The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 12, 1899, Image 1

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NO 365
Tropical Sin Proves More Disastrous
Tlan Fire of Insurants.
Noon Territory as Far as Paranquo Was
Cleared Americans Lost Two
Officers and Twenty-one Men
Wounded Rebels Left Fifty Dead
on the Field.
' Manila, June 10, 4:30 p. m. At day
break today a force of 4500 men under
Generals Lawton, Wheaton and Oven
Bbine advanced from San Pedro Macati,
sweeping the country between the bay
and Manila and Bay Lake, south of Mar
nils. . By noon the country will be
cleared almost to Paranquo. The Ameri
cans logt two officers killed and twenty
one soldiers wounded. The rebels re
sisted desperately at the stronger of their
positions, and left fifty dead in the
trenches. Many more wounded were
left behind by the rebels in their re
treat. The heat daring the day .was
overpowering, and there were' many
prostrations of American soldiers from
:that cause. ' - '
i . It was scarcely dawn when the troops,
in a long silent procession, wound up
.the hillside: behind ' the American
trenches and formed a ekirtnish line.
Concealed in the jungle, the advance
rebel outposts fired a few shots before
I being seen. The artillery, the Colorado
infantry and Nevada cavalry swung
around the hilltop of the left and opened
the battle at 6 :30."
The rebels made no response from the
bills and the Colorado men cautiously
advanced through the thick morass until
they were confronted by a trench, from
which a few weak volleys were fired. A
spirited response followed and a charge
into the trenches found it to be deserted.
In the meantime apart of the Thirteenth
and Fourteenth regiments formed in
Bkirmish line, extending a mile to the
right and. supported by the : rest of the
regiments, swept down the valley and
up the hillside toward another trench.
The morass seriously hampered the
.Fourteenth, and the rebels, taking, ad
vantage of this, poured a galling fire
up-n them for thirty minutes. The
Fourteenth was twice compelled to with
draw for the purpose of finding a eate
crossing in the swamp, Finally - the
trench was entiled on both, flanks. The
rebels fled through the woods, sustain
ing severe losses. "
General. Lawton: then pushed his en
tire command south through the center
of the isthmus until a few miles south of
Paranque, when he swung around, and
halted on account of the heat. During
the march, men were prostrated., on all
sides, owing to lack of water and expos
ure to the sun. . It is estimated that 40
- per cent of the troops were exhausted.
.The double turreted monitor Monad nock
and three other vessels shelled Paranque
. this morning, and the rebels , promptly
evacuated the place. - !
Manadnbck's Commander Dead. -
Washington, June 10. A cablegram
was received at the navy department to
day from Captain Barker, naval officer
- in command at Manila, announcing the
. death of Captain Henry. Nichols from
; . sunstroke. Nichols was com mander of
; the monitor. Manadnock.
Lieutenant, Westenedge Dead.
Washington, Jane 10. The war de
. partment received the -following dis
patch: ' . -
"Manila, June 10. First Lieutenant
Richard B. Westenedge-8urgeon , Ui 8.
A., died here a 6 o'clock today from
typhoid fever. OTIS"
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Was Injured in the Vancouver Railway
Vancouvbb,: Wash.,-June 10. John
Davis, the brakeman on. the Portland,
Vancouver & Yakima railroad, who, was
injured in the wreck last Wednesday,
died this morning. The muscles of one
thigh were badly crushed and mangled.
Davis was also injured internally. Yes
terday inflammation set in.
Davis was about 35 years old. He
leaves awife. and four .children. He
came to Vancouver from Kansas about
ten years agor -and worked as a logger,
ani at different times on the logging
railroad on which he met his death. ' He
was a member of the Odd.FeLows and
the Bed Men.
Coroner Smith this morning sum
moned a jury to inquire into the wreck
of the train. The" jury visited the scene
of the wreck and took the testimony of
employes of the road and other witnesses
relative to the disaster.
- The jury returned a verdict that Davis
came to bis death from an unavoidable
accident on the Portland, Vancouver &
Yakima railway. No blame was at
tached, either to the - railway company
or any of its employes.
Salmon f Run Good.
Astoria, Or., June 9. The warmer
weather of the past few days has bad a
beneficial effect on the run of fijh in the
river, and last night's - catch was the
largest of the season thus far. ' All who
ventured near tbe mouth of the river re
port good catches, and one boat delivered
1700 pound?, the result of one day's fish
ing. One salmon was received at the
cold storage plant this morning that
tipped the scales of 79 pounds. "Despite
reports to the contrary this has been the
beet season in years for . the gillnettere,
especially those who fished in the lower
harbor. Several of tbe fishermen have
already as high as five and six tons each
to their credit, a thing most nnusual so
early in the year. A train of twenty
cars arrived, yesterday to load canned
salmon for the East, and will be dis
patched in a few days. :
- -Deafness Cannot be Cared.
by local , applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear
Tbere is only one way to cure deafness
and that ia by constitutional remedies
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect bearing, and when it Is en
tirely closed, Deafness is the result,' and
unless tbe inflammation can be taken
out and this tnbe . restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh,- which is, nothing but an in
flamed condition of the' mucous sur
faces. - ; ' '.: ;; --
We will give One Hundred Dollars foi.'
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's 'Catarrh
Cure.-' Send for-circulars f-free. -...-... .
"-" F.'J. CHJtNTr&-Co.;-Toledo, O. -Cl3r8old
by DruggiBts, 75c. 6-10
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Shot in the Face.
Astoria, Or., June 10. Maurice ' Mc
Dondugb, - jr., .aged , eleven -.years,': of
Brookfield, . narrowly escaped being
killed last - evening. He was driving
cattle thtough tbe brush near bis home,
when some one fired a gun in his direc
tion. The charge struck him in the left
breast and face, and took a finger from bis
left hand. One shot entered the left eye;
and destroyed it. Tbe boy was brought
to the hospital in this city this morning
lor treatment. An examination snowed
that the shot which entered his body
aid - face -bad - pierced tbe flesh but a
Blight distance, and must have been fired
at long range. It is thought that the
shot was fired by a hunter.
' notice to A cents.
: Agents are informed that James
Caruthere, ex-agent at Elgin, is a fugitive
from 'justice; account defalcation. He
was in Walla Walla June 4th and is
thought to have passed through Pendle
ton on the night of the 4th .west-bound.
Description is as follows : Five feet eleven
inches in height, weight about 145, hair
dark with streaks of gray, smooth
shaven, thin features; when last seen
wore dark coat and vest, dark blue
sweater over vest, and corduroy - pants.
National Surety Company will pay $100
on production -of Caruthere in .Union
County. Agents will give this message
all publicity possible communicating to
this office and sheriff of Union county
any knowledge received regarding his
whereabouts.. E.S.Benson.
- r" 6-iw
Last fall I sprained my left hip while
handling some heavy boxes. Tbe doctor
I called on said at first it was a Blight
strain and would Boon be well, but it
grew worse and the doctor then said I
had rheumatism. It continued to grow
woree and I could hardly get around to
work. I went to a drug store and the
druggist recommended me to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one
half of a 60-cent bottle cured me entire
ly. I now- recommend it to all my
friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa. It
is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton,
Druggists. "' -' .
Not one child dies where ten formerly
died from croup. People have learned
the yalue of One Minute Cough Cure
and use it for-every lung and throat
trouble. It immediately stops coughing.
It never fails. Snipea-Kinersly Drug Co.
recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, and was so much relieved on taking
first dose, that she slept all night; and
with two bottles, .has been absolutely
cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz."
Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of
Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at
Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store.
Regular size 50c and $1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed.. ' - 4
A Card of Thanks.
I wish to say that I feel under lasting
obligations for what -- Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has done for our family.
We have used it in so many cases of
coughs,; lung troubles - and whooping
cough, and it has always given the most
perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly in
debted to the manufacturers of this
remedy and wish' them to please accept
our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mbs.
S. Doty, Das Moines, Iowa. For sale by
Blakeley '& : Houghton, Druggists.
-Thomas. Thurman, deputy sheriff of
Troy, Mo., says if everyone in the United
States should discover tbe virtue of De
Witt'a ..Witch Hazel , Salve for piles,
rectal troubles and skin diseases, the de
mand could not be supplied. , j Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co. - - -
J. A. Schear.of . Sedalia, Mo., saved
his Child from death by' croup by using
One Minute Cough Cure. It cures
coughs- colds pneumonia, lagri ppe and
all throat and lung troubles. Snipea
Kinersly Drug Co. . . ':-. " ':
W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, Pa.,
says : "For forty years I have tried var
ious cough medicines. . One Minute
Cough Cure is best for all." It relieves
instantly and cures all throat and lung
troubles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Wood Wood Wood.
. We'can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send us your orders and get
the best. Phone 25.
Mchl. : Jos. T. Peters & Co.
Germany Hostile ; lol lie irMMra
Great Danger That the Schemes Before
the Peace Conference Will Fail.
Washington, June 10. According to
private advices reaching here from The
Hague, tbere is great danger that one
and all arbitration schemes before the
conference will fail.. It is eaid Germany
is markedly hostile to the arbitration
principle, and is making an active can
vass to-secure the support of some of tbe
Becond-rate powers in the opposition.
If tbe movement is successful, even in
a limited degree, it is feared that arbitra
tion is doomed so far as this conference
is concerned, for, to carry any weight
and show practical results, the delegates
must be nearly unanimous.
Brussels Conference Section.
The Hague, June 10. The Brussels
conference eection met today.
Major-General Sir John Ardagb, of
the British delegation, declared that
Great Britain could not bind herself to
eign a convention drawn "from the
Brussels conference of 1875, but must
reserve the right of jndging of the 'ne
cessity of the expediency of abiding by
stipulations of .that conference or this
confeience in general order to her armies
in the event. of war or in . the event 'of
opening a campaign. Professor '. de
Martens replied that Russia did not ask
the powers to sign a convention ' on
the Brussels conference, but desired
the powers to undertake to embody
the,--;. stipulations - now... agreed upon
in the instructions given troops-at ' the
opening of a campaign. -
What is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It is
the newly discovered remedy, the most
effective" preparation ever -.; devised ; for
aiding the digestion and assimiliation of
food, and restoring tbe deranged diges
tive organs to a natural condition. It is
a discovery surpassing anything yet
known to the medical profession.;
Snipee-Kinerely Drug Co.
There is a time for all things. Tbe
time to take DeWitl's Little Early
Risers is when you are Buffering from
constipation, billiousnees, sick headache,
indigeetion or other stomach or liver
troubles. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Tbe Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wonderful " stomach - and
liver remedy, gives a splendid" appetite,
sound digestion and a . regular bodily
habit that insures perfect . health and
great energy. Only 25 cents at any
drug store. " - ' . I - .". ' '' 4
To Can a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine, Tab
lets, Ii.TaU, druggists refund the money
it fails to cure; -25c.- .'' . ..
' Drink Warren's Pare "Gfnger Brandy.
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J.
Stubling, agent. The Dalles.- M17-3m
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
hat will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke A.Falk. - - .-: v , tf
He Fooled Uu Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick . Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after ' suffering 18
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J.
Stubling, agent, The Dalles.: M17-3m
For Sale Cheap.
Harrison Hay press, good as new, in
quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith shop.
A f xA
I? St )
f V
i m
At this popular price we sell a strictly pure
worsted, guaranteed fast color, Blue Serge Suit;
made with that wide shoulder facing of the same
goods, and finished with -inch satin piping; a most
elegant suit throughout.
All sizes from 35 to 42, breast measure. Get
your size while it is still here.
lue Serge Goats
:...,-vv.-' '.;-v : . .. '
J"? '.:. nglhTested.or,..dp;uble-breasted; with vest if jr..
you like, " These Coats are unlined, and make a
most comfortable store jjoat for the hot season. Ait
$4.50, $5.00
& straw
to"---.-. . -
t A.
M. Williams & Co. I
fill kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Faneral Supplies
months from Rectaf Fistula, he would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed ; but he cured himself with five
boxes of . Bocklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on .Earth, and the best
Salve in tbe World. 25 cents a box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 4
What you want is not temporary re
lief from piles but a cure to stay cured.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles,
and they stay cured. ' Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
-.rr0 Copvriohts Ac-
Anyone sending a sketch and description rata
Dlckly ascertain our opinion free whether as:
iTnntInn lit DrobAblv natentable. Commnnles.
tlons strictly confldentlaL Handbook on Patents
ui.r fro. OMAAt mtrnnew for MAenrlllflr Datenl
Patents taken thranith Mann A Co. reoelre
tptciai notice without chMve, in the
Scientific Jintericatu
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lamest dr
cnlatlon of any scientific Journal. Terms. S3 a
year : four months, 1. Sold by all newsdealers.
VMU & Co.361B"Muh'New York
. HraocH Offloe. 62S F Bt, Wahliiton. D. C
. . ,
Suits $
and $6.00.
or crash.
iC'i. 3.5 tScfXJL Jll -J. JJ
& Borget
Burial Shoes,
p.- s.
Zvvagon Shop,
? Horseshoeing.
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor. Second & Lansliliii. . ?THone l5T
J. 8. 8CHBKK,
. President
H. M. Bsai. ,
r- (jaahlflf
first national Bank.
- - - OREGON
A General Banking Business transacted
- - Deposits received, subject to Sight -
. - Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic xcnange sold oat
.New York, San Francisco and 'Port
' land.
D. P. Thompson. J so. S. Sohxhok.
En. M. Williams, Gio. A. Likbx.
H; M. Bbali.