The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 13, 1899, Image 3

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    We have been offering you a line of light Sum
mer Goods for this week, and in connection with those
we will give you a
for Saturda', the 13th inst, in the way of
Scotch Lawns 04c
Challies ..." 04c
Percales, 36-inch 07 c
Dimities 09c
All of these goods late and dainty; but remember this
Ladies Two-Clasp Kid Gloves, colors brown, tan,
mode, red, blue and white; equal to any $1.25
Glove. Our price 95c
In Our Ready-to-Wear Dept.
Will be found a good assorted line of Wrappers from
50c to $3.00 each.
Serge and Cheviot Tailor Skirts, $3.50 and up.
Black Crepon Skirts, $5.50 and up.
Tailor-made Suits in checks, plain blue and brown,"
$5.75 each.
All Goods Matked
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
- MAY 13. 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Don't fail to see our young folks in
"A Summer's Faucv'' Wednesday nieht.
This morning the clerk issued a
marriage license to A. McDonald and
Miss B. F. H. Wyes, of this city.
On account of the illness of Mrs. N.
Harris' little son, the social which was
to be given at her home next Saturday
evening has been postponed. .-
Remember the prize dancing contest
tonight at Smith Bros.' soiree at the
Baldwin. All who frequented these
soirees may enter the contest.
The F.pworth Leaguers will hold a
sunriee prayer meeting tomorrow morn
ing at 7 o'clock at the Methodist church.
All young people are invited to attend.
A baptismal service was beld at Dufur
yesterday, wben Mrs. Moorhead,' of
Dufur, was baptized in the stream which
runs by the city, yesterday afternoon at
1 o'clock.
Fifteen carloads, or 600 cattle, were
shipped from the Salt marsh stock yards
yesterday afternoon to Kiddle Bros, of
Island City, Union county. They were
bought by Frank Taylor.
A baker advertised for help thus:
"Wanted, a young man to assist baker.
Must tie well bred, can loaf two-days in
the week, and get his dough on Saturday
night, or every-night if he kneads it.
On another page will be found the
rules, and .regulations ieeued by the
water commission- of our city. Bead
them and co-operate with the commis
sion for the best interest of consumers. ".
Monday evening 'the John' Griffith
in Plain Figures.
Comp any will appear at the Vogt and
present "The Avenger." Judging from
the splendid notices given by the Ore
gonian, the orapany must be a good
Yesterday afternoon in Justice Bay
ard's court, was held the examination of
Christian Weiss, charged with threaten
ing the life of his neighbor, D. J.
Roberts. He was placed under $200
bondi to keep the peace.
The Editorial Association will be in
The Dalles the morning of the 3d ot
July. We must give them a good time.
That coBts money, so to raise it every
bady should do their part and go to the
opera house and see "A Summer's
Fancy." : I
The Regulator will make an extra
trip to Stevenson tomorrow, when 3000
sheep will be taken Any a the river to
the Washington side of the Cascade
mountains. The old hll of the Dalles
City will be towed and used in trans
porting them. . . -''
This morning the river stood at 21.5, a
rise of eight inches since yesterday at
the same time. ' Yesterday morning at
Lewiston a rise of .4 was reported ; at
Riparia .6. and at North port .1. Th
means a rise of about .6 for us, and by
tomorrow ntgnt tne river should De at a
Tomorrow being the tenth anniversary
of the Epworth League, the day will
be observed accordingly throughout the
United States The League in this city
will, therefore, have charge of the even
in; service tomorrow night at the M. E
church. A good program has been pre
pared, and all are invited to be present,
, Instead of the Baker being brought to
The Dalles, as was intended, last even
ing the "Oklahoma" reached here about
5:20, with Capt. Allen in charge, and
will 'remain until all danger of high
water is over, or, shall we say, the flood
nas leit us nign ana dry sne was
brought here by the O. R; & N. and - is
anchored near the company' yards.
: Yesterday in our notice of the excur
sion ot-'ine "ona 01 Merman to our
city on the 21st, we said that the Com
mercial Club band had been '-engaged.
We are, however, informed that while
the musicians will Decomposed mostly of
members of that band,' the mUeic for the
occasion will not be furnished by that
band aa an organization, some instru
ments being played by outsiders. They
expect to be in good trim and furnish
goo 1 music for our visitors.
In a letter received by Mr. MacAlliater
from Dr. Siddall, and written on the 4th
at Skagway, be eaid be would start for
Atlin City that afternoon by the Fan
Tail ruute. On his trip over, doctor ihet
on the steamer a lady who taught school
in The Dalles in '78, Miss Ford, who
made her home at that time" with Mrs.
Wingate. She is now Mrs. G. W.
D'Lucca, and her husband is editor of
the Alaskan. She seemed pleased to
meet eome one from The Dalles, and
made - many inquiries concerning her
friends here.
A Dalles Boy Attempts to Correct m Jap
and Gets Ioto Trouble
Work on the new Snake River line is
reported as progressing rapidly, and
many contracts are nearing completion.
Tfje average contractor's life is not one
in clover by any means, as one of the
many incidents occurring almost daily
might illustrate.
A young man, Chas. Snipes, well
known in The Dalles, who is foreman on
a large work a few miles below Grange
City, tried to discharge one of his
Japanese, or propound more active prin
ciples as regards the use of the pick,
into bis oriental mind. The men de
murred, and trouble arose with a pace
equal to the rise of the Snake these days.
Used to having his own way in euch
matters, Snipes acted promptly and
without considering consequences. - He
floored the belligerent, and it was like
poking a stick into a hornet's nest. A
loud cry, and over a hundred Japs at
tacked him with picks, stones and
shovels. Being unarmed, he was obliged
to run. Down the grade to the river's
edge, hotly pursued by the numerous
emblems of Jap wrath, several of which
took notable effect, he went, and thence
to camp, while the head Jap held them
back for the moment.
Later in the evening they all got
together, however, and after a long pow
wow broke out afresh and came to
Snipes' tent to renew: the attack. By
this time he was mad in earnest, and it
is eaid wanted to fight the whole crowd.
Events crowded, and authentic history
of the next few hours is very much as
that of the dark ages. However, he was
finally persuaded' to retire, and at about
11 :30 appeared at the camp of Norman
Seaman, who is also quite well known
in The Dalles, in a violent rage and rain
storm, and to his dipgust learned that
all of Seaman's men had' been on a
rampage ' from about the same cause
for the past three days, and he was just
holding the fort and waiting 'for the
next crd, to turn up.
But in spite of this unpleasant situa
tion there was no going further, for the
night was dark and stormy and over a
hundred Japs camped between him and
the next white camp. So he doctored
up his many cuts and bruises and re
mained until daylight, when rage having
again mastered judgment, he armed and
went back to face his old enemies at
home, and try to get order out of a very
ugly chaos.
lbat was tr.e last report, but let ns
hope our friends have mastered the situ
ation, which by the way appeared not
to disturb their nerves as might of any
ordinary citizen (not a contractor or rail
road foreman; and that ' Japan is again
at peace with the Snake river world.
Red Hot From the Oon
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
ment helped for twenty years. Then
Bncklen's Arnica Salve cured hiin. It
cures cuts, bruises, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure on
earth. Tweuty-five cents a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists.
Settlement Desired.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to the undersigned, are re
quested to call and settle on or before
June 1st. Those having claims are also
notified to present them on or before the
above date. O. C. Hollister.
, May3-lwk
Don't think yon can cure that slight
attack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that
it will cure itself. . Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will cure it ; it "digests what you eat'
and restores the digestive' organs 'to
health. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. -
Steam Saw Notice. ...
On account of the. dull season now
bving at hand in the wood sawing line.
Wm. Cates' has decided to run the steam
saw but two days in the week, Tuesdays
and Fridays. " Patrons will, therefore,
govern themselves accordingly and pre
vent friction in the matter. Call' up
Phone J01;,, - i - ?' '- - . 9-tf
' Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. ' Finest' kind of
chicken feed. mcli25-tf
Neither Is It Likely to Be And Oar
'Neiehuors Know It.
Despite the wars and rumors of wars
which are being waged against The
Dalles, and the excitement wb:ch comes
just so often when some pessimist gets
it into his head that our city is gradually
dying, and is only walking around to
save funeral expenses, back of it all
there is a strong conviction that "the
corpse ain't dead yet," nor is it liable to
be, though at the same time they realize
we might have been more fully awake
to our opportunities. ' Thus the Dufur
Dispatch under the heading 'The Dalles
Will Grow," aptly saye:
"The Dalles was so long a trading
point for euch a large territory, and from
its unequalled situation 'jeograpically it
had to do so little to hold the trade, that
the possibilities of ever losing any great
portion seemed so distant as to hardly
be worth consideration. Now the mer
chants at our county seat begin to rea
lize their mistake and are showing an
inclination to do something toward
building up a manufacturing town.
'Though The Dalles might have been
mucn greater than she is, sail her
natural advantages are such that a little
enterprise among the business men will
make it impossible for the Columbia
Southern or any other railroad to kill or
badly cripple the town.
"No city in the northwest is as favor
ably located as The Dalles and with any
thing like business cense within five
years she will face all the- little shoe
string railroads that are claiming to be
town makers" to connect with The
Dalles or go out of business."
F. A. McDonald for Governor.
In Thursday's edition of the Seattle
Pob- Intelligei cjr we find the following
concerning a tormer Dalles man, and
one who has now a host of friends here,
who would be glad to see him honored
by being elected governor of our sister
"Olympia saw the birth of the embrjo
McDonald boom for the governorship.
At the Jefferson day banquet at Tacoma
it was incubated and now Democrats all
over the state are talking of him for the
nomination. They are saying, too, that
he has strong friends among the Popu
lists who would support him in prefer
ence to anv other Democrat for the
office. '
"Judge McDonald made a record at
Olympia of which his friends are proud
He was unquestionably one of the
brightest men in the legislature. His
ready wit was often in evidence and aa
a debater on any question he was re
sourceful in argument and facile in ex
Wood Wood Wood.
We can furnish you with strictly first
class, dry, fir wood at the same prices
which you have been paying for inferior
quality. Send us your orders and get
the best, f hone 2o.
Mchl. Jos. T. Petebs & Co.
To Care a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund tLe money
it fails to cure. 25c.
Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colde,
croup and whooping-cough readily yield
to One Minute Coutch Cure. Use this
remedy in time and save a doctor's bill
or the undertaker's." Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
The ancients believed that rheuma
tism was the work of a demon within a
man. Any one who has had an attack
of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism
will agree that the infliction is demoniac
enough to warrant the belief.. It has
Hotel for Sale.
A good paying hotel in Eastern Ore
gon. This is very desirable property
and may be obtained at a great bargain
For particulars address "B" at this
office. i 4 d
Good Wood.
To get the best dry fir. and pine wood
that the market affords ting up 40,
Pronpt delivery. The Dalles Lumber
ing Co. Jan27-2m
By allowing the accumulations in the
bowels to remain, tLe entire system .is
poisoned. DeWiti'e Little Early Rieere
regulate the bowels. Tr them and you
will always use them.- Snipes-Kinersly
Drug Co.
A Wonderful Discovery.
The great Mexican hair vigor, mann
fact u red by Mrs. Dora A. Dreyer, can
now be had in this city." Mi's. Dreyer is
prepared to treat mil aiseasesoT ire scalp
and ladies wishing home treatment may
leave then-address -with AJhas. Eraser.
Carmelite is on sale at Mr. Fraeer's bar--
ber shop and - Blakeley & Houghton'
drug store. .See display on Friday and
Saturday - at Blakeley & Houghton'
window--' ' ; nu4-lm
J. N. Burgess is in from Antelope.
J. E. Barnett is up from Portland.;
Miss Edna Glenn went to Portland
this morning for a short vUit.
G. W. Smith, of Glen wood, came
from Lyle last evening.
Ben Mitchell, representing the El
Modelo cigar, is doing the city today.
Hon. 8. Farrell, of the firm of Evet
ding & Farrelljwas in the city yesterday.
Mrs. Winterbalder and Miss Bert! a
Kreibonm, of Astoria, are guests at the
home of Judge Liebe.
Miss Katie Cooper came np on the
boat last night from Mosier, where she
is teaching schcol.
Miss Eva Brians, who has been the
guest of Mrs. J. P. Lucas, wiil leave this
afternoon for Portland.
W. Werz-veiler and Alf Allen are in
the Csty on their way frotu Portland to
tlitir homes at Prineville.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Schernockau are up
rom Astoria vifitiiii; Judie and Mrs.
Liebe and meeting old friends.
Capt. Polk and Capt. Edwards came
up on the Oklahoma last evening and
returned on the boat this morning to
L. B. Geer, brother of Gov. Geer. and
who has recently been aooointed stale
land agent, was' in town today, on his
way to the interior.
D. W. BenMey and son. J. S. Bentlev. of
Marysville, Mo., .who have been looking
over tne cuuotiee in the interior, left
last night for their Eastern home.
F. A. Menzies, representing the Rock
Island route, and J. B. Datfy, freight
agent for the D. & R. G. R. R., were
passengers cn the boat this morning.
Capt. and Mrs. E. Sullivan came up
from Portland on the Oklahoma last
evening. Mrs. Sulhyan will remain un
til tomorrow with friends, the Captain
having returned this muriiing.
At the Cosmopolit .n Hotel in this city.
Saturday uioruitm, May 13th, of con
sumption, Mary A. Baillie, wife of Geo.
B. Bailile, age So years.
Opera House
Bight from
Marqam Grand
The Romantic Actor,
Presenting the Historical Play,
tattyryi? pureell
And a carefully selected Co.
$1.50 production for this city only
Heserved Seat?, 75e; Back Seats, 50s
THE flVtll
For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity
in water healing, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con
struction,' ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in
parts, certainty -of no repair bills, make the best authoiities
unanimous in their declarations that the
Is the very best on earth. Sold exclusively by
Sole agents for this brand oi Coffee.
i !.- Aa inWu
Well, I have been thinking of purchas
ing one for some time. Wife, don't let
me forget to call tomorrow at
170 Second Street, The Dalles.
. Notice Wer Kent.
Hereafter Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I.
O. O. F., will charge for nee of water in
their cemetery at the late of $2 per lot
for the season, payable in advance to
the Bexton. C. J. Cbandall,
T. A. Ward.
W. H. Butts,
J Chase &$anborn JJ
A i'
f G Jsri
1 n II