The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 09, 1899, Image 3

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easoH of U
We have tried not to pres8
this matter too forcibly upon
you, as the weather has been
rather against such proceedings,
but now that the seasun is ad
vancing so rapidly when these
goods roust be worn, we will
give you an opportunity of
buying these just right.
ash Goods.
All these goods are new, fresh and stylish, and
those of you who have any thought for the future
warm days had better avail yourselves of this oppor
tunity and provide yourselves with the latest, prettiest
things while they are to be had.
Children's Lawn Caps in white, blue and pink,
ranging in price from 25c to $1.25.
Pique Embroidery and Insertion to match.
New Valencennies Lace and Insertion to match.
Swiss Embroidery flouncing skirts. '
Misses' black seamless hose, extra finish, 15c per
A new and assorted line of steel Belt Buckles.
The latest Sash ornaments in chain and buckle con
nections 95c-each.
Stock Collars; all colors; in ribbon, satin and
chiffon, from 35c to 50c.
Specials In Fumisniog Goods Dep't.
Delay no longer in the selection of that suit. The
completeness of our stock and richness of the assort
ment is at its height. The time is now. Its best not
to wait another day and a great mistake to wait a week,
as the line of
men's Mb at Ten Dollars
displayed in our Furnishing Goods Window will
be quickly sold. They are rare values at this price.
pecial in Groceries
Oar prices sing their own
song. Quality gives as an ad
vantage over all competitors
and we give the most possible
tor the lowest, consistent price.
We buy our groceries with the
view to make you live well, and
for your pocket books sake.
We quote you a few Specialties:
Cheese (Herkimer Co., N. Y.) sure to please you 20c
Oranges, naval (email) . . 15c
Oranges, (medium) 20c
Lemon, fancy . . 15c
Bananas 20c
Canned Goods, Extra Standard Table Fruits,
equal to those pat np at borne.
Yellow Crawford Peaches
Bartlett Pears . .. -.
Oar say-so in our Ada is the say-so of our goods. If you want the
t baa na
best see us.
All Goods Marked in Plain Figares.
rhe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
MAY 9, 1899
Telephone No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
N. M. Lane is erecting a neat little
residecca on the bluff, eaet of Academy
John Anders jn, who was arrested last
night by Nightwatchman Pbirman for
being drunk and disorderly, appeared
before the recorder this inorning and
was discharged.
An order goes into effect over the
entire Southern Pacific svstem Jane 1st,
closing bar-rooms located at stations on
property owned by the company and
conducted under lease from them.
Late last night Jim Cox, a negro boot
black, became too hilariously drunk and
upon being protested with by a bar
tender, finally threw a rock at him.
This morning Marshal Lauer arrested
him and be was fined fo. Being unable
to pay his fine he will be compelled to
occupy the jail for the next two days.
The wind still continues to "blow
where it listeth" and it certainly listeth
in The Dalles, for we have scarcely bad
a day for weeks when it has not blown
as if possessed. We are told however,
that its "an ill wind that blows nobody
good," and therefore should refrain from
kicking" at it, as kicks eeem to be use
less as far as stopping its onward course
is concerned.
Saturday night the members of the
3-Mile Sunday school gave a "box
social" at their school house for the
benefit of their school. The room was
fairly packed, and everybody seemed to
have a splendid lime. A number of the
young people from our city attended and
made the bidding for baekets lively. At
its close it was discovered $26 bad been
taken in, which will prove a goodly sum
to carrv on the work.
We clip from the Greenburg, Ind.,
Standard the following notice concern
ing a Dalles young lady wbo is now
visiting there and whoee talents seem
to be gaming favor for her abroad as
well as at home : - "In addition to our
lopal talent honorable mention is due
Miss Georgia Sampeon, of The Dallee,
Oregon, who is the guest of relatives
here.' She was the leading lady in the
vaudeville specialties and was repeatedly
encored for her splendid work."
Strangers who visit The Dalles always
express surprise that a town of its size
is so lavorea witti telephones, which is
accounted for by the fact that the price
is so reasonable. From a directory
which this office :s now getting out for
the Oregon Telephone - Company we
notice that they are soon to oner A resi
dence rate of $1 a month, and as they
are securing additional - subscribers
every day, it will eoon result in a much
larger telephone system than we now
Stand by your home merchant. He
is the man who helps to pay for the
streets on which you walk, for the
schools in which your children are eda
cated ; helps to keep up the church in
which you worship; be is the man who
built a home which enhances the value
of your " property ; every subscription
paper that is passed has his name on
it; he is the man who cannot afford to
swindle ;ou, self-interest if nothing else
would prevent it; be bears his share of
the city government; stays right by you
in sunshine and in darkness, and days
01 prosperity ana adversity. These are
but a few reasons why your patronage
should be given to the home merchant
Already the base ball game is aesum
ing very interesting proportions an
A. M. Williams & Co. s team accept
the challenge given yesterday for the
30 tb. The Mays & Crowe side of the
diamond announce that they are re
ceiving sealed proposals for "rooters,'
and give it out that their colors will not
be black and blue, but blue and gold.
We always knew the firm was composed
of gold bugs, but didn't know they
would carry that political preference in
to the baseball field, but perhaps they
don't intend to be fielders. Later cometh
A. M. Williams & Co. and announceth
that all who expect lo stand by them
should appear with the shades of
scarlet and purple in evidence. We are
also informed that E. O. McCoy has
kindly consented to umpire the games.
While at Fort Steele, B.C., Sunday
the Metropolitan opera company, which
visited The Dalles in March, and which
we hoped would again play in our city,
met with a runaway accident, causing
the serious injury of the leading soprano,
Miss Millard, and Miss Colby, a chorus
girl. The former had her left arm
broken, and the latter her right leg,
while she was also injured internally.
Will Risling, who took the part of the
Peppo" in "Mascot," was also eligbtly
injured. The accident occurred on a
steep hill about four miles from Fort
Steele. The members of the opera com- J
pany were journeying from Cranbrook
to Fort Steele by stage. In making the
t scent of the bill. .-the horses suddenly
took fright' and started to run away.
The driver was unable to control them.
From past experience with Dalles
people we take it for granted that they
will be pleased to learn that a dramatic
performam-e is soon to be given by home
talent. It has been decided to give a
play called "A Summer Fancy" on
Wednesday evening at the Vogt, the
proceeds to be used as a fund for enter
taining the editorial association while in
this city. This will assist greatly in the
expenses and at the same time the people
will receiTe something in retarn for their
money. The plav will be givtn under
the direction of Mr. P. H. Levin, who
from long experience on the stage, is
thoroughly competent to give the needed
instruction. He is a splendid actor
imself and will take one of the leading
parte, while the remainder of the cast
will be made up principally of members
of the Home Dramatic Club.
Any wbo may be loath to part with
those delightful little ever present stay
ers, which have so long strewn the path
of the traveler through the streets of our
city, and who feel that they could not
eujoy a drive unless they are permitted
to skim over the smooth surface of the
rocks in our streets, bad better hasten to
to improve the opportunity afforded
while yet they may be found, for
the marshal has started a war on
them, and now has a force of men at
work removing the same. The question
heretofore has always been, what was
their mission in the first place? Will
Carleton says, "It you want a man to
enjoy heaven, just give him fifteen
minutes in bell," and it may be they
were strewn promiscuously about that
we might more thoroughly appreciate
their absence when they are removed.
Which Shall Supply the FrineTille
Country With Its Freight
and Alalia.
14t EVli
Waiter Gribble is in the city from
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bright are visitors
in the city from Wasco.
J. W. Bishop and wife are registered
at the Umatilla from Wausau, Wis.
F. N. Jones, of Sherar's Bridge, came
np from Portland on last night's train
Mrs. J as. nail returned last evening
from Portland, where she has spent the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fieh were pas
sengers on the boat last night, returning
from atayette.
Miss Annette Michell came 'np on the
boat yesterday from Portland, having
spent ten days in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Mann, who were
married bnnday evening in this city.
left yesterday afternoon to make their
home in Hood River.
Atty. W. B. Presby, wife and child,
accompanied by Miss Peters, came over
from Goldendale yesterday and left this
morning lor .Portland.
J. I. West, of Wapinitia. is a busi
ness visitor in town today, calling at the
Uheonicle office, tie says that al
though the season is backward, every
thing seems to be very favorable in bis
Bection of the country.
Mrs. James Phelan, accompanied by
her little son, arrived this morning from
Wallace, Idaho, and is a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H.Moody. Mrs. Phelan
considered Oregon a more inviting place
at present than tne mining districts ot
Mrs. Chas. Tibbets arrived from
Monterey, Calif., last night on a visit to
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uucbler. bbe
was accompanied by Agnes Nickole,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nickols,
formerly of this city, but who now lives
in Oakland.
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Russell arrived in
the citv last night from Oakland, Calif.
They return to Portland tomorrow and j
will leave soon for New York, where
they will probably make their future
home. Their visit to this city was prin
cipally for the purpose of visiting their
daughter's grave before leaving the
coast,-and to bid good bye to old friende.
liOKN. ... . .
In this city, Monday, May 8tb, to Mr.
and Airs. W. Pashek, a son.
Challenge Accepted.
We, the undersigned, regular employ
ees of the firm of A. M. Williams & Co.
do hereby accept the challenge of the
regular employees of the firm of Mays &
Crowe to a match game of baseball, to
be played on Tuesday afternoon, May
30, 1899, at 2:30 p. m. "Look out for!
us ! We're all-wool, and a yard wide.
A. M. Williams & Co's Pull.
Alumni Meeting.
There will be a businea meeting of the
Alumni Association of The Dalles High 1
School, at the home of C. B. CushiDg on
Friday, May 12th at 1899 at 8 o'clock p.
m. As business of importance will
come before the society it is especially ;
desired that all members be present if
possible. By order of.
- Eeward D. Baldwin, President.
Prineville seems to have become some
what sought after of late, and realizing
just how the matter stands, the Review
has the following article under the head
ing "Who Will Reap the Harvest?"
The question whether our freight and
mails shall in the future come from The
Dalles or fiom Moro or the terminuB of
the Columbia Southern, is now agitating
the minds of the business men of The
Dalles. The time has come when our
produce is being sought after instead of
our seeking. an outlet.
The Columbia Southern are trying to
make us favorable rates and claim that
they can deliver us mail from Portland
in less time than they can from The
Dalles, and we understand that Mr. T.
J. Driver, of The Dalles, who was in our
city for several days, was here in the
interest of that place. Mr. Driver did
not inform us of his mission and we
don't know exactly what he wanted.
If The Dalles can give us cheaper and
quicker means of transportation of
freight and mails we will be satisfied.
The people of Piineville look at this
matter in just such a light as might be
expected. "The Lord helps those who
helps themselves," and a community
that "18 looking after some one's else in
terest is entirely too unselfish to prosper
in this age and will find itself grandly
left." The question with them is not
really "Who will reap the harvest, but
how much of a band they have in the
matter7" While there may be a few
residents of that town who are prejudiced
in favor of one place or the other, the
majority, we believe, have no preference
other than the desire to benefit their
own community, and that's all right.
At the same time, it behooves the peo
ple ot that section to canvas the matter
well before coming to a decision one
way or the other, for the earnest efforts
of either contestant may reBult in pull
ing the wool over somebody's eyes.
The case resolves Itself thusly. It is
The Dalles vs. Moro, and the place which
offers the beet inducements will come
out on top. It now becomes the duty of
our business men to study the matter
from every phase of ' the question and
see what inducements can be offered by
way of obtaining the desired end. If it
is required that the advisaDinty ot a
road up the Des Chutes be again brought
up, let us get to work and make it a go.
If more is required, more should be
given. At any rate, let us do something
at once.
Ten Hours.
With each returning season the Lozier
Manufacturing Co. show something new
and desirable in Bicycle construction.
This season finds them with more
good things than ever. One of these
good things is the BURWELL BALL
Examine the illuetration notice par
ticularlv that the little steel Roller be
tween the balls transfers the motion
without interruption and the Balls can
not grind together as in ordinary
When Nature
Needs assistance it may be best to render
it promptly, but one should remember
to use even the most perfect remedies
only when needed . The best and most
simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup
of Figs, manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co.
Steam Saw Notice.
On account of the dull season now
being at hand in the wood sawing line.
Wm. Cates has decided to run the steam
saw but two days in the week, Tuesdays
and Fridays. Patrons will, therefore,
govern themselves accordingly and pre
vent friction in the matter. Call up
Phone 201. 9-tf
There is nothing ordinary about Cleve
land Bicycles ; every piece of material
and every hour of labor is the best
money can buy.
We cater to a trade that wauts the -best
and knows the best.
...piaiei & Beaton
Sole agents for Cleveland Bicycles.
A Wonderful Discovery.
The great Mexican hair vigor, manu
factured by Mrs. Dora A. Dreyer, can
now be had in this city. Mrs. Dreyer is
prepared to treat all diseases of tte scalp,
and ladies wishing home treatment may
leave their address with Chas. Frazer.
Carmelite is on sale at Mr. Fraser's bar
ber shop and Blakeley & Houghton s
drug store. See display on Friday and
Saturday at lilakeley & Houghton's
window in4-lm
Well, I have been thinking cf purchas
ing one for some time. Wife, don't let
me forget to call tomorrow at
170 Second Street, The Dalles.
Notice Wa-er Rent.
Hereafter Colombia Lodge, No. 5, T.
O. O. F., will charge for use of water in
their cemetery at the tate of $2 per lot
for the season, payable in advance to
the sexton. C. J. Crandall,
T. A. Ward,
W. H. Butts,
For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity
in water heating, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con
struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in
parts, certainty of no repair billf, make the best authorities
unanimous in their declarations that the
Is the very best on earth. Sold exclusively by