The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 09, 1899, Image 3

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For a few days, while our relations from the overskirts
of the city are being done by the circus, we will offer a-very
superior line of
Raye Cord and Hyperion Dimities
at one price for your choice,
10c per yard.
These goods are fresh, crisp and dainty, and if the
clown does not sufficiently impress you, take home one of
these beautiful patterns as a souvenir of circus day at The
Good Linen dress skirts : 49c to $2.50
White Pique skirts $1.50 and up
White Duck skirts ....95c
Navy Blue Duck, braid trimmed $1.50
Just received a large shipment of ladies wrappers in
calico, percale and sateen, ranging in prices from 50c to
fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
urn shin
Summer Furnishings for Men.
Just received Derby Ribbed Underwear,
color, eilk stitched seam, per garment, 50c.
Fancy Ribbed Underwear, light color with narrow blue
stripe, silk stitched seams, per garment, 50c.
Japanese Crepe, soft bosom, in many pretty patterns,
very st3'lith, $1.75.
Fancy mixtures in blues and reds, white trimming,
both plain and plaited soft bosoms, $1.25 and $1.50.
Both in plain and fancy laced leather, - several colors,
23c, 50c, 75c and $1.00.
Crash Hats for everybody,
mi . 1 1 TV , 1
inis is to De a rasn nai summer, - ana we are pre
pared lor it. We nave them in many pretty patterns and
styles for 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. We also have a good as
sortment of crash caps.
JUNE 9. 18f9
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
oo changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
After the circus parade tomorrow, you will be tired and
hungry, (cold stove at home). (Jail at our Grocery Depart
ment and order your lunch goods.
We would, suggest to you:
Huckins Deviled Chicken.
Boned Turkey. Boned Chicken.
Sardines. .All sizes and grades, foreign and domestic
Chipped Beef. , - '
Vienna Sausage. '
Crackers and Cookies.
Full Cream Cheese.
Smoked Salmon.
Kippered Herring.
Sweet Pickles.
Boiled Mackerel. Soused, Tomato Sauce, Mustard Sauce
Pickled Onions. " ..
Lunch Tongue. . -.
Root Beer, ready to drink.
Oranges, Lemons, etc. -
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
Circus day tomorrow.
July patterns at Pease & Mays.'
The university of Oregon athletic club
has elected Homer Angell, of this city,
as president tor the coming year.
J. F. Hampshire is again at his desk
at Mays & Crowe's office, after a few
days illness, which confined him to his
room. '
John Gavin and J, F. Moore have
entered into a law partnership, with
office rooms 39 and 40 over the TJ. S.
land office.
All day today people have been ar
riving to attend the circus. The town
will no doubt present a lively appear
ance tomorrow.
Albert Holman, eon of Glen Holman,
the well known newspaper man, has ac
cepted a position with the Eastern Ore
gon Land Company in thie city.
Pease & Mays are showing a large and
complete line of crash suits for men and
boys. The Assortment comprises an
endless variety of neat and stylish pat
terns. Jnst the thing for the coming
hot weather.
Marshal Lauer arrived on the late train
last night, having in charge the runaway
girl mentioned in yesterday 'sChbokiclb.
It is to be hoped she has decided that
ranning away isn't qnite so pleasant an
occupation as she imagined.
Lage bands of cattle have been ar
riving in the city since last evening from
the interior reaching as far as Prineville.
About 4000 head will be shipped to
Saunders of Salt Lake City. N. J. Bur
gess brought in 1,500 last evening.
Invitations have been received by
friends in The Dalles to attend the mar
riage of .dwin Hays and Mies Mabel
Ainaworth, which-takes place at the
First Presbyterian church in Portland
on Wednesday, June 21, at 8:30 o'clock.
Those . whose names . appear as de
linquents on the tax list, may have an
especial interest in tomorrow's weekly
Chronicle, as the delinquent tax list
for 1896 will appear in that issue. It
would be well were they, to call on the
sheriff and liquidate. '
Those ladies' tailor-made suits at A.
M. Williams & Co'e. Have you seen
them? Suits that were eight and ten
dollars last season are marked down to
four and five dollars now. The choicer
numbers are moving .rapidly. Don't
delay eeeing them, at leaet.
How about the river today? . Well it
stood at 82.7 this morning, having fallen
9. The report says the weather will e
warmer for torty-eiglil hours and the
Snake will begin rieing west of Pasco
tomorrow. There will be a rapid rise
at The Dalles after Tuesday.
Rev. Jos. DeForest will deliver the
baccalaureate sermon to the St. Helens
hall and Bishop Scott ' Academy gradu
ates Sunday evening at Trinity church
in Portland.. There -will, therefore, be
no service in the Episcopal church Sun-.
day, as the rector will leave for Portland
oh the boat tomorrow.
The circus will arrive in five sections
tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock. The
big parade takes placer at about 10
o'clock, and the tents will be situated
on the fair grounde. Reserved num
bered tickets andgeneral admission
red at the Snipes-
re tomorrow. General
reeerved eeats 25
modate 300 students. Negotiations with
that end in view have already been
opened . . .
The two street sprinklers are doing
good work there days and keep the dust
well laid. Mr. Cute a U contemplating
putting on a night sprinkler, as it ie al
most impossible for to teams to ac
complish the woik during the day. The
oicycliste, however, think they have a
kick coming now as titer say in many
places the streets are too wet to ride
over and the sidewalks are forbidden
them. It is impossible to leaee every
body, eo the lavors must netds be
We are pleated to eee that our super
intendent of the city water works reads
the Chronicle, and that the water was
today turned on at the fountain on
Washington street. We hope that he is
also convereant with the text which re
fers to thos who give a cap of cold
water, etc. It seems a small matter to
those who paes it by, giving little ht-ed
to the matter; but many a thirsty
pedestrian drinks gratefully from the
cooling stream, while to ttie poor biutee
who etop to lap at its base, it is sorely
a blessing.
Among the graduates of the Holmes
Englieb and Business College in Port
land, which commencement . will take
place Monday evening, we notice the
names of the following pupils from The
Dalles: Edward F. Jenkins, who has
finished the commercial and shorthand
course; James crancis Wood and Anna
M. Stabling, who graduated from the
commercial course. The former, we
understand, has accepted a position as
stenographer in the O. R. & N. office
there. The latter will continue their
studies in the college. . .
M. M. Glawy is iti from Dufur.
B. F. and J. J. Juhnton came in from
Prlnevil'e yesterday.
Dr. Harry sutclifle, cf Watco, spent
yesterday and today iu The Dulles.
M. Jacobs, of lite Portland Commoner,
is in town today soliciting for hid paper.
Win. Davey, John Haiht and C. P.
U'Ren are Ritlgeway visitors in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Kichard Hinton and
family came in from Bakeoven venter
day. "
C. J. Stubling is absent from the city,
vieiting the iniuicgdistricts near Cans on
M199 Cora Joles went down on the boat
this morning to visit with her sister in
Landrs left this morning
to spend a thort time in
I'rof. Gavin was Presented With a Hand
some Oak Kocklng Clialr.
Prof. J. S.
rn the boat
Mrs. A. G. Moore came in from
Chicken Springs "yesterday and is in
town today.
Dr. Albert O'Leary, of St. Vincent
Hospital, is spending a few days at his
home in this ciy.
Mre. C. L. Schmidt was among the
I passengers for Portland this motiiin;,
j w here she will visit friends.
Mies L E lmond, who with -Mies Cad
Booth has been vUiting in this city, re
turned to her home in Portland today.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ostrander came
over from Dot, Wash., today and are
guests of Mr. Ostrauder's sister, Mrs. S.
ChaB. Alvord and family and Mr.
White and family .came over from
Goldendale this morning, presumably to
attend the circus.
Miss M. Sutherland, who has filled the
position of stenographer with the East
ern Oregon Land Company for the past
month, left this morning for her home
in Portland.
J. D. Monser, of the t-xecutive de
partment of the Equitable Life Ins. Co.
and Mercantile Trust Co., of New York,
will be in the city for a few weeks repre
senting bis companies.
Prof, and Mrs. Gavin bad not invited
company last evening and did not ex
pect any ; but in this they were pleasant
ly disappointed . for about 8:30 o'clock,
upon . answering a knock at the door,
they were surprised to have the teachers
of the school walk in with their arms
full of cake, strawberries, flowers and
numerous other good things. They were
a little late, but were not given a tardy
mark, only kept in at recess for whisper
ing with Mrs. Gavin. They sptnt a lew
hours in anything but a studious man
ner, and then came the hour for lunch,
when they were, invited to the dining
room, where ice cream, strawberries and
cream and cake were served. When
they were about to be seated Professor
noticed that a large oak recking chair,
upholstered in the richest tapestry, had
been given him to sit in, not only up
on . tnis occasion, but as the boys sav.
for "keeps." He hesitated not a mo
ment, but thanking the teachers very
kindly, Beated himself comfortably
One of the number then proceeded to
tell how he had appropriated it before it
bad been presented, for she said that
he had called at her home one morn
ing recently to transact eome .school
business, and the chair being there tor
inspection of the teachers, to her amuse
ment, be Unsuspectingly sat down in it
and appeared qnite at home.
After refreshments the hours passed
in pleasant conversation until a late
honr when the teacherB expressed their
regrets that Prof. Gavin was not to . be
with them m school work in the future !
and wishing him success in his new
field, separated, having spent a very
pleasant evening.
- Soldier Boys Leave Manila Monday.
J Chase & 3 Worm 11
V.. BOSTON .ijiirff
Sole agents for this brand ot Coffee.
The Modern Beauty.
. Thrives on good food and sunshine,!
with plenty of exercise in the open air.
Her form glows with health and her face
blooms with its beauty. - If h?r system
needs the cleaning action, of a laxative
remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant
Syrtfb of Figs, made by the California
Fig Syrup Co. only.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely di
gests food within the stomach and in
testines and renders all c'asses of food
capable of being assimilated and con
verted into strength giving and tistue
building substances. SnipeE-Kfnersly
Drng Co.
For the best, results use
Camera. For Bale by the
Men's crash
the Vive
bats for 25c at A. M.
Williams & Co'e.
You'll need a
Mays have them.
crash suit. Pease &
Wall Taper.
.25 per cent saved by getting Genres
from the Snipes-Kingerely Drug Co.
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the
teetn. tf
A. reward of $50 each will be paid by
the undersigned for the recovery of ther
bodies of Elmer and Bert Whitney,,
drowned in the i-'nake river at Palouse
Rapids, near Lyons Ferry, on May 23V
, Elmer Whitney was 26 years old;
height, 5 feet, 74 inches ; weight 160 It s.
He has a dark mustache and was dressed
in overalls; wore either a dark or light
shirt; lace sportsman shoes, tan color. -
Bert Whitney was 21 years old ; weight
about 175 pounds ; height 5 feet, 11 in. ;
smooth shaved ; dark blown hair. He.
wore dark pants with light etrips and
heavy laced shoes, and has a tnft of light--colored
hair on the left, back side oil
head ; two burn scars on body.
The person finding either of these
bodies will please wire
C. E. Whitney
May 27-2w. St. Helens, Oregon.
A fine black eatic handkerchief bag, '
containing a linen embroidered handker
chief. Findei please . return to tbfs
tickets be
Kinersly drug i
admission 50
cents extra.
IBB UBBOKtcLK tiaa received an in
vitation to attend the seventh annual
commencement of . Whitman college,
which takes place at Walla Walla from
the 8th to the I4th of this month. Were
it convenient we wonld be glad to ac
cept the invitation. Dalles people have
a warm spot in their hearts for Whit
man college, and we wish it renewed
success every year.
About fifteen students who have betn
atienam me fortiana university ar
rived on the boat last evening on the
way to their respective homes in Eaitern
Oregon, Washington and Idaho, leaving
on the night train. There eeems to be
a resolution to maintain the university
in epite of the difficulties which have
beset it. It may not be located. at
Univereity Park next year, and there ia
considerable talk about securing the
Portland hospital building at Sunnyside,
which can be easily arranged to accom-
: The latest cable from Otis is as follows.
We wonder if its O. K. this time :
.' "Manii a, Jnne 8. The Oregon volun
teers request to defer the time of de
parture until the 12tn instant. They
will leave for Portland on the transports
Ohio and Newport. The Sixth infantry.
upon its arrival, will relieve the Call
fornias at Negros. The Hancock sails in
a few days with the Nebraska and other.
General Otis has been advised that
is the wish of the president that all ar
rangements be made to give the' return
ing troops a comfortable voyage, and j
that the best of care be taken eo that no j
sickness may break out among them.. It
ia - also said that precautions will be
taken not to load the transports too
heavily, so that the returning troops
may have plenty of room.
This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold by
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or
South Sldern, Attention!
There wiil be a meeting of the
Side Hose Co., No. 6, at the hose
Monday evening. Be on hand.
Working; Pants.
it! I
Automatic Blue Flame Oil Stova.
9 3t
Did you see those dollar pants? Some
time ago we spoke of them in our ad ;
yesterday we put them in the window,
today they're selling like hot-cakes.
A. M. Williams & Co.
The latest in
crash suits at Pease &