Saturday's Special For this day only we have made a sweeping reduction on our ...CRASH SUITINGS. And would suggest that if 3 011 will devote a little time to considering these goods you will find them just the proper tiling for j'our camping cos tume or street wear during the anticipated warm weather that always follows after a protracted cold spring. These goods are displayed in our east window. 15c psr yard Saturday 13c 20c per yard Saturday 17c 25c psr yard Saturday 19c 30c per yard Saturday 23c Uncle Rastus Once Said l'Er man aint gwine to tek er punkin when he can git er wat ermillyun jes es handy" We Leave the application of thl3 Quotation to you. Our sale of boys' and little fellows cloth ing will continue during the entire week and with each suit sold, from $2.50 up, we present a watch. A word about these watches: They are not toys, they are the Ingersoll Watch, a genuine timekeeper and durable, something that will last the boy for a long time and be reliable. Only by taking these watches from the manufacturer in large quanti ties are we able to make this offer. We carry a large stock of bo3?s' clothing to select from, but would advise you to call early, as yesterday's sale would indicate a rapid depletion of the stock. You can hardly wish for anything1 eatable . i Not to be found in our grocery de partment. That's why. people come to us when they are at a loss to know what to put on the table for lunch Or for any dainty affair. Our immense stock of fine groceries makes easy purchasing for the epicure. Just now we'll suggest salads to you, simply because we have the necessary dressings, or can supply the ingredients if you prefer a home-, made dressing. In dressings ready for the table we carry . i v' My Wife's Salad Dressing, Bayle's Salad Dressing, Durkee's Salad Dressing, California Salad Dressing. If you prefer home-made, we carry Olive Oils, either- imported or domestic, Vinagars eUher Malt, Cryetal or Pare Cider and a variety of Mustards. Pease & RJl ays. All (Soods Marked in Plain Figures. rhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY MAY 27, 1S99 Telephone JVo. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be banded in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHROXICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. 6 2t in hypnotism, ventriloqniem and scierce. Prof. Poll man gave an exhibition at the Baldwin opera bouse May 18th, which j was a ttrari'l success and showed the rare ability of his marvelous work. Therefure,'tbe Prof, is r quested by the J. when they attend any exercises given AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM. Such Was That Gitrn by the Public School ropils. Dalles people always expect a treat Exccrsion : To oorrow Dalles to Hood River Bound trip ticket 50 cents. Old potatoes at Dawson'e. Tickets for the excursion can be had at the wharf before the boat leaves. Rev. Gentry Rushing will conduct the usual services at the Christian church tomorrow. The graduating exercises will com mence at 8:15 eharp this evening, the doors of the Vogt being locked until 7 :30. Have you seen the Dewey torpedoes? If not, call at Jacobsen's store and get a box. There more fun than a box of monkeys. Tomorrow night at the Episcopal church Rev. Jos. DeForest will deliver a memorial sermon to the members of the G. A. R,, who will attend in a body. All are invited to be present. The morning service at the Methodist church tomorrow will be devoted prin cipally to the reception of members, the pastor speaking along the lines of church membership. Evening service as usual. Rev. H. H. Wikoff, field secretary cf the C. C. B. S. for this coast, will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church tomorrow, both morning and evening. In the morning a free will offering will be taken for the society represented by him. - -'. The body of Reta Mays will be broueht to this city on the evening train, and the funeral will take place from the family residence, next door to . Robert Mays' residence, at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Rev. Poling conducting the heervic. It appears that people who want to 11 get married nowadays, must get up f I 1 : ii ; : . 1 .- .ia cauv m tuu uiuruiu)f, as ab nuuub j ,ot this morning the county cletk issued two 'licen es, one to R. M. P.lmateer and Mrs. F. A. Douglase, and the other to J. K. Kenworthy and Lavina Savage. Both couplee were from Wapinitia. A noble Red man who most have been drinking; rock and rye from the way he was handling the rocks' and pelting every other Indian who came his way, was arrested by Nightwatch man Phiroian last night and he was rocked in the city cradle all night and a portion of today ; putting up $2 for his fan this morning. The Astoria bowling team remained Oer in the city today, and . this after noon met the victors of last night on the club alleys, the result of which we could not determine. Tonight they will bowl a team composed of Messrs. DeHuff, Nolan, Kurtz and Stadelman. Ladies will not ba admitted this evening, pre sumably because tonight's team is more bashful than was that of last night. The Starbuck Signal says: "Starbuck citizens are jubilant over the report that the O. R. & N. carpenter Ehops, now stationed at Albina, will be removed to btaroucK. it e oeen some time since Dalles people have heard the re moval of the ehops mentioned ; for a time we heard nothing else. This, how ever, must be just a "report," for we believe if they were to be again moved, it would be no further up the road than The Dalles, C. E. Whitney, whose two brothers were drowned Wednesday morning in the Snake river while rafting bridge timber for the Snake River Valley Rail road, .passed through the city this morn ing on his way to his home in St. Helens. He is returning from Starbuck, where he has been attempting to recover the bodies. In another column will be found a reward offered for their recov ery, together with a description by which they may be identified. It is a satisfaction to feel that once more we'are to have a good band in The Dalles. No city or town, large or small, should be without a band. Somehow it "livens up things a bit." The Com mercial Clnb band has started out in earnest, and will furnish us all the music we need ; but we understand has de cided not to accept any engagements for Sundav excursions which mav visit our Hcity, many of its members objecting to onnVt whioK In nni" oattinorinn o noa L- a uuvuj nusvu - v ws t im us wis Esa&9 well for the moral "tone" of our band. Prof. Pollman, the well known mag netic healer, has been recognized by the - . public of The Dalles as a thorough man i entertainment before parting with bis acquaintances and friends here. j William Fields, of the army hospital corps, w hoEe remains have just arrived in Sun Francisco, died at Manila, Sept ember 3, of typhoid fever, having woiked unceasingly among thepatients. . His mother lives near Vancouver, Wash., and be enlisted at .Camp McKinley, in company L, Secorul Oregon volunteers. The Associated Press dispatch ficm San Francisco Eays that his remains will be Eent to Centaur, Mo., but that is pro ably a mistake and thty will be brought to Portland. O.-egonie.n. The breaking waves dashed .high as the aentle zjphvrs fanned tb4 botom of the Columbia this aflcriuton, and she bids fair to reach the reouircd mark by tomorrow 28 feet. Tins afternoon . she stood at 26 2, having .risen about a foot today. This morning at Lewiston the hieh water mark ws 14.2; at Wenatchee 22 6; at Northpor, 10 ;' Umatilla 16 2. The Snake wiil ease rising tomorrow, and the Columbia rise less rapidly. The rise from Pasoo westward will decrease Monday. ScsayethPague. ' There is much agitation in our city at present regarding the organization of a humane ' society, " many recent occur rences having chown the necessity for such a society being started at onre. It would hardly seem possible that in a place of such refinement and with such people as claim residence here that such a state of affairs should exist ; but never-. thelesB we must plead guilty to the charge of allowing instances of cruelty to go unpunished which in many places would call down the wrath of the entire populace. Nothing has been overlooked! to make tomorrow's excureton to Hood River a 1 howling success. The boat eaves The Dalles at a convenient hourf 8 o'clock, and arrives in Hood River At 9:20, giv ing the excursionists overhree hours to fish, drive or indulge inArheeling over the fine' roads in . that vicinity before the ball game is called The water is sufficiently high thatr the boat can at present land within bout 200 feet of the Mt. Hood hotel, wiere ample accom modations will Ve prepared for the visitors. Follow jog are the members of The Dalles "tara: Carey Ballard, pitcher; J. Sowers, catcher ; Chris Schwabe, short stop; J. Maloney, 1st base ; E. E. Spildmg, 2d base ; R. Evans, 3d baee ; J. Sehler, right field ; S. Fer guson, csnterffield ; Sid Kelley, left fielr. For Woodmen or the World Excursion they in the least disappointed ; eurelv not when they listened to 'the exercises last night at the Vogt, when the pupils of the various grades, excepting the High school, gave the best entertain ment that has been given by them, ex cepting, perhaps, the cantata given at the Baldwin.- The hall was packed, but s ;enied not to have the slightest effect upon the children, who performed their parts as though they did dot realize that hundreds of ejes wcrj turned upon .them. The little to's were so eveet tbat the entire audience felt like hurgiiig them, while'the older girls and boys delighted all with the excellent manner in which they took the parts assigned them. E'ifh number is certainly deceiving of especial mention, and a column might be filled with a description of the beauty of the cos'.nmes and the acting of the participants, so the writer dares not at temp to designate one number as being superior to the other. We cannot re frain, however, from congratnlating the teachers who labored so faithfully in training the children, upon the success thsy- attained, for none can realize what patience, what untiring zeal such an u. d itak'ng calls f r. To be a successful teacher in this age, one must, it seems, embrace the whole field, and be enabled not only to teach in the echool room, but to possess histrionic and other talents sufficU'nt to impart to the pupils the necessary training for euch exercises. Then, too, they are fortunate in having such good material with which to work, for the talent displayed last night was remarkable, especially in euch young children.'-Nor should the parents be forgotten, who so signally assisted the teachers by preparing costumes, etc., for the children, which is not a small item in itself. Again, we have renewed reason for being proud of our public schools, when we are permitted to listen to such en tertainments as that of last night. At tho Episcopal Church. The O. R. & N. Co. will make a round trip rate tor tl e a' ove xenrsion of $3.30 The Da1 lea to Portland tnd re'u-n, good going on May 30th. Tickets go d for return on all rt-gn!r passenger trains until June 2nd. J as. Ireland, n 23 30 Agent. ' IB- IJCHA5E t,jAN80RHj A WALK-OVER. Dalles Team Win All Four Games In the Bowline Contest. The contest bowling tournament be tween the Astoria and The Dalles teams on the Commercial Club alleys last night might be termed a "walk away" for our team, as they won all four games as easily as rolling off of a log. Thero was no very brilliant playing done. None of The Dalles team, except perhaps Schmidt, attained their usual profi ciency, and judging from the scores made Thursday night in the games with the Commercial Club in Portland, the Asto rians were far from being at their best. Burroughs was high man in the visiting team, and Schmidt for the home team. " Quite a large number of spectators were present to witness the game, but so attractive was the music furnished by the clnb concert band that a good por tion, of the time was spent up stairs listening to the music. If last night is a criterion for what we may expect later on, all are satisfied with our new band, and are delighted that at last we are to have an organization in our midst which will enliven us with its harmonious strains. At the close of the games the bowling teams and a few friends repaired to the Umatilla House where-a banquet was enpyed by the hungry bowlers. " The scores by games were as follows A. F. C. 1st Laws..... 30 Burroughs 61 Wise 31 Sovey 33 2ND 29 39 28 38 3D 27 45 34 30 4H 29 32 40 32 145 134 136 133 Commercial. Bradshaw 43 31 40 35 Baldwin 35 42 28 54 Houghton. 31 31 47 46 Schmidt 51 62 40 36 160 166 155 171 The program for the service at the Episcopal church tomorrow night, when Rev. DeForest speaks to the G. A. R., will be as follows : Processional "Onward, Christian Soldiers" Hymn 516. (St. Gertrude) Sullivan Gloria, No. 18 Danks Bonum est, Ho. 6 (anthem) Danks Benedic. No. 8 (anthem) Danks Hymn No. 8S3 "Holy. Holy. Holy" Dykes Sermon Offertory "God of Battle" (bass eo"c) Mr. O. M. Smith Doxcl g: 'Praise God" recessional (Battle Hymn 01 the Kepublic) Mine eyes have seen tho jrlory of the coming of the Lord" Solo and chorus Uale Help Wanted. Agent wanted to drum stores, facto ries, mines, etc. Several agents earn $30 weekly cash. Free outfit. Rubber Co., 243 Pearl, New Yor.k. v Chase &5an&ornI VK- BOSTON fmit-l ...piaieiS Benton Sole agents for this brand ot Coffee. A Wonderful Discovery. CARMELITE. The great Mexican hair vigor, manu factured by Mrs. Dora A. Dreyer, can now be had in this city. Mrs. Dreyer is prepared to treat all diseases of tte scalp, and ladies wishing home treatment may leave their address with Chas. Frazer, Carmelite is on sale at Mr. Fraser's bar ber shop and Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. See display on Friday and Saturday at Blakeley & Houghton's' window - m4-lm How About Your Title? t Phone 81 f RE YOU SURE it is all right ? Remember it is the M RECORD that governs. It is our business to search the records and show what they contain in relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real estate security, take no man's word, but insist upon knowing what the record phows regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential as a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of Abstract Books in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction guaranteed. It you have prop erty to insure, give us a call. We are agents for four of the best fire insurance companies in the world. If you have property for sale, liet it with us and we'll Sud a buyer. J, M. Huntington & Co. 2d St., opposite A. M. Williams & Co. For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity in water heating, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con struction, ease of management, cleanliness in nse, strength in parts, certainty of no repair bills, make the best authorities unanimous in their declarations that the When Nature Needs assistance it may be best to render it promptly, but one should remember to nse even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co: 90cts at ml7-lw Split Bamboo fishing rods at Maier & BiDton's. '- Is the very best on earth. Sold exclusively by MAYS & GROWS c