ramie VOL. XI THE DALLES, OREGON. TUESDAY. MAY 16, 1899. NO 345 .... .--JSj.!- A SATISFACTORY CONCLUSION Of PfclipBine Affairs Eusctei "by tie AGUINALDO ASKS FOR PEACE It is Thought His Agents Will Agree to the Conditions Proposed by Ameri can Commissioners Present Dis position of Our Troops. New York, May 15. A special to the Herald from Washington Bays: A satis factory conclusion is expected by the ad ministration of affairs from the confer ence which will be held by the Ameri can Philippine commissioners which Aguinaldo proposes to send to Manila. In his dispatch to the war department today, General Otis announced that Agui naldo had sent a messenger to him ex pressing a wish to send a commission to "arrange terms of peace." It is probably apparent to the Filipinos that there is nothing to be gained by conducting negotiations for the purpose of obtaining a temporary cessation of hostilities. General Otis will not grant an armistice, and he has shown that he does not propose to stop fighting, no mat ter how many peace emissaries Aguin aldo will Bend to Manila, unless they agree to unconditionally surrender. In his dispatch General Otis shows, despite the fact that Aguinaldo states his purpose to send a commission to arrange peace, that he is making preparations to con tinue military operations. It is evident to the official from this dispatch that General Otis haB found it necessary to change his plana. He baa been making preparations to attack Ba color, where 9000 insurgents are believed to be encamped, and it is presumed that the movements reported today still have that point as their object. Aguinaldo's Absurd Boasting. London, May 15. The Filipino junta here has received the following message from Aguinaldo, cabled from Hong Kong under date of May 12: "The Filipino 'government, in accordance with the gen eral feeling of the country, has decided to continue the war at all costs until independence Is secured. The Filipinos energetically refuse the American peace overtures based on restricted autonomy coupled with promise of subsequent self government. The Filipinos demand the strict fulfillment of the articles of the American constitution, and treaties con traded by American representatives when imploring a Philippine alliance in combating the Spaniards. All Filipinos generally support Aguinaldo. General Luna's reported overtures for peace are untrue. Our army is near Manila, simultaneously attacking the whole American line. "The heat and raina are causing many casualties in the American army. All hospitals are crowded with the sick and wounded. Four hundred of the Cin cinnati regiment have been imprisoned by General Otis for insubordination in refusing to fight. The regular troops . quartered in Manila, and other towns are quite. The volunteers are abused and always at the-front, with scanty rations. Discontent between Americans and Europeans in general." Cold in Nebraska. Omaha, May 14. The past twenty-four hours have been characterized by unsea eonable cold weather, heavy rains and severe hail storms throughout Nebraska Light frost is reported in some localities. The worst storm of the spring struck shortly after 9 o'clock tonight, when a tremendous downpour of rain, accom Li Makes the food more delicious end wholesome SOVAt BAKING POWDEW CO., HEW VOBK. panied by hail, occurred. The hail fell teaiily for ten minutes and broke many window?, and did other damage. Street railway traffic was interrupted, and tele graphic and telephonic communication was interfered with. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH A Pleasant, Simple but Safe and Effectual Cure for It Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to incurable. The usual symptons area full or bloating sensation after eating, accompanied with sour or watery rigings, a formation of gases causing a pressure on the heart and lungs, and difficult breathing; head aches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a geneial played out, languid feeling. There is often a foul taste in the month, coated tongue and if the stomach could be Been it would show a slimy, inflamed condition. The cure for this common and obsti nate trouble is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surface of the stomach. '. To se cure prompt and healthy digestion ia the one necessary thing to do'and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disappeared. According to Dr. Haslanson the safest and best treatment is to use alter each meal a tablet, composed of Diastase, ABeptic, Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being a patent medicine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite will follow their regular use after meals. Mr. N. J. Booher.of 2710 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., says: "Catarrh is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold in the bead, whereby the lining mem brane of the nose becomes inflamed and the poisonous discharge therefrom pass ing backward into the throat reaches the stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities prescribed for me for three years for catarrh of the stomach without cure, but today ' I am the happiest of men after using only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I cannot find appropriate words to express my good feeling... I have flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safept as well as the simplest and most- con venient remedy for any form of indiges tion, catarrh of the stomach, biliousness sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Send for little book, mailed free, on stomach troubles, by addressing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. The tablets can be found at all drug stores. .. Frost at Helix. Pendleton, Or., May 14. A.' belated frost came to the Helix neighborhood last night, and did damage to the grain interests. ' Grain was leveled to the ground. Even water pipes in houeea burst. What amount of injury was done .the grain cannot .now be told, but it is believed by the farmers that it will be by no means inconsiderable. Generally speaking,' the prospects for a crop this year are not good. Conservative men assert that there will be not more than a 60 per cent crop, and many estimate it at no more than fifty. Biottoe. - Have you a farm for sale or for rent, or do you know of any person holding farming lands that they wish to dispose of? If so, please write to any agent of the O. R. A N. Co.; and he will send yon a circular which- will interest you.--. Use Clarke & Falk'e Floral Lotine for sunburn and wind chafing.- tf Millions GlTn Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering, The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satisfac tion of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call on Blakeley & Hough ton, druggists, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size, 50 cents and $1. . Every bottle guaranteed or price refunded. 3 The Best In the World. We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ia the best in the world. A few weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold and a troublesome cough, and having read their advertisements in our own and other papers we purchased a bottle to see if it would effect us. It cured us before the bottle was more than half used. It is the best medicine out for colds and coughs. The Herald, Andersonville, Ind. For sale by Blake ley & Houghton Druggists. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockholders of the Golden Eagle Mining Co.i at the office of French & Co., bankers, Wednes day, May 31, 1899, at 7 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing seven directors and transacting such other, business as may properly come before said meeting. By order of the president. J.- C. Hostetxeb, . Sec'y and Treas. The Dalles, Or., April 25, 1899. Working Might and Day - The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness Into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. 3 Elegant new Pullman palace sleepers between Portland and Chicago have just been placed in service via the O. JcL. & N., Oregon Short' Line, Union Pacific and Chicago & Northwestern railways daily every day in the year. "Cars are of the very latest pattern, in fact being the most improved up-to-date Bleeping cars turned out by the - Pullman Company. These new palaces will leave Portland on the evening fast train of the O. K. & N. arriving at Chicago the morning of the fourth day and - running through with out change via Granger and Omaha. 19 tf An Epidemic of Whooping; Cough, Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contracted the disease, having severe - coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very successfully tor croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete cure. John E. Clifford, Proprietor Norwood House, Norwood, N: Y. Thin remedy is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. I consider it not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful core effected in ncy case by the timely Ofe of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 was taken very ba-lly with flux and procured a bottle of this remedy. A few doaes of it effected a permanent cure. I take pleasure in recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful dis ease. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. This remedy is sold by Blakeley & Houghton, never been claimed that Chamberlain's Pain Balm would cast out demons,' but it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear testimony to the truth of this statement. One application relieves the pain and this quick relief which it affords is alone . worth many time sits coeU For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. 25 per cent saved by getting figures from the Snipes-Kingersly Drug Co. ARE SULLEN Irritated for Being Shut Out of tie Coeur d'Alenes. PERMITS MUST BE HAD THURSDAY New York Federated Labor Associa tions Denounce General Mer riam's Order. Waedneh, Idaho, May 14. The crisis in the labor troubles here will begin on Thursday of this week. Should the period pass over quietly, no more out breaks of lawlessness need be looked for during the continuance of martial law. On the other hand, should there be any clash this week between the soldiers and the lawless element in the union, it is impossible to tell how much bloodshed there may be. . ' Thursday is the last day allowed under the recent proclamation for working miners to apply ior permits to remain in underground employment. On that day the inspection of the mines all over the Coeur d'Alenes will begin. It will be a rigid examination, and it will be conducted both by the military and the civil authorities. Every mine which on that day is employing men without per mits will be summarily "- closed, Its pumps drawn and a guard placed over it. Up Canyon creek, where none but union miners are employed, they sul lenly refuse to make application for the cards. In order to secure a permit, the miners must renounce membership in the society "which has fostered or en couraged" the recent lawlessness in the district. The union is not named out right in the printed forms to which the applicant must subscribe. Only about a dozen from all the Canyon creek dis trict have secured the cards. Of tbeee who remain, many. are determined to stick doggedly to the union to the last. Others are afraid to take out cards until the end of the week. The steamer Spokane has been placed in service on the Snake river between Sparta and Lewiston with double daily service and will be operated as a through mail, express and passenger steamer, making round trips daily except Satur day. ' Leave Riparia at 2:30 a. m. ar riving at Lew is ton at 12 o'clock noon. Leave Lewiston at 2:30 p, m. arriving at Riparia at 7 o'clock p. m. The steamer Lewiston will take the place of the Spokane on the same schedule Sat urdays and at other times will be oper ated on a wild.BcheduIe, taking care of all local work. The object of this new schedule is to place the Wisten and Buf falo Hump countries more in touch with points on the O. R. & N. tf J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., says: "I would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is the best remedy for croup I ever used." . Snlpes Kinersly Drug Co. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood ita Beyerest teets, but " her vital organs were onderter mined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con so mo tion, and was bo much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs,. Lutber Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. If you Buffer from tenderness or full ness on the right side, pains under shoulder-blade, constipation, bilious ness, sick-headache, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy your liver is torpid and con gested. DeWitt's Little Early Rieers will cure you promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the congestion acd causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally. They are good pills. Snipee-Kinersly Drug Co. . Farm (or Sale. Six miles south of Tl e Dalles, com posed of 495 acres 203 in grain and 100 in Bummer fallow. A good house and other buildings, and all manner of farm ing implements. This is a desirable farm at a bargain. For terms, apply to G. W, PATTEE80N, 6-tw The Dalles. THE TROUBLE AT BUFFALO Shovelers Refuse to Go to Work, and "Monthly" Men Determined to Strike All Elevators Tied Up. Buffalo, May 15. The grain shovel ers whose troubles was believed to have been satisfactorily settled have refused to go no work in the elevators .with the men who have been working and whom the contractors refuse to diecharge..The shovelers claim. that they were required to get- cards from Contractor Conner s be fore they would be permitted to work, and that in addition to the objectionable shovelers at, work some boss .scoopers objected to were, working, notwithstand ing the agreement that they were to be suspended pending an investigation of charges against them'. 1 he shovelers marched to their headquarters with their scoops on their shoulders. The monthly men at the various elevators have deter mined to strike. This will completely tie up the elevators. Situation More Serious Than Ever. Buffalo, May 15. Business is at a standstill at the coal and ore docks, but the railroads have men at work on their docks handling freight. Thirty-five levee negroes from Cincinnati were put to work from the Central . docks today. The "monthly" men from the elevators held a meeting and determined to order out all the men who manipulate the elevator machinery, including the steam shovels. The situation has not been bo serious before. SUMMONS. in te Circuit Couet of thi State of Oregon 1 for Wasco county. Maxim Main Vo2t and Philippine Chap man, partners doing business under the firm name and style of Max Vogt & Co., Plaintiffs, . . vs. T. J. McCoy. Defendant To T. J . McCoy, the above named defendant. In the Dame of the State of Orenon. You are hereby notified and rea aired to annear in the above entitled court, on or before the last day or tbe publication ot tms summons to-wu: on or before the 10th davof June. 1899. then and there to answer the complaint of the above named piaintms niea in tne aoove namea court, and If vou fall to annear and answer Dlaintifls' complaint for want thereof, plaintiffs will take juagment gainst you ior tne Bum 01 toa nuu l. gal interest tnereon since April i, w, togeui with nlaintlfl's' costs and disbursements. This summons is served unon vou bv nubll cation thereof bv order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, iudere of the above named court, made in open court in Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, on the 24th day of April, 1899, and directing that tfn summons be served upon you Dy pnonca tion thereof, not less thun once a week for six consecutive wet ks in Thi Dalles Ohbonicl, a newspaper or general circulation, pubiisnea weekly at Dalles City. Waco County. Oregon, said publication to begin in the issue of said newspaper on the 29th day of April, 1899, and to end on the 10th day of June, 1899, both dates inclusively. . uuruK m uaeiil, apl29-il Attorneys for plaintiffs Notice. Timber Culture ' U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,) February 24, 1899. ) Complaint having been entered at this office by Ollie P. Weberg against Wesley Summner for failure to coraplv with law aa to timber-culture Entrj No. 8025, dated September 22, 1S88, npon the 8. E. 14 Section 10, TowuaMp ft, south of Willamette Meridian. Kanse W enst, in Wasco County, State of Oregon, with a view to the can cellation of said entry, contestant alleging that said Wesley Summner never plowed or cultivated said tract except about six acres and never at any time nor has any one for bim planted any .trees or cuttings, or seeds, and also the said Wes ley Summner about the month of February, 1890, duly relinquished said tract to the United States ana delivered said relinquishment to this affiant and said relinquishment was duly filed in the U. S. office of The Dalles, Oregon, and at the said time and prior thereto abandoned said tract and has never siuce said time returned thereto cr claimed any light or interest in said tract of land. The said parties are hereby summoned to ap pear at this office on the 20th day of April, 1899, at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. U-ii JAY P. LUCAS, Register. ft ft Today ft o ft ft ft We mention as store news the recent arrival ot a complete new line of the celebrated ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft "Bee Line" ft ft ft ft ft ft NIGHT SHIRTS ft ft ft In sizes for Men and Boys. ft ft ft ft ft ft O ft g ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft o ft ft ft ft ft ft We suggest that you enter tain uo thought of having Night Shirts made, or of buying them elsewhere, nntil you have looked over our stock. Here you will find just what you want at prices you are wil ling to pay. Boy's Night Shirts. Nice muslin, silk stitched at collar, cuffs and front, one pocket. Sizes 4, 6 and 8 years 50c Sizes 10, 12, 14 years .6Uc Men's Night Shirts. Muslin, nice and soft; fancy Bilk stitching, one pocket 60c and 75c A good full Bize Night Shirt made of twilled wamsutta mus lin at 95c Finer ones made with the new roll collar. Made plain or stitched at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.65 and $1 95. Those at $1.95 are made of Berkley Cambric, with new roll collar, front and cufis of a Btriped Nainsook ; a perfectly high grade Night Shirt, made to please the most faetidioua. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft o ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft- ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft o Complete Line Suspenders. Any style you may want; a good many styles that are not seen at other stores. 10c to $1.50 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Bj.Wiiuams&co. ft o ft ft ft ft