--"'" - White House Clothing Company. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. HND Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. n Vttn I have jast received a fine line of Wodlena in Suitings, Overcoatings and Pantinge, and will be pleased to have you call and eee them. Hor. Second & Lanolin. Tione 157 OR (75 J. A. Eberle, Fine Tailoring. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 SATURDAY JUNE 3. l&id REOARDINO FOREST RESERVE. The scientist who wants the sheep kept off of the Cascade forest reserve for fear that they would eat the moss, is, of course, a Californian. If he should stay in Oregon a while he would find that moss is here indige nous, exotic and spontaneous. It is both an -independent grass and a fungus. It grows in water, on dry soil and on trees, and on the backs of some people. There is a good deal of foolish ness about the Cascade timber re serve. There is more of it than is necessary. Pasturing sheep on it is not going to do the trees or the underbrush or the moss cny harm. Eecently the department at Wash ington ordered the cruisers to be sent into the reserve immediately, to keep down fires! If they were to be sent in now, relief parties would have to be sent in after them soon, to rescue them. The snow over a large part of the reserve is from ten to forty feet deep. One of the orders once given to the cruisers from Washington was to cut trails ten or twenty feet wide, to prevent the spread of fires! It would take some of the cruisers a thousand years to cut the proper trails in their district, and then it would not stop a fire in the timber, once it got started. Salem Statesman. ' ' One of the peace commissioners sent from the rebel camp to confer with General Otis said he had been studying the constitution of the United States and he liked it. He had made up his mind that he wanted one just like it for his country. He may be likened to the baby that cries for the pretty moon. A constitution like the United Slates constitution would do the lilipinos no good! They would not know how to ad minister the laws or conduct them selves under it. Most of them would tot know it from a plate of baked beans. It will require several ven erations of training, under strict rules well enforced, to bring the people of that country up to the point where the constitution of the United States will do them any good. But they will come to it, for they w ill have that sort of training. More than half the agricultural implements imported by Australia are made in the United States." In this line of industry American in ventors and mechanics are unap proached. " ' " When the next Tagal envoy ar rives with a flag of truce and a treatise on the constitution of the United States, it would be well to transact whatever business is neces sary at the picket line. - Wood Wood Wood. We can furnish yon with strictly first class, dry, fir wool at the same prices which yon have been paying for inferior qnality . Send 09 your orders and " get the best. Phone 25. JIclil. ... Jos. T. Petkes & Co. . ..GflflS. FRRflH.. Butcher's and Farmer's ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA BEER, acknowl edged the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be couvinced. Also the Finest brands of Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Saoduiiehes fif all Cfnri. oTuran ft. BfOS GENERAL BlacKsniis .AND... Horsesnoers Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mt:m. Plione 159 A Ladies, if you desire a transparent, clear and fresh complexion use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Their effect is simplv magical, nossessinar the wizard touch in producing and preserving a beautilul trans parency and pellucid clearness of complexion, shapely contour of form, brilliant ees, soft aim Biiiuoin BiLiri wnere tne reverse exists. .ven the coarsest and most repulsive skin, marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples, vulgar redness, vellow and muddy skin are permanent ly rcznovea, ana a aeiicioasiy clear ana renned complexion assnred. Price per small box, 50 cents ; large box, SI, or six large boxes, J5. Bent to any address post pBid and under plain wrapper upon receipt 'of auu,c owuuuu nillC 1U 1ECC (jliC U 1UL . The Parisian Drug Co., 131 Montgomery St,3aa Francisco Cal, FRUSTA Restores VITALITY, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess - and indisi cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings trie pink glow to pale cheeks anr restores the r fire of : youth. By mail SOc per box; 6 boxes lor $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or- refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ELL. PROFESSIONALS. JJA" STURDEVANT, " Dentist. Office over French & Co.'s Bank Phone 6, - THE DALLE3, OliEGON jR-OEISEDORFFER ' . Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to surgery. Booms 21 and 22. Tel. 328 Vogt Block FEED. W.WILSON, . ATTORS ET-AT LAW, THE DALLES, OREGON. Office ovei First Nat. Bint. B 8 HtJSTIITQTON H 8 WIL80H HUNTINGTON WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - ' THE DALLEd, OB Eli ON Office ovr rst Nat Bank - : : '. vz Li 2 OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF 9. SHOES EBTC 9 MUST BE CLOS OUT IN THE NEXT 15 DAYS COME AND SECURE BARGAINS. NO HUMBUG. AT YOUR OWN PRICE, White House Clothing Company, 166 SECONt) STREET, THE DALLES. A good drug sign. -? Simplicity Durability Rockford Quick Shot" 12-Plate Magazine Camera. Quick Sellers No Complaints ( YOU veil know that a cood drnff niori IB the natron a tro whifh ia Kaatnm.il - I 0 .. u.vu .s UVObUnCU JU the store. It is tbe pailiv of the cnnHs handled and the manner of dotag busi ness that makes anr) kivnilhii I :in.. We are pleased with the resa'.t of our ef- oujjpiy nio ueg uru78 at tne best price. We are particular r. Mat the compounding of them. "Turn the lever and you are ready for another." No plate holders with elides to draw. No sleeve or changing bag. No chance to fog plates. No failures. If you want 12 pictures quick, buy the "Quick-Shot,'; the only magazine cams era that holds the plates securely after they are exposed. No rattling or break ing of plates. Best on earth. ; &Xk'.. . V'::.$6.00 4x5 $9.00 With one dozen plate holders. Manufactured under the Conley patents by the Rockford Silver Plate Co., KOCKFOKD, ILL. We sell only through local agents. Ask onr agent to show you this "Quick bhot " r I The Dalles. Portland aiii Astoria Navigation Co.' The Snipes- Kinersly Drug Co. ' AGENTS, The Dalles, Oregon. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 SecoBi Street. THE DALLES Branch Office Oregon Viavi Company, Boom 7, ovei French's Bank. Office hours, Charlotte F. Roberts. 2 to 4 p. m- . Local Manager. Free health lecture every Thursday at J p. to THeGQlDiDiaPacKiDgGo., PACKERS OF PQRKand BEEF MANDFACTOKJCH8 Of " Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIED beef. etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. liasGollfarehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot e 11 kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, aii kinds. Headquarters for Brani Shorts, 0 Headquarters for "Byers' Best' Pendle- tOn FlOUr ThisHonV is manafactnred expresply" for family w - j i , U8e: every pack Ju trnaranteed to give eatiefaction. a aeli onr goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if yon don't tnmk eo call and get eur prices and be convinced. - - ! Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. sus. Kegnlator fi Dalles City Dally (except Sunday J between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899. The Kegralatur Line will endeavor to give its patrons the best service possible. For Comfort. Economy and Pleasure, travel by the steamers of The Regulator Line. The above steamers leave The Dalle at 8 a. m. and Portland at; a. m., and arrive at destina tion In ample time for outgoing trains. Portland Office. The Dalles Office. Oak St. Dock. Court Street W. C. Alia way, General Agent. ?riuate 3oardii7ou5 Table board $16 per moptr; .5or. 4ti? aijd ilrjior.