich eventually
caused his death. '
Tbe funeral will take place at Center
ville tomorrow.
Do Mot Hasten to Take Your
Sheep to
the Mountains.
The attention of sheepmen is called to
the following letter from 8. B. Ormsby,
wbich is of especial import to them.
He says :
First Rbeepowners are advised not
to be in haste to start their sheep for
the reservation. My advices show tbat
there is etill an immense amount of
snow in the mountains and it is not
possible for it to disappear from the
ranges before the 1st 'of July.
Second The eating .out of the range
of settlers by sheep on their way to the
mountains, is becoming a matter of
eerious import, and is being brought to
the attention of the department in a
manner that cannot be much longer
ignored. But the department has no
authority in the premises outside the
reservation, and when it does act its
action can only be "the entire exclusion
of sheep from the reservation.
Third The attention of sheep owners
is called especially to one of the exceptt d
areas which is as follows : The east
half of townships 12, 13, 14, 15, 16- and
17, S. K. 9 E. This strip of territory is
excepted for the benefit of settlers along
the line of the reserve whoee stock may
be running at large.. While sheep may
be driven across this area to reach the
range beyond, no stock of any kind will
be driven ia and herded on this excepted
Fourth Sheepownere are cautioned as
to the character of the men they have in
their service the coming season. The
owner is, himself, seldom on the range,
bis interests are intrusted to others.
These should understand the terms of
the contract the employer has made with
the department and should be men who
will faithfully carry out these terms or
trouble will arise to the owner.
Fifth A large number of applications
are vet due from owners. These must
be forwarded without delay.
S. B. Ormsby,
Forest Superintendent.
"Harmony" Whiskey.
Harmony whiskey for family aud
special use, gold by Ben Wileon, The
Dalles. jl
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets." All druggists refund tLe money
it fails to cure. 250.
What you want is not' temporary re
lief from piies but a cure to stay cured.
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles,
and they stay cured. Snipes-Kinerely
Drug Co.
y$ v
Trade Marks
Trf X Copyrights Ac.
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether a? :
Invention la probably patentable. CommunfcK
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest aeency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. receive
special notice wit nouc ennrge, in tne
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lamest cir
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a
year: four months, fl. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.3616"""' New York
Branch Office. 623 F St. Washington, D. C.
The following lines
can "be found
...Plaier Senior,
Rubber Garden Hose,
Winchester Rifles, Revolvers,
Fishing Tackle,
Bicycle Sundries,
Barbed Wire and. Nails,
Delft Enameled VV are.
Granite Ware and Tin Ware,
Builders' Hardware,
Step Ladders,
Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Complete Line of Groceries,
Deep Well Pumps,
Cleveland atd Crawford Bicycles.
We buy our goods right and will
positively not be undersold by any one.
v 1 v -1 -
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot Fii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, mTuufe"
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
"Yt iP Ol 11 This Flour is manufactured 'expressly for family
ltJ J-L .J A use . every Back is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get cur prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Automatic Blue
Opera House
Orion Kinersly, Manager.
Wednesday aod Thursday,
JUNE 21 and 22.
Given by the ladies of Tbe
Dalles for tbe benefit of the
Public Library.
New Specialties,
New Jokes,
New Songs,
Fine Dancing.
A grand cast of
Every Performer an Artist.
Krsetved Seats.
General Admission,
75 cents
50 cents
Eac'i day our business shows
the people are finding out we
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, and
last, but not least, buyers
know their business and
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Flame Oil Stove.