C3J BLUE If you should see a handsome suit of this style on a man who appears particularly well - dressed and comfortable, note it carefully for it is pretty, sure to be one of our new Hart, Schaffner & Marx suits. There are no others like them for style and good looks. They are made of dark blue serges or worsteds, hard to. wear out and absolutely fast color. HART, SCHAFFNER 4. MARX IS GUARANTEED The Dalles Daily Gitfoniele. WEDNESDAY MAY 17, 1899 TeUplume No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Changes in Advertisements must be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no changes will be accepted in the aft' ernoon. This rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "A Summer's Fancy" At tbe Vogt tomorrow night. Hear Wally sing "I'll Shake Up This j Mean Old Town," tonight at the Vogt. j Trout Lake andTygh Valley Creamery Batter for 35o per roll at Pease & Mays'. Split Bamboo fishing rods at 90cts at Maier & Benton's. ml7-lw New lot of Cleveland wheels just re ceived that are to be eold at $40. at Maier & Benton's. ml7-lw Drink Warren's Pare Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. C. .J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Try Yerba Buera Bitters, the bst tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stabling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m The Commercial Club band will make its debut on our streets tonight, in honor of the play to be given under the auspices cf tbe club. Turn out and bear them. The greit Pollman, king of ventrilo quists, and professor of hypnotism and science, will appear at the Baldwin opera house on Thursday, May 18th. General admission 25 cente; children 15 cents. Mrs. W. Tack man is prepared to fill all orders for cat flowers for Decoration Day or commencement exercises. She however, informs patrons that orders should be sent in as soon as possible to assure no disappointment. 17-4t The cigar stand of Cathcart & Straus looks quite citified now, they have just bad swinging doors placed in front of the building so that it can be opened up in tbe summer time, and look more in viting as well as comfortable. Geo. A. Young, president of the Wool Growers Association, has called a meet ing in this city one week from today. May 24th. Important questions regard ing the wool industry will be considered and all interested should plan to attend. Have yon planned to hear "A Sum mer's FaDcy" tonight. You can't af- ford to miss it.' Besides, even if yon could, you should give it your patron az, remembering 'tis not for the benefit of those who take part, but for the city at large that it is given. Yesterday about 11 :30 o'clock Henry Maier received a telegram announcing tbe death of his father, Nicholas Maier at Bellevue, Iowa. The old gentleman SERGES "5 t'J DOUBLE-BREASTED SACK SUIT Copyright 1899, By Hart, Schaffner & Mars CLOTHING. All Goods Mai Iced in Plain Figures. was 76 years of age. While his father died at 12 o'clock, Mr. Maier received the telegram here at 11 :30, on account of the difference in time. During the months of June, July, August and September the fire com panies of our city will drill at leaBt once a month. Such was the order given by the Board of Fire Delegates at its meet ing last night. Little attention has been given this before, and it is a splen did idea keeping the boys in trim in case of emergency. At the grand lodge of Odd Fellows held in Salem yesterday the following grand officers were elected : A. W. Bowersox, Albany, grand patriarch; T. O. Barker, Salem, grand high priest ; T. F. Ryan, Oregon City, grand senior warden ; E. E. Sharon, Portland, grand Ecnbe; Dr. Byron E. Miller, Portland, grand treas urer; P. W. Stewart,. Portland, grand junior warden ; T. W. Riches, Silverton, grand representative. Tub Chronicle has often expreesed its opinion regarding the necessity for a humane society in this city, and every few days our convictions on the subject are intensified as we see the cruelty practiced by that species of being who dares to call himself a man. Only yes terday our attention was called to the fact that a poor sick horee had been dragged to the beach and left to die. He lay there all night, and next morning the neighbors found the poor beast still alive. Civilized people are always sup posed to either minister to the wants of this, man's best friend, or if nothing can be done, end his sufferings at once. Such inhumanity is beyond tbe ken of any one with the least spark of human ity in them. If we have such brutes in our midst, the officers should see that they receive punishment which fits the crime. The Governor's Action Commended. At a Tegular meeting of James W Nesmith Post, No. 32, Department of Oregon, G. A. R., the following resolu tion was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the members of this post ao most nearlily tnank our gover nor, Hon. T. T. Geer, for his action in regard to asking for the return of the Oregon volunteers now in the Philippine islands. Tbe prominent part taken by tbe Oregon regiment in the recent battles around Manila, entirely refutes tbe idea that these brave young men are not in tbe right place. We do not believe for a moment that a single mem ber of that regiment wishes to shirk his duty or to return home without tbe honor of having been "in at the death of the insurrection. Resolved, That this resolution be published in the local papers, and a copy sent to Gov. Geer. . The Dalles, Oregon, May 13, 1899. R. L. Aiken, J. C. Mieks, Sen. Vice Cou. Adjutant. Full line of fishing tackle at lowest prices At Maier & Beaton's. m 17-1 w f3 ml iif . Robbed of Forty-Three Dollar. Variety being the spice of life, we must have a little change once in a while and what more exciting than a hold-up? Accordingly, we were treated to one last night. Frank Murphy, who works for the O. . & N. and makes his home at Joe. R Berger's, started home about 10 o'clock ast night and when he reuched the cor ner of the club building was met by a man who excitedly told him a fellow had had his foot cut off up the track a ways. Not suspc cling anything, be followed the man and when they came near the elec tric liht house two masked men jumpei out and told him to hold up bis hands. Thinking they were joking, he attempted to lanzh it off, but was told to obey at the point of two revolvers, which, of course, he hastened to do. The man who accompanied proceeded to investigate and secured his watch and $43. The watch they handed back, but, for some reason, took two letters from his pocket, presumably to determine who their vic tim was, although it was thought the robbers were aware that the company's men had been paid off the day before. As soon as the job was finished they lit out, and Mr. Murphy hastened to in form the night-watchman, but though searching was made at the hobo camp and elsewhere, no clew has so far beea discovered. When Nature Needs assistance it may be best to render it promptly, but one should remember to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The beet and most simple and gentle remedy is the -Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. For Sale Cheap. Harrison Hay press, goad as new, in quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith shop. Mayl7-tf On the log'8 Trail. All dogs found innning at large after May 25, without having a license, will be impounded. Ciias. F. Lauer, - Marshal. liOSt. A gold watch cbarm, Equare in design, set with diamonds. A half inch of eolid gold chain is attached. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. Notice Wa-er Rent. Hereafter Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F., will charge for use of water in their cemetery at the late of $2 per lot for tho season, the sexton. payable in advance to O. J. Chandall, T. A. Ward. W. H. Butts, Trustees. Don't think yoa can enre that slight attack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it will cure itself. Kodol Dyspepsia Care will cure it ; it "digests what yoa eat' and restores tbe digestive organs to health. Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co. Use Clarke & Falk'e Floral Lotine for snnburn and wind chafing. tf GET INTO LINE. We Are to nave a Fx alt Evaporator In Oar Midst Help the Project Along. At last The Dalles is on the direct! road to establishing an enterprise here which is just what we bave been need ing for so long, and which we will now have, nnless all indications fail. We spoke yesterday of Mr. Judson's visit to our city, and of his trip into the country near by, for tbe purpose of determining what our fruit raieera had to say regarding the advisability of put ting in an evaporator and packing house at this point. He was accompanied by E. Schanno, Dr. Sanders and G. C. Blakeley, who lonnd the orchardists enthusiastic when the plans were laid before them, and ready to aid in push ing it along. In the evening some of our principal business nun met with this committee at the club rooms, and Mr. Judeon ex plained to them tbe tntire tclieme and dwelt on its benefits. They fell in readily with the proposition and de cided to make it a go. A committee was then appointed consisting of F. A. Seu fert, D. M. French, E. Schnnno, B. . Huntington and W. H. Taylor, who are to draw up incorporation papers and solicit subscriptions, each one subscrib ing to own stock in the ompany. An endeavor will be made to raieo some thing like $5000. The plant itself will not cost that much, but it is thought that sum will be necessary to placo it on its feet and in running trim. The com mittee are in it head over heels and mean business. A better place for such a project could not have been chosen than The Dalles. Situated right in the center of such a wonderful fruit section as is this cit a section where such a thing as a total failure of the fruit crop is unknown, it cannot fail to prove of great benefit to everyone. Heretofore our iruit raisers have suffered great losses every year by waste in their products, there being absolutely no way to dispose of great quantities of their crops. VV ith an evaporator or dryer so near at band this surplus would be ntilizsd and thus a great saving be made. Again, fruit men have for years been at the mercy of fruit companies, who would purchase their crop, ship it East, and if any thing was left ; which was seldom tbe caee) tbe bard working pro ducer eat it. In nine cases out of ten It was a losing investment. With an in dustry at home, these men can say to those who bid for their fruit, "We want such and such a price, or you don't get it. We can make more by drying it or canning it." (For surely a cannery will follow in its wake.) Then vinegar can be made from fruit which can be used for no other purpose, as is done in simi lar institutions throughout the country. Not the least consideration is that farmers will thus be induced to utilize ground which has not been plantpd from VVE FIT THE HARD-TO-FIT REGUTCJICO THAT MAMt A.M.Williams & Co HELLO 1 Well, I bave been thinking of purchas ing one for some timo. Wife, don't let me forget to call tomorrow at JACOBSEN BOOK & MUSIC CO.'S, 170 Second Street, The Dalles. 1 mm I Y MIS 1 the fact that all they can raise can be disposed of. Spaca forbids the enumeration of all tbe benefits to be derived. We would only say now is the time to rally to tbe assistance of the enterprise, and get in early so as to avoid the rush. PERSONAL. MENTION. H. T. Murchie was down from Wasco yesterday. Mrs. John Crate was a rassenger on the boat last night from Portland. J. P. Carroll came np from Motier yeEterday and returned this morning. Mrs. Wm. Combs came in from Prine- ville yesterday and left for Poniard todav. Boyd Ashby, who formerlv attended school in The Dalles, but now lives near Salem, was seen on our streets todav. Mrs. I. L. Patterson, of Salem, came up on the train last evening, and is the gnest cf fier brother, W. G. Woodworth. Mr. and Mrs. E. Clay spent yesterday n the city with the famtlvofl. Joles. leaving on the evening train for Arling ton. A. D. McDonald came down cn the morning train from Spokane, where Mrs. McDonald is now under the care of Dr. Sutherland. After spending four months in Spo kane, Miss Carrie Butler arrived in the city cn the early moining train, much improved in health. Mrs. H. Wentz came nn from Port land last Saturday, and is a guest of Mrs. H. Klindt,. below the city. She exp?cts to return next Saturday. Mrp. Whitmer and daughter Misa Agee, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrp, Chas. Stephens, left for their home in the Willamette Valley this morning. Mies Edna Glenn returned laet night from Portland. She was accompanied by her cousin. Miss Ella Tibbetts, of Montana, who will visit them for a ehorttime. An Epidemic of Whooping Congta, Laet winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contracted the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very successfully tor croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete' cure. John E. Clifford, Proprietor Norwood House, Norwood, N. Y. This remedy is for eale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 25 per cent saved by getting figures from' tbe SnipeE-Kingersly Drug Co. ONE FOR Remove Pimples, Prevent Hi 1 innKnpaa Prir K II 1 1 Cure Headache and lyapepaia. frhM?tTnTh0H0,TelB- each da necessary v?nc ?on rfi 'er ffr"?0 Eor ""ken. To con" 25 5 I'Jf J"1.,na,1 ""Pi" free, or full box for too. Sold b, drasgista. DR. BOSANKO CO. Phil" hZ A DOSE. Wt r How About Your Title? rtRE YOU SURE it is all right? Remember it is the W RECORD that eoverne. It is our business to eearch the records and show what they' contain in relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real estate security, take no man's word, but insist upon knowing what the record shows regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential as a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of Abstract Books in the Connty. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction guaranteed. It yon have prop erty to insure, give ns a call. We are agents for four of the best fire insurance companies in the world. If you have property for sale, list it with us and we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington & Co. Phone 81. 2d For uniformity in baking, perfection in ronsting, immensity in water healing, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in parts, certainty of no repair bill?, make the best authorities unanimous in their declarations that the Is the very best on earth. Sold i xclusively by MAYS & J CHASE 8r 3AN80RH 1 J Chase &5aw&orm! ...HMOI Sole agents for this brand ol Coffee. A Wonderful Discovery. CARMELITE. The great Mexican hair vigor, manu factured by Mrs. Dora A. Dreyer, can now be had in this city. Mre. Dreyer is prepared to treat all dieeasesof tt e ecalp, and ladies wishing home treatment may leave their address with Chas. Frazer. Carmelite is on sale at Mr. Fraser's bar ber shop and Blakeley & Hongbton'a drug store. See dipplay on Friday and Saturday at Blakeley & Houghton window m4-lm St., opposite A. M. Williams St Co. CROWE HQ.