The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 10, 1899, Image 3

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We have tried not to press
this matter loo forcibly upon
you, as the weather lias been
rather against such proceedings,
but now that the season is ad
vancing so rapidly when these
goods roust be worn, we will
give you an opportunity of
bu3'ing these just right.
f wash goods.
f8in - (a
All these goods are new, fresh and stylish, and
those of you who have any thought for the future
warm days had better avail yourselves of this oppor
tunity and provide yourselves with the latest, prettiest
things while they are to be had.
Children's Lawn Caps in white, blue and pink,
ranging in price from 25c to $1.25.
Pique Embroidery and Insertion to match.
New Valencennies Lace and Insertion to match.
Swiss Embroidery flouncing skirts.
Misses' black seamless hose, extra finish, 15c per
A new and assorted line of steel Belt Buckles.
The latest Sash ornaments in chain and buckle con
nections 95c each.
Stock Collars; all colors; in ribbon, satin and
chiffon, from 35c to 50c.
Specials In. FurnisQing Goods Dep't.
Delay ncflonger in the selection of that suit. The
completeness of our stock and richness of the assort
ment is at its height. The time, is now. Its best not
to wait another day and a great mistake to wait a week,
as the line of - -
men's Suiis ai Ten Dollars
displayed in our Furnishing Goods Window will
be quickly sold. They are rare values at this price.
Special in Groceries
Our prices sing their own
song. Quality gives us an ad
vantage over all competitors
and we give the most possible
for the lowest consistent price.
We buy our groceries with the
view to make you live well, and
for your pocket books sake,.
We quote you a few Specialties:
Cheese (Herkimer Co., N. Y.) sure to please you. 20c
Oranges, naval (email) 15c
Oranges, (medium).... 20c
Lemon, fancy 5c
Bananas 20c
Canned Goods, Extra Standard Table Fruits,
equal to thoee pat up at home.
Yellow Crawford Peaches
Bartlett Pears .
Oar say-so in our Ads is the say-eo of oar goods. If you want the
beat see us. .
All Goods Marked in Plaia Fig iret. -
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
- MAY 10, 1899
Telephone No. J.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
ao changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive. - .
The Dalles, January io, 1899. "
Jane Patterns just arrived at Peaee &
Mays. . ..
Standard Fashion for June now ready
at Peaee & Mays.
Ladies are cordially invited to attend
a Health Talk, Tbureday, May 11th, at
3 p. m., in the.Viavi offices.
The river is coming up gradually, and
with it the salmon, which are becoming
more plentiful.
Saltmarshe's stock yards are pretty
well filled with cattle today, which are
to be shipped from here by Kiddle Bros.
of La Grande.
Which colors are you wearing? If
you're on the Williams side you must
wear .the Ecarlet and purple; If for
Mays & Crowe don the blue and gold.
Read what the Oregonian says re
garding the Jobn Griffith Company.
Monday night they had four curtain
calls when the curtain dropped on the
fast act. I
Yesterday afternoon the 3-months old
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crawford,
died at their home in Rockland. The
remains will be brought to this city for
burial tomorrow.
Alle Deutscben der Stadt and TJmge-
gend eind eingeladen zu einer Veream
lung Domerstagden 11 ten May. Abends
pa net 8 ubr im Baldwin Opera Houe.
Organization der comitee zum empfang
der Hermans Soehne am. 21 ten dies
The idea was recently advanced to
build a warship to be called "The Amer
ican Girl." The Salem Statesman sug
gests that it seems but natural to think
of a strong armor round its waist.
John Riggs is today minus his- buggy
horse, which he thinks must have been
stolen laBt night from the lot adjoining
his place on the hill. Last evening at
sun-down the horse was in the -lot, se
curely hobbled, and as it has been his
stamping ground - for the past seven
years, they were much surprised to find
he had disappeared. . Thorough exarch
for him has not revealed his where
abouts. Every day now the O. R. & N. runs
the new tourist sleeping cars through
The Dalles, the new vestibuled cars that
are to run between Portland -and Den
ver. They are very finely finished, and
hard work in preparing for its' rendition
next Wednesday evening, at the Vogt.
The announcement that our borne talent
is to appear has always been received
very enthusiastically by Dalles people,
and this will certainly not be an ex
ception, although the fact has not been
so thoroughly advertised as has been
their plays on former occasions. Bills
will be posted tomorrow and further
notice given later.
A telephone message was received this
morning from Hood River telling that a
body had been found in the river at that
place, and asking that the coroner come
down and hold the inquest. It was sup
posed to be the body of Frank Combs,
who was drowned about a month ago at
Arlington. As Mr. Butts is unable to
make the.trip, word was sent for Justice
of the Peace Geo. T. Prather to attend
to the matter, and the inquest was
held by him this afternoon, when it
proved the body of a man who was
drowped at Wallula.
Mr. P. DeHuff returned this morning
from Lewiston, having left The Dal.'ee
Monday evening for that place on a
business trip. Since the n?w eteami r
Spokane has been placed 011 the route, a
trip to Lewiston '.can be made in much
faster time and with splendid accommo
dations. Mr. DeHuff says the weather
at that place is perhaps slightly warmer
than in The Dalles, and that the Snake
river began to raise yesterday. In con
versation with Charley Bunnell, who
now lives in Lewiston, he told him that
the miners in the Buffalo Hump region
say there baa never been so much enow
in those mountains at this time of the
year as at present. Lawieton people,
like Dalles people, expect a flood, but
have only the reports of thoee Who have
been in the mountains to depend upon.
That place, which has been very lively of
late on account of mining excitement, ia
somewhat quieter now. although in a
very healthy state of progress.
Let Tha Dalles Co-operate.
will no doubt be patronized by-persons
who object to paying the fare on the
standard Pullman sleepers, but who
have not regarded the regulation tourist
sleepers as good enough. The service
on the new tourists will be kept up to
a high standard in every particular.
As we were attracted to hve or si
cars which came through this morning
on a freight train, looking as if they had
been through the war, we were led to
inquire what wreck bad occurred up the
road ; but were informed that they bad
come all the way from the scene of the
riots at Waidner and were a - portion of
the train which had been blown up bv
the Etrikers. One of them had the top
completely torn off, while the rest were
nearly as badly demoralized. They
were being taken to Portland for repairs,
An effort is being made in Portland to
induce the business houses to close for
the entire day on the 30th. Decoration
day (his year seems to have a renewed
Bignificarca. Not that the dead heroes
of earlier wars are the less honored, but
the more so as we realize from a more
recent experience what the horrors of
war really are, and bow much they gave
to their country. - While many do not
spend the half day as it was intended,
were the whole day a holiday, surely a
portion of it . would be devoted to the
real spirit of what Decoration was
designed to be.
The members of the club have decided
to make the meeting Saturday night at
tbeir rooms an open one, which every
citizen interested in. the .welfare of
the town may attend. Surely it will
be a rousing one. The question spoken
pf in this paper a few days since, in re
gard to assessing property owners, busi
ness men, and other residents in order to
raise a sum of money to be held in re
serve for tha purpose of inducing manu
factories to locate in our city, will be
brought op. Every ' citizen should At
tend, so that they may voice their senti
ments regarding the question.
"A Summer's Fancy," which will be
given by otfr home talent, assisted by
Mr. Levin, is a very, pretty as well as
catchy play," and the cast is doing some
When the industrious industrial
agent,- K. (J. Judson, happens around,
everybody knows "there's something in
the wind," and where there's as much
wind as The Dalles has been having,
there's plenty of capacity for all sorts of
schemes.- Anyway, whenever you see
Mr. Judson, just make up your minds
things are going to "hum."
Well, he was in The Dalles last night
for a short time, but in that short time
he made it known that if our people
would co-operate, we can have an in
dustry here which is worth the while
fostering, in the shape of a fruit drying
and evaporating plant. What better
suited to The Dalles' needs? for while as
many men may not be employed as in
some other industry,' the benefit to
our fruit growers will be great.
Mr. Judson does not think it will re
quire over f3000 or $4000 to start it, and
with that nucleus, no doubt a cannery
and other adjuncts will follow in its
wake, which will employ many work
Now is the time to. make a substantial
beginning in the matter of industries,
and would be a splendid opportunity to
invest some of the eubsidy money we are
about to raise. Mr. Judson will return in
a short time to pat the matter before
the people. ' In.tbe meantime they will
have a chance to consider the question
Hogb Hoffman Accidentia Shot at
Mile Yesterday.
A very sad and fatal accident hap
pened yesterday .afternoon at 15-Mile,
news of which was brought to the city
last evening by a neighbor, who came
in to inform Mr. Hoffman of the terrible
death of his son, Hugh, at that place
last evening, between, the hoars of 4
and 6 o'clock. !
Hugh Hoffman, who was 12 years of
age, and who has been making bis home
with the family of C. W. . Emerson on
15-Mile, started on horsback about 4
o'clock for Moe's place, some miles dis
tant, on an errand for Mrs. Emerscn,
who had been called to Bockland on ac
count of the illness of her little grand
son, and which she asked him to do be
fore leaving. -
Although being warned frequent-
y, -he took his double barreled shot
gun with him. He reached his desti
nation and accomplishing his errand,
started away in good spirits. Toward
evening one of the Moe boys saw biB
horse standing near by, and fearing
sonuetLing had happened to Hugh, he at
once went in search of him, and found
his li'eleEB body lying by a marking ma
chine, and the top of his head was about
blown off, a ahot having entered just
above the left ear.
As be had told one of the boys that te
had left his gun lying on the machine.
t is supposed as he attempted to lift it
up one the cocks got. caught and was
discharged, with the dreadful result.
Word was immediately sent in to his
father, who is a laborer in this city, and
he left last night for Mr. Emerson's.
Justice Bayard left this morning for
the Ecene of the accident to bold an
inqaeet, the result of which will be
published tomorrow. -
Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Golden Eagle Mining Co., at the
office of French & Co., bankers, Wednes
day, May 31, 1899, at 7 o'clock p. m. for
the purpose of electing seven directors
and transacting such other business 'as
may properly come before said meeting.
By order of the president.
Sec'y and Treas.
The Dalles. Or., April 25, 1899.
Eggs for Setting.
Thoroagnly Sabdaed.
A very subdued-looking boy of about
13 years, with a long scratch on his noee
and an air of general dejection, came to
bis teacher in one of the Oregon public
schools and banded her a note before
taking his eeat and becoming deeply
absorbed in bis book. The note read as
"Miss B. Please excuse James for
not being thare yesterday. He played
trooant, bat I guess you don't need to
lick bim for it, as the boy be- played
trooant with an' him fell out, an' the
boy licked bim, an' a man they sassed
caught bim an' licked him, an' the
driver of a sled they hung onto licked
him allso. Then his pa licked him, an
1 bad to give bim another lor eassing
me for telling his pa, so you need not
lick him until next time. I gue6B he
thinks be better keep in school here
after." ,
. . When Nature
Needs assistance it may be best to render
it promptly, but one should remember
to use even the most perfect remedies
only when needed. , The best and most
simple and gentle remedy ia the Syrup
of Figs, manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co. - -" -
Steam Saw Notice.
On account of the dull season now
being at hand in the wood sawing line,
Win. Cates has decided to run the steam
saw but two days in the week, Tuesday
and Fridays. Patrons will, therefore,
govern themselves accordingly and pre
vent friction ia the matter. Call up
Phone 201. . . 9-tf
Ten Hours.
With each returning season the Lozier
Manufacturing Co. show something new
and desirable in Bicycle construction.
This season finds them with more
good things than ever. One of these
good things is the BURWELL BALL,
Examine the illustration notice par
ticularly that the little steel Roller be
tween the balls transfers the motion
without interruption and the Balls can
not grind together as in ordinary
Eggs for setting from A 1 stock.
B. B. Red Games, per 15, $1.25.
S. C. Black Minorcas, per 15, $1.25.
S. C. Brown Leghorn, per 15, $1-25.
H. F. Ziegle.r,
Jm-2d-w The Dalles, Oregon.
There is nothing ordinary about Cleve
land Bicycles; every piece of material
and every hour of labor, ia the beat
money can buy.
Wecater to a trade that wants the
best and knows the best. .
Sole agents for Cleveland Bicycles.
Positions Wanted.
A man and his wife are desirous of
obtaining positions as overseer Or under
workman and housekeeper. The former
is thoroughly competent to manage a
farm, being conversant with. every part
ot the work ; while the latter is a splen
did cook and housekeeper. Would work
in either city or country. Apply at this
office. d2-wl
A Wonderful Discovery.
Well, I have been thinking of purchas
ing one for some time. Wife, don't let.,
me forget to call tomorrow at
170 Second Street, The Dalles.
The great Mexican hair vigor, manu
factured by Mrs. Dora A. Dreyer, can
now be had in this city. Mrs. Dreyer ia
prepared to treat all diseases of tte scalp,
and ladies wishing home treatment may
leave their address with Chas. Frazer.
Carmelite is on sale at Mr. Fraser's bar
ber shop and Blakeley fe Houghton's
drug store. ' See display on Friday and
baturday at Blakeley & Houghton's
window m4-lm
Notice Water Rent.
Hereafter Columbia Lodge, No. 5, 1.
O. O. F., will charge for use of water in
tbeir cemetery at the late of $2 per lot
for the season, payable in advance to
the sexton. C. J . Crandali,,
T. A. Wabd.
W. H. Butts,
For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity
in water heating, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con
struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in
parts, certainty of no repair bills, make the best authorities
unanimous in their declarations that the
Use Clarke & Falk'a Quinine
Tonic for dandruff and falling hair.
Is the very best on earth. Sold exclusively by