The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 07, 1899, Image 1

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    C I J
Pi'esiieut Beliercs Good Wlipjing is
lit SOlDllOD.
Private William McElwaia Killed and
Five Wounded, Among Them Sur
geon Ellis Rebels Have Krupp
Guns And Each Night Annoy the
Camp of San Fernando With Them.
New York, June 6. A special to the
Herald from Washington says : Presi
dent Schurman, of the Philippine com
mission, in a dispatch to Secretary Hay,
has, it is believed, recommended more
liberal concessions to the Filipinos, with
a view of ending the insurrection at
once. An official acquainted with the
message said it reviewed the situation in
the islands and was- of an encouraging
The dispatch was considered by the
president and Secretary Hay and the
president has sent a reply. The nature
of the answer is not divulged. It is sig
nificant however, that coincident with
his message to Mr. Schurman, a cable
gram was eent to General Otis with in
structions in line with the president's
belief that the restoration of peace can
only be reached br the complete subju
gation of the Filipinos. General Otis
will continue his military : operations
throughout the rainy season.
It is apparent the president does not
look for the close of the rebellion until
the Filipinos are convinced of the sup
eriority of the United States. The con
cessions already offered are liberal, the
administration believes, and as 'far as
the president can go without authority
from congress, but it is doubtful if the
new propositions made by the com
mission will receive their approval.
The war department is preparing plans
to send 6000 men needed by General
Otis to make up the 30,000 v hich he says
be must have to' control the situation.
Regiments will probably b withdrawn
from Cuba and Porto Rica, sufficient
with other regulars to be taken from the
United States to make oj the number
General Otis advises tae war depart
ment that the Oregou regiment will
leave for the United Svates this week.
It will be sent direct to Portland, Or.,
for muster-out at Vancouver barracks.
Suffer In Their Country's Service.
The Oregon boys who suffered in the
recent engagements, according to Gen
eral Otis' report, are as follows :
Killed Private William McElwain,
company not mentioned.
Wounded Major-Surgeon Ellis, leg
Blight; Private Henry M. Wagner, com
pany B, iliac region, severe; Private
Auston J. Salisbury, company H,
exillary region, severe; Private Elmer
C. Doolittle, company C, arm moderate;
Private William E. Smith, arm, eevere.
Body , of "Barefoot" Stolen.
San Fbancisco, June 6. The report
comes from Honolnla that when the
tomb of Lunalilo, the "barefoot king of
Hawaii," was recently opened it was
found that the remains bad been re
moved and that the metal caBket con
tained only portions of the grave.c-.lotbes.
It is surmised that the body may have
been taken by natives to a heathen grave
in the mountains, as a thunderstorm on
the day of the burial had much affected
his superstitions subjects.
Lunalilo was elected king in 1873, but
thirteen months afterwards died of con
sumption. Although he possessed a
large fortune he insisted on going about
the streets barefooted at all times. By
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
his will, which was not opened unitl
18S1, he left his entire fortune to found
a home for aged Hawaiian?.
Would' Not Suffer So Again for Fifty
Times Its Pi Ice.
I awoke last night with severe pains
in my stomach. I never'felt so badly in
all my life.' When I came down to work
this morning I felt so weak I conld hardly
work. I went to Miller & McCurdy's
drug store and they recommended
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. It worked like magic
and one dose fixed me all right. It
certainly is the finest thing I ever used
for stomach trouble. I shall not be
without it in my home hereafter, for
I should not care to endure the sufferings
of last night again for fifty times its
price. G. H. Wilson, Liveryman, Bur
gettstown, Washington Co., Pa. This
remedy is for sale by'Blakeley & Hough
ton, Druggists. '
Unless the Trouble They are Having
Prevents the Raise.
Chicago, June 5. Farmers and retail
dealers in agricultural implements will
have to pay more for their plows, har
rows, seeders and implements of a kin
dred nature in the future. At a meet
ing of twenty-five manufacturers of
these implements of farm industry held
today, it was decided to make a general
rise in the price of all agricultural im
plements. A. general rise in prices was
advocated, by. those present, and com
mittees were appointed to prepare a
schedule for the various kinds of imple
ments. These committees will attempt
to make out their price list during the
summer months, and will report to a
meeting to be called this fall. It is
thought a general increase of from 15 to
25 per cent will be made.
Chicago, June 6. The Record says :
Word has reached Chicago that nego
tiations for the proposed $50,030,000
plow trnet have all been abandoned. At
a meeting of manufacturers to be held
here tomorrow i is. said that the big
deal will be officially declared off. Pro
moters' hopes have not materialized
within the expected period. .
On heels of the report that the plow
combination is trembling in the balance
comes the information that the pro
jected $75,000,000 amalgamation of
threshing machine manufacturers is hav
ing its trouble. Promoters have not ob
tained sufficient funds to pay cash for
plants, and propositions to give half
cash and half stock have not met with
I,aet fall I sprained my left hip while
handling some heavy boxes. The doctor
I called on said at first it was a slight
strain and would soon be well, but it
grew woree and the doctor then said I
had rheumatism. It continued to grow
worse and I could hardly get around to
work. I went to a drng store and the
druggist recommended me to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one
balf of a 50 cent bottle cured me entire
ly. I now recommend it to all my
friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa. It
is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton,
The Appetite of a Goat .
; Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach7 and liver are out of order: All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and
liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that . insures perfect health : and
great energy. Only 25 cents at any
drog store. 4
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the
teeth. . tf
Ice cream soda now on eale at the
Palace of Sweete. 4 If.
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. tf
Ycu need have no boils if. you will
buy Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcb25-tf
Improved Magazine cyclones are win
ners. Donnell, the druggist, will gladly
show them to you.
Fresh solio paper and Eastman's films,
all sizes, direct from the manufacturers,
at Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.'e.
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J.
Stubling, agent, The Dalles. . M17-3m
For Five Dollars you can bny a Camera
hat will take larger pictures thanny
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
tonic. For eale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stabling, agent, The Dalles.
- M17-3m
Band of Sheep Killed.
Long Creek, Or., June 5.- PereonB
arrving in this city last night brought
the news that a band of trail sheep, be
longing to Robert Foster, were shot into
near the head ot Slide creek last Mon
day. Full particulars of the affair were
not obtained, further than the shooting
resulted in the loss of 200 head of sheep.
A large number of sheep are being
driven Eist this season from Morrow
and Gilliam counties, and in the past
ten days about 40,000 bead have passed
through this city.
A Card of Thanks.
I wish to say that I feel under lasting
obligations for what Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has done for our family.
We have used it in so many cases of
coughs, lung troubles and whooping
-cough, and it has always given the most
perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly in
debted ' to the manufacturers of this
remedy and wish . them to please accept
our hearty, thanks. Respectfully, Mas.
8. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. ,
Notice to Agents.
Agents are informed that James
Caruthers, ex-agent at Elgin, is a fugitive
from justice; account defalcation.' He
was in Walla Walla June 4th and is
thought to have passed through Pendle
ton on the night of the 4th west-bound.
Description is aslfollows : Five feet eleven
inches in height, weight about 145, hair
dark with streaks of gray, smooth
shaven, thin features; when last seen
wore dark coat and vest, dark blue
sweater over veet, and corduroy pants.
National Surety Company will pay $100
on production of Caruthers in Union
County. Agents will give this message
all publicity possible, communicating to
this office and sheriff of Union county
any knowledge received regarding his
whereabouts. E. S. Benson.
6-1 w
What is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It is
the newly discovered remedy, the most
effective preparation ever devised for
aiding the digestion and assimiliation of
food, and restoring the deranged diges
tive organs to a natural condition. It is
a discovery surpassing anything yet
known to the medical profession.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Thomas Thnrman, deputy sheriff of
Troy, Mo., says if everyone in the United
States should discover the virtue of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve for piles,
rectal troubles and skin diseases, the de
mand could not be supplied. Snipes
Kinersly Drug Co.
Many Cases of Prostration in New
Niw York, June 5. This was the
hottest day of the season in New York,
and there were many cases of prostra
tion. At 4 o'clock this, afternoon the
thermometer registered 97 in the shade.
At 8 o'clock in the morning the mercury
stood at 80, and it continued to climb
until it reached 97, and then began to
fall slowly.
Heat at St. Louis.
St. Louis, June 5. At 3 o'clock this
afternoon the thermometer stood at 96 in
the shade, the highest reached this sea
son, and remained at this point for sev
eral hours. There were two cases of
heat prostration at the city hospital.
Hottest June Day on Record.
Toledo, O., June 5. This is the hot
test June day in Toledo in the history of
the weather bureau. The high record
is 95 degrees in 1896, but the thermom
eter today reached 95. One sunstroke
is reported today.
Chicago's Third Hot Day.
Chicago, June 5. This was the third
day of excessive heat, the government
thermometer registering a maximum of
90 degrees. A number of horses were
killed by the heat.
Sunstrokes at Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, June 5. The mercury
this afternoon reached 93 by the govern
ment instruments. Three sunstrokes
were reported.
Prostrations are Frequent
Pittsbueg, June 6. For three days
the mercury has registered in the nine
ties. Today premises to break the re
cord. Many of the mills have been
forced to shut down temporarily. Many
prostrations have occurred.
Washington, Too.
Washington, June 6. The thermom
eter today reached the highest mark of
the year. At 2 o'clock it recorded 94
F- s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. '
Cor. Second & Lanolin. 'Phone 157
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at ail points on fav
orable terms.
3. 8. 8CHIKK,
Hi M. BlAL ,
First national Bank.
- - - OREGON
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and orl-
: land. - . - '
D. P. Thompson. .. Jno. 8. Schenck.
Ed. M. Williams, - Gbo. A. Libbs.
H. M. Bball.
ufil jSjtjAuSSRalSfc K
TW-Tpr- -"SjB"-"sr-C' jjm-
& ' jfiw it Ilk
The entire balance of our 1898
I H al
.Reduced to.
These suits are by the bet makers; are the balance of our
regular stock; are recommended by us as being fully worth the
first price today.
The slight difference in style between this and last season's
suits is hardly noticeable, and if you are looking for a travelling
suit, or a suit for general wear, our
the regular price will more than off-set the difference. "A full
suit for the usual price of the skirt alone; the Jacket is Free.
A. M. Williams & Go.
fill kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
f anefal Supplies
Steam Saw Notice.
On account of the dull season now
being at hand in the wood sawing line,
Wm. Cates has decided to run the steam
saw but two days in the week, Tuesdays
and Fridays. Patrons will, therefore,
govern themselves accordingly and pre
vent friction in the matter. ' Call up
Phone 201. , 9-t
' Be Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Behick Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18
NO 362
ftukjac jffltji&r j&x jW j3k aS
$2 50
Burial Shoes,
months from Rectaf Fistula, be would
die unless a costly operation was per
formed ; but he cured himself ith five;
boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
surest Pile cure on Earth, and the bet t
Salve in the World. 25 cents a box. Bold
by Blakeley & Hongbton Druggists, '
What you want is not temporary re
lief from piles but a cure to 6tay cared.
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles,
and they stay, cured. Snipes-Kinerely
Drug Co.- ' "'