The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 10, 1899, Image 3

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For a few da-s, while our relations from the overskirts
of the city are being done by the circus, we will offer a very
superior line of
Raye Cord and Hyperion Dimities
at one price forj'our choice,
10c per yard.
These goods are fresh, crisp and dainty, and if the
clown does not sufficiently impress you, take home one of
these beautiful patterns as a
Good Linen dress skirts 49c to $2.50
White Pique skirts ...$1.50 and up
White Duck skirts 95c
Navy Blue Duck, braid trimmed ... ...$1.50
Just received a large shipment of ladies wrappers in
calico, percale and sateen, ranging in prices from 50c to
Summer Furnishings for Men.
Just received Derby Ribbed Underwear, light plain
color, eilk stitched seam, per'garment, 50c.
Fancy Ribbed Underwear, light color with narrow blue
stripe, silk stitched seams, per garment, 50c.
Japanese Crepe, soft bosom, in many pretty patterns,
very stylith, $1.75. ' . .
Fancy mixtures in blues and reds, white trimming,
both plain and plaited soft bosoms, $1.25 and $1.50.
Both in plain and fancy laced leather, several colors,
25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.
Crash Hats for everybody.
This is to be a Crash Hat summer, and we are pre
pared for it. We have them in many pretty patterns and
styles for 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. We also have a good as
sortment ot crash caps.
(Grocery Department.
After the circus parade tomorrow, you will be tired and
hungry, (cold stove at home).
ment and order your lunch goods.
"We "wcmlcl suggest to yon:
Huckins Deviled Chicken.
Boned Turkey. Boned Chicken.
Sardines. All sizes and
Chipped iseei.
Vienna Sausage.
Crackers and Cookies.
Full Cream Cheese.
Smoked Salmon.
Kippered Herring.
Sweet Pickles.
Olives. ...
Boiled Mackerel. Soused,
Pickled Onions.
s ' Lunch Tongue.
Root Beer, ready to drink.
; Oranges, Lemons, etc.
All Goods marked in plain figures.
souvenir 01 circus day at lhe
Call at our Grocery Depart
grades, foreign and domestic.
Tomato Sauce, Mustard Sauce
The Dalles My Chronicle.
SATURDAY - - JUNE 10. 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Everything about Ringling Broa. show
iiaa an air of refinement so seldom found
in circuses.
Prof. John Gavin, of this city has
cepted an invitation to deliver the
4th of July oration at Dufur.
A visitor in town today, evidently
deeming this a national holiday, in
quired of the poetmaster what hours the
c ffice would be open.
Mrs. Mary S. Myers, of this city, has
been elected grand secretary by the
Order of Eastern Star which convened
in Portland this week.
The water has fallen sufficiently at
the locks to permit the boat to pass
throngh, and transferrin!; at the portage
s not necessary at present.
The A. M. Williams & Co. pnll had a
tick coming at the parade this morning;
when eight of the "cbarciing" circus
maidens appeared bedecked in the colors
of the Maya & Crowe push.
The river still continues to fall slight-
ly, standing at 32.2 this morning. ' Cool
er weather is predicted, but the Colum
bia has yet to experience the riee
occasioned by the past few davs of
warmer weather.
There will be no service in the Episco
pal chnrch tomorrow, Rev. Jos. DeFor-
est having left this morning for Port
land, where he will deliver the bacca
laureate sermon before the St. Helens'
Hull and Bishop Scott graduates tomor
row evening.
Supt. Barclay, ot the railway mail ser
vice spent yesterday in The Dalles, re
turning from a trip to Prineville, Moro
and the interior. We would not be sur
prised if The Dalles . would hear some
thing interesting regarding his visit ere
Is your father at home?" asked a
caller. "What is your name, please?"
inquired the little girl. "Just tell him
it is his old friend, Bill." 'Then I
reckon be ain't at home. I heard him
tell mamma if any bill came he wasn't
at home." Tit-Bits.
Rev. J. H. Wood has been attending
the ministerial association at Moro dur
inz the week and remained over to be
present at the Epworth League conven
tion which is now in session there; His
pulpit will therefore be filled both morn
ing and evening tomorrow by . Rev.
Hoadley, of University Park.
At the Congregational church Sun
day morning there will be a regular
annual Childrene' Day sermon by pastor
to children. In the evening the pastor
will speak on "ShipB that Pass in the
Night." Tms will be an address to
young people. Special music will be
rendered by the choir at both services
The Goldendale Sentinel will in the
future be published by Mee6re. Byare &
McCuily, the latter recently with the
iHBONicxB. mat paper is much im
proved in appearance since Mr. McCuily
nas taxen cnarge ot it. its dress is
eviuenuy new, ana altogether It is one
of the neatest of exchangee which are
received at this office.
The pupils of St. Mary's Academy will
give an entertainment on Friday, June
ICth, to raise funds for the purpose of
lighting the building. Exercises will
commence precisely at 8 o'cUck p. m.
Admission 50 cents. Children under 7
years not admitted. Tickets are for sale
at Blakeley & Houghton's, H. Her
bring'e, J. P. Mclnery's and Maier &
Spokane is to have a law against
throwing scrap paper on the sidewalks,
which is a good one, the mayor claiming
that recently several bad runaways have
been caused by this habit. Then, too,
they give the streets Buch an untidy ap
pearance. The Dalles would do well to
look into he matter, as that is the
cause of much of the annoyance of keep
lng'our city looking any ways decent.
Among the many visitors who came in
to the city today were two who did not
come to attend the circus, but to be life
long members of the family of Rev. D.
V. Poling. ,Tbey were twin girls, and
arrived this morning. While The Dalles
really needed young men more than
young ladies, we congratulate Rey. a .d
Mrs. Poling that they were so fortunate
as to have two of the fairer sex as
visitors. :
' The Indiana appreciate circas day
seemingly more than anyone, and the
town is well supplied with Red Men to
day. One of them, however, decided to
have a little circuB of bis own by
swallowing all tire fire water he could
get a hold of. The marshal found it
necessary to hand-cuff him before he
could be quieted down and landed in
the "ekookum bouse."
An amueing thing today has been to
watch the balloon venders and the tac
tics they use in selling their wares.
Walking np to a baby carriage or a band
of small children, they will hand each
child a balloon. Of course when the
mother attempts to take it away to band
back to its owner, the babies set up a
howl, and to prevent, a ecene she is com
pelled to buy the pretty plaything.
There's more ways than one of selling
a balloon.
Bert Bagley, of Pease & Mays' store,
is carrying his arm in a sling, the regu't
of a slight accident a short time since.
Working about the store, Bert ran a
small sliver in his right hand which he
extracted. A short time after he struck
the hand on the corner of a counter and
since that time it has been swelling and
very painful. It is now thought it is
poisoned slightly, and Bert feels some"
what anxious concerning it.
Everyone likes to see the little ones
enjoy themselves, and particularly to
see them take part in .entertainments,
and quite a large number of the parents
and friends attended the closing exer
cises of the kindergarten taught by the
Misses Taylor, which took place yester
day afternoon . A.nongother numbers
which greatly pleased all, Jessie Hos
tetler and Hartwell Woodworth sang a
duet which was wonderful for Buch little
ones. Ralph Gifford' also sang a little
solo. Ralph Gifford and Lloyd Welle,
Jessie Jones, Winifred Douthit, Jessie
Hoetetler, Bernice Moore and Ilene
Kelly took part in the finger plays.
One of the sweetest things was the
Buttercup Meadow duet bv Elinor Tav
lor and JeBsiejJonee. The entire program
was splendid nd showed good training.
W. S. Cbipp, of Arlington, is a visitor
in the city today.
Miss Melissa Hill was among the
passengers on the Regulator this morn
ing bound for Portland.
Miss Blanche Dbfur is in The Dalles
today from her home in California. She
will visit relatives ir Dufur.
Mrs. A. McLeod, who has spent tbe
past two weeks with her mother in this
city, returned to ber home in Golden
dale today. ,
Miss Lawrence and Mie9 Mabel Law
rence. who have been guests at tbe home
of J. S. Schenck, returned to Portlai d
by boat today.
Grant E. Kellogg, editor of the Moro
Republic, and C. N. McCaleb, a busi
ness man of Moro, called at the Chron
icle office today.
M. B. Zumwalt arrived from Tygh
yesterday to attend tbe circus. He,
however, did not forget to call at The
Chkonicxk office, and made a sub
stantial call too.
Chas. Durbin arrived in the citv last
evening from Antelope to attend tbe
circus. Where he managed to find all
the duet which had accumulated on his
face was a question with his friends. It
was a circus to eee him.
H. C. Rooper is apparently one of
those who borrow the children for the
purpose of having an excuse to attend
the circus. He came in vesterday with
three children of his own and three
borrowed from the neighbors.
Messrs. P. J. McCuily, of the Golden
dale Sentinel, and W. McKenzie, a
hardware merchant of that city, came
over on their bicycles this morning to
attend tbe circus, leaving there at 6
o'clock and arriving at The Chronicle
office by 10.
The Modern Beamy.
Thrives on good food and sunshine,
with plenty of exercise in the open air.
Her form glows with health and her face
blooms with its beauty. If her system
needs the cleaning action of a laxative
remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant
syrup ot rigs, made by the (Jaliforsia
Fig Syrup Co. only.
House for Rent.
Six-room dwelling house, nicely kept
and freshly papered, in tbe east end of
Third street. Apply at this office. 10-3t
South Slders, Attention!
Th ere will be a meeting of the
Side Hose Co., No. 6, at the hose
Monday evening. Be on hand.
9 3t
"Harmony" Whiskey.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special uee, sold by Ben Wilson, Tbe
Dalles. jl
Kudul Dyspepsia Cure completely di
gests food within the stomach and in
testinea and renders all c'aeses of food 1
fanAhlA nf rMifnir aasimilaflarl finrl nnn- !
verted into strength giving and tissue
building substances. Knipes-Kinersly
Drag Co. - ' '
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine fir
unborn and wind chafing. tf
The latest
crash suits at Pease &
Fodi Thousand Visitors In tbe City An
Immense Parade.
Talk about Fourth of July, firecrackerp,
peanuts and eagles. " It may eound any
thing but patriotic, but it isn't in it with
circus day, parades, balloons and circus
lemonade, taffy, chewing gum, best
fellows to swing bands with, and num
erous other enjoyments attendant upon
such an auspicious" occasion. If there's
one day above another that ought to be
a holiday its circus day, and its cruelty
to animals to keep us shut up in offices,
scores, shops, etc., when the Circus is in
town, for it is as much of a circus to be
on tbe streets as in the tent.
Its equally as cruel as keeping the
children home from the performance.
As David Harum asserts, a small boy
will remember his first circus if every
thing else is forgotten.
Everybody wants to see the circus
old and young, little and big, small and
great, and in spite of the oft-repeated
assertion "I wanted to have the children
eee the show ; as far as I am- concerned,
I've seen lots of such things and they
are all about the same," the honest
truth is that it is almost an impossibility
for anyone to resist the novelty of it.
Another assertion that can't be
proven is the one which brands the
circus as detrimental to a town, claim
ing that they take the money out of it
True, they take a great deal out ; but at
the same time bow much do they cause
to come in? Ringlin; Bros, stopped
here moBtly for the purpose of feeding
and in that way they individually leave
much here. Then the amount expended
by visitors will be enormous, not alone
in hotel bills, but our stores have been
crowded all day, and must necessarily
be the gainers thereby.
All day yesterday and today wagon
load 8 of people were coming into tbe city :
from every direction, tbe crowd com
ing down the brewery grade this morn
ing reminded one of a procession. Early
last evening every hotel and lodging
house was crowded and had to tmn
people away, while many families
camped in the outskirts of the city. It
is estimated that fully 4000 visitors are
in town.
Somehow Tbe Dalles forgot itself this
time and instead ot dealing out the
usual wind storm, even caused the same
to bide its face so that we might be
more comfortable until after the
parade. From 6 in the morning the
streets have been crowded, and by 10,
as the parade began, it was almost im
possible to pass along the sidewalks.
At 4 o'clock the trains began to arrive
and many of our citizens were on the
grounds to watch them unload, wl i h
they say was most interesting, every
thing being done in such an orderly
manner that by 8 o'clock several acres
of canvass was stretched and almost a
thousand members of the aggregation
were eating breakfast in tbe large din
ing tent.
The parade which took place at 10 was
perhaps a mile long, and the best ever
seen in this city. Among the many
brilliant features were the neat animal
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
Automatic Blue
cages, the four brass bands, one being'
with a mounted cavalry troop, the 15
elephants, tbe came) caravan, the
chime of bells and the ecreaming
Immense crowds attended the per
formance this afternoon; but at the
time of going to press we had no report
of it. However, judging from the re
ports given by the papers in La Grande, '
Baker City and other places where they
have shown, it is the best ever given in
The following lines
can "be found
...maier & Benion
Robber Garden Hose,
Winchester Rifles, Revolvers,'
Fishing Tackle,
Bicycle Sundries,
Barbed Wire and Nails,
Delft Enameled Ware,
Granite Ware and Tin Ware,
Builders' Hardware,
Step Ladders,
Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges.
Complete Line of Groceries,
Deep Well Pumps,
Cleveland acd Crawford Bicycles'.
. We buy our goods right and will
positively not be undersold by any one.
Each day our business shows
tbe people are finding out we
are pushing 10 tbe front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Flame Oil Stove.