VOL. XI THE DALIES, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY. 11, 1899 NO;341 ATTACK ON ... , SAN FERNANDO Inspirei toy-Wine tne Bast Filipinos THEY WERE REPULSED Filipino General Had Stimulated His ; Troops With Words and.Wine-- Luna Massing His Army "; ' 1 - Manila, May 10. 10:40 a. p. The Filipino General Mascardo'a army, in spired by wine taken from the store houses of .BaeVdor and ' by ' the general's oratory on, Monday evening, attacked .Sao Fernando. There was tremendous 'yeinng ana great expenditure oi care ridges by the rebels, bat very htt?e result. General Mecardo holda the Outskirts of Bacolor weet of the' railroad. Tn front of his position are Kansas and 'Montana regiments, .which..; occupy trenches that the Filipinos built in an ticipation of an attack' from Hhej sea. Daring the afternoon of Monday, Gen eral Mascardo, with a large retinae of offienra, rode along; the lines,, frequently topping to harangue hia warriors. At ak a detachment of rebels rushed to ward the ontposta of the Montana regi ment, bat were met by a hot fire from the line. . Insurgents from the trenches Clearly three miles long responded. After fin hour' fighting-, adoring which, one 'private soldier of the Montana reigment Was wounded ,- the insurgents aubtLied. Prisoners who were brought into the American lines said. that Mascardo -die-trihuted barrels of wine among his sol ' d -rs, telling them he expected to capture the ci'y of San Fernando. . ;. ' General Luna ia massing hia army east of the railway,, bringing np troops by trainloads in i'it of the American lines. 'The country between . San Fer nando and Calumpit ia filling up with natives, who nrof trrvat triendahip to ward the Americana, nr j on pected of sympathy with the insurgent!. Another Demonstration Manila, May 10. 4:10 p. m. The army inn clad iron boats Lagnna de Bay and Cavadongo, under command of Captain Grant, steamed np the Rio Giande to Calumpit today, clearing the entire country of, rebels from the bay upward. ; When the vessels reached Macabebe, about a thousand inhabit ants "f the place assembled upon tin bank of the river, cheering the expedi. tion liberally. .- Captain Grant was given an ovation when he went a-hore. 8om of the Macalebeans expressed them selves as being anxious to enter the ser vice of, the American navy for the cam paign against theTagais. Iesfnes4 Cannot n Cnrei. by : local . applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of ' the ear There ia only one way to cure deafnesf and that ia by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. , When this tube ia in flamed yon have a rambling aound or Imperfect hearing, and when it ia en tirely closed, Deafness ia the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken one and this .tube .restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; ninecasa out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any cape of Deafness (caused by catarrh " that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cnr. Send for circulars ; free. - F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. XtfT"old by. Druirgists 75c. . , 6-10 Hall's Family Pills are the best. .... 4 i "VSr? JVf Makes the food more delicious and wholesome IIOVM. BAKma POWO CO., WtWVOWK." "a."--. tp. n GOLD STRIKE AT 1 i POINT "NOME Another Story of Rich Diggings : on United States Soil to Be Considered Cautiously. ' 1 Sal Francisco. May 10. The Exam iner prints a story 'regarding the new gold discoveries "at Point Nome, ;in Alaska, which ita advices declare to ex ceed in richness those of the Klondike.; The strike, ia on the Snake River and ita tributaries, about twenty rr.iles. back from Cape Nome, and 120 miles from St. Michael just outside the Sr.-Michael military reservation. of the United States tO'ernment. The' mines are all .in American territory. Reports from miners on the ground say that it ia only six feet bedrock, and the ground ia alleged to pay from . the surface. ; A stampede from Dawson fend St. Michael to the new gold field is predicted.' ; Leon Sloes, of the Alaska'' Commercial Company, points out the -fact that these diggings seem to be in a well-defined belt which takes ;in .the Klondike country, 'the Forty Mile and Circle City .'in.in, the Koyukuk strikes, and paspes on tbrouieh the Snake river region into Siberia. Rich finds are also reported oh the Koyoknk river, one ot the northern tributaries of the Yukon. These are alao on American soil. If you suffer from tenderness or full ness on the right sida, pains under shoulder-blade, constipation, bilious ness, eick-headacbe, and feel dull, heavy and sleepy- your liver is' torpid and co'u gested :.. J)jj W Ut's, ., Little ,. Early Risers will cure yon- promptly, pleasantly, and permanently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally. They abb good pills. Snipes Kiuersly Drug Co. Wbrking'Slfht and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made ia Dr. King's New Life Pills. .Every pill ia a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, lietlessness Into energy,1 brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building no the health. Only 25 cents-per box..- Sold by Blakeley & Houghton.' 3 ' Caah tn Y our Cbeokl. All countv warrants registered prior to July 13, 1895, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after April 19, 1899. ' C. L. Phillips, Conntv Treasnrer. The Beit In tna World. We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best in the world. A few weeks ago. we suffered with a severe cold and v. troublesome cough, and having read their advertisements in our own and other papers we purchased . a bottle to aee if it would effect us. It cured us bef re. the bottle was more than half used. It is the best medicine out for colds and coughs. The Herald, Anderaonville, Ind; For sale by. Blake ley & Houghton Druggists., . Settlement Desired. ' . All persona' knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned, are re quested to call and .settle od or before Jane 1st. Toose having claims are also notified to present them on or before the above date. O. C. Hollisteb. May 3 lwk ' An Kpldemle or Whooping Cong;h, Last winter during an 'epidemic of whooping cough my children contracted the disease,' having 'severe coughing spells. " We had ..used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ' very successfully tbr croup and naturally turned to it at that time and fonnd it relieved the cough and effected a' complete - cure'. John E. Clifford, Proprietor, Norwood House, Norwood. N. Y. This remedy is for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. DEATH OF REV. TIIOliURN fas Wen Away SaiJecli Taesiai ILL TWEfNTY- F0UR HOURS Cerebral Congesttpn the , Cause of the Taking Off Life - and Service in Methodism. Portland, , May 15. Rev. Crawford Rockwell Thobuin, pastor of, the .Cent enary l Methodist .. Episcopal church, Portland, died at 9 o'clock last evening at his home, southeast corner of East Ninth and East Ankenv etreeta. He had suffered a congestive chill at 10 o'clock on the previous night, but would not allow his wife to summon medical aid until 6 o'clock yesterday morning. Dr. Royal found him in aa unconscious i state, from which be never fully - rallied to the time of his death, the immediate cause - of which Dr. Royal ascribes to cerebral congestion. -Mr. Thoburn, though never very strong, was enjoying fair health up to the time of his last sudden attack. : On Monday evening he attended a teachers' meeting at the Centenary church, and introduced resolutions of respect to the memory of Dr. C. H. Payne, whose death at Clifton Springs, N. Y., had just been announced by telegraph, and after the meeting, accompanied hia wife home in a very cheerful mood. Last ' Sunday be preached one of: the most.' powerful sermons of hia life, from the- text "And he said unto another, follow me," taking advantage of the occasion to urge. his hearers to follow in the footsteps of Christ, i 1 i His sudden taking off is a severe shock to the family and to the host of friends he had made in Portland since hia resi dence here, which' began last Septem ber, when he came from Tacoma to, aa Sime the duties of chancellor of the Consolidated universities, a position he held until March .1,. when . he became pastor of the Centenary church, suc ceeding Rv. J. J. Walter, who was ap pointed superintendent of the missions of Alaska. Centenary church was pro gressing well under hta pastorate, . and hia losa will be keenly felt by the con gregation. '! f Mr. Thohurn cornea of a prominent religious family, being the son of Bishop J. M. Thoburn, of the Methodist Episco pal churcb. The steamer Spokane has been placed in service on the Snake river between Sparta and Lewiston with double daily service and will he operated as a through mail, express and paseenger" ateamer, making round trips daily except .Satur day. Leave Riparia'at 2:30 a. m. ar riving at. Lewiston at ' 12 o'clock ' noon. Leave Lewiston at. 2:30 p. m. arriving at' Ri pari a at 7. o'clock p. m.... The steamer Lewiston will take the place of the Spokane on the same schedule Sat urdays and at other times will he oper ated on a wild schedule,'' taking care of all local work... The object of this : new schedule is to place the Wis ten and Buf falo Hump countries more in touch with points on the O. R. & N. tf : Discovered bjr a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in ' this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon heir and for seven years she with stood its severest teets, bnt her vital organs were ondertermined and death seemed imminent. . For three months she coughed incessantly, and could, not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, ' has been absol utely cured. ' Her name is Mrs'." Luther 'Lutz." Thua writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. 'J rial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Drugstore. : ' -Regular size 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. . ; ...;. Elegant new Pullman- palace sleepers between Portland and Chicago have just been placed in service, via the O. R., & N.,T Oregon .Short Line, iCnidH Pacific and Chicago & Northwestern railways daily every day in the year. Cars are of the very latest pattern, in fart being the most improved up-to-date sleeping -cars turned; out by the Pullman Company. These new palaces will leave Portland on the evening fast train of the O. K. & N. arriving at Chicago the morning of the fourth day and running through with out change via Granger and Omaha. 19tf By allowing the accumulations in- the bowels to remain, tLe entire system' is poisoned. , DeWitt'a Little Early Risers regulate the bowels.' Try them and you will always use them. Suipes-Kinersly Drug Co. ; : - --- - . ' Hotel ror Sale.. A good paying hotel in, Eastern Ore gon. Thla is very desirable property and may be obtained at a great bargain. For particulars address "B" at this oflSce. , ... ''.'-' " .. , j 4 d " J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrat, Lancaster, ' N. H., says: "I would ' not be ithout One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is the best remedy for croup I ever used." '. Snlpes Kinersly Drug Co Motiee. Have you a farm for sale or for rent, or do you know of any. person holding farming land that they wish to dispose of?' If so, please write to any agent of the O. R. A N. Co., and he will' send you a circular which will interest you. Good Wood. To get the best dry fir and pine wood that the market affords ling up 40. P.-oapt delivery. . The Dalles Lumber ing Co. Jan2?-2m Ask your Druggist CATARRH tor a generous "-IO CENT i TRIA1., SIZE. ,t Ely's CreaniBaiia contains no icocafne, tnercory nnr any other Injurious drag. ' It Is quickly Absorbed. Gives Keiief at once. It opens snd cleanses the Naaal Passages. COLD HEAD Allays imammunm. Heats and Protects the Wembrane. " Hestoresthe Senses of Taste and KmelL- Foil Bnw eoc. ; Trial Size 10c. 5 at Drnejnsts or by mail. - ELT ttOTSk.M Wuna Street. RnrTork. Thomandl are Trying It. In order to prove the great, merit of Ely's Cream Balm, the most effective cure ! for Catarrh arid Cold in Head, we have pre 1 pared a generous trial size for 10 cents. Uet it of your druggist or send lu cents to V ELY BROS., 50 Warren St., N.: Y. City. . ' I stiff ered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since a boy, and I never hoped tot cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that. . Many acquaintances hare used it with excellent results. Oscar Ostrum, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago, M. '- ' -' ' -1" '' Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no cocaine, mercury nor. any injuriouadrug. -. Price, SO cents. At druggists or by mail. fiERUl gs Restores ViY'AL.IT'i . 1 LOST VGOR ' i a and MANHoor: Cures Impotency, Night Emissions anc" wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and Indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings thr pink g-low to-pale cheeks an restores the fire of youth By mail SOe per box; boxes lor $12.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund ttie money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts CHICAGO, ILL. virzrs BIG PROFIT FOR FAST BOAtI '"' -I ........ i ' i i ' ''i-i y- !' t ;i A afsvlste-Baillt 'shlp Earaa 9100,000 Cross llecelliU la Ftftcca -'"' ; ., Moatlt. '- " We find in the Lewiston Journal of the 18th insti'"the record of a Maine built ship," Which ia very pleasant reading-,' for it: f urn Whes conclusive proof that ehipbuildiitgtilB the United States is 'a profitable industry under judi-. eioiis management. This ship is called the: Dirlg-o, and appears'to be worthy of her proud-name;.: She was built, the Journal says,-by :yie Sewalls, at Bath, and is' the largest steel ship afloat bearing- the stars and ' stripes. It us probable that no; steamship in the freight business exclusively has earned so much monejr'ln a year as this sailing veseel placed to the credit of her owners. - .. . . . -- r The record 'published in the Journal shows that the Dirigo left New Yorl fori Shanghai on January 9 last with a cargo of general 'merehahdise,' which brought in a gross amount of $35,350 After discharging at Shanghai shecame across the Pacific in ballast to Puget sound and immediately picked up a coal freight for San Francisco, which added $11,000 more- to -her- receipts.' Coal1 freights paid so well then that the ship made two voyages in the trader-' "'She has just been chartered to 'load wheat on the Puget sound at. 33 shil lings 9 - pence. She -can carry , 4.700 tons of cargo, and at this rate the gross ' receipts for the voyage to Europe will be 3S,070. She. is a fast boat, but if she could make only an average voy age she will reach Liverpool by April, so that her gross receipts for 15 months' work will amount to nearly '$100,000, about one-half of which will be profit. ' Our Lewiston contemporary finds in these figures -an ample exposition oi the reason why Arthur Sewall, "the Bath shipbuilder and'the owner of the Dirigo, goes right along building sailing-ships', while less enterprising 'cap italists have bewailed their decadence and bought lots in Loneeomeville at two per cent." Washington, Post. ..GHAS. m ft ;- i , Buteheps and FatmeVs ..Exchange.. - Keeps on draaght tba celebrated COLUMBIA BEER, ncknowl- t ' edged the best beer in The Dalles, - at the usual price; Come in, try - it and be convinced. Also the " Finest brands- ot Wines, Liquor and Ciirars. . . . , . . . . , S andrxtiehes . r , : ' - of all Kinds always on band. ' - F. S. Blacksmith, i Horses Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. 'BROS.. S GENERAL- " . J r Wagon and Carriage Werk. j r Fish Brothers' Wagon. . j - "I ..... s nor. Second &Laiililin. .'Pione 157 C3ouse o GVlow? If you are, we want 'yon. to call around and see the handsome Rugs we are. Show ing; the' big assortment of Lace Curtains and Draperies of all kinds, including' a m ..I 1 . ; . 1 aus o ui BLVies auu ui iuco iu ui Portieres that would1, do " credit to a big city store. " Bed Pillows and -Sofa CuahioDS can al-o be bought here in qualities to 1 suit the wants of every house keeper. . '..'.'.-;. o o tO o O 9 Our stock of Bed Clothes is very complete. We are doing quite a business in ready-made Sheets and" Pil low Cases at present. , Qual Hies and right. prices must , be Sheetings and Pillow Cas ings by the yard in the mobt popular qualities. Comforts, Blankets and Counterpanes ready for your inspection, , .; , . ; HBBial... 1 '" J i"' t X SATURDAY ONLY n We will sell: " Hemstitched Sheets, blch'd f ? Pequot Muslin, 81x90 inch- O Sr' es; value, 75c. '. .' 'fify ' " r . , :h SATURDAY f ''''lO Hemstitched Pillow Cases, gc bleached, ' 45 x 36 inches; '-c jS value, 15c. - : -??.tsi dS SATURDAY Jflfr 1- - - vm I jianis &Co,