The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 05, 1899, Image 1

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NO 336
Strikers Trying to Escape to 'the
General Merriam Arrived Todav Feared
Desperate Men Will Give Battle
Before They Will Give In.
Wabdner, Idaho, May 4. Searching
for dynamiters has been contiuned all
the morning by the troops, and they
fitill keep taking them down in email
squads to the camp where they are
guarded. General Merriam, Attorney
General Haya and United States Marshal
Frank Ramsey will be here on the train
-due in a few minutes. Additional troops
will be here at the same time. A de
tachment of troops will leave this after
noon for Canyon Creek and Mollan, the
strongholds of the enemy. They are
taking with them a number of nonunion
men for the purpose of identifying the
dynamiters. As no hope is left them, it
is not improbable that they may give
battle. Inquests have been adjourned
pending the arrival of General Merriam
and the attorney-general. The town is
almost deserted.
Later General H. C. Merriam arrived
here at I o'clock this afternoon from
Spokane, and assumed command of the
United States forces now in the Coeur
d'Alene district. On the train with
General Merriam came troop F, of the
Fourth United States cavalry, from
Boise, under Lieutenant Walsh, and
company B, Twenty-fourth United
States infantry (colored), from Van
couver barracks, in command of Lieut
enant Murphy. Lieutenant Murphy
and his company were left at Chatcolett,
where the O. B. & N. crosses Coeur
d'Alene lake, for the purpose of inter
cepting any of the strikers who might
attempt to escape through that avenue
Under Martial Law.
Wallace, Idaho, May 4. The report
by wire from Wardner this morning is
that the country is under martial law,
but no official announcement is made
here yet. The hegira from Canyon Creek
still continues, the men going out over
the mountains as well as by train. - The
enow on the mountains is ten feet deep
and soft. It will probably take from two
to four days to go from Burke to the
railroad in Montana. The Hecla mine
closed down yesterday, being out of men.
Other mines are working short of men,
the Tiger suffering less than the Stand
ard or 'Frisco. No new men are coming
yet, but some are expected daily from
Butte, where the Coeur d'Alene men are
mostly going. One company of soldiers
reached Mullan last night, another this
Troops on the Move.
Wardner, Idaho, May 4. Tfoops are
continuing the search for dynamiters
and a number have been placed under
guard. General Merriam, Attorney-Gen
eral Hays and United States Marshal
Bamsey haye arrived. A detachment of
troops has been ordered to Canyon Creek
and Mullan, strongholds of the enemy,
and with them will go a number of non
union miners, who will try to identify
the dynamiters, and it is feared the
desperate men will give battle before
they will give in to the officers.
Sparta Man Missing.
Baker City, Or., May 3. EugeDe
Beaya, of Sparta, who has supplied the
mines with beef for a long time, and is
owner of the Sparta townsite, has been
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
missing for weeks, and his wife, two
children and friends fear he has been
foully dealt with. Beaya went to Weiser,
Idaho, to eecure a contract to supply
beef to graders of the Weieer-Seven
Devils railroad. He carried several hun
dred dollars, and, as careful search fails
to locate him, it is thought he was
robbed and murdered, and perhaps his
body thrown into Snake river.
A Pleasant, Simple, Safe but Effectual
Cure for It.
Catarrh of the stomach has long been
considered the next thing to incurable.
The usual symptoms are a full or
bloated sensation after eating, accomp
anied some times with sour or watery
risings, a formation of gases, causing
pressure on the lungs and heart- and
difficult breathing; headache, fickle ap-:
petite, nervousness and a general played
out and languid feeling.
There is often a foul tastein the mouth,
coated tongue, and if the interior of
stomach could be seen it would show a
slimy, inflamed condition.
Thecnre for tnis common and obstinate
isease is found in a treatment which
causes the food to be readuv and
thoroughly digested before it has time to
ferment and irritate the delicate mucous
surfaces of the stomach.
To secure a prompt and healthy digest
ion is the one necesnaty thing to do, and
when normal digestion is secured the
catarrhal condition will have disap
According to Dr. Harlanson the eafeet
and best treatment is to use after each
meal a tablet, composed of Diastree,
Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nox, Golden Seal
and fruit acids.
These tablets can now be found at all
drug stores under the name of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets, and, not being a pat
ent medicine, can be used with perfect
safety and assurrance that healty appe
tite and thorough digestion will follow
their regular use after meals.
Mr. N. J. Booher, of 2710 Dearborn St.,
Chicagj, 111., writes: "Catarrh is a
local condition resulting from a neglected
cold in the head, whereby the lining
membrane of the nose becomes inflamed
and the poisonous discharge therefrom,
passing back into the throat, reaches the
stomach, thus producing catarrh of the
stomach. Medical authorities prescribed
for me three years for catarrh of the
stomach without cure, but today I am
the happiest of men after using only one
box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets,
cannot find appropriate words to express
my good feeling. I have found flesh,
appetite and sound rest from their use.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the eafest
preparation as well as the simplest and
most convenient remedy for any form of
indigestion, catarrh of the stomach,
biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and
bloating after meals.
Send for book, mailed free, on stomach
troubles, by addressing the F. A. Stuart
Co., Marshall, Mich. The tablets can
be found at all drug stores.
second of the old-timers of that institu
tion to pass away this year, John Sherer,
who was also committed in 1863, having
died only a ehort time ago. Little is
known of Weston's history beyond the U
fact that he was received at the old
Hawthorne asylum in Portland from
Multnomah county, August 11,1863, bis
commitment papers being signed by P.
A. Marquam who was then county judge
of Multnomah county. He was about
ninety years old.
I consider it not only a pleasure but a
duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about
the wonderful cure effected in my case
by the timely nre of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy.
I was taken very badly with flux and
procured a bottle of this remedy. A few
doaes of it effected a permanent cure. I
take pleasure in recommending it to
othera suffering from that dreadful dis
ease. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. This
remedy is sold by Blakeley & Houghton,
never been claimed that Chamberlain's
Pain Balm would cast out demons, but
it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds
bear testimony to the truth of this
statement. One application' relieves
the pain and this quick relief which it
affords is alone worth many time sits
cost. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Summers Claries Dm tbe ErtrencM
An Epidemic of WnooplDgr Congb,
Last winter during an epidemic of
whooping cough my children contracted
the disease, having severe coughing
spells. We had used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy -very successfully lor
croup and naturally turned to it at that
time and found it relieved the cough
and effected a complete cure. John E.
Clifford, Proprietor Norwood House,
Norwood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale
by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
In the Asylum Thirty-six Years.
Salem, May 3. George Weston, an
inmate of the insane asylum for thirty
six yeare, died today. He was the
Lawton Has Captured and Holds Bali-,
ung and Has Scattered the Enemy
and Taken a Large Amount of
Food Supplies. -
General Fagan Expelled.
Washington, May 3. At a meeting
of the Loyal Legion, an organization of
officers and ex-officers of the army, the
highest patriotic organization in the
country tonight, Brigadier-General
Charles P. Eagan, formerly commissary
general of subsistence, forfeited his
membership in the legion by a. vote of
100 to 40. The meeting was presided
over by Justice J. M. Harlan, and the
question of expelling General Eagan
from the order, which action it really
amounts to, was hotly discussed, tbe
general finding some defenders among
the members present. This is the
greatest humiliation General Eagan has
yet suffered.
'Millions Glten Away.
It is certainly gratifying to' the public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to be generous to the
needy and suffering, The proprietors
of Dr. King's New Discovery for con
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
away over ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine ; and have the satisfac
tion of knowing it bas absolutely cured
thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of tbe throat, chest and lungs are surely
cured by it. Call on Blakeley & Hough
ton, druggists, and get a freetrial bottle.
Regular size, 50 cents and $1. Every
bottle guaranteed or price refunded. 3
Blalock Surveying Party.
Goldendale, Wash., May 3. W. W.
Ames, tbe well-known fruitgrower, in
"the vicinity of Columbus, reports that
the movements of the Dr. Blalock survey
ing party seem to indicate stronger than
ever that they mean business, and that
there will be steamboats running on the
Columbia river to Wallula In the near
If you suffer from tenderness or full
neas on the right side, pains under
shoulder-blade, constipation, bilious
ness, sick-headache, and feel dull, heavy
and sleepy your liver is torpid and con
gested. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
will cure you promptly, pleasantly and
permanently by removing tbe congestion
and causing tbe bile ducts to open and
now naturally., ihkt are good pills.
Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Working Might and Daj
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's Ne
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, listlessness into energy,
brain-fag into mental power. They're
wonderful in building up the health
Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley
tiongruon. 3
Washington, May 4. The war de
partment received the following dis
patches today :
Manila, May 4. Colonel Summers,
with six battalions,including the Second
Oregon, the Dakota regiment, tbe Third
infantry, and a piece of tbe Utah light
artillery, of Lawton's division, proceeded
north this morning to Maasand, where
they crossed the river and charged the
enemy in strong entrenchments, driving
bim northward, and inflicting consider
able loss. His casualties were two
Both Wbeaton and Hale, of Mac-
Arthur's division, found the enemy in
force and strongly entrenched, and com
manded by Commander-in-Chief Luna,
about four miles 6onth ol San'Fernando.
Hale, on - the right, dislodged the
enemy, and Wneaton, on tbe leu, lead
ing in person, made a brilliant' charge,
scattering bis forces, inflicting great
punishment. Several officers and en
listed men were seriously wounded.
MacArthur proceeds to San Fernando
in tbe morning, delayed by the partial
destruction of the bridge across the
river. It is not believed that the enemy
will make another determined stand un
til he effects his retreat to Mount Arayat,
a short distance from San Isidor.
The situation is as follows : ' Lawton
holds Baliung, takenMay 2 after a rapid
movement from Angat, where be left
supplies with a wagon train, pack
animals and rations. He scattered the
strongly entrenched enemy to the north
and northwestward, capturing large
amounts of food supplies, and bas his
detachments thrown out to the north
and eastward. His successful move
ment is attended with great difficulty
because of the character of the country,
and the rain and beat. He now covers
our railway communications, and will
be supplied from Malolos.
MacArthur column was concentrated
and took up the advance on San' Fer
nando at 6:30 this morning. We do
not apprehend a sharp resistance on the
part of the enemy, who will probably
leave the railroad and retire in a north
easterly direction to the north of Law
ton. The destruction of the railroad
near Calumpit necessitates dependence
on wagon transportation.
The enemy of the south and east of
Manila, 9000 strong, is opposed by a
sufficient force under Ovenshine and
Hall. His demonstrations thus far have
been . properly met by these officers,
with slight losses. Many requests have
been received from outlying cities for
protection against insurgent troops.
.Elegant new Pullman palace sleepers
between Portland and Chicago have just
been placed in service via the O. R. &
N.. Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific
and Chicago & Northwestern railways
daily every day in the year. Cars are of
the very latest pattern, in fart being the
most improved up-to-date sleeping cars
toned out by the Pullman Company,
These new palaces will leave Portland on
the evening fast train of the O. K. & N.
arriving at Chicago the morning of the
fonrth day and running through with
out change via Granger and Omaha. 19tf
Still a few pair left of those sale shoes today, the better styles going
fast though. Tomorrow is Saturday and tomorrow night, will see the as
sortment considerably smaller.
Twoulnn t be a bad idea to plan an early call in the morning and get
in ahead of tbe usual Saturday rush, if you want
Good Shoes Cheap.
New Today Motion Dep't,
Ladie's white Pique Club Ties.
Ladies' white Pique Stocks.
Ladies' white Silk Adjustable Novelty Band Bows.
Ladies' cream and black Satin Puff Stocks.
Ladies' Fancy Silk Puff Ties.
Ladies' Catherine Fancy Beauty Pins; the latest Parisian Novelty.
Chronicle Publishing Co
We H...
fleat GUotk.
Quick Cdopk.
Reasonable Ptuees.
The Dalles, Oregon,
2 s
White Russian
Granulated Ttye Meal.
Fine for Breakfast Mush and
Gems, 85c per sack.
The Celebrated
I4ncoln Seed Oats
From 100 to 150 bushels per
acre, has been raised from
these Oats. For sale at '
12 S
j: h. cross,
Feed and Grocery Store.
Northern Grow
In Bulk at
Feed and Grocery store
Cor 2d Si Federal Sts.