The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 02, 1899, Image 3

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24 to 12
In this rotio we will quote you prices on ..
for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 5c Lawns at 4c. This is one of
the most attractive lines ever shown the public. Just the proper caper for
shirt waists and dresses for those warm days that we have been warning you
of. Come and see these goods as displayed lu our East Window, and be
convinced they are just as represented.
One of the best values ever offered. Fine quality, fast black, full
fashioned, faigh, spliced heel and toe, double sole, elastic top. Actual value
per box of three pair, $1.00. Special price on this lot per box of three
pair, 89c.
Wash Dresses from 1 to 4 yearrs, ruffle and lace trimmed, 35c.
White Dresses from 1 to 14 years, embroidered and lace trimmed,
rangiDg in prices from 35c to $5.00. - -
It will interest you to see our grand assortment of Ladies' Wash
Waists, all colors, all styles, all materials, at from 50c to $3.50.
Ladies' Silk and
Just received a shipment of high -
Satin Waists at correct prices.
Our Special Sale of Boys' Clothing'
During the past week has been appreciated. We know this from the
great number of sales made. For the benefit of those who were unable to
call last week it
Will be continued during this entire -week.
REMEMBER, we give a genuine watch, not a toy, with each suit of
boys' clothes from $2.50 up.
Do Not Overlook
Our Grocery Department.
We are constantly receiving new and tempting goods, and you'll find
it well worth your while to drop in and see them. We'll call your atten
tion to these today :
COFFEE that will suit you.
GRAPE NUT BUTTER, the new health food.
PITTED RIPE OLIVES ; let us send you a bottle. -VERMONT
MAPLE SYRUP, new crop. Try it on hot cakes.
BEECH NUT SLICED BACON, packed in yacuum glass jars.
ROYAL BENGAL CEYLON TEA, in one-half and one pound lead
packages. Delicate flavor ; you're sure to like it.
All Goods Marked
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JUNE 2, 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
Fresh cream for strawberries at Daw
son's. jl-2t
River reading Columbia, 2S.8; rise of
.2. Rivers rising above.
The Commercial Club band will have
a rehearsal tonight at 8:30 at the band
room. Every member is expected to he
We understand that Oregon's - gov
ernor, T. T. Geer, will arrive in the city
tonight on the Dalles City. The import
of his visit we have not yet learned.
There will be a regular meeting of
Court The Dalles No. 12. F. of A., at the
K. of P. hall this evening at 7 :30 sharp.
All members are requested to be preeent.
The closing exercises of St. Mary's
Academy and St. Joseph's school will
take tlac3 on Friday evening, Jnne 16th ,
when a splendid entertainment will be
given by the papila of those schools.' -
The board of fire delegates are getting
in their work and have called another
meeting for Saturday night at 8 o'clock.
Satin Waists.
grade Black Taffeta Silk and Black
m Plain Figures.
This board is not asleep and we may
expect to bear something interesting
from them soon.
Mies Cain and Miss Clara Grimes ar
rived on the late train last night from
Portland, and will , remain until to
morrow evening, and perhaps until
Saturday. Those who desire to have
dresemaking done can find them at
room No. 4, In the Chapman block.
Bernie Sellick is in today from the
Boyd district, and is very enthusiastic in
regard to the outlook for crops. He says
they have had splendid rains in. that
section, Wednesday night famishing a
water spout near there, which made the
streams running near experience a raise,
All of twenty-three cows examined in
Chicago recently werefoand to be enffer
ing with tuberculosis. There were no
outward signs of disease, yet as much
as one pint of germB was taken from the
lungs of one. Milk from all of these
cows is said to have been sold in Chicago
last week.
the Deet curfew ordinance, says a re
SDectable head of A full arrJxTt fomiln ii
the One that is Adopted at each firenirin
where the old man acts as mayor and
council, matsbal and calaboose keeper
and where fine and p
aishment go to
gether, and where
good hickory ii
more to be feared
n so much lolly
aire. Harris is a nos ess wbo never
does anything by half, as waa attested
by the manner in which she entertained
her guests last evening J the occasion be
ing an "Evening with German Authors
and Composers." The parlors, which
are just suited to such an affair, were ar
ranged very prettily, and the program
was exceptionally fine. Among other
good nombere", a tableau, "The Lor el I
was especially beautiful and was ar
ranged on the lawn, while Aire. B. S.
Huntington sang the song so familiar
to all. At the close of the Program ice
cream and cake were served and the re
mainder of the evening f was spent in
games and other enjoyment.
Margaret Montgomery offers, in the
Jane Ladies' Home Journal, some ex
cellent suggestions for spending a sum
mer's vacation. The article is based on
her own experiences in passing her
"Vacation in a Vacated Farm-house,"
and is therefore practical. She asserts
that the days were delightfully epent,
that the party gained in health and rest,
and that the expense was email. There
are probably enough vacant houses in
many of the farming districts to give a
number of pent-np families from the
cities the opportunity for an enjoyable
outing. '
An appropriation for construction of a
canal around the dalles of the Columbia
at Celilo is the principal big item Oregon
will try for at the coming session of
congress. This is tne opinion ex-Con
gressman Ellis, wbo is in the city, and
who is well posted regarding the out
look for Oregon river and harbor legis
lation, pending, and to be inaugurated.
The canal, Mr. Ellis eaye, will be about
13 miles long. But as there is considera
ble of an eddy along the conree of the
route, much cutting away of ground may
be avoided, thus making two canals in
fact. Telegram.
Having the interest of this whole com
munity at heart, it becomes our duty to
notice the efforts being put forth by the
Oregon Telephone & Telegraph Co. to
give us telephonic connection with the
interior. Their line now building to
Prineville is costing a snug fortune and
that, too, withont the assurance of a fair
return on the investment. This line
will bring to The Dalles, business that
today is without creation. We are here
to encourage every industry that tends
to enrich the people of our town. Let
us hope for an early completion of this
line. It is a good thing and we push it
Marshal Laueris nothing if not gallant.
At the same time he is also vigilant, and
The Chronicle reporter just drops this
hint for the benefit of any ladies wbo
may presume upon his reputation for
being a ladies' man and continue to ride
their bicycle'B on the sidewalks. Had it
not been for the persuasive powers of
one of his friends, a lady would have
found hereelf up before the recorder this
morning and paying her fine, that is
providing Ned could find it in his heart
to fine a lady, which we doubt. But,
ladies, look out, someone, who . was
either wise, or thought themselves so,
said that "men are deceivers ever."
Hotel men and even the railroads in
eveiy part of the country are complain
ing of loss of business consequent upon
the recall of "traveling men" on ac
count of the formation of so many trusts
and combines. It is estimated that as
many as 75,000 drummer have been
thrown out of employment b reason of
these industrial C3n6olidatious, and the
loss falls directly and mainly upon hotels
and railroads, and th .ge depending upon
them for a livelihood. A loss of fully
$ 500,000 a day is being subtracted from
the receipts of these institutions, and
the item is of sufficient magnitude to be
taken into serious account by those con
cerned, and their name is legion.
Water Notice.
The water will be turned off below the
bluff tomorrow morning (June 3) from
8 till 10 o'clock. Head the Chronicle
and it will save you complaining because
you are without water during those
Company I, Attentlonl
All members of Company D are re
quested to be present at the armory this
evening at 8 o'clock sharp. There will
be a regular drill and election of non
commissioned officers.
The Modern ISeauty.
Thrives on good food and sunshine,
with plenty of exercise in the open air.
Her form glows with health and her face
blooms with its beauty. If her system
needs the cleaning action of a laxative
remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant
Syrup of Figs, made by the California
Fig Syrup Co. only.
Miss Myra Helm is in the city at pres
ent and will remain for some time tak
ing orders in portrait painting, eamples
of which may be seen at Blakeley &
Houghton's, where orders may be left.
She will also give leseons in oil, pastel
and crayon work. - 31-3t
If yon suffer from tenderness or full
ness on the right side, pains under
shoulder-blade, constipation, bilious
ness, sick-headache, and feel dull, heavy
and sleepy your liver is torpid and con
gested. De Witt's Little Early Risers
will cure you promptly,' pleasantly and
permanently by removing the congestion
acd causing the bile ducts to open and
flow naturally. Thbt abb good pills.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Five Streams Play on Wasco Warehouse
Pressors 84.
That Dalies people are Interested in
their fire department (and they have
every reason to be) was proven last
evening by the number who witnessed
the teet driil at the warehouce. One
might have thought Dewey bad reached
the city sore enough, (and it certainly
was dewey for a time) judging from the
procession which followed the depart
ment np Second street.
' "The "procesh" was headed Dyvour
new band, which furnished marching
music for the following companies:
Mt. Hood, Jackson, East End, Colum
bia, South Side and Hook and Ladder.
While each company made a good show
ing, we must mention the new South
Side. No. 5. which turned out in full
fcrce, only three members being absent,
one being ill and two in Portland. If
appearance stands for anything the east
hill is safe in case of fire.
Marching at once to the Wasco ware
house, the "boys" went to work in
earnest, inspired by the strains of the
band, and' soon five streams of water
were playing on the building as lively
as if the whole thing was in a blaze.
The drill wbb for the purpose of testing
the pressure since the new plugs and ex
tra pressure has been put in. The engine
was stationed at Skibbee's corner, and
with 2500 feet of hose in use and five
streams two hose attached at the corner
of Third and Taylor, two at Second and
Taylor, and one at Second and Monroe it
was determined that eighty-four pounds
pressure could be obtained. This is a
large per cent over what we conld depend
on before the new system was put in,
and East Enders feel a great deal safer
than formerly.
" The test being made, they proceeded
to the engine, where occurred a test in
which the steamer was tried against the
pressure obtained from the plug. This
time Engineer Brown waft outdone and
the plug came oat ahead.
The East End has always seemed to
be the place to be dreaded, on account
o' fire, as has also that district on Second
street between Court and Union. We
understand that in case of a fire in the
latter section eight streams at least, and
probably eleven, could be turned on at
once, eo that that section is not to ' be
dreaded as a fire trap so much as it has
always been.
The board of delegates are much en
couraged over the outlook for a new
alarm system, chemical engine, 'etc.,
and we expect to hear encouraging news
from them soon. Let us assist them in
every manner possible, for their efforts
are only for our benefit, their services
being given gratis.
We owe much to our fire department;
let us keep this ever in mind.
One View of the Situation.
The Chronicle has never so far been
guilty of taking a pessimistic view of
matters in general, but, variety being
the "spice of life," we maybe excused if
w-p deviate for once at least, and look at
the river question on the dark side, thus
giving ourseKes sufficient reason for be
ing thankful that tne weather still re
mains cool and hoping that it may so
continue. .
While q lite a number of experienced
river men predict that there will be no
unusual high water this year, there is a
probability, or we may say possibility,
of the river reaching the '94 mark. We
have, so far, had no summer weather.
The moon changes for warmer weather
next Thursday. On Tuesday the river
at The Dalles will be 31 feet. Suppose
we should get fifteen days hot' weather
(and this is not at all improbable) with
the amonnt of snow in the mountains it
would be an easy thing to get a raise of
IK per day, or a 224 foot riee above
Tuesday's mark, making 53) feet at
The Dalles, pretty close" to the '94 mark.
Should the weather continue cool, of
course there will not be much danger of
the river reaching the above figuree;
but in the meantime let us cease "kick
ing" at the . weather, the weather
prophet, etc., when we realize that this
is perhaps our only salvation from a
flood. .
Down the Columbia.
Engineer Strack and White, with a
fall crew of well equipped railway sur
veyors, started a line of survey down
the north side of the Columbia river, be
ginning at Paul F. Mobr's old ware
house. Last Saturday the same crew of
surveyors was seen in the vicinity of
Celilo flats, on the exact line of Paul F.
Mohr's right of way by Klickitat's
coroner, William Hart, who was in that
vicinity on official bueiness. Mr. Hart
says he asked no questioas, but he ascer
tained from one of the crew that there
was abundant capital behind the preeent
party in the field.
Another theory of many people is that
the survey party is in the field to carry
out the plana of Paul F; Mohr and Dr
Blalcck. Further, that the plans of
these two gentlemen have been con
BOlidated, and that a quiet meeting of
the two contending forces waB recently
held in Spokane, and that the meeting
brought about the formation of a brand
new company, composed of some of
Spokane's millionaire mine owners, who
are known to be men who have pushed
to profitable development great enter
prises. East Oregonian.
Dalles Public Schools.
Following is ih rpnftrk f nr tiA finar.
ter (4 weeks) ending May 26 '99.
S 5
"a s a
4i se as 5
44 41 3d 4
41 37 SO 5
53 4t 44 3
53 47 45 8
48 45 41 4
1 45 43 3
48 45 43 6
4 i 30 3
58 3S 36 4
44 39 88 3
53 45 43 0
S5 81 So 1
89 85 84 0
88 86 80 9
717,653',618 58
East Hill Primary.
Miss Nun Cooper.. 1 ond 2
Mrs. Koche 3B, 4B aud 5B
Court Street.
Miss Donthic. ...1st
Miss E Cooper 2d
Miss Roberts . Sd
Miss Wrenn 4th
Academy Park.
Miss rhlrmau 1st
Miss Flinn 2B-3K
Miss Mxrtin 4B-5B
Miss Ball 5th
High School. '
Mrs.Ealdwin .6B
Miss U Riutonl ..6A-7A
Miss T. Rintoul 7th
Miss Michell 8tb
II. 8. Department.
Miss Hill t
Mr. Landers H S
Number of days of school, 25.
Per cent of attendance on number be
longing, 94.
John Gavin,
City Superintendent.
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the posloffice. at The Dalles un
called for May, 29th, 1899. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised :
Johnson, Don O Price, Helen
Brown, S J Batee, W M
Wheeler, Constance Finseth, S S
Young, CT Phillips, Sophie
Wood, W A St. Martin, J '
Shelley, Ralph S Groir, Jennie
Bowles, Y W Haim, Mr N
Squ:re, Shirley Gransuan. Nellie
Carlisle. W H Hanson, Niel P
Clark, Frank W Downing, Geo W
Sisser, Mrs Dina : Ferguson, A P
Clark, Mrs Mary
- H. H.Riddell, P. M.
Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send us your orders and get
the beet. Phone 25.
Mchl. Jos. T. Petkbs & Co.
Hotel for Sale.
A good paying hotel in Eastern Ore
gon. This is very desirable property
and may be obtained at a great bargain.
For particulars address "B" at this
office. . j 4-d
Working; Night and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton. 3
Contract for Hauling
Pease & Mays have on hand an im
mense amount of freight to be shipped
to the country south of Prineville. They
desire to contract with responsible
parties to . haul the same. Apply to
them by mail or in person. 20-lw
To Care a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
it fails to cure. 25c.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special use, eold by Ben Wileon, The
Dalles. ' - . jl
By allowing the accumulations in the
bowels to remain, the entire system is
poisoned. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
regulate the bowels. Try them and you
will always uee them. Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity
in water heating, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con
struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in
parts, certainty of no repair bills, ' make the best authorities
unanimous in their declarations, that the.' .
Is tfie very best on earth. Sold exclnsively'by
it it
Each, day our business shows
the people are finding out we
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices, -'salespeople
the very best, and
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Chase &5AN&0Rjg
...& lemon
Sole agents for this brand ot Coffee.
A Wonderful Discovery.
The great Mexican hair vigor, manu
factured by Mrs. Dora A. Dreyer, can
now be bad in this city. Mrs. Dreyer ia
prepared to treat all diseases of tie scalp,
and ladies wishing home treatment may
leave their address with Chas. Frazer.
j Carmelite is on sale at Mr. Fraser's bar-,
ber ehop and Blakeley & Houghton's
drug store. See display on Friday and
Saturday at Blakeley & Houghton's
window - m4-lm
J Chase SanborH