The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 18, 1899, Image 4

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?s.' 7-''
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
SyRtrp of Figs, manufactured by the
Califoknia Fig Si'itur Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the S3'slem. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, clean sing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
.every objectionable quality, and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only. In ordar to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the f ul 1 n ame of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Eruggit3. Price 50c. per bottle
the other went through his pockets and
robbed Uim of $7.70.
That is just a typical place for a hold
up, being ehaded by the ehed, and al
though not very late, there 'vas no one
on the street at the time. The worS
was therefore quickly done up and the
victim allowed to go. Looking back as
he got to Mrs. Periano's millinery eto'e,
he saw them going around Peters' cor
ner, bet he didn't care to stop and in
quire where they were going. He just
hastened bis steps to find on officer nnd
finally got Marshal Lauer. The trains
were watched and efforts made to trace
them, but to no avail.
Some extra efforts should be made to
put a etop to this wholesale robbery.
We are all flash, but would rather have
a little to eay about who reaps the bene
fit o' our hard earnings. Onr citizens
being robbed of over $50 in two nights
iB too much of a good thing1, particularly
when they fail to leave word whether
thev intend to take the money out of
town, or invest it in The Dalles.
Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam
Ice cream" soda now on sale
Palace of Sweets.
for the
at the
Notica is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Golden Eagle Mining Co., at the
office of French & Co., bankers, Wednes
day, May SI, 1899, at 7 o'clock p. m. for
the purpose of electing eeven directors
and transacting such other business as
may properly come before said meeting.
By order of the president,
Sec'y and Treas.
The Dalles, Or., April'25, 1899.
C. M. CartwrLjht ia up from Portland
James S. Reed returned to Portland
on the afternoon tiain.
Otis Patterson whs a passenger for
Portland this afternoon.
Fred W. Wilson returned last evening
from a business trip to Sherman county.
Mrs. C. N. Thornbury Mrs. T. A. Hud
eon left on the afternoon train for a
ehort stay in Portland.
J. T. Donovan, representing Norris
Bros.' snow, is in the city today, super
intending the advertising.
Mrs. Geo. St. John arrived in the city
last night from Tacoma, and will visit
her mother, Mrs. Lusher, for a lew days.
Mrs. Alex. McLeod came over on the
etage today from Goldendale. She will
visit with her mother and friends for a
few days.
Mrs. J as. Phelan, who has been the
guest of Mrs. Moody, it-ft yesterday for
a few ciuyb' trio to Portland. She will
return Saturday.
Working lght and Day
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton. 3 "
Bed Hot From tbe Gun
Was tbe ball that bit G. B. Steadman
of Newaik, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
uient helped for twenty years. Then
Bucklen's Ainica Salve cured him. It
cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Beet pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists. 3
Split Bamboo fishing rods at 90cta
Maier & Benton's. ml7-lw
Full line of fishing tackle at lowest
prices at Maier & Benton's. - ml7-lw
Use Clarke & Falk's Floral Lotine for
sunburn and wind chafing. . tf
Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
You need have no boils if jou will
take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
New lot of. Cleveland wheels just re
Trout Lake andTygh Valley Creamery
Butter for 35c per roll at Pease & Mays'.
For the best results use the Vive
Camera. For sale by the Postoffice
Pharmacy. tf
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Waeco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-tf
Fresh Eolio paper and Eastman's films,
all sizes, direct from the manufacturers,
at Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.'e.
First-class baled wheat hay for sale at
twelve dollars per ton inquire of O.
McNeal at Dawson's grocery store. 15 lw
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J.
Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17 3m
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
hat will take larger pictures than any
o.lier Camera on the market. For sa'e
by Clarke & Falk. tf
By allowing tbe accumulations in the
bowels to remain, the entire system is
poisoned. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
regulate the bowels. Try them and you
will always use them. Suipes-Kiner6ly
Drug Co.
Trv Yerba Buena Bitters, the best
tonic, lor sale at all first-class bars,
C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles,
The ancients believed that rheuma
tism was tbe work of a demon within a
man. Any one who has had an attack
of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism
will agree that tbe infliction is demoniac
enough to warrant the belief. It has
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
t lima ami Joiiiniii, ruuiiD 139
DeWey white wash? Yes, and wash white. You can
Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The
Maine point is quality and the
Merritt of our work is such that people go
Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not
Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not
Cevera high as some people think, and we want to
C-U-B-A customer of ours.
Still Another Hold Up.
Misfortune never comes singly, and
therefore we are campelled to c!.r nicle
another hold-up.
Last night Bert Lynch was coming
down from the East End, and when
juet in front of the wagon sited adjoin
ing J. T. Peters' Etire, he was hailed by
two men, who told him to stop, at the
eame time drawing a revolver. One
grabbed him and faced him about, while
Drink Warren's Pare Ginger Brandy.
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J
Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m
J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of
tbe Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., eays :
"I would not be without One Minute
Cough Care for my, boy, when troubled
with a cough or cold. It is the beet
remedy for croup I ever used." Snlpes-
Kinersly Drug Co.
Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds,
croup and whooping-cough readily yield
to One Minute Cough Cure. Use this
remedy in time and Eave a doctor's bill
or the Undertaker's. Snipes-Kiuersly
Drug Co.
Try Yerl a Buena Bitters, the beet
tonic. For sale at all first-class bars.
C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles
Results Fatally in Nine
Cases Out of Ten A
Cure Found at Last.
It makes no difference how bad the
wound if you use DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no
scar. bnipes-iUnersiy Drug Uo,
Farm for Sale.
Six miles south of The Dalles, com
posed ot 495 acres 203 in grain and 100
in summer fallow. A good bouse and
other buildings, and all manner of farm
ing implements. This is a desirable
farm at a bargain. For terms, apply to
G. W, Patterson,
6-tw Tbe Dalles
Kegs fur Settings.
Eggs for setting from A 1 stock.
B. B. Red Games, per 15, $1.25.
S. C. Black Minorcaa, per 15, $1.25.
S. C. Brown Leghorn, per 15, $1-25.
H. F. Zieglee,
Jm-2d-w Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send us your orders and get
tne best, ihone li.
Mchl. Jos. T. Pktees & Co.
This fearful disease often first appears
as a mere scratch, a pimple, or lump in
the breast, too small to attract any
notice, until, in many cases, the deadly
disease is fully developed,
Cancer can not be cured by a surgical
operation, because the disease is a virulent
poison in the blood, circulating throughout the system, and although
the sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may be cut away, the
poison remains in the blood, and promptly breaks out afresh, with
renewed violence.
The wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinate, deep-seated
blood diseases which were considered incurable, induced a few de
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer, after exhausting the skill of
the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S. proved
equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad news
spread rapidly, and it was soon demonstrated
beyond doubt that a cure had at last been
found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu
mulated which is incontrovertible, of which
the following is a specimen :
"Cancer ia hereditary in our family, my father, a
sister and an aunt having died from this dreadful -.
disease. My feelingjs may be imagined when the hor
'.rible disease made its appearance on my side. It was
a malignant Cancer, eating , inwardly in such a way as
to cause great alarm. ' The disease seemed beyond the
ekill of the doctors, for their treatment did no good
whatever, the Cancer growing worse all the while.
. Numerous remedies were used for it, but the Cancer
grew steadily worse, until it seemed that I was doomed
to follow the others of the family, for I know how deadly Cancer is, especially
when inherited. I was advised to try Swift's Specific (S. S. S.), which, from the
first day, forced out the poison. I continued its use until I had taken eighteen
bottles, when I was cured sound and well, and have had no symptoms of the
dreadful affliction, though many years have elapsed. - S. S. S. is the only cure
for Cancer. Mrs. S. M. Idol., Winston, N. C. e
Our book on Cancer, containing other testimonials and valuable
information, will be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Hotel for Sale.,
A good paying hotel in Eastern Ore
gon. This is very desirable property
and may be obtained at a great bargain
For particulars address "B" at this
office. .' - . j-4-d
Caan In Hour Checki.
ah county warrants registered prior
to July 13, 1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after April 19,
1899. ... C. L. Phillips,
Conntv Treasnrer.
On the Iog's Trail.
All dogs found ) tinning at large after
May 25, without having a license, will
be impounded. ' ' Chas. F. Lauer,
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
it fails to enre.- 25c,
ceived that are to
Maier & Benton'-d.
be sold at
$40, at
..GflflS. FRHflrv.
and Fairmcirs
Keeps on draught the celebrated
edged the best beer In The Dalles,
at the usual price. Come in, try
it and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquor
and Clears.
of all Blinds always on hand.
3. 8. BCHKNK,
H. M. Bkai. ,
first National Bank.
- - - OREGON
A General Banking Business transacted
.Deposits received,' subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on aav oi collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
JNew York, ban ran Cisco and Port'
D. F. Thompson. J no. S. Schknck.
Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. Iubbk.
Corner of First and Court Street,
'Phone 341.
THe Columbia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
AdiniDisfratrix Sale of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given that under and b virtue
of an older of the county court of the btate of
Oregon for Wesco County, made on the 8th day
of January, 1898, in the matter o the estate of Dr
W. E. lUcehjit. deceased, I trill bell, republic
auciiOi, t.t the courthouse ocDr in Dalles ;iry, ia
said county and state, on tuesth day of Slav.,
1890, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., to the high
est bidde,, all the 101I estate belouin? to said
estate, to wit: Lots A; B C, D, E, K, G, H, I, J,
K and L, in Block 65 In The Foi t D j!1?t Military
Reservation Addition lOsaid Dalles City, in said
county and stale.
Alto the w3t half of the southeast quarter and
the cast half of the southwest quarter, section 24,
in township 2 aorth, range 14 east, in Wasco
county, Oiegon.
Terms of sale one-half In cash at time of sate
-end one-half in six months, secured by mort
gage on the premises.
Dalles City, Oregon, April 7th, 1899. -
Emily B. Risehart,
apr8-II Administratrix.
Ghtfoniele Publishing Co.
We HsiVe...
fleat U3oik.
Quick GUoik.
treasonable Prices.
The Dalles, Oregon,
Tic Dalles. Portlani ail Astoria
Navigation Co.'
Ibt mm 1-Tr-n" nm
sirs. Regulator Dalles City
Daily (except Sunday) between ,
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at way points on both sides of the
cojumDia river.
Both of the above steamers have been rebuilt,
and are in excellent shape for the season of 1899.
The Keeolator Line will endeavor to give its
patrons the best service possible. -
For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure,
travel by the steamers of Tbe Regulator
Tbe above steamers leave The Dalles at 8 a. m.
and Portland at 7 a. m., and arrive at destina
tion in ampin time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office. The Dalles Office.
Oak St. Dock. Court Street
W. C. Allaway,
General Agent.
p. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor. Second & Lanolin, THonel57
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portia
6:00 P.M.
8:30 A. M.
17:30 A. M.
ress, Salem, Hose-1
urg. Ashland, Sac- I
j ramento, Ogden,San I
Los Angeles, El Paso,
New Orleans and I
1 East J
Roseburg and way sta
tions Via Woodbura fori
Ht.Angel, Silvcrton,
West Scio, Browns- y
ville,fipringfleld and
Natron J
and way J
9 A. M.
4:40 P. M
Sundays. .
5:50 P. M
Daily (except Sunday).
4;50p.m. (Lv..... Portland Ar.) 8:25 a. m
7:30p.m. ?Ai..McMinnville..Lv. 5;50a,m
8:30 p. m. Ar. .Independence.. Lv.) 4:50 a. m.
Daily. tDany, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at San Francisco with Occi
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail Tsteamship
lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on
aj plication.
Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu
All above trains- arrive at and depart front
Grand Central Station, Fifth and Irving streets
Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m.
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 9:40 a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tu
dav, xnursaay ana saturaai ita:usp. m.
Except Sunday.
R. Ki-EivLER,
Except Saturday.
Asst. G. F. it Pass. Aet
Through Ticket Office, 134 Third street, where
through tickets to all points In the Eastern
States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. B. KIRKXAND, Ticket Agent.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed executor of the last will
aud testament of Horace Knight, deceased.
All persons having claims against the estate of
t-ain deceased, are hereby notified to present
them with the proper vouchers to me at my
office in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months
from'the date of this notice.
Dated April 22, 1899.
Executor of the will of Horace Knight, deceased.