The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 03, 1899, Image 3

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    SCORE i
24 to 12
In this rotio we will quote you prices on
for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 5c LawtLS at 4c. This is one of
the most attractive lines ever shown the public. Just the proper caper for
shirt waists and dresses for those warm days that we have been warning you
of. Come and see these goods as displayed iu our East Window, and be
convinced they are just as represented.
One of the best values ever offered. Fine quality, fast black, full
fashioned, high, spliced heel and toe, double sole, elastic top. Actual value
per box of three pair, $1.00. Special price on this lot per box of three
pair, 89c.
Wash Dresses from 1 to 4 years, ruffle and lace trimmed, 35c.
White Dresses from 1 to 14 years, embroidered and lace trimmed,
ranging in prices from 35c to $5.00.
II wfllj interest you to see . our grand assortment of Ladies' Wash
Waists, all colors, all styles, all materials, at from 50c to $3.50.
Ladies' Silk and
Just received a shipment of high -
Satin Waists at correct prices.
Our Special Sale of Boys' Clothing"
During the past week has been appreciated. We know this from the
great number of sales made. For the benefit of those who were unable to
call last week it
Will be continued during this entire week.
REMEMBER, we give a genuine watch, not a toy, with each suit of
boys' clothes from 12.50 up.
Do Not Overlook
Our Grocery Department.
We are constantly receiving new and tempting goods, and you'll find
it well worth your while to drop in
tion to these today :
COFFEE that will suit you.
GRAPE NUT BUTTER, the new health food.
PITTED RIPE OLIVES; let us send you a bottle.
VERMONT MAPLE SYRUP, new crop. Try it on hot cakes.
BEECH NUT SLICED BACON, packed in yacuum glass jars.
ROYAL BENGAL CEYLON TEA, in one-half and one pound lead
packages. Delicate flavor ; you're sure to like it.
All Goods Marked
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JUNE 3 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Meeting of the board of fire delegates
There will be a meeting of the council
tonight at 7 :30 in the recorder's office.
There will be services at the Lutheran
church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock,
conducted by Kev. M. L. Zweizig, of
This morning near J. T. Peters & Co.'e
store John Parrot picked up a puree con
taining a small sum of money. The
owner can have the same by calling at
The Chronicle and paying for this
notice. t
Kev. J. C. Baker has eold bis farm in
High Prairie to Judge Williams, of Port
land, and he and family will move to
the Sound country in the fall. Sentinel.
. "What' Makes a Woman Beautiful
and Attractive,'" is the subject of a ' free
health talk to ladies, given June 6th in
the K. of P. hall at 2:30. All ladies
are cordially invited. - 3-5
License to wed was this morning issued
Satin Waists.
grade Black Taffeta Silk and Black
and see them. We'll call yonr atten
in Plain Figures.
to Louisa A. Sandozand Ernest Bonoma,
residents of Mill creek, and this after
noon at 4 o'clock Judge Mays, assisted
by County Clerk Kelsay, wiff tie the knot
that makes them one.
Wool teams were numerous in town
today, all the warehouses being kept
busy receiving it. Although the market
is not lively at present, those who ought
to know predict that there will be a
million pounds eold here this year.
Every day numbers of berry p:ckers
leave the city for the patches at Hood
River and White Salmon, where, while
they enjoy the vacation and change,
they can also be making much more than
expenses. There need be no idlers these
"Gypsy," Will Crossen's dog, is about
the proudest dog in town today, she
navmg Been given trie piace ot honor in
Blakeley & Houghton's show window
this afternoon, where she and her five
little pups are attracting general
attention.' .
Truman Butler left this morning for
Portland for the purpose of accompany
ing his sister. Miss Nellie, to this city.
Her health has been each as to compel
her to give up her school duties before
the term ended, and she will' spend her
Vacation here." ' " "' "
We notice that on several sidewalks
throughout the city the property owners
are making it a point to drive down the
nails. In this regard they have "struck
the nail on the head," although our
shoemakers may not agree with us, it
being to their advantage not to. -
P. G. Daut and S. D. Stoufer are today
moving into their hew jewelry store next
door to the First National bank. The
building has been fitted up in splendid
style, and will be'one of the most com-
plete and neatest stores in the city.
They have a'.eo received a stock of goods
which can't be beat.
The annual report of The Daies public
schools for the year ending May 25, 1899,
show that 941 pupils were .enrolled dur
ing the year,. a gain of 25 over the pre
vious year. The average number be
longing was 709, a gair of 18; average
dailv attendance 670,a gain of 10; num
ber of cases of tardiees 483, a decrease
of 69.
Today the river stands at 29 5, a rise
of .7, and the report eays there will be
a decided rise in the rivers approaching,
and at this place the Columbia will
come up a foot a day until Wednesday,
when it will stand at about 33. At
Lew is ton the river rose .8 ; at Wenatchee
one foot; at Northport 1.1 ; at Umatilla
There U little doubt now but that The
Dalles will have an evaporator and fruit
dryer. The committee report good pro
gress, and Mr. Schanno, who is solicit
ing among our citizens, gives the most
encouraging reporte. He has called up
on but a few business men as yet, but
has already a subscription list which
foot up almost $4000.
Tomorrow the excursion of the Tyhee
association, of Portland, will reach this
city about 12:30. although it may be
later as they expect to stop at all points
of interest along the way. - We under
stood yesterday that 3000 tickets had
been sold, so that we may expect an im
mense crowd. They will leave this city
on their return trip at 5 o'clock.
Ringling Day is now a recognized
holiday throughout . the length and
breadth of the land. In many of the
cities where the great show exhibits
the schools are dismissed and the em
ployees of the big manufacturing estab
lishments are given a holiday in order to
see the famous institution. Such will
be next Saturday at The -Dalles.
Rev. S. Moriknbo, a graduate of Tokys
Academy of Philosophy, Japan, also a
graduate of the University of California,
will address the people at the Christian
church tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock,
on the subject of bis conversion from
Buddhism to Christianity, and the dif
ference between the two religions. Rev.
G. Rushing will preach at 11 a. ni.
The pupils of St. Mary's Academy will
give an entertainment on Friday, June
16th, to raise funds for the purpose of
lighting the building.- Exercises will
commence precisely at 8 o'ekek p. m.
Admission 50 cents. Children under 7
years not admitted. Tickets are for sale
at Blakeley & Houghton's, H. Her-
bring's, J. P. Mclnery's and Maier &
Strenuous efforts are being made, eays
the News, to indnce Major McKinley to
deliver the 4th of July oration at Samp
ler this year. Of course it would be the
poorest kind of political policy far the
president to decline eucb an iuvitation,
and several wagon loads of expect to
attend from here. The ol ji-ct of our
enterprising neighbor is to bring the
East and Weet in closer touch with each !
other. Heppner Times.
The advantage of having a band in
the city was demonstrated last evening,
when the mueic so materially assisted
in welcoming the governor. When the
boat reached Hood River, H. D. Parkins,
who was on board, 'telephoned up and
advieed that the band meet the govern
or at the boat, and in consequence, it
was in evidence at the clob building,
although they were not on time for tbe
boat; ' -
No doubt the readers of the Chronicle
had water and to" spare this morning, it
they heeded our-advice and filled all
the buckets before 8 o'clock. And now
Superintendent Crossen appeareth and
sayeth that we were mistaken ; It was
8 p. m. instead of a. m., and so tonight
from 8 till 10 the water will be ehut off.
How could this paper (or any other)
imagine a superintendent eo thoughtful
of our housekeepers as to work on tbe
pipes after working hours to avoid dis
commoding them. But such is the case.
The theater hat is a thing of the past,
and just when the ladies bad resignedly
given up the idea of showing off the
newest thing in theater bate, they find
the brothers have not buried the bat
chet,but that those who sit behind them
in church are beginning a tirade on tbe
church hat. In an Eastern town a rule
has been made in a certain church that
all ladies must remove their bate, and
the ladies in that congregation are grad
ually growing less. It is claimed that
it would be a more healthful practice for
tbe ladies to adopt this plan. We won
der if there woold soon be a bald-headed
row for women were the suggestion to
be followed. Think over it, ladies, for
we have beard that the new idea has
many strong advocates in Tbe Dalles.
J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of
the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., says:
"I would not be without One Minute
Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled
with a cough or cold. It is the best
remedy for croup I ever used." Snipes-
Kinersly Drug Co.
Re Spent
Few Bonn in
tbe City Lust
It ien't eucb an easy matter for a state
official, especially tbe governor of the
state, to visit a city, or even pass
through, without the news being spread j
broadcast and a crowd being at the boat
or train to greet him. And so a little
bird whispered to The Chbonjci.e, just
aB we were going to press, that Gov.
Geer was on board the Dalles City, and
that family journal in turn told its read
ers that we were to be honored by the
presence of our governor. Consequent
ly, when the steamer pulled in at the
dock, tbe executive was surprised to see
a large number of people awaiting his
arrival, and to find a carriage in waiting;
but, in spite of his desire to pass through
the city incognito, he accepted the in
evitable and permitted Mayor Noian and
Otis Patterson to capture him and take
bim at-once to the club 100ms, where be
was received by a number of citizans.
Had the news of his coming been an
nounced early in the day and more gen
erally known, he would have been en
thusiastically received, for Governor
Geer is one of the most popular execu
tives our state has ever known, being
an unassuming whole-souled man, and
at the eame time sound in his doctrines
and as able as sound. He won the
hearts of Dalles people upon bis visit
during the campaign, and proved to
them that he was genuine. However,
the Commercial Club band gave him a
sweet musical welcome, and after two
selections by them, Mayor Nolan in a
short epeech welcomed the governor and
introduced him from the club portico to
the audience below.
' Governor Geer then made a very short
epeech. among other things saying that
when be contemplated bis trip to , visit
his father in Cove, Union county, and
in fact, until five minutes before he left
Portland it was his intention to take the
train and pass right through The Dalles;
but on second thought, remembering
that he had not sailed up the Columbia
and viewed its beautiful scenery for
thirty-three yeare, he decided to make
he trip on the boat. He then spoke of the
locks at the Cascades and the wonderful
work which the government had un
dertaken and 'accomplished fn ' these
locks, which were, so superior to like
structures which he had seen. Speak
ing of his last visit to the city be said
that upon that occaeion be came in the
interest of the party which he repre
sented, but now that he came as the
chief executive of the state, bis interest
and solicitude were for the masses, re
gardless of party bounds. In closing he
congratulated tbe people of The Dalles
and Eastern Oregon at laree upon the
prosperity which is her's and her pros
pects for the future.
At the close of his speech, tbe band
again played, after which many im
proved the opportunity to shake bands
with the governor.
Liter, in company with Emit Schanno
and Hnith (iouriry, Governor Geer took
a walk through tbe principal streets of
our city and up on the bluff overlooking
the city. Hecxpreaeed his eurpriee at
tbe improvements iu The Dalles, and
spoke particularly of bis surprise at see
ingsuub fiue Stoic as are found through
out the town.
The hours until tram time were spent
with friends at the club rooms aud the
Umatilla House,' and he resumed bis
journey On thell :45 train. " '":"."' , '
The Secretary Address the Teachers of
Kastern" Oregon, ' ""'
La Grande, Ore,, May 25, 1899. To
the Teachers of Eastern Oregon : As
corresponding Secretary of the Eastern
Division of the State Teachers' Associa
tion, I desire to call your attention to
the meeting of the N. E. A. at "Los
Angeles, July 11-14, 1899. Xhia is an
occasion that no teachei can afford to
miss without making a special effort to
attend. While the matter of expense
will necessarily figure in the estimate of
whit one can afford, yet the importance
of this great meeting is eo great, ' that j
ever teacher in Eastern Oregon should
make a' special effort to attend.'' This
will be an'opportunity of a life time and
will be the last chance some of us" will
have of attending this, the greatest edu
cational gathering in the ' world. Tbe
trip from Oregon into Californ ia wiil be
like passing into a new world. The in
structions, and the inspiration received
by coming in contact with ' the greatest
educators of tbe United States and the
acquaintances,' associations' and friend
ships formed will'mark an epoch in the
life of many a teacher.
California will necessarily eend the
greatest 'delegation. Washington will
send a host, 'both fiom the Eastern and
Western division. Idaho and Montana
promise a full attendance. And now
dear teacher, what about Oregon? What
about Eastern Oregon 7 Shall we show
to the world that we have less interest
than any state west ot tbe MiBeissippi?
As you are aware, the state of Oregon
has been organized into two divisions,
tbe Western Division and the Eastern
Division of the State Teachers' Associa
tion. The indications are thnt the
Western Division wiil eend a good rep
resentation. It is true that our ex
penses from Eastern Oregon will ben
little more than theirs, but it is not as
much as from Eastern Washington or
Idaho, or Montana. The expenses can
be estimated as follows : The O. R. & N.
will eell round tiip tickets to Portland
for one and one fifth fare. From Port
land to Los Angeles and return, by
oce.m feieamers in both directions, or to
an Francisco and return by steamer,
and trom San Francisco to Los Angeles
by S. P. it. R , round trip of f35 is of
fered. The Southern Pacific Company
will make a rate of $35 for round trip
from Portland, all overland ronte.
Tickts on sale July 5th to 9th, inclusive.
Good hotel accommodations can be se
cured in Los Angeles from $1 per day.
up to $4. It will thus be seen that the
expenses can be kept very low.
I have been as' ed to make a report,
at the earliest possible date, of those
intending to take advantage of these
rates. You will theiefore confer a favor
by informing me at your earliest pos6i-.
ble convenience, of your intention to
attend. Those who desire to establish
Eastern Oregon headquarters "' at ' the
N.EVA, please indicate the same in
your replies.' ' Very truly youre,
Hiram Tyeee,
Cor. Sec'y.
The Modurn Beautj.
Thrives on good food and sunshine,
with plenty of exercise in the open air.
Her form glows with health and her face
blooms with its beauty. If her system J
heeds' the cleaning action of a laxative
remedy,' she uses the gentle and pleasant
Syrup of Figs,' mad a by' the California
Fig Syrup Co. only.
Hotel for Sale.
A good paying hotel in Eastern Ore
gon. This is very desirable property
and may be obtained at a great bargain.
For particulars address "B" at this
office. ' j 4-d
Working; Sight and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, " lietlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton. 3
Steam Saw Notice.
On account of tbe dull season now
being at hand in tbe wood sawing line,
Wm. Cates has decided to run tbe steam
saw but two days in the' week, Tuesdays
and Fridays. Patrons will, therefore,
govern themselves accordingly and pre- i
vent friction in the matter. Call up
Phone 201. 9-t
For Sale Cheap.'
Harrison Hay press, good bb new, in
quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith shop.
It makes no difference bow bad tbe
wound if you uee DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no
scar. Snipes-Kinerely Drng Co.
To Care a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
it fails to cure. 25c.
Wall Taper.
' 25 per cent eaved by getting figures
from tbe Snipee-Kingersly Drug Co.
Split Bamboo fishing rods St 90cts at
Maier & Benton's. ; '"''."' ml7-lvr
By allowing tbe accumulations in the
bowels to remain, the entire system, is
poieoned. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
regulate the bowels. Try them and you
will always use them. Snipes-Kinerely
Drug Co. " "
For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity
in water healing, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con
struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in
parts, certainty of no repair bills, make the best authorities
unanimous in their declarations that the
Is the very best on earth. Sold exclusivclyby
Each day our business shows
the people are finding out wc
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople tbe very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their - business and buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Sole agents for this brand ot Coffee.
Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the - best
tonic. For sale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
" ' ' ' M17-3m
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
hat will take larger picture) than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
special use,
whiskey for
told by Ben
family and
Wileon, The
Ice cream soda
Palace of Sweets.
now. on eale
at the
JChase &Jan&0fin
.. nlQi mm , ltlMV 1 fa m TPf1