Henderson. He will probably get a unanimous vote. An honor of this sort, at a first election, comes seldom in the United States. Eeed, Crisp, Carlisle, Randall and all the rest of the speakers for many years past had, White House Clothing Company. at their first election, opposition in the caucus of their party. The dis tinction of a unanimous nomination GRHND which Gen. Henderson is likely to receive is rare enough to be notable in American annals. ' ' fc I have just received a fine line of Woolens in Suitings, Overcoatings and Pantings, and will be pleased to have you call and see them. J. A. Eberle, Fine Tailoring. Its Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One week , $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 MONDAY JUNE 12, 1889 THE MASS OF CUBANS FRIENDLY Glorious News. Comes froai Dr. -D. B. Carile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Four bottles of Eleclric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of ecrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is com plete and her health is excellent. " This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the Eupreme remedy for eczema, tetter, 6aH rheum, ulcers, boils and running BoreB. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion and builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Guaranteed. 4 Passing events show that the great majority of the inhabitants of Cuba are well-disposed toward the United States. A few ambitious politicians are anxious to hurry our forces out of the island in order to fry schemes of their own, but the people in gen eral are not acknowledging their leadership. This fact is apparent in the acceptance by the enlisted men of the money offered by the United States. They refuse to listen to the heroics of hothead officers who want to use them for future political ends. Common sense assures the Cubans that the $3,000,000 is tendered to aid disbanding soldiers to make a f reih start in civil life and not as a bribe, nor with any ulterior de signs. Each soldier can take his share without loss of manly self- respect or making any pledge of future political action. He is paid because it would be unfair to turn him back to ordinary industries, in a penniless condition. Some of the officers, however, take a singularly wrongheaded view and are eager, by what they say and write, to breed mischief. Gen. Col lazo publishes in a Havana paper an article in which be remarks that "the offer of charity affronts the dignity of our people, and the gratuity of $3,000,000 insults them. The United States government, if it intends to free the island, should pay what is due the army in the form of a loan to Cuba, which Cubans would gladly and easily repay. We do not want gifte." It would be hard to condense into the same space more foolishness and misrepresentation. The money is not offered as alms. The United Slates has already freed Cuba. Its greatest gift to Cuba is liberty. It is one the Cubans wanted very much and for which it implored the aid of this country. No loan could be made to Cuba at this time. It has no government except by our military authorities. Gen. Collazo may have a plan of his own for governing it, out be will be allowed but one vote when the time comes to decide the natter. The latest in crash suits at Pease & Mays'. Use Clarke & Falks Roeofoam for the teeth. . tf Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially d! gests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache.Gastralgia, Cramps, and an oxner results oi imperiect ai gestion. Prepared by E. C OeWltt a Co.. Chicago. For sale by Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. A Beautiful Skin. Ladles, If you desire a transparent, clear and fresh complexion use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Their effect Is simnlv maeical. nossessins; the wizard touch in producing and preserving a beautiful trans parency and pellucid clearness of complexion, shapely contour .of form, brilliant ejes, soft ana smooth ssin wnere tne reverse exists, iiven the coarsest and most repulsive skin, marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgar rtaness, yellow ana muaoy sKin are permanent ly removed, and a deliciously clear and refined complexion assured. Price per small box, 50 cents ; large box, f 1, or six large boxes, to. Bent to any address post paid and under plain wrapper upon receipt of tne aDOve amount, write ior iree circular. The Parisian Drug Co., 131 Montgomery St, 9au Francisso Cal, II 1 Eartorea VITALITY, LOST V'GOR I AMD MANHOOD The action of the Republican rep resentatives of New York in falling into line with the majority of the other Republican congressmen in support of Gen. Henderson removes the last vestige of doubt of the nom ination of the Iowan. Sherman, of New York, was the earliest of all the speakership aspirants to put himself into the field. It was thought by his friends at the outset that be would shave a long lead in the speakership caucus.' The fact, however, that he had a rival from his own state in Payne, which was not suspected until Sherman had been in the field several dys, weakened his supporters, and destroyed all his chances to get many votes, even in his own section, if tie should have remained in the field. His withdrawal, which has not taken place, makes a clear field for Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects ox self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks anc restores the fire of youth. By mailSOcper box; 6 boxes for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL, PROFESSIONALS. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French & Co.'s Bank Phone 6, THE DALLES, OREGON J-U- GXI8ENDOBFFER Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery. Booms 21 and 22, Tel. 828 Vogt Block FEED. W. WILSON, ATTOKN"EY-AT LAW. THE DALLES, OREGON, uaicc ovet rirsr fiat, iiank. B 8 IIONTINGTON H 8 WILSON HUNTINGTON A WILSON, ATTOBNEYS AT LAW. THE DALLEa, OREUJN umteort rsi rtat. bowl Branch Office : Oregon Viavi Company, Boom 7, ovei French's Bank. Office hours. Charlotte F. Roberts. 2 to 4 p. m- ' Local Manager. Free health lecture every Thursday at 3 p. m i rx i ) Li 0 OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF SHOES 9 MUST BE CLOSED OUT IN THE NEXT 15 DAYS COME AND SECURE BARGAINS. NO HUMBUG. AT YOUR OWN PRICE, White House Clothing Company, 166 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES.- A good drug sign. m 4 Yon well know that a good drag sign ia the patronage which is bestowed on the store. It is the parity of the goods bandied and the manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps Ibis business. We are pleased with the result of oar ef forts to supply the best drags at the best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 SecoM Street. .... THE DALLES Lie WiaPgGRiRgGo., . PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF , MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of fr BRAND HAMS & BACON x)RIED BEEF. ETC. Simplicity Durability Rockford "Quick Shot" 12-PIate Magazine Camera. Quick Sellers No Complaints ."Turn the lever and you are ready for another." No plate holders with slides to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No chance to fog plates. No failures. If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the "Quick-Shot, 'J the only magazine cams era that holds the plates securely after they are exposed. No rattling or break ing of plates. Best on earth. 3x4 $6.00 . 4x5 $9.00 Witii one dozen plate holders. Manufactured under the Gonley patents by the Rockford Silver Plate Co., ROCKFOED, ILL. We sell only through local agents. Ask our I ju. cninAl. Klnerslv Drua Co. agents to show you this "Quick Bhot " 1 no onipes-rvinersiy urug I . AGENTS, The Dalles, Oregon. Tie Dalles, Portlani ani Astoria Navigation Co. utiiju iH-T, HI, I ii i, ' Vv, 'u i Sirs. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, . and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. msciiWareh ouselonpny Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ?ii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Snorts, o? m TliTfeed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- "PloilT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family ijJXX X. XU IAL nBe . every Rack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wa sell our goods lower than any bonee in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. 4. Regulator & Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899. The Regulator lane will endeavor to give its patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure, travel by the steamers of Tne Regulator Line. The above steamers leave The Dalles at 8 a. m. and Portland at 7 a. m., and arrive at destina tion in ampl time for outgoing trains. Portland Office. The Dalles Office. Oak St. Dock. Court Street W. C. Alia way, General Agent. Priuate BoardipJ-Ious Table board $16 per mogtr; 5or. 4M7 ar?d Uijior;.