BLUE If you should see a handsome suit of this style on a man who appears particularly well - dressed and comfortable, note it carefully for it is pretty sure to be one of our new Hart, Schaffner & Marx suits. There are no others like them for style and good looks. They are made of dark blue serges or worsteds, hard to wear out and absolutely- fast color. HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX 71 I I P3 b CIi'ii i GUARANTEED The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY MAY 18, 1899 Telephone iVo. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS : All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted In the aft ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Repetition of v "A Summer's Fancy" At the Vogt tonight. Hear " sing "I'll Shake Up This Mean Old Town," tonight at the Vogt. j Portland at last has a mayor, Hon. W. A. Storey having been elected at a meeting of the council Tuesday night. Hon, A. S. Blowers filed in the cleik'e office today an addition to the town of Hood River to be known as Blowers Addition. The winners of the Hostetler bowling trophy for the month ending May loth were Mrs. J. S. Fieh and Rosemary Baldwin, whote scores came oat a tie. Mr. Percy H. Levin will introduce a select dramatic specialty in the fourth act tonight, wherein be tells of an ad Tdnture had in the sunny land of Spain. Some specialties will be introduced in the play tonight one of which will be an Irish character sketch by J. H. Hamp shire. This alone should assure a good house. It is gratifying to the friends of Mrs. W. E. Walther, who has been dangerous ly ill during the past week, to learn that she was much improved at the last reports. A rpnorr. was in "tndnv tlifit a man had been killed on Trout cretk. near Mitchell. A telephone message from Grass Valley, however, failed to confirm the rumor. Max Vogt is having the wooden cor nice removed from the Chapman block on Second street and placing corrugated iron in its stead, which greatly reduces his insurance on the building. The great Pollman, king of ventrilo quists, and professor of hypnotism and science, will appear at the Baldwin opera hou3e on Thursday, May 18th. General admission 25 cents ; children 15 cents. Mrs. W. Tackman is prepared to fill all orders for cnt flowers for Decoration Day or commencement exeiciscB. She however, informs patrons that orders should be sent in as soon aa possible to assure no disappointment. 17-4t Peter Johnson, who died of typhoid fever at St. Mary's hospital Monday last, was a resident of The Dalles. - He was engaged in fishing this spring, working on an up-river seining ground, where he contracted his fatal illness. Astorian. Comiui'a goat will no doubt be in SERGES M l 1 mm 1 mmmm VJ. 5W3 DOUBLE-BREASTED SACK SUIT Copyright 1899 By Hart, Schaffner & Marx iTm - .i CLOTHING. All Goods Maiked in Plain Figures. demand now, ana De sought alter eo that he will be compelled to return to The Dalles. A late dispatch informs us that injections of lymphatic fluid of goats will make the aged return to youth's fair morning again, and perpet uate youth. The river is still falling slightly. The D. P. & A. N. Co. feel duly thankful that the raise of last week did not con tinue at the same rate, for had it done so, the company would have been com pelled to transfer at the portage by this time. It now lacks a twelve foot raise before that will be necessary. One of the boys writing home from Manila says: "I think if the United States will give us each 160 acres of land and guarantee us the title, that one- half of the company will be settlers in I these islands. We will defend the ! St T ; " 1 .1 iBianuH agairist invasion, oecauee mey are the most valuable part of any country that the United States ever ob tained possession of." There are just a few too many hobos and gentlemen of leisure in our city at present to make it very comfortable for ladies who are compelled to be on the streets at night. Every few days com plaints are being made of ladies being molested by these' insolent curs, one young lady who was on her way home at 8 o'clock last evening being frightened dreadfully. A stop should be put to such proceedings if violent means have to be UEed. t Again we call attention to the lecture to be delivered by Professor Lyman, of Whitman College tomorrow (Friday) evening at the Congregational church, at 8 o'clock. His subject will be "Ben jamin Franklin, the Typical American Statesman," and as Prof. Lyman is eaid to be a most pleasing and instructive speaker, many will certainly improve the invitat'oa given by the Taine class to hear him, No admission will be charged, - - It had almost been decided by the cast of "A Summer's Fancy" not to give a repetition of the play tonight ; but during the performance Mr. Levin received a written request from the au dience to announce a repetition, and after other similar requests the an nouncement was made. It is to be hoped they will play to a packed house tonight as the prices have been placed at 15 cents for children ; 35 cents general admission, and 50 cents reserved seats. This year's encampment of the re organized Oregon National Guard will be held at the state fair grounds in Salem about July 10th, Brigadier-General Beebe and Adjutant-General Tat tle have made arrangements with the state board of agriculture for the nse of the grounds, after a careful examination of the facilities found there for handling a large body of men, which are believed to be the best in the state. Ten compa nies of infantry and one battery will participate in the encampment, which will last ten days. "It never rains, but it pours" would . -.. Will mm W I if Hit be applicable to the situation in The Dalles as regards entertainments. For the next month we are to have any amount of traveling ehowe, interspersed with numberless home affairs. Beside the circus which will pitch its tent here on the 10!h of next month, the bill boards are today covered with posters announcing the appearance of Norrie Bros.' Equine and Canine Carnival. The Portland papers have been speak ing very favorably of this show, and it is no doubt a good one. We are always pleased to note" the progress being made by Dalles boys, and to find that they are filling posi tions of trust in various places where their lots have been cast. A private letter received from Ray Logan yester day tells of hia appointment as house surgeon at St. Vincent's hospital in Portland. Ray has for some time been a student in the medical department of the university of Oregon, and it is en couraging to those interested in him to find that he is making the most of his opportunities. A letter from Dr. Siddall tells of bis arrival at Log Cabin, on the dividing line between the British and American possessions, where are about fifty houses, mostly made of cloth. He says the trip over the railroad is perfectly grand. Knowing that the doctor was from The Dalles and might get lonesome without a fire, Skagway got up one for bis special benefit the night before he left. Seven buildings burned and the loss was about $17,000. Being in the night it succeeded in unfitting him for his long trip if nothing else. uur attention was today called to a case ot actual want it our city. It is that of a woman with three children- two boys and a girl who came hern from the Sound expecting to receive wora ana assistance irom a brother in Montana. Being disappointed in that regard she is now in seed of help from eotflfi SoQrCe. They are stopping at the Cosmopolitan Hotel and we understand seem to have nothing to eat but rotatoee, and very few of them. Here is an op portunity for Dalles people to dispense their charity, which has always been forthcoming whenever the needy were found. When Nature Needs assistance it may be best to render it promptly, but one should remember to use even the moBt perfect remedies only when needed. The beBt and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fijj Syrup Co. " " Lost. A gold watch charm, square in design, set with diamonds. A half inch of solid gold chain is attached. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. Don't think you can cure that slight attack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure it ; it "digests what you eat' and restores the digestive oreans to health. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 'A SUMMER'S FANCY. Pat on the Boards by Homo Talent In Ileasins; Manner. It has been several yearseincA-tha. home talent of The DalleshSsgiven a play in our city aud-fitnce that time different membergof the club have moved away' arid xBuch changes have been made' that it was with hesitancy that those who are left again decided to appear on the stage. However, the visijt'of ,lr. P. H. Levin and the propo sitionmade by him to instruct them . in HKfib piay aba email per ctrut ut iua roeeds, the remainder to be used for i - - i, . r 1 the entertainment of the editors on tneir visit here, induced them again to jibake the venture. r With just a week for rehearsals most of the cast were busy peo was a task to accomplish it in so time. Besides there were severa cast who hadEever (taken parF a performance befor. However, the andiWcce was uv 'prised at the success attaint eemed (more than deligbeil v periormapcey xnera was just eurpriae on the pant of those the stage, too. Having on all previous oc casrons been greeted by . such lare au diences, who fully appreciated thstfixrts oKthe participants, loe fact that the hall was not KJleJ disappointed them eome- wha. enthusiastic at the lack in tho applause were t numbe given. A Summer a a very pretty little play si;urrron9 and with just enough of wit and pathos to make the needed variety. The etage settings were also such as to add much to its production, the reception scene being particularly pleasing. Mr.JLeviriIe efforts to make the play successful were untiring and to accom plish so much in the little time given, required much diligence on his part. But so well was it done that not one de tail wa9 lacking. Being a splendid actor himself he understands just how to aseist others, and displays a cheerful disposition which encourages his cast. At the same timehe performed hiB part perfectly. As 'Jack Henderson, the lover of "Mercy' he was fautless and showed a thorough acquaintance with the etage. Mr. Leyin made many friends in the audience. Will Frank as "Professor Potts" took that dithcult role so well as to eurpriee his friends who knew be was good in minstrelsy, but had neyer seen him in the drama. Will made a hit, and caused much merriment, manipulating his long coat tail in a manner which de lighted all, especially the small boye. "Jethro Baxter," the old hayseed, was taken by Harry Lonsdale, who was thoroughly suited to the Yankee farmer His dialect was good and his acting better, if possible. He fairly brougLt down the house when on entering tl e parlor he first sampled the refreshments bearing A. M. Williams' colore and then decideJ Maya & Crowe'8 was the only fit drink, and so literally filled himself, Harry's preferencewas only natural. Will Crossen proved his versatility by assuming two bles. As "Jake," the country boy, he was immense; and aa "Wally," the society chap, he met every requirement of the part. Will is eo perfectly at home on the etage that he puts everyone in the audience at ease. If he can't say one thing he will another, and always comes out on top. His eong was very catchy, and took well. Last night was Ernest first appearance on the stage, and, having been assigned ihi difficult' part ot a lover, it took mucn persuasion to induce him to take it. But he final ly consented, and all are pleased that he did, for he not only filled bis role eo Well, I have been thinking of purchas ing one for some time. - Wife, don't let me forget to call tomorrow at JACOBSEN BOOK & MUSIC CO.'S, 170 Second Street, The Dalles. and as tie, ji. ihorol Lwrthe! ftch-Suni jit aifd lithhe la 1 ttie 1 1 he peopithpre rswas inacreup tcrvancy ' 1 iuw 01 prrminB HELLO ! Jhg well as to capture "Edith," but the audience as well. Mrs. Blakeley always charms everyone when she Bteps on the stage. So charm-ingller-inpearance and eo loving her manBrMiatailare drawn to her. Her pleading with hereon tOvgive up the repugnant alliance he was about to make was very touchingvand ber denunciation just as pronounced Although not aesumingXa character which gave her an opportunity to dis play tho wonderful hietrionic Went ehe possesses, Mrs. Eddon. asthe"maiden of uncertain age," could not help ehow- mg her adaptability made much of the p were stunning. Tlie part of "Edith Miss Myrtle country girl, was taken by Minhpll. - The character was roewhat difficult for an amateur ; but. je did her best to fill it, and angels luch less newspaper reporter" j could 10 nothing more. The solos by Will Frafik and Miss ajyriie iviicneii aaaetl myen to the suc - .1 . . - . ... s. cess 01 the play, therichoess of the former's voice showing off to good effect, while the latter sm nerhapa never in better voice, It 13 not ejr&cg too much to add that the plajcas a success, ns was attested fquest of the audience to have it Dud's Old Brltclies. A email boy who is a close observer, and somewhat of a poet, gives the family history of his father's pants as follows: "When dad has worn his britches out, they pass to brother John, then ma 6he trims them round about and William put them on. When William's legs to long have grown and the trousers fail to hide 'em, then Walter claims them for hiB own and hides himself inside 'em ; next Sam's legs they close invest, and when they won't stretch tighter, they're turned and shortened up for me the writer. Ma works them into caps and rugp, when I navo burst the stitches. At doomsday we, perhaps, shall Eee the li Bt of dad's old britches." 25 per cent saved hy getting fieures from the Snipes-Kingersly Drug Co. ONE FOR RcraoTo Pimp!e, Prevent euro Headache and Dyspepsia. , A movement of tho bowels eic each aay is necessarr 5o- Buld by druggists. DR. BOSANKO CO. Phil for to the stage and ItfLiS (frtv Her cdstumes f KiPftlO 1 NH4nderso..ytT-r fm-rrrrgi Michtll.ylwIiB-Urwell rV&SMMMMSW takcnShe soertped toAApfougiily jander-T JJWA5 jAN80RNjjj staudswjat6yoejiequired, acte 1&cy," the little unsop iitica(ed I lilBElfll A DOSE. FBI r How About Your Title? RE YOU SURE ' RECORD that J? f relation to land titles. If you contemplate having laud ' or loaning money on real estate security, take no mt-n'a word, but insist upon knowing what the record shows regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential as a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of Abstract Books in the County. Ail wcrk promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction guaranteed. It you have prop erty to insure, give us a call. We are agents for four of the best fire insurance companies in the world. If you have property for sale, list it with us and we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington & Co. 'Phone 81. 2d For uniformity in baking, perfection in roastiDg, immensity in water healing, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in parts, certainty of no repair bills, make the best authorities unanimous in their declarations that the Is the rery best on earth. Sold exclusively by MAYS & Mies Rfoe 7 k iSSr I J CHASe tr $AN80SlJ 1 J Chase &3AN&oiwM V -BOSTON Sole scents for this brand ot Coffee- A Wonderful Discovery. CARMELITE. The great Mexican hair vigor, manu factured by Mrs. Dora A. Dreyer, can now be had in this city. Mrs. Dreyer ia prepared to treat all diseases of tt e scalp, and ladies wishing home treatment may leave their address with Chas. Frazer. Carmelite is on sale at Mr. Fraser's bar ber shop and Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. See display on Friday and Saturday at Blakeley & Houghton window m4-lm it is all right? Remember it is the governs. It is our business to search the records and show what thev contain in St, , opposite A. M. Williams & Co. CROWE